Arch Dornan
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  • to avoid clogging up the election thread. Bintarth's last post was about his mom commiting suicide and him coming across her body.
    Arch Dornan
    Arch Dornan
    That's rough was that recent?
    it was a while back. I'd have to look it up to find his last post.
    Arch Dornan
    Arch Dornan
    Got it. That's a terrible thing to happen to anyone.
    You gotta actually be in those discords to catch the fireworks basically.

    Because its spur of the moment.

    We've dropped some truly amazing "redpills" before and despair pills
    "Dude WAZZUP? Wazzup? Who's your Daddy? I tell ya who your Daddy is! It's ME! I'm your Daddy! They call me Superfly!"

    Heh, Joe Cartoon was awesome.
    Holy shit! That's superfly in your avatar! And that quote! Haha, Joe Cartoons was the best.
    Arch Dornan
    Arch Dornan
    I thought it was time to update ever since a fly landed on Pence's head. Now I'd just like to imagine what it would look like if that was Superfly.
    Arch Dornan
    Arch Dornan
    I did search and someone did try including Superfly's reaction landing on Hilary during that debate but it just wasn't edited well. You really need an actual Joe Cartoon animation to get it right.
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