Why do i feel betrayed by Ralph Breaks the Internet


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The movie in many ways feels like it makes Vanellope side not just easy but right. She gets surrounded by a group of female friends which basically Elevate her to her own status but she doesn't have to make any compromises for her responsibility. Ralph does something very bad but it's framed in terms of very obviously. Of domestic abuse.

It felt like as if it was a reflection of the overall reception of nerds and gaming culture and while I do appreciate that it took a more median approach then condemnation I still did not like how apparently Ralph went from reasonably protective but with his own issues to apparently insanely dangerous and smothering. It was just a lot of things not Lisa which it feels as if we barely gets engaged with the opportunities the internet offers much like we barely got to engage with the idea of being able to game jump

Particularly every aspect of the movie probably turns on Ralph to remind us that he's the bad guy in all of this that he needs to change into agree with Vanellope.

Also I didn't really like the princess scene found that too much of it with spoiled months ahead of time so that when it finally happened and then we got to follow up with the musical number that was fun but it was like I really did not get what the message of the movie was. I think for the most part people were relieved that we didn't have to deal with the get another Hans level twist. And at the very least this twist villain made sense sort of.

But overall it just feels as if everything feels like a betrayal of the character so that the movie can make a point about something else. Last I checked them being in the internet was a very highly dangerous environment. Ralph himself had to subject himself to ridiculous amounts of humiliation and abuse not to mention public exposure. Wanting to Shield Vanellope from this is always held SM being overprotective or ignorant.

I was really looking forward to that movie looking forward to owning it maybe even getting a Blu-ray player and HGTV just so that I can enjoy it. And now that it's on Netflix I avoid it. It just felt like such a better old betrayal of everything I loved in the original with no follow-up and not even an expansion on fundly premises. Almost anything that advances happens at Ralph's expense the character that I strongly liked and identified with. And often at vanellope's gain a character that okay I admit I found a bit more annoying than admirable
Basically it was played off as Ralph was suppressing her and that she was exploring New Horizons much akin to a girl who discovered the internet and now was going to go to college or something like that but yeah. Particularly as the number 1 damage or danger that they underwent by going to the internet was mitigated by an offhand note after the crisis happened that was performed by one of the characters.
She basically went Turbo... Except it was acceptable in this case for "reasons."

*smacks head against the wall* Why? Why!? WHY!? Why, would they do such a thing?

Are they trying to give retroactive justification to Turbo's actions?
*smacks head against the wall* Why? Why!? WHY!? Why, would they do such a thing?

Are they trying to give retroactive justification to Turbo's actions?

I mean it's not the same... but the motivations and actions seem to be basically parallel. Didn't break the movies enjoyment for me obviously but it was still something that was irksome since it was so contrary to the previous movies main theme.
I mean it's not the same... but the motivations and actions seem to be basically parallel. Didn't break the movies enjoyment for me obviously but it was still something that was irksome since it was so contrary to the previous movies main theme.
Main theme? How?
The first Wreck It Ralph movie had a very strong theme of finding happiness with your place in life as well as a message of respecting others for their rolls in life and to not judge them for it. Ralph's journey from beginning to the end of the movie, was about him finding contentment in his role in his video game, and how the lack of respect from his coworkers lead to his discontentment and quest to seek that which was outside his "lane" as it were.

This situation is inverted by Penelope. She is unhappy and discontent because she is DENIED her place in her game by forces outside her control due to the action of Turbo, who, likewise, was not content with his own fate and so sought to usurp others, causing considerable harm along the way. Ralph likewise causes considerable damage along the way, nearly destroying another game in his quest to be a "hero", he only rights this wrong by being willing to perform a heroic self sacrifice to fix the damage he has caused.

By the end of the movie both Ralph and Penelope have returned to their places, Ralph with the respect of his peers and friends outside of his work who value him, and Penelope now taking her role in her game.

This is a surprisingly mature (and little-c conservative) theme in the first film, and likely one of the reasons it resonates so much with people of all ages, as accepting the world as it is is in many ways a mark of maturity and wisdom, as understanding the scope of what you CAN impact, rather than what you WANT to impact, is a critical thing.

In contrast, the second movie throws out that theme of learning to be content in your place. Instead it is replaced by a shallow "girl power" message with all the tropes of the male character holding the female character back from her "full potential". Interestingly the more simple and friendly Nintendo inspired design of Sugar Rush are dismissed as "childish" while the very "real if brown" and much more violent style of the new game (which I can't even remember the name of because it was just so freaking GENERIC as a "combat racer" compared to the clever candy designs in Sugar Rush) is held up as mature... an idea based on superficial things. Penelope's infatuation with the new game (and, to be frank, everything about how it is portrayed reads as infatuation) and her decision to completely abandon Sugar Rush for it comes off as both irresponsible and selfish. Heck, IIRC in the movie she becomes so enamored with the new game she basically forgets to do any work to save Sugar Rush, ostensibly the entire reason they're on the internet to begin with, and leave it all to Ralph.

Now, that said, Ralph's REACTION to her actions are, well, ALSO immature and stupid; however, the narrative seems to utterly ignore Penelope's missteps and instead places all the blame on Ralph. It is Ralph who needs to learn to let go, not Penelope that needs to learn to take responsibility. In fact, Penelope is basically freed from all responsibility by the narrative, she was being held back by her game, held back by Ralph, and now that she is free to be involved in what is likely a pay to win, microtransaction filled, web based game... she is living up to her full potential.

Yeah. The second movie makes a mess of the first's themes and ideas. All to give a girl power message that demonizes the main male character...
The first Wreck It Ralph movie had a very strong theme of finding happiness with your place in life as well as a message of respecting others for their rolls in life and to not judge them for it. . . . .

In contrast, the second movie throws out that theme of learning to be content in your place. Instead it is replaced by a shallow "girl power" message with all the tropes of the male character holding the female character back from her "full potential". . . .

Yeah. The second movie makes a mess of the first's themes and ideas. All to give a girl power message that demonizes the main male character...
Damn you're respected, and that's.. that's right and feeels like a real paper there. How'd you get so smart?

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