What If? Thrawn's remnant gets sent to the Stargate-verse.


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This is original EU Thrawn, everything, and I mean EVERYRTHING POST RODENT PURCHASE IS TO BE DISREGARD.

So, ROB had decides to take Thrawn's entire fleet as just before the start of Heir to the Empire and dump it in Ra's old territory just after the fight for the Ancient Outpost.

IN scenario 2, the same happens, but Thrawn is dropped into the Pegasus Galaxy right after the reawakening of the Wraith.

Whst happens?


The Dog Whistler... I mean Whisperer.
Thrawns Entire Fleet is Aboot Six Imperial-class Star Destroyers. I'm not exactly sure what "Fight for the Ancient Outpost" means but I'll assume that means the Battle of Antartica in the later seasons of Stargate. I'm just confused because Ra had been canonically dead for like ten years prior to that so his territory had been long absorbed by the other System Lords. Which means assumedly Thrawn will arrive most likely in the middle of Baal's territory.

Which is probably the worst System Lord to end up surrounded by from the onset. Baal had absorbed all of Anubis' territory and fleets and Kull Warriors and had a fleet of eighty plus Ha'taks since by the Battle of Dakara, the Replicators had apparently taken over like half of the galaxy and the main force they were stomping was Baal (and other System Lords) and Baal still had forty plus Ha'taks at the Battle of Dakara still.

Plus Anubis is still around in his weird noncorporeal invincible form and outside of Ancient hax is reasonably unkillable. Having Anubis around would be rather unfair to Thrawn so we'll leave that out of the discussion.

Thrawn is one of the most gifted naval strategists but he doesn't have a learning curve in regards to the Goa'uld and especially to the canniest and most devious of all of the System Lords, who is Ba'al who can and has used the perception of him being an arrogant smugfuck before to manipulate people who think they have him figured out. If Thrawn has more exposure to Goa'uld culture, he might do better but while he might be able to figure general Goa'uld smugfuck culture, his weakness has always been on the personal level, especially with people he doesn't have any real knowledge of.

I also don't see Thrawn playing nice with anyone else, Earth included. The Tau'ri might be somewhat amenable, but he'd have to find them first and I doubt Ba'al or any of his loyal subordinates would be disclosing that information. Plus Thrawn still needs to find them... or anyone really and he's starting off from a poor starting location anyways most likely.


When the effort is no longer profitable...
Well, this could go a lot of ways, depending on where in Ra's old holdings Thrawn finds himself, or where in the Pegasus he finds himself.

Pretty sure the Empire of the Hand had a way bigger fleet than what Thrawn took with him back to the main part of the galaxy later on.

If this is Legends only, then he likely had effectively his own fleets of stuff the size of dreadnaughts to gunboats, with the industrial base to build his own frigate-cruiser fleet with some heavier bits, but only one ISD and that was the Admonitor, plus one Victory 2, IIRC which he left there with his trusted officers.

Thrawn had rescued many species from slavers and the like in the Unknown Regions adjacent to Chiss territory and between Chiss territory and the area controlled by the Pentastar Alignment/Imperial Remnant.

Per Wookiepedia, this is what the Empire of the Hand had:

"The Hand held Imperial-class Star Destroyers, Victory-class Star Destroyers,[20] Immobilizer 418 cruisers[21] and many more. TIE/LN starfighters, TIE/sa bombers, TIE/IN interceptors, and TIE/sr starfighters[10] were used as well. Zeta-class long-range shuttles,[10] Lambda-class T-4a shuttles served as primary transports for the Hand's forces. Strike-class medium cruisers, and Carrack-class light cruisers were used as well. Golan space defense platforms also made its use with the Hand.[6] All Terrain Armored Transports, All Terrain Scout Transports, Imperial Juggernauts, Swoops,[2] and Imperial Troop Carriers were used by the Hand for support of its ground forces.[16]"

So Thrawn has access to limited amount of ISD-1s, VSDs, and a lot of smaller warships, including notably Strike Cruisers and Interdictors. Not a bad mix, and depending on numbers, he might be able to sacrifice a few ships to create some sort of mobile refinery and shipyard they could build shit at in empty systems.

However Thrawn has never dealt with transporter/ring/beaming systems, and Asgard-type GO AWAY 1-way beaming is something he has no immediate counter to besides running and hiding.

And while Jaffa/Wraith are usually crap in modern combat, TIE's are likely fairly evenly matched against Death-gliders or Darts, and a few squads of Jaffa/Wraith beaming onto the bridge, or just a naquaduah bomb beamed onto the bridge, would mean he was personally vunerable to a decapitation strike at any given time, and so were his entire command chain.

Thrawn also likely hasn't seen a sensor system that works in hyperspace and real-space in the same fashion, nor sensors with 10s of lightyear of range from individual nodes.

If Thrawn can survive the first few encounters and capture enough tech/captives, he should be able to get a decent enough understanding of the new foes/new physics he's going to need to adapt too/utilize to carve out a fiefdom for himself somewhere.

Abydos actually would likely suit his needs fine, and qualify for the criteria, since this is after Anubis blew it up, no one would likely bother to go near the place except to salvage battle debris, if no had already done so. Baal may actually ally with Thrawn, if they meet on non-hostile terms, because Baal is cagey enough to realize Thrawn has no predisposition against Gouald and is using unknown tech.

Now if it's fucking Quetesh who finds Thrawn, then a lot of ways it could go; the way Vala described her, Quetesh was not the worst snake, but probably would have double-crossed Thrawn when she felt she had an opening.

In Pegasus it would be way more dicey, because a Wraith hive-ship, or even cruiser, might be able to tank and regrow from turbolaser fire faster than Thrawn could put one down, depending one what fleet he has with him.

And once the Wraith get any of Thrawn's people for food, they won't stop throwing ships at Thrawn till he's dead and any nifty bits are in the hands of Wraith scientists.

If Thrawn runs into the Asurans, or Pegasus Asgard, then it's a whole other ballgame. If he meets the Pegasus Asgard, he may actually agree with their plan to detonate the Pegasus stargate system, simply because they are such vunerable two-way choke-points that would have to be constantly monitored and reinforced if he ever wants to hold territory.

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