Jury Rules 7 Year Old WILL Transition To Female Against Father's Wishes

Judge's Decision
  • So mixed news:

    Good news is that the Judge didn't align with the Jury's ruling, and "ruled today that the parents will have joint conservatorship over James, which includes making joint medical decisions for the child." So the fight to prevent irreversable harm will continue.

    However, the judge ALSO "put a gag order on the father so that he cannot speak to the press about the case and decided that the father is not required to pay attorney fees. The judge’s decision means that the Save James website will have to be shut down. "

    No word on if the woman is similarly gagged, but I'd lay money she's not. I've always found these kinds of things rather... suspect. Judges putting gag orders on folks regarding cases seems like a way to prevent them from getting help or keeping others informed, and frequently against public interest...