United States Election 2020: The Derail

It must be nice to go through life believing anybody who disagrees with you is a liar. Limiting, but very relaxing. And who exactly is crying? I just think it is funny that you immediately go into script to avoid actually thinking about opposing points of view.
I'm merely saying how I see it and how your side treats everyone. You treat everything anyone else says as lies or dog whistles. So I shall do the same.

Believe it or not, I don't care what you think of me.
Good. Neither do I care if you call me racist, fascist, whatever. Your shaming words don't work on me.

You made a statement about the left. You were wrong. I told you about your wrongness. That's "so what".
You have said nothing about the left aside from generic shit that they care about people or that they care about the working class. I have seen that this is a lie. I don't care what the left say anymore.

You are remarkably incoherent. Like you said the leftists hate hierarchy because they don't have power, but also that the left are all the elites. That is literally contradictory. Crazy notion, what if people who disagree with you actually aren't all evil robots and actually believe their ideas would be benficial?
The Left claim to hate hierarchy but all they do is end up creating them within themselves to then push it on everyone else. Oppression olympics for example. The hierarchy of who is more oppressed.

And this is ignoring the fact that there are many different people who are of the left, you have the common person like you who has no power and then you have democrat leftist who has power. Said democrat is an elite.

But you will ignore this and just say, contradictory.

also, I almost hate to ask, but what do you think "globalist" means?
WEF and what they are proposing is a good example.

Fundamentally, there is no point to this discussion. Politics now is about winner and losers Nothing more. The market place of ideas is full of shit and has always been a lie just like how the media being objective is a lie.
If this is a zero sum contest, I'd rather the Democrats win than Republicans.

If Trump can prove that he won legitimately then the Democrats can go get fucked, if that means bringing down the hammer on any uppity ones then so be it.

Conservatives are law abiding, they're not doormats and if you want to win a fight then you have to be ready to take a bit of hurt, as long as you can dish it out worse than the other guy. ;)
left-wing investment in democracy completely. I don't know if civil war would result, but it'd be bad for political stability. If this is a zero sum contest, I'd rather the Democrats win than Republicans.
Don't care about Trump but I just love this. Submit to the Left for the sake of stability, give the left what they want always. Its just like with the UK where the left say to preserve social harmony, ban anything that offends the muslims.
And the energy sector needs to be destroyed. I'd rather have a bad economy than generalized crop failures.

So you'll sign up to join the war against Iran then? I mean, since you seem so intent on having the US go to war in order to maintain its energy consumption, you're going to need a new resource other than domestic production.

The civil rights are things like women's right to select their own treatment with their doctors,

I mean...last I checked it was up to a doctor and a woman about their medical treatments. Or do you mean abortion? Because that is a highly contentious thing. It wasn't even passed through legislation. It was pushed through the courts.

support for the ongoing police violence against minorities,

Yeah, in the beating heart of the Republican stronghold of Minnesota...hold on. Well, Atlanta...um, okay. Well, Balti...shit. New Yor--fuck. Well of course we all know that Chicago is a...oh. Well, Kenosha...shit that's in Wisconsin.

Tell me again how the Republicans are the party of racists when the most miserable black people in the country happen to be located in highly corrupt and violent inner cities ran by Democrats.

trying to create a "Muslim ban"

Implying that all Muslims come from the shithole that is the Middle East. Funny how we haven't had another major Islamic attack reported since 2016...but German and France have.

and block the building of Mosques,

Because we all know how much Progressives care about religious expression. How quickly we forget the days of the mythical Spaghetti Monster.

trying to block same sex marriag and protections for trans people,e

Because that totally works well with African Americans, Muslims, Hispanics, and Catholics. Truly the Democrats are sound strategists.

wanting to permit children to be subject "conversion therapy".

Is that where Mike Pence gives shock therapy to gay boys or where Progressives cut off their wieners?

And that is before you get into all the dog whistles, nudges, and conspiracy theories aimed at prominent Jewish and Muslim people.

Ah yes, because we all know that Trump has furthered hatred against the Jewish community.

Like when he moved the American embassy to Jerusalem.

Or when he strengthened ties to Israel.

Or when he sold Israel all those weapon systems.

Or when he gives his Jewish grandchildren a roll of 50s, no doubt hinting at their inherent Jewish greed.

There is a reason racist groups have flocked to Trump, and it is because they are picking up what he and his cronies are laying down.

They were flying to Trump because their other option was the Democratic Party, whose idea of equality is teaching white children about their inherent racism and privileges. It's about as fair as insisting that Persians love jumping into deep ravines because the Spartans used a wall of spears to push them toward it.

Unfortunately for you, the world is material and all your will and pure Aryan spirit does fuck all when you run out of food.

The USA is the number one producer of food on the planet.

...And they're overwhelmingly white.

Racial identity is made up garbage used to justify 18th century economic chicanery.

No, racial identity is built upon basic genetic factors. And it was never really a widespread concept of judging people based on race, but rather their culture. You only generally got intense xenophobia when two opposing groups occupied the same or near spaces.

"Railed?" Geeze, you've got a real fixation here.

I think that would be you, because you're the one who showed up here to argue about a court case that has yet to be properly presented to the court, insisting that they have nothing.

That's fine, but I wasn't addressing you.

That's fine, but that's not what you had said.

So glad to know we've top men such as yourself keeping an eye on things. I am sure internet rando #64578 is totally as competent as the entire list of people who signed of on that statement.

The gentleman in question was perfectly qualified to speak on the subject and even presented his observation. What about his presentation did you find to be wholly incompetent or false?

Have you ever considered that they might have good reasons for not liking him. Like, maybe there actually is a difference between the two, and the washed up conman racist isn't the best choice?

People have a really good reason for not liking Trump.

It just generally has nothing to do with his racist attitudes. Because they're nonexistent. He secured funding for black colleges. He released black prisoners. He worked on prison reform. And if he got education reform through, then he'd be able to allow black children to escape the shitty holes of schools that they're thrown into.

Because there is this stuff called "evidence" that corroborates some claims, and Powell ain't got any of that.
Not likely.

Actually, you would need to prove that there is no evidence, given the situation.

Since after all, Powell or Trump's legal team would need to actually bring it before the courts for it to be decided if that is the case. And then there are appeals. And nor is it likely that they have no evidence; that's obvious downplay by their opponents. It may not be compelling evidence or it might not be sufficient evidence to prove their case, but they probably have some evidence.

We can't know until it's presented. You walking around like they have nothing before they have a chance of presenting it is really just you engaging in tribalism.

Some say "maybe", but others aren't so sure. Look, there are alien abductions with better evidence than this raid that no one can confirm on a location that doesn't exist, for a server nobody has seen. Let me guess, you can't wait to see what's on Hunter Biden's laptops?

Again, you have yet to present evidence that the raid never took place. Trying to appeal to authorities like MSM that has repeatedly given Trump bad press for the past 4 years is NOT you presenting evidence. Nor is the US Military not confirming it, because they are known to not be entirely honest about military operations. Nor is Germany, given how they tried to cover up those Muslim rape cases a few years back.

The only option is to wait for it to play out.

You clearly haven't spent much time in leftist/democrat circles. Because yeah we fight, but everyone agrees that Donald Trump is garbage. I despise Joe Biden. He's a racist old weasel who was more than happy to nod along with Obama's war crimes and who cares more about decorum than doing even the easy right things.But I'll vote for him over Trump any day.

I have statistics. You have a small bubble of democrats. And I've seen what happens in your bubble when someone refuses to vote for Biden; they're leapt upon by half of the remaining people and told to take it or Trump will destroy the country (strange, he still hasn't seemed to manage that...). It is a fact that the Democrats cannot organize against their opponent without a charismatic force leading them. Might this be the exception? The fluke? Sure, I've already acknowledged that.

But that is a very low possibility.

Yeah, the Us is not going to be a global hegemon much longer.

Well, no--that's not what I said. The US will remain a global hegemon. It just won't have any global interests. What does that mean? It means that the US won't show up to stop Russia or China or Iran from causing trouble...until they piss off the Americans. And in that case, the uses comes in, blows up their shit, and then leaves. Case in point is Iran. Iran's major oil production is actually located on a small island off its coast. A handful of missiles the US can take the Iranians out of the oil game for years.

In case I haven't made it clear. It was previously America's policy to create order around the world. Even if that propped up despotic regimes or meant the US military occupied a small Middle-Eastern state. What it means now is that the US policy will be to walk over to any country that pisses it off and flip the table.

Why exactly should we care? We have more than enough to for everybody to get by. We just need to take it back from the billionaires and capitalists. But no part of that requires we empower racists and fascists or try to screw the rest of the world. Maybe we could actually try to make things better for people other than white Americans.

No, that isn't how it would work.

The intense wealth gap is due impart to technological advancement and cheap foreign labor. Not to mention massive importation of illegal immigrants who have limited access to knowledge and resources afforded to citizens.

Also "socialist globalist" isn't really a thing.

Well, I should have said liberal globalist.

Plenty of socialist internationalists. but "globalism" is explicitly a capitalist notion.

No...it's a geopolitical notion.

"Socialist globalist" is just a way right wingers say "Jews" without saying it out loud.


Uh, no it isn't. Maybe stop listening to other people in your bubble who pick conspiracy theorists as low hanging fruit to justify their hate boner.

Trump activated just about his entire base. The Democrats activated a smaller part of theirs, but it is larger. Nothing suggests that Trump actually grew his base over all. But no doubt there are plenty of Trump supporters out there, and we'll bedealing with this nonsense for the next few generations.

Do...do you know how voting blocs work?

Trump has absolutely expanded his voting base. If he hadn't, he wouldn't have gotten a 15% increase over 2016. Checkout the battleground states. If Biden hadn't found those extra votes, Trump would have steamrolled him.
If Trump doesn't pull this one from his ass then expect the next 4 years to be absolute hell after everything you put us through because it was 'her turn'. Those files about crack smoking loser hunter as well as kid fucker biden and his deals about the chinese still exist, wonder if thats impeachment worthy? I wonder how many skeleton's that fugly goblin caramel or wtf ever has from her prosecutor days? Even if Trump loses your in for hell commie scum.
Will you be posting that meme about a grave with some freakish face when the time comes? I expect when it reaches 2022 from Cherico's expectations we're going to be in for quite a ride?
So basically, just the standard leftist talking points, all of which are either completely untrue, or contain just enough truth to be more dangerous lies.

We live in completely different worlds; there's no point in trying to debate with each other unless or until we come to some part of reality that we actually comprehend in the same way.
No, these aren't leftist talking points at all. The leftist talking point involv3e a lot more "means of production" and "unjustified hierarchy" stuff. This is basic civil liberties stuff.

I didn't make any of that up. The Republicans campaigned hard to block SSM. Maybe I am older than the lot of you, but it was a fight and not a clean one. Mike Pence, the current VP, supports conversion therapy for kids, and he is not alone. Trump really did try to have a "Muslim ban" and his supporters lapped it up, The Republicans have made the most anodyne of slogans "Black Lives Matter" into a boogeyman because people stood up to police violence.

That's what the Republican party is.
Anybody who sells out U.S. interest or cultural/economic ideals for foreign ones at the U.S. people's expense for 'The Greater Good'.
That is impossibly vague. Like does thinking the US should deal fairly with others make you a globalist? What even are economic ideals? And what "cultural ideas" does America have?
I'm merely saying how I see it and how your side treats everyone. You treat everything anyone else says as lies or dog whistles. So I shall do the same.

Good. Neither do I care if you call me racist, fascist, whatever. Your shaming words don't work on me.

You have said nothing about the left aside from generic shit that they care about people or that they care about the working class. I have seen that this is a lie. I don't care what the left say anymore.

The Left claim to hate hierarchy but all they do is end up creating them within themselves to then push it on everyone else. Oppression olympics for example. The hierarchy of who is more oppressed.

And this is ignoring the fact that there are many different people who are of the left, you have the common person like you who has no power and then you have democrat leftist who has power. Said democrat is an elite.

But you will ignore this and just say, contradictory.

WEF and what they are proposing is a good example.

Fundamentally, there is no point to this discussion. Politics now is about winner and losers Nothing more. The market place of ideas is full of shit and has always been a lie just like how the media being objective is a lie.
I'm not interested in shaming you. I don't know if you're a racist of a fascist, and I don't care,

I don't have the time or energy to explain to you how stupid the "oppression hierarchy" stuff is right now. But it's real dumb.

The problem isn't with acknowledging that some powerful people exist on "the left" (although I'd argue not many of them are actually left, more left of center, like Bill Gates or George Soros). The problem is that you are creating the general narratives for what the left is, and they don't fit together.

There is an actual difference between policies designed to hurt people and policies designed to help them. Cynicism is just trying to feel cool about being too lazy to think.
So basically, just the standard leftist talking points, all of which are either completely untrue, or contain just enough truth to be more dangerous lies.

We live in completely different worlds; there's no point in trying to debate with each other unless or until we come to some part of reality that we actually comprehend in the same way.
See, this why I said people should just ignore him, like we have with the other Lefty trolls who have tried this.

He registered today, likely just to come in and troll these threads, and is using arguments that we've already shredded before from other Lefties.

I was born and raised in a Hard-D house, and I know the enemy/opposition very well. Most of them cannot truly understand the world outside thier own narrative/political bubble, and many of them do not care to know, except when trying to use it against the Right.
If this is a zero sum contest, I'd rather the Democrats win than Republicans.
That's...a very foolish thought to have, if you value the US as a sovereign nation and the US Constitution having any power at all. The Bill of Rights means nothing to the Dems, they only see it as a barrier to thier visions of a utopia.

If this is zero-sum, the Reps/Trump winning is far less likely to see this nation go the way of China and Venrzuela.
The problem isn't with acknowledging that some powerful people exist on "the left" (although I'd argue not many of them are actually left, more left of center, like Bill Gates or George Soros). The problem is that you are creating the general narratives for what the left is, and they don't fit together.

There is an actual difference between policies designed to hurt people and policies designed to help them. Cynicism is just trying to feel cool about being too lazy to think.
No, you claim they don't fit together cause you say so. You will make claims about that no!!!! The real left don't care about hierarchy but as I have already said, thats a lie.

I can create whatever I want. I can deconstruct or critique the left however I want. Their beliefs are unimportant to instead how I can tear them down. Deal with it.

I don't have the time or energy to explain to you how stupid the "oppression hierarchy" stuff is right now. But it's real dumb.
Your side created it. So fuck off.

left-wing investment in democracy completely. I don't know if civil war would result, but it'd be bad for political stability. If this is a zero sum contest, I'd rather the Democrats win than Republicans.
Don't care about Trump but I just love this. Submit to the Left for the sake of stability, give the left what they want always. Its just like with the UK where the left say to preserve social harmony, ban anything that offends the muslims.

Expanding on this a bit,

Fundamentally, the position of the Left is give us what we want or Else

A threat.
Anybody who sells out U.S. interest or cultural/economic ideals for foreign ones at the U.S. people's expense for 'The Greater Good'.
How about for money?
No, you claim they don't fit together cause you say so. You will make claims about that no!!!! The real left don't care about hierarchy but as I have already said, thats a lie.

I can create whatever I want. I can deconstruct or critique the left however I want. Their beliefs are unimportant to instead how I can tear them down. Deal with it.

Your side created it. So fuck off.

Don't care about Trump but I just love this. Submit to the Left for the sake of stability, give the left what they want always. Its just like with the UK where the left say to preserve social harmony, ban anything that offends the muslims.

Expanding on this a bit,

Fundamentally, the position of the Left is give us what we want or Else

A threat.
I have no right to cast stones when I cast it in response to an insult but try to be calmer about your response without responding with a counter insult.
How about for money?
Different I wont blame a corporation for acting in their self interest in sending jobs to overseas places ,the elected representatives however who encourage this...
That is impossibly vague. Like does thinking the US should deal fairly with others make you a globalist?
No, looking out for others is always a good things but the government exist for the U.S. peoples express interest not foreign ones.
What even are economic ideals?
Capitalism unfettered by 'social redistribution' their is nothing wrong with enforcing rules on corporations but a goverment has no place in taking weath and redistributing it to their 'chosen few' of the week.
And what "cultural ideas" does America have?
The ideas of liberty of the American variety that has flourished and evolved over two hundred years unfettered and divergent from Europes.
So you'll sign up to join the war against Iran then? I mean, since you seem so intent on having the US go to war in order to maintain its energy consumption, you're going to need a new resource other than domestic production.
I have no idea what reality you are posting from, but I'm a pacifist, so no war for me.

I mean...last I checked it was up to a doctor and a woman about their medical treatments. Or do you mean abortion? Because that is a highly contentious thing. It wasn't even passed through legislation. It was pushed through the courts.
Abortion is the thin end of the wedge, but by attempts to block abortion have led to set ups where women can't get basic reproductive health done without risking legal liability in some places. It ain't good.

Yeah, in the beating heart of the Republican stronghold of Minnesota...hold on. Well, Atlanta...um, okay. Well, Balti...shit. New Yor--fuck. Well of course we all know that Chicago is a...oh. Well, Kenosha...shit that's in Wisconsin.

Tell me again how the Republicans are the party of racists when the most miserable black people in the country happen to be located in highly corrupt and violent inner cities ran by Democrats.
The Democrats are also shit. The Republicans are worse about it, given the active glee they seem to take in police violence (and the fact the police themselves are much more suburban and right wing than the cities they police in many cases). But the Democrats definitely haven't covered themselves in glory.

Implying that all Muslims come from the shithole that is the Middle East. Funny how we haven't had another major Islamic attack reported since 2016...but German and France have.
Given that Trump's policies were shot down legally, I don't think he can take credit. France and Germany have made a point of alienating and isolating their Muslim minority, and have a violent history with their colonial subjects going back a ways. In the 1950s, a couple hundred Muslim protesters were straight up murdered in Paris. The history there is hardcore fucked up.

And the reason I put "Muslim ban" in quotes is because that is what Trump called it, not because it is a good name.

Because we all know how much Progressives care about religious expression. How quickly we forget the days of the mythical Spaghetti Monster.
And we all no how much Republicans care about free speech. ;)

Look, I'm a Christian. And beyond that, I just find the whole internet rationalist movement unbelievably douchey. Also, a lot of the "new atheist" movement wound up on the right over the last few years. I think it is because the movement was always more about bullying than reason.

Because that totally works well with African Americans, Muslims, Hispanics, and Catholics. Truly the Democrats are sound strategists.
I'm not a Democrat, and I don't care about coddling bigots, regardless of their backgrounds.
Is that where Mike Pence gives shock therapy to gay boys or where Progressives cut off their wieners?
It's the torture one.
Ah yes, because we all know that Trump has furthered hatred against the Jewish community.

Like when he moved the American embassy to Jerusalem.

Or when he strengthened ties to Israel.

Or when he sold Israel all those weapon systems.

Or when he gives his Jewish grandchildren a roll of 50s, no doubt hinting at their inherent Jewish greed.
Anti-Semites are inconsistent and irrational? Who knew? But beyond that, Trump isn't all right wingers. Frankly, Trump isn't smart or coherent enough to have an ideology. He's the id in a tacky suit. But the right has traded in anti-Semitism since before the Republicans were a party. (And the left also has a problem with anti-Semites. I don't think the problem is as bad, and it certainly isn't as tolerated as it is on the right, but it is there.)

They were flying to Trump because their other option was the Democratic Party, whose idea of equality is teaching white children about their inherent racism and privileges. It's about as fair as insisting that Persians love jumping into deep ravines because the Spartans used a wall of spears to push them toward it.

Oh, so the white supremacists are the victims. Good to know.
The USA is the number one producer of food on the planet.

...And they're overwhelmingly white.

No, racial identity is built upon basic genetic factors. And it was never really a widespread concept of judging people based on race, but rather their culture. You only generally got intense xenophobia when two opposing groups occupied the same or near spaces.
Bullshit. There is nothing in the human genome that corresponds to race, and multiethnic societies have been around since before written language.

I think that would be you, because you're the one who showed up here to argue about a court case that has yet to be properly presented to the court, insisting that they have nothing.
It has been presented. The judge asked them if any of the evidence actually supported their claim, and rather than commit perjury they admitted it did not. The judge then dismissed the case.
That's fine, but that's not what you had said.
I was explaining to Vaermina why the word of an Army spokesman was sought.
The gentleman in question was perfectly qualified to speak on the subject and even presented his observation. What about his presentation did you find to be wholly incompetent or false?
That he's an internet rando repeating stuff with no evidence.

People have a really good reason for not liking Trump.

It just generally has nothing to do with his racist attitudes. Because they're nonexistent. He secured funding for black colleges. He released black prisoners. He worked on prison reform. And if he got education reform through, then he'd be able to allow black children to escape the shitty holes of schools that they're thrown into.
Trump was getting hit for racist shit in the 1980s. Children don't know their history.

Actually, you would need to prove that there is no evidence, given the situation.

Since after all, Powell or Trump's legal team would need to actually bring it before the courts for it to be decided if that is the case. And then there are appeals. And nor is it likely that they have no evidence; that's obvious downplay by their opponents. It may not be compelling evidence or it might not be sufficient evidence to prove their case, but they probably have some evidence.

We can't know until it's presented. You walking around like they have nothing before they have a chance of presenting it is really just you engaging in tribalism.

Again, you have yet to present evidence that the raid never took place. Trying to appeal to authorities like MSM that has repeatedly given Trump bad press for the past 4 years is NOT you presenting evidence. Nor is the US Military not confirming it, because they are known to not be entirely honest about military operations. Nor is Germany, given how they tried to cover up those Muslim rape cases a few years back.

The only option is to wait for it to play out.
You do understand proof doesn't work like that. Like I have pointed out the company in question didn't tabulate votes, had no headquarter where the "raid" supposedly occurred, that anyone who would have knowledge of the incident has denied knowing anything about it, and that the person presenting it made multiple factually incorrect statements about the case. What more do you want, video of a place that doesn't exist not being raided?

I have statistics. You have a small bubble of democrats. And I've seen what happens in your bubble when someone refuses to vote for Biden; they're leapt upon by half of the remaining people and told to take it or Trump will destroy the country (strange, he still hasn't seemed to manage that...). It is a fact that the Democrats cannot organize against their opponent without a charismatic force leading them. Might this be the exception? The fluke? Sure, I've already acknowledged that.

But that is a very low possibility.
So Democrats are obviously not unified against Trump, and the evidence of this is that they turn on anyone who doesn't vote against Trump. Impeccable logic.

Well, no--that's not what I said. The US will remain a global hegemon. It just won't have any global interests. What does that mean? It means that the US won't show up to stop Russia or China or Iran from causing trouble...until they piss off the Americans. And in that case, the uses comes in, blows up their shit, and then leaves. Case in point is Iran. Iran's major oil production is actually located on a small island off its coast. A handful of missiles the US can take the Iranians out of the oil game for years.

In case I haven't made it clear. It was previously America's policy to create order around the world. Even if that propped up despotic regimes or meant the US military occupied a small Middle-Eastern state. What it means now is that the US policy will be to walk over to any country that pisses it off and flip the table.
That sounds like bullshit to me. The US has been more than happy to overthrow stable regimes for economic benefit. The sooner that stops, the better.

No, that isn't how it would work.

The intense wealth gap is due impart to technological advancement and cheap foreign labor. Not to mention massive importation of illegal immigrants who have limited access to knowledge and resources afforded to citizens.

Well, I should have said liberal globalist.

No...it's a geopolitical notion.


Uh, no it isn't. Maybe stop listening to other people in your bubble who pick conspiracy theorists as low hanging fruit to justify their hate boner.
Globalism in grown up land is specifically a notion about the interdependence of markets and the inadequacy of national laws to contain multinational corporations. In conspiracy loon territory it is a shadowy cabal of people with loyalty to no nation who plat their downfall through control of the banks. Which, surprise, surprise, is exactly the role of the Jews in old John Bircher/anti-Dreyfussard conspiracy theory.
Different I wont blame a corporation for acting in their self interest in sending jobs to overseas places ,the elected representatives however who encourage this...

No, looking out for others is always a good things but the government exist for the U.S. peoples express interest not foreign ones.

Capitalism unfettered by 'social redistribution' their is nothing wrong with enforcing rules on corporations but a goverment has no place in taking weath and redistributing it to their 'chosen few' of the week.

The ideas of liberty of the American variety that has flourished and evolved over two hundred years unfettered and divergent from Europes.
Well, I hate capitalism and I think American liberal democracy is a sham, so I guess I'm a globalist.
Different I wont blame a corporation for acting in their self interest in sending jobs to overseas places ,the elected representatives however who encourage this...
It took Biden's laptop to finally understand but I see it for what it is. Money and power. It's much simpler with a client state or a colony but in this age the trappings are hidden backed by more bribe money and donations to keep the wheels running.
No, you claim they don't fit together cause you say so. You will make claims about that no!!!! The real left don't care about hierarchy but as I have already said, thats a lie.

I can create whatever I want. I can deconstruct or critique the left however I want. Their beliefs are unimportant to instead how I can tear them down. Deal with it.

Your side created it. So fuck off.

Don't care about Trump but I just love this. Submit to the Left for the sake of stability, give the left what they want always. Its just like with the UK where the left say to preserve social harmony, ban anything that offends the muslims.

Expanding on this a bit,

Fundamentally, the position of the Left is give us what we want or Else

A threat.
They don't fit together because you are trying to generalize in two inconsistent ways. Sometimes people just disagree with you about stuff. Even important stuff.

Nobody created the "oppression hierarchy" thing you described but you, just not. And it was dumb.

Look hierarchy is social relation. It isn't just ay list of things in order. Nobody is opposed to the hierarchy of five being bigger than two or blue being higher wavelength than red. It is specifically a social relation among humans. It isn't always bad. Some hierarchies are good, some aren't. Adults having authority over their kids: good. Men having authority over their wives: bad. like that.

Privilege (which I think is what you were getting at) is way more complex than that. It isn't a hierarchy, it is a set of overlapping interests and points of view that contribute to some people not perceiving the difficulties others face. It isn't a "good/bad" dichotomy, just a recognition that things aren't fair, and we often fail to notice it when they are unfair in our favor.

A black, healthy man, a white mentally ill woman, and a white physically disabled man, just to give three very obvious examples, all have degrees of privilege. Places where they can't intuit the other persons problems and thus are unlikely to even realize they need to be solved, much less do anything about it. Acknolwedging privilege is just figuring out "hey, these people have it bad, and my experience is not universal".

Choosing to offend people for the sake of offending them is a shitty thing to do and it deserves to be condemned. Calling for people to suffer violence isn't something we should permit as a society.
If you are in fact willing to sacrifice those things and more a great many Americans value as a cost to achieve your dreams then I suppose so...
It's really just those two. I am not a patriot. I feel no especial attachment to the US as a political entity. I want the people of the US to be well and happy. I want the same for Mexico and China, and the UK, and Canada and so forth as well.
It took Biden's laptop to finally understand but I see it for what it is. Money and power. It's much simpler with a client state or a colony but in this age the trappings are hidden backed by more bribe money and donations to keep the wheels running.
Yes, everything has always been about money and power but feelings also matter. You watched the bioleninism video I posted before?

The WEF say "You will own nothing and you will be happy" "You will rent everything"

And you have leftists and Liberals perfectly fine with this cause muh equity. The problem of course is that I very very much doubt the WEF and all associated who are pushing this are planning to give up their wealth. Its everyone else that will do so.

But the left are happy to sign away everything cause muh healthcare!
Yes, everything has always been about money and power but feelings also matter. You watched the bioleninism video I posted before?

The WEF say "You will own nothing and you will be happy" "You will rent everything"

And you have leftists and Liberals perfectly fine with this cause muh equity. The problem of course is that I very very much doubt the WEF and all associated who are pushing this are planning to give up their wealth. Its everyone else that will do so.

But the left are happy to sign away everything cause muh healthcare!
That's conflating two very different things. I am against private ownership of property (which is different from personal property, but believe me you don't want to sit through the difference). But most people who support universal healthcare aren't. Joe Biden is (sadly) not an anarchist or a communist. He's just fractional to the left of Mitt Romney or George H.W. Bush.
Yes, everything has always been about money and power but feelings also matter. You watched the bioleninism video I posted before?

The WEF say "You will own nothing and you will be happy" "You will rent everything"

And you have leftists and Liberals perfectly fine with this cause muh equity. The problem of course is that I very very much doubt the WEF and all associated who are pushing this are planning to give up their wealth. Its everyone else that will do so.

But the left are happy to sign away everything cause muh healthcare!
Are you talking about the great reset?
It's really just those two. I am not a patriot. I feel no especial attachment to the US as a political entity. I want the people of the US to be well and happy. I want the same for Mexico and China, and the UK, and Canada and so forth as well.
And you think I don't? The fact is that the world is a cruel place and sometimes governments have to make tought decisions that will inevitably result in toes being steped on, but always even the a goverment's interest must lie with its citizens foremost over foreign ones in such case's, it's cruel, but its reality.
They don't fit together because you are trying to generalize in two inconsistent ways. Sometimes people just disagree with you about stuff. Even important stuff.
Aka cause you say so.

Nobody created the "oppression hierarchy" thing you described but you, just not. And it was dumb.
The Left did not me.

Look hierarchy is social relation. It isn't just ay list of things in order. Nobody is opposed to the hierarchy of five being bigger than two or blue being higher wavelength than red. It is specifically a social relation among humans. It isn't always bad. Some hierarchies are good, some aren't. Adults having authority over their kids: good. Men having authority over their wives: bad. like that.
And here we come to a leftist saying that hierarchy is not bad. But then they scream all day that hierarchy is bad. So they are basically lying. They have no problem with hierarchy and will use it when they get power. The crying about it is just a tactic or their resentment in display.

Privilege (which I think is what you were getting at) is way more complex than that. It isn't a hierarchy, it is a set of overlapping interests and points of view that contribute to some people not perceiving the difficulties others face. It isn't a "good/bad" dichotomy, just a recognition that things aren't fair, and we often fail to notice it when they are unfair in our favor.

A black, healthy man, a white mentally ill woman, and a white physically disabled man, just to give three very obvious examples, all have degrees of privilege. Places where they can't intuit the other persons problems and thus are unlikely to even realize they need to be solved, much less do anything about it. Acknolwedging privilege is just figuring out "hey, these people have it bad, and my experience is not universal".

Choosing to offend people for the sake of offending them is a shitty thing to do and it deserves to be condemned. Calling for people to suffer violence isn't something we should permit as a society.
The only reasonable thing you have said but I know that you leftists make these sane critiques so that you can push for the stuff you really want while guilt tripping people. Only men have privilege! Women are oppressed always.

So spare me your obfuscations.

That's conflating two very different things. I am against private ownership of property (which is different from personal property, but believe me you don't want to sit through the difference). But most people who support universal healthcare aren't. Joe Biden is (sadly) not an anarchist or a communist. He's just fractional to the left of Mitt Romney or George H.W. Bush.
So more nonsense that we are different but you then work together. I already told you, I don't care. You are all the same to me.

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