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Chapter IX
  • Chapter IX​

    Date: June 7, 2857
    Location: New Avalon, Federated Suns

    “Chancellor Liao,” First Prince Michael Davion greeted the leader of the Capellan Confederation. “I wish I could say that it is good to meet you in person finally, but I’m afraid that the circumstances are not what I would have wished to meet you in.”

    The man’s bald scalp gleamed around his topknot as he was instructed to sit across from the First Prince.

    “On that, we can agree,” the Chancellor muttered weakly. “Now, enough with this game and show. What are your terms?”

    “We want peace,” Michael accepted a paper from his aid. “At least between our two nations. With that in mind, I have something that I believe that both of us will agree to.”

    Michael slid the paper across the table for the Chancellor to look over.

    “Take your time. Should you need to speak to me for your response, you can speak to one of the butlers.”

    The First Prince stood up and left the room, leaving the Chancellor alone with the paper and his thoughts.

    The Liao’s strong facade vanished as he reached out a slightly shaking hand to pick up the paper and begin scanning it.

    This… It was almost too good to be true.

    “If I sign this, then we will always be the weaker nation. But we will be alive, and this will give both nations space to recover.

    Dainmar knuckled his forehead before nodding to himself, grabbing a nearby pen, and writing in brilliant calligraphy the condition that he desired to be added.

    “Give this to your First Prince,” he handed the sheet to a nearby guard. “We will see if he holds fast to his principles or if he is like the others that have attempted this before.”

    Date: June 15, 2857
    Location: New Valencia, Federated Suns (Draconis Combine Occupation)

    Prime Marshal Peter Davion looked at the strategic map of New Valencia, the Dracs were dug in in several places around key installations and cities.

    But his forces had an advantage. For all that the Combine preached of having superior Mechwarrios and ‘Samurai’, they would be on the back foot. After all, the Federated Suns had freed up troops from New Avalon and other central worlds to strike back and encircle the Combine forces that had forced their way deep into Davion space.

    “Sir, the 2nd Crucis Lancers report that they’re engaging the 2nd Sword of Light now; we’ve got elements of the First Davion Guards supporting them.”

    “I’ll trust that General Davion and Colonel Thomas have that handled,” Peter considered the position of his forces. “We’re going in hard and fast. The Heavy Guards will push in and eliminate those positions while the infantry moves in to clear out any support. Then they’ll circle around and hit the 2nd Sword in the rear.”

    “Relaying commands now.”

    Date: June 21, 2857
    Location: Rochester

    A battle was being waged for the survival of the Federated Suns, and it began in the skies.

    Shilones and Sholagers dueled with Davion fighters. The furball increased as new fighters joined the fray. Dropships opened fire with their weapons, and eventually, one dropship began falling rapidly as a thruster exploded, the Union spiraling downward before leaving a deep crater in the ground below.

    “Get everyone out through the available hatches,” Field Marshal David Sandoval ordered. “We’re abandoning this dropship.”

    After ensuring all personnel were accounted for, the middle-aged man climbed into his Archer.

    The heavy ‘Mech stepped out into chaos. The other March Militia dropships had landed intact, but now a group of the 2nd Galedon Regulars were pushing their landing zone.

    “Command Company, form on me and prepare to defend the LZ while they disembark.”

    Locking onto a Dragon that wandered into range, David pulled the trigger on his sticks, over half of the missiles found purchase on the enemy’s armor.

    Turning, the Dragon pockmarked David’s armor with its autocannon before a nearby Rifleman reminded the Kuritan that the Sandoval was not alone.

    The short company of Draconis March Militia fended off the initial Combine advance, giving them a moment to breathe as the remainder of the forces disembarked.

    “Get everyone off and start setting up anti-air defenses. I want our FOB up and running in twelve. Everyone else, start clearing the nearby areas. I don’t want any surprises.”

    Date: May 9, 2857
    Location: Solaris VII, Lyran Commonwealth

    “I am pleased that we were able to come to an agreement,” Ilysa Aten shook the hand of Phillipa Marik.

    “As am I,” the Representative of the Free Worlds League replied. “It is my hope that we will be able to sustain this cease-fire long enough for peace to break out.”

    “We share more in common than that with the other nations that border us,” Aten agreed. “And given time, we can both benefit from trade and hopefully rebuild some of that which was lost.”

    “Agreed. Now it is left to return to Gerald in the hopes that he agrees to peace beyond this armistice.”

    “And for me to encourage Elizabeth to continue in our overtures lest she become like her father.”

    As the two stood to leave the room, an explosion rocked the building, the sound of shattering glass and the screams of civilians echoed in the hallways.

    “An assassination?” Ilysa asked.

    “Not from SAFE,” Philipa shook her head. “One of yours?”

    “Not ours.”

    “Which means that it’s either MASK or the ISF,” Philipa pulled her shirt up and removed a pistol from a small holster concealed in her bra. “Are you armed?”

    “Of course,” the Duchess and Regent pulled a set of daggers from under her skirts. “Now, do try to keep some of them alive for interrogation. I’d like to know who decided to try and kill us.’

    “Only if you do the same,” Philipa grinned.

    The two women’s security detail stepped out into the hall only to step back as a hail of gunfire shattered the solid oak door.

    “Extra security is on the way,” the SAFE agent glanced at the LIC agent. “At least from the local SAFE cell. What do you have that’s heavier than this?” He gestured to the submachine gun in his hand. “We’re going to need more firepower.”

    Turning to a nearby shelf, the LIC agent pressed his thumb against it before it folded away, revealing a pair of rifles, body armor, and extra magazines.

    The two bodyguards pushed the vests onto their charges before beginning to make the room an unassailable fortress.

    “Where do you want us?” Philipa asked.

    “In the back,” The SAFE bodyguard replied. “Can’t keep you safe if you’re on the front, after all…”

    Date: July 7, 2857
    Location: Bolthole, Terran Hegemony

    “Colonel Ezra Bradley,” Elizabeth stood and greeted the man. “Thank you for coming to meet me.”

    “Of course,” the old man smiled at the young woman. “I might be crippled, but I’m not dead yet.”

    “That’s actually what I wanted to speak to you about,” Elizabeth moved around the desk and sat in a chair next to Colonel Bradley. “Colonel Hanni Schmitt is being given a promotion to General, and I would like for you to be her XO.”

    Elizabeth opened her hand revealing the star of a Lieutenant General, her eyes searching for something within the aging man’s own.

    “I’m not sure how long I’ll be for this world,” Ezra’s smile turned bitter. “But I will do what I can, Director-General.”

    “Speaking of which,” The Cameron grinned. “We did not simply escape to a world with hidden military equipment and the ability to repair and rearm any forces that had to fall back to Bolthole.”

    Ezra looked up as Elizabeth stood up and gestured for him to follow her.

    “No, we have the most advanced medical equipment and doctors that are in the Inner Sphere and Periphery. If it has even the slightest chance, we will restore your life to you. For you to seize the opportunity with both hands and push forward.”

    As the two left the Director-General’s office, they entered a square where men and women in working uniforms were running to and fro. The atmosphere of defeat and weariness had been replaced with one of hope, and steadfast determination to see justice done.

    “It’s a sight, isn’t it?” Bradley asked as he stopped his wheelchair and gazed at the men and women from different cultures, backgrounds and nations worked together to accomplish the sole goal. “This is what the Star League was at its best.”

    “General, I’m going to be blunt. I do not believe the Star League will be returning,” Elizabeth sighed.

    “I know,” Ezra agreed. “But if this is possible,” he gestured at the crowds. “Then I can dream that one day there will be a restoration. Or maybe, something better than what the Star League was.”

    “Aye,” the woman grunted. “That is a dream worth having.”


    There was a glint of something dangerous in his eye as Ezra turned his wheelchair around to face the ruler of the Terran Hegemony. “I believe you said something about restoration?”
    Chapter X
  • Chapter X​

    Date: August 3, 2857
    Location: New Valencia, Federated Suns

    Suzuki Eishi ducked under a hail of autocannon fire, his CPLT-K2 Catapult shuddering as the heavy rounds passed overhead.

    Tai-Sa! We are surrounded. I cannot find a place to break through!”

    “Calm yourself, Sho-Sa,” Suzuki commanded. “We are the right arm of the Dragon, and the greater the foes we face, the greater we prove ourselves as Samurai to the Coordinator.”

    Hai, Tai-Sa,” the Sho-Sa replied, his Jenner spinning in midair to avoid a cluster of missiles. “What are your directives?”

    “We must make a break for their leaders,” Suzuki’s PPCs melted armor on a Blackjack, the medium ‘Mech stumbling back as the barrel of an ack-two melted into slag.

    Shifting to his battlecomputer, Suzuki began going through the data he was receiving, coordinating the battalion that was left of his regiment and finding a weak point in the forces that encircled him.

    “We break through to the South,” Suzuki ordered. “That is where our salvation lies.”

    The scattered remnants of the Second Sword of Light formed into a singular charge, the battalion breaking through the ranks before slowing to a stop as a mixed heavy and assault company stepped in front of their path.

    Tai-Sa Eisi,” the strong, deep voice of Marshal Peter Davion echoed from the company. “You have fought well today. Power down your ‘Mechs and surrender, and you will be treated with dignity.

    “I am a member of the Second Sword of Light, the strong right hand of the Coordinator himself. To surrender is a dishonor that I would not wish upon my soldiers. No, Marshal Davion, we fight and die as Samurai.”

    With a quick stomp on his pedals, Suzuki sent his ‘Mech into the air as he engaged a nearby Thunderbolt, one of his PPCs flying over the top of the heavy, with the other one punching into and sealing the LRM tubes.

    “You opponent, Tai-Sa,” the grinning skull of an Atlas glowed red with the light of a laser. “Is me. You will do no more harm to the Federated Suns; the horrors of the Second Sword of Light and of Kentares are avenged on this day.”

    “We shall see, Marshal. We shall see.”

    Date: August 1, 2857
    Location: Rochester, Federated Suns

    “We are not barbarians,” Sandoval glared at Sho-Sa Kaneda Koetsu, the last senior officer of the 2nd Galedon Regulars. “You will be treated with respect as all POWs are to be treated. Follow the rule of law laid down, and you will be returned to the Draconis Combine in due time.’

    “I would simply ask that you return my swords to me and appoint someone to assist me in Seppuku,” Koetsu’s head was bowed low. “I must atone for my failures, but I ask that the men and women under my command be spared.”

    “Your swords will be returned to you upon your return to the Combine,” David stated bluntly. “I am not going to be the one responsible for a good man’s suicide. It was only your actions that saved the lives of your men. Without your surrender, I would have slaughtered them all.”

    “Return me to my men. I will speak no more to you.”

    With a short gesture, two soldiers clad in armor led the disgraced Mechwarrior and Samurai out and to the POW camp that had been hastily constructed.

    “Would you really have killed them all?” Sarah, David’s daughter, currently acting as aide de camp, asked.

    “They have taken Robinson,” David snarled, his fists clenched at his sides. “They have committed endless atrocities to the worlds that we are responsible for. Robinson, our homeworld is first, but then, we liberate and free the rest of the Draconis March. Every warrior that dies here on Rochester and later on Robinson is one we do not have to fight later. So yes, to answer your question, daughter. I would have killed all of them had they not surrendered,” His fist slammed down onto the table, startling his daughter. “This is war, and it is one that we are losing. If we are to remain secure in our freedoms and liberties in the Federated Suns, then we must push through and see to it that the Combine is fended off. At least in our generation. So that the future generation might have some semblance of peace.”

    David’s head lowered, his dark bangs covering his eyes for a moment before he lifted his head again. “We will sacrifice our peace so that others might achieve it in the future, that is what it means to be Noble, to be responsible for the worlds of the Draconis March.”

    “So what do we do next?” Sarah asked after the moment had passed.

    “We consolidate and send an update to Marshal Davion,” David replied, a savage grin crawled across his face. “And then, we retake Robinson.”

    Date :May 11, 2857
    Location: Solaris VII, Lyran Commonwealth

    “Anything on the assassins?” Regent Ilysa Aten asked Phillipa as she sat down across from her.

    “SAFE is as reliable as ever,” the Marik rolled her eyes. “But in this case, I think they’re actually accurate.”

    “Oh?” Aten raised an eyebrow. “Schmitt here has been keep me updated on the LIC side of things, and I would know what conclusion SAFE came to before giving what their investigation uncovered.”

    “They have concluded that it was a Capellan operation gone wrong,” Phillipa shrugged. “It makes sense, but I’m certain that the same could be for any of our enemies organizations.”

    “Schmitt,” Aten nodded at her bodyguard.

    “According to what we uncovered when we rolled up the Cells that participated in the attack, we have come to several conclusions.”

    The Agent paused where both women could see him without craning their necks.

    “The first, is that this was an unintentional joint operation between cells of MASK and the ISF,” Schmitt began. “The problem is, that they had the wrong intel on the location for the peace talks. So the bomb they set off simply killed a group of executives for a local arena shop. The LIC, with coordination of a few local agents, has rolled up all of the surviving agents and we’re interrogating them now.”

    “If you’ll keep us posted, then we would appreciate it,” Phillipa stated. “I believe that it would be in the best interests of our peace for us to work together on this.”

    “I’ll agree to that,” Aten agreed. “After this.. Event, from lack of a better world, I believe that we know who our real enemies are.”

    Date: August 15, 2857
    Location: Bolthole, Terran Hegemony

    “Everything looks good, General,” Doctor Nakamura flipped through the charts. “The surgery went well, and I believe that we’ll be able to start physical therapy by the end of the week.”

    The old man smiled. The surgery had focused on repairing damage to his spine sustained due to an ejection from decades ago. And now that the pain had been lifted, and that hope had been restored, it seemed as if decades of age had been lifted from his face.

    “When do we start?” Ezra asked.

    “As soon as the post surgery clears you, we can begin going over the therapy plans.”

    As the doctor finished explaining the plants for Bradley’s future, the door opened and Hanni Schmitt, Bradford, and Brighton stepped into the room.

    “Heard the surgery went well,” Brighton grinned. “It’ll be good to see you back on your feet you old bastard.”

    “You just wait, after I get out of this bed, I’m going to kick all of your asses.”

    “Sure,” Hanni smirked. “I’m pretty sure I can take all of y’all.”

    The room dissolved into chaos as the group needled eachother and slowly began to de-stress from the situation that they’d found themselves in. The future was still to come, but for now they would enjoy the friends they thought they’d never see again.
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    Chapter XI New
  • Chapter XI

    Date: August 3, 2857
    Location: New Valencia, Federated Suns

    "Your opponent, Tai-Sa," the grinning skull of an Atlas glowed red with the light of a laser. "Is me. You will do no more harm to the Federated Suns; the horrors of the Second Sword of Light and Kentares are avenged on this day."

    "We shall see, Marshal. We shall see."

    This was not a duel between two warriors. This was a duel for the Federated Suns, proof that they would prevail even against the darkness of the Inner Sphere. The Marshal’s Atlas stumbled as PPC fire and medium lasers carved away at the assault ‘mech. Then Peter Davion returned fire. His autocannon and medium lasers shattered the Catapult’s left PPC, the ‘arm’ dangling and limp as the linkage separated.

    The two circled each other, the Tai-Sa confident and assured in his victory, even over a ‘Mech that nearly outmassed and outgunned him twice over, even as what remained of his Regiment fell around him.

    “You are not leaving this world, Tai-Sa,” Peter stated, driving forward.

    “I was commanded to take and hold this world,” Suzuki replied with a grin as the adrenaline pumped through him. “Or to die in the process. If I fall in battle today, honor will be granted to my house. Can you say the same of yours?”

    With a burst of speed, the Catapult’s jump jets ignited, the heavy ‘mech ‘falling’ down towards the Atlas’s cockpit.

    Peter maneuvered, but it wasn’t enough, and as his autocannon shattered the gyro and tore the enemy’s reactor shielding to pieces, he scrambled for the eject handle. But it was too late. As the rockets propelled him up and out of the ‘eye’ of the Atlas, the Tai-Sa’s ‘mech erupted into a fireball that consumed both men, leaving nothing but the blackened husks of exoskeletons in the aftermath.

    But it was too late for the Second Sword of Light, and soldiers began to cheer when the Second Sword of Light’s colors and unit banner were found in the regiment’s Daiymo mobile HQ.

    This was a victory for the Federated Suns. But what did it cost in the end?

    Date: August 30, 2857
    Location: New Avalon, Federated Suns

    “Just… Give me the butcher’s bill straight,” Michael looked at his daughter, the acting Prime Marshal of the Federated Suns.

    “It’s not good,” Melissa grimaced, a wave of her hand bringing up a readout and display of the Federated Suns on the holotable. “While we managed to push the Dracs back past Rochester, we spent many more machines and lives than we should have. The Dracs paid for it, and we have a moral victory, but we will feel the pain for a while.”

    The view shifted to New Valencia, and the world’s color turned from Combine red to the golden hue of the Federated Suns.

    “We exterminated the second Sword of Light to the man, and we managed to eliminate over twenty regiments across the fighting as we retook our captive worlds,” The map slowly shifted to show the new gains that the Fedsuns had made across the Draconis March. “But we have over thirty regiments that will need to be rebuilt up from battalion strength or less. And we didn’t manage to prevent several units from escaping back to the Combine, where they’ll eventually be rebuilt,” The redhead sighed and knuckled her brow. “With Salvage, we’ll be able to rebuild some of the less destroyed units, but I’m going to have to fold units together with the hopes of rebuilding them later to preserve operational readiness in some of them.”

    Melissa blew a stray hair that had fallen out of her bun out of her face and continued.

    “We’ve discussed my goals for the AFFS previously, but now we don’t have any other choice. We either enact the combined arms policies that I’ve proven work with the Heavy Guards, or we potentially lose more than we ever have before.”

    “You have carte blanch,” Michael sat down in a nearby chair, his face hitting his palm. “Do what you can to prepare the realm for the future. I will make one last overture at peace now that we have a victory to use. And then, if nothing comes of it, I will step down into retirement and allow you to reign.”

    The next few months were odd to the Inner Sphere and Periphery. There were no great offensives or taxing raids that ended in massive loss of life or equipment. An unofficial and overarching armistice had been declared, and each of the Successor Lords slowly exchanged communications on where to send representatives.

    From October of 2857 through February of 2858, there was a debate on where to hold a meeting, eventually culminating in them agreeing on Northwind being the planet to meet.

    However, none of the Inner Sphere or Periphery representatives expected what would happen when they met in January 2859.

    Date: October 10, 2858
    Location: Bolthole, Terran Hegemony

    “You’re certain that this is the course of action you wish to take?” Hanni asked Elizabeth.

    “Yes,” The Director-General locked eyes with her commanding general. “I want you to take all of our forces and retake Terra. I will have Colonel Hazen and the Black Watch to protect me on Northwind while you ensure our homeworld is secure.”

    The older woman seemed to search Elizabeth’s eyes for something before nodding firmly.

    “Terra will be ours before Comstar or any defenders are aware of what happened,” Hanni stated. “You just need to ensure that the rest of the Inner Sphere understands that the Hegemony is not dead. We’re still here and ready to fight for what is ours.”

    “I’m going to need Bradley,” Elizabeth grinned. “I have some ideas on how to do this. It'll take a bit of shock and awe. But we’ll need to coordinate things properly.”

    “It won’t be easy,” Hanni reminded the young woman. “Just remember that this is going to be hard. Politics is a version of warfare, but there’s more night fighting than I’m comfortable with.”

    “If it were easy,” Elizabeth locked eyes with the one leader of the Black Watch.

    “Then it wouldn’t be the Goddamned Black Watch.”
    Chapter XII New
  • Let Us Unite: Chapter XII​

    Date: December 25, 2858
    Location: Hilton Head, Terra

    Jane Agnis glanced around and ensured no one was within sight before vanishing into the maintenance pathways. She already had complete control of the camera systems, and all that she had to do was use the codes provided and send the message out to Luyten and Ross. The program would also send signals to others infiltrating the system over the last three years. Terra would be ready for the Return of the Terran Hegemony. Whether Comstar liked it or not.

    Stripping the awful Comstar robes off, Jane walked through the corridors with a familiarity bred of long hours spent working in and around HPGs. Taking a few corners, she finally found where she needed to be.

    In HPG complexes around the Inner Sphere, places like this were where ROM placed the devices used to spy on the intelligence agencies around the Inner Sphere. But this time, those same systems that benefited Comstar would now be used to undermine them entirely.

    Grabbing a ‘Noteputer out of a backpack, Jane plugged a cable in and began to upload the program and authorization codes emplaced long ago by the Terran Hegemony Intelligence Corps and Star League Intelligence Corps.

    “Come on,” she tapped her foot as the upload continued, the creep of the data transfer filling her with a sense of uncertainty and worry. The longer it took to get all this done, the more danger she was in.

    One minute passed, then two, and finally, after what felt like an eternity of watching the bar, the upload completed itself. With a sigh of relief, she detached the ‘Noteputer and then ran a quick program, reformatting the drive and frying the internal components.

    Jane slipped out of the maintenance corridors and back into the gray robes. A sense of relief overcame her as she vanished into the crowd, leaving the complex for their homes.

    But across Terra, the SDS stations were being subverted. An hour after Jane had disappeared into the billions on Terra, the HPG sent two transmissions at the standard time before shutting itself down.

    The future had been set in motion. Nothing would be stopping it now.

    Date: January 5, 2859
    Location: Tara, Northwind

    The Spaceports were filled with dropships, the streets were eerily silent, and the City Hall was currently the center of the Inner Sphere. Across the galaxy, eyes were turned towards Northwind in the hope of a better future instead of endless war.

    “If I may bring this meeting to order,” Precentor Jeremy Ford of Northwind stood at the end of the table, bringing the room to silence. “We are gathered here today to try and bring about peace in the Inner Sphere. As a representative of Comstar, I declare that we will continue to be neutral in this conflict and will do our best to assist with whatever is needed to see negotiations continue.”

    After his small speech was concluded, Precentor Ford gestured for the first of the representatives of the houses to stand up.

    “I am Melissa Davion, and I was chosen to represent my father’s interests and the interests of the Federated Suns. It is our hope that peace will become a reality in this conference and that our people will be given time to recover.”

    “I am Franklin Kurita, cousin to Coordinator Myogi Kurita. I am not present to negotiate, as the Dragon will not be bound by treatise nor honor what has been decided by those who will one day fall to our Samurai. I will observe and report to the Coordinator what has been decided.”

    “Gerald Marik,” A gruff man stood up and frowned. “I do not believe that any of this will be successful. But I will endeavor to represent the Free Worlds League well in these negotiations.”

    “I am Ilysa Iten,” a noblewoman stood. “I have long been a representative of the Lyran Commonwealth and personally of Archon Elizabeth Steiner. It is our goal that peace should thrive here and that our nations may all prosper.”

    “I represent the Capellan Confederation,” A tall man stood, his frame towering over everyone around him. “I am Jurdan Aris, and I will ensure that our voice is heard.”

    With the big powers now each acknowledged, it moved onto the Periphery… Well, what few states had even bothered to send representatives. The Taurian Concordat had refused an invitation unless the Federated Suns were removed from the summit, the Canopians had simply refused to accept the invitation wholesale, And the Outworlds Alliance had been divided. Each state had sent observers, but they were explicitly not given power to negotiate, only to report what was decided at this summit.

    After the introductions, real politicking happened. Peace was possible, but it would have a cost, and compromise without loss was what each of them strived for.

    “Colonel Bradley,” Gerald Marik greeted the Eridani Light Horse Commander. “I had heard you passed away when your unit vanished from the Inner Sphere.”

    “Our disappearance was necessary,” Ezra Bradley replied as he shook the other man’s hand. “And I found medical aid in the process, thus fixing several of the issues that plagued me.”

    “It is good to see a man of your caliber on his own two feet again.”

    “I have Elizabeth here to thank for it,” Ezra indicated the uniformed young woman. “She was able to find resources that I did not have access to and, as such, was able to restore much of our material losses.”

    “Would you be available for hire in the future then?” Gerald asked. “Because I believe that this will end in us pushing to yet another war.”

    “The Eridani Light Horse has employment for the foreseeable future,” Ezra’s face seemed made of stone. “We will notify the Mercenary Review Board if that ever changes.”

    With that, the Marik wandered off to speak to others, leaving Ezra Bradley and Elizabeth Cameron alone in a darkened corner.

    “This is fucking awful,” Cameron swore. “Is there always this much backstabbing and vague threats in politics?”

    “No, sometimes it’s even worse,” Ezra sighed. “This is actually better than I expected. Because there are people having discourse instead of insulting the other at the moment. However, I expect Melissa Davion and Franklin Kurita to be close to blows by the end of the day. Melissa is a proven battlefield commander, and based on the intelligence we’ve gathered, Franklin was recently assigned to a frontline unit. He will assume that she is weak and incapable or that she has not seen combat. That will lead to poisonous words and will not see good results.”

    But before their conversation could continue, the first night of the summit was called to an end. This was little more than setting the stage for future talks.

    “What day will we bring the reveal?” Ezra asked once they were secluded and surrounded by the Black Watch.

    “On day three,” Elizabeth replied. “There’s something about the symbolism. On the Third day, Christ rose from the dead. And now, on the third day, the Terran Hegemony is reborn.”

    “Knock, Knock, Knock!”

    “General Bradley,” Hazen stepped inside the room. “There’s a Colonel Clinton here to see you.”

    “With your permission, ma’am,” Ezra looked askance of the Director-General.

    “Granted,” Elizabeth replied. “Let’s see what this man has to say.”

    The door opened, and a gray-haired man entered, a limp gait showing off an old injury.

    “You’re looking awful good for a dead man,” Clinton snarked. “Why’d you up and disappear on the rest of us like that?”

    “I had other obligations,” Ezra shrugged and stood to shake the other man’s hand. “But as you can see, it was for the better.”

    “I’ll say,” Clinton sighed. “The Folks I spoke to said you got some sort of message, but I never got confirmation ‘fore y’all disappeared.”

    “The message,” Elizabeth stood and held out a Cameron star in her hand. “Was this.”

    “Do you still hold to your oaths?” Ezra finished. “Because the Terran Hegemony has not forgotten them.”
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    Chapter XIII New
  • Chapter XIII

    "Do you still hold to your oaths?" Ezra finished. "Because the Terran Hegemony has not forgotten them."

    Once he realized what the two meant, Clinton stumbled backward into a chair, his face white as a ghost.

    “That’s impossible,” he gasped out. “All of them died in the Coup!”

    Ezra and Elizabeth waited while Clinton composed himself and began to ask questions.

    “If the Camerons are alive, then why did The General leave? Why’d he abandon his fucking post?!” Clinton snarled. “Leaving us to this endless war!”

    The mercenary continued to rant angrily for a few more moments before he calmed down.

    “I can not swear for all of us,” Colonel Calvin Clinton knelt. “But I am sworn to uphold the ideals of the Star League. You have my sword, my ‘Mech, and all that I possess,” He locked eyes with Elizabeth. “But if your arm does not uphold those values, the sword will swing the other way.”

    “I am not my brother,” the Director-General replied. “I accept your oaths and welcome you back into the fold.”

    Clinton stood and sat back in the chair while Bradley and Elizabeth found their own chairs.

    “If you’re here, that means there is some sort of plan,” Clinton’s fingers tapped on the table. “We’re only a regiment, but I currently have all of my forces here. And we’re not under contract.”

    “I’ll get in touch,” Colonel Hazen stepped out of the shadows. “We have plans for security, but I would appreciate more people available for defense.”

    “So this is something big?”

    “Aye,” Bradley nodded. “I’d tell you the full details, but I want to see your face regarding the reveal.”

    “Asshole,” Clinton chuckled. “Alright, I’ll start prepping my troops. I assume this is ‘need-to-know?’”

    “Very,” Elizabeth replied. “I’ll have Major Capell act as your liaison and minder.”

    “Yes, ma’am,” Clinton replied. “Anything else you need from me?”

    “Be at the peace conference in two days,” Elizabeth smirked. “If things go according to plan, it will be a significant day in the Inner Sphere.”

    The second day of the conference was when actual peace talks and discussions were held.

    “In order for us to have peace, we will have to first establish the borders,” Melissa Davion began the day. “As we all know, conquest is one of many ways to obtain lands and expand borders. It has been such since time immemorial. Do we honor the right of Conquest? Do we revoke it? Or do we merely settle for some middle ground? If we are ever to achieve peace here, that is what we must decide.”

    “There will be no peace here,” Franklin Kurita scoffed, his arms folded across his formal Hakama. “For all that you preach of the Combine as barbaric, each of your nations has acted as us. You have all seized lands which belonged to others. The Coordinator has never hidden their agenda. One day, the Dragon will rule over all,” he looked around at the other representatives. “We do not pretend to be something that we are not. Discuss your peace, but know this. I will bear witness to your failures and sins and be a monument to them all.”

    The conference sat in stunned silence before the discussion continued. But the conversation was muted. After all, they could not prove him wrong. His words rang with a truth that cut deep through the bone and shattered what hopes each of the representatives held.

    The rest of the day went differently than planned, with minor concessions and attempts at a peace treaty being exchanged, only for them to settle on a temporary armistice to be discussed on day three in place of a proper peace treaty. Maybe one day it would be possible, but after Franklin Kurita’s words, they could not find it within them to attempt more.

    But it was on day three that everything changed…

    Date: January 8, 2859
    Location: Northwind, Federated Suns

    “I will now call the third day of this peace conference to order,” Precentor Ford stood before the assembled representatives. But when he moved to continue speaking, another gray-robed figure stepped forward and began whispering in his ear.

    “If you’ll excuse me, there is an emergency at the HPG complex,” he smiled. “Nothing too critical, but it does require me to sign off on several works. The burdens of leadership never seem to ease.”

    The robed figures departed among the murmurs and chuckles of the crowd before a few Tri-Vid screens flickered to life behind the podium.

    A woman in the uniform of the Director-General of the Terran Hegemony stepped up to the podium; behind her, to the right and left, were two figures.

    One of them was a regal and well-kept older man named Ezra Bradley, his collar now adorned with the Star of a General instead of the star and circle of a Colonel.

    The woman was dressed in the black and gold uniform of the Royal Black Watch Regiment. A kilt adorned her hips, and a pistol was holstered at her side.

    “I am Director-General Elizabeth Cameron, leader of the Terran Hegemony-in-exile. We have returned from exile and begun to reclaim our homes,” she locked eyes with each of the representatives in turn, a fire behind her eyes. “We have endured and suffered. But now, we return stronger than before, a phoenix rising from the ashes. The Terran Hegemony is reborn. Let it never fall to such great depths again!”

    One week before the conference…

    It had been relatively bloodless. The Terrans had taken the Comstar and Comguard entirely by surprise. Using pirate points long mapped out by Hegemony Intelligence and the old SLIC, they jumped into the system and launched the dropships.

    At approximately the same time, the HPG in Hilton Head went silent. The rebuilt SDS systems all began to shut down, and the dropships descended onto the surface of the birthplace of Humanity.

    The skies lit up with the glow of Fusion torches when the Terrans reached the atmosphere. A handful of fighters scrambled to face the invasion, but they were shortly eradicated by the skill of the veterans that escorted the Hegemony forces in.

    But unlike the last two invasions of Terra, there was no significant conquest nor bloodbath as rookies were thrown into the fray to purchase time. Instead, there was silence as General Hanni Schmitt stood on the Bridge of the SLS Abyss.
    But silence didn’t reign for very long.

    “Override the news broadcasts and patch me through all of the radio networks,” Schmitt commanded.

    “Yes, ma’am!” a comms officer scrambled to fulfill the order. “Two minutes until connection.”

    It felt as though Terra was holding its breath. That maybe, just maybe, something good was going to happen after all these years.

    “This is General Hanni Schmitt of the Terran Hegemony Armed Forces to all Comstar and Comguards. Lay down your arms and surrender, and you will be treated well,” She gazed into the camera. “I say to you, the citizens of Terra, our home. “Let us Unite!”