United States Election 2020: The Derail

Yes, only you view almost all - if not all - hierarchies as unjustified. As I've proven, the only way anarchists will get what they want is via complete de-urbanisation and the de-centralisation of world population into agrarian subsistence villages. Which leads to technological collapse, gigadeaths, and an age of barbaric warlord-states. So in the end, even if they win, anarchists don't get what they want.
I just need to look at CHAZ and see what's their idea of it.
But it's not going to a faceless bureaucratic machine, it's going to the collective of the workers! Oddly enough, no-one can actually find this collective ...

Yes, only you view almost all - if not all - hierarchies as unjustified. As I've proven, the only way anarchists will get what they want is via complete de-urbanisation and the de-centralisation of world population into agrarian subsistence villages. Which leads to technological collapse, gigadeaths, and an age of barbaric warlord-states. So in the end, even if they win, anarchists don't get what they want.

Good - you can donate to a private NGO then, if you choose to. But you still offer no compelling reason why the government of a nation-state is morally obligated to care about things which don't threaten it occurring outside of its borders, i.e. its self-appointed jurisdiction. It's a basic principle of state sovereignty that a government only has authority and obligations toward its own citizens, not towards others.
States are a scam.
States are a scam.

So, I'm going to try to drop this down to something closer to 'first principles.'

What are the aspects of the human psyche that have led to the formation of nation states?

What do you think are the aspects of the human psyche that would allow humanity to function well without either nation-states or a reversion to feudalism/similar systems?
If I run a website, I am allowed to have whatever rules I want. If one of those rules is that false information gets flagged, so be it.

That's completely ignoring the legal status of platform vs publisher.

If you are a platform, you are not liable for content posted on your site. On the flip side though, you do not get to practice editorial control, and the legislation that covers this, Section 230, *specifically lists* that encouraging political discourse is part of the purpose of this legislation.

If you are a publisher, you have absolute control over what is on your site, but you also then have full liability for what is posted there.

You don't get to have it both ways. You're one or the other, not both.
There is zero evidence of "the left" being behind the wildfires. Don't know who you think they've assassinated. The rioting was pretty dope though.

Nice to know that we've got rational, well meaning people like you on the other side. Just peachy.

I'm glad they don't do what their supporters want. A lot of what their supporters want is genuinely awful.

What are these Democratic policies? Because while I can think of plenty, I bet they aren't the ones you are thinking of.

Reparations aren't "institutionalizing racism". I don't even think that is a thing.

Raising taxes is a good thing. The wealthy often pay next to nothing, like a certain casino owner and professional wrestling personality.

And the energy sector needs to be destroyed. I'd rather have a bad economy than generalized crop failures.

The civil rights are things like women's right to select their own treatment with their doctors, support for the ongoing police violence against minorities, trying to create a "Muslim ban" and block the building of Mosques, trying to block same sex marriage and protections for trans people, wanting to permit children to be subject "conversion therapy". And that is before you get into all the dog whistles, nudges, and conspiracy theories aimed at prominent Jewish and Muslim people.

There is a reason racist groups have flocked to Trump, and it is because they are picking up what he and his cronies are laying down.

Unfortunately for you, the world is material and all your will and pure Aryan spirit does fuck all when you run out of food.

Racial identity is made up garbage used to justify 18th century economic chicanery.

They aren't microcosms because there is no macrocosm. there is no larger whole. There is just people and their relationships. The rest of this is all regurgitated garbage from the Romantics, and it doesn't taste any better the second time.

"Railed?" Geeze, you've got a real fixation here.

That's fine, but I wasn't addressing you.

So glad to know we've top men such as yourself keeping an eye on things. I am sure internet rando #64578 is totally as competent as the entire list of people who signed of on that statement.

Not the Wikipedia editors!!!!

Have you ever considered that they might have good reasons for not liking him. Like, maybe there actually is a difference between the two, and the washed up conman racist isn't the best choice?

Because there is this stuff called "evidence" that corroborates some claims, and Powell ain't got any of that.
Not likely.

Some say "maybe", but others aren't so sure. Look, there are alien abductions with better evidence than this raid that no one can confirm on a location that doesn't exist, for a server nobody has seen. Let me guess, you can't wait to see what's on Hunter Biden's laptops?

You clearly haven't spent much time in leftist/democrat circles. Because yeah we fight, but everyone agrees that Donald Trump is garbage. I despise Joe Biden. He's a racist old weasel who was more than happy to nod along with Obama's war crimes and who cares more about decorum than doing even the easy right things.But I'll vote for him over Trump any day.

Yeah, the Us is not going to be a global hegemon much longer. Why exactly should we care? We have more than enough to for everybody to get by. We just need to take it back from the billionaires and capitalists. But no part of that requires we empower racists and fascists or try to screw the rest of the world. Maybe we could actually try to make things better for people other than white Americans.

Also "socialist globalist" isn't really a thing. Plenty of socialist internationalists. but "globalism" is explicitly a capitalist notion. "Socialist globalist" is just a way right wingers say "Jews" without saying it out loud.

Trump activated just about his entire base. The Democrats activated a smaller part of theirs, but it is larger. Nothing suggests that Trump actually grew his base over all. But no doubt there are plenty of Trump supporters out there, and we'll bedealing with this nonsense for the next few generations.
There's actual video evidence like this skinny jeans wearing 'smoker' just a short ride from wear hundreds of people who look exactly like him are starting countless fires. Sorry but basic logic and videos like this and others are more credible to me than the propagandist media or the authority figures who release violent rioters with not even a slap on the wrist. If it makes you feel better you can always claim partisian 'fact checkers' debunked it.

Of course you conveniently don't remember when patriot prayer member and Trump supporter Aaron ''jay'' bishop was shot minding his own business in a hit that looked like something out of The Godfather.

I really don't mean well to the left after the past 4 years of nonsensical attacks on trump, the threats,intimidation and assault of his supporters. I simply want revenge and me and the right are going to get it.

Unrelated but is the site glitchy today? or is it just me? Quotes don't wanna work for me and i couldn't put text over my link without it exiting.
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There's actual video evidence like this skinny jeans wearing 'smoker' just a short ride from wear hundreds of people who look exactly like him are starting countless fires. Sorry but basic logic and videos like this and others are more credible to me than the propagandist media or the authority figures who release violent rioters with not even a slap on the wrist. If it makes you feel better you can always claim partisian 'fact checkers' debunked it.

Of course you conveniently don't remember when patriot prayer member and Trump supporter
Aaron “Jay Bishop” Danielson
Your quotes got mangled up there, my friend.

If you want to believe that antifa were starting wildfires despite the lack of any confirmation, I can't stop you. I can tell you that it makes no sense at all. Like I can't even begin to fathom the motivation. Burning a police precinct, yeah, that makes total sense. Likewise, property damage in response to fascist cops, I get. Random ass wildfires that stand to get a lot of people killed and leave other people homeless just doesn't make sense from an ideological standpoint. But then I don't have a YouTube video with zero context so what do I know.

I do remember Mr. Danielson. He wasn't assassinated. He was shot when he assaulted someone. His killer was actually assassinated (at least according to the president.)
Not the Wikipedia editors!!!!

Have you ever considered that they might have good reasons for not liking him. Like, maybe there actually is a difference between the two, and the washed up conman racist isn't the best choice?

Because there is this stuff called "evidence" that corroborates some claims, and Powell ain't got any of that.
Not likely.

Some say "maybe", but others aren't so sure. Look, there are alien abductions with better evidence than this raid that no one can confirm on a location that doesn't exist, for a server nobody has seen. Let me guess, you can't wait to see what's on Hunter Biden's laptops?

You clearly haven't spent much time in leftist/democrat circles. Because yeah we fight, but everyone agrees that Donald Trump is garbage. I despise Joe Biden. He's a racist old weasel who was more than happy to nod along with Obama's war crimes and who cares more about decorum than doing even the easy right things.But I'll vote for him over Trump any day.

Yeah, the Us is not going to be a global hegemon much longer. Why exactly should we care? We have more than enough to for everybody to get by. We just need to take it back from the billionaires and capitalists. But no part of that requires we empower racists and fascists or try to screw the rest of the world. Maybe we could actually try to make things better for people other than white Americans.

Also "socialist globalist" isn't really a thing. Plenty of socialist internationalists. but "globalism" is explicitly a capitalist notion. "Socialist globalist" is just a way right wingers say "Jews" without saying it out loud.

Trump activated just about his entire base. The Democrats activated a smaller part of theirs, but it is larger. Nothing suggests that Trump actually grew his base over all. But no doubt there are plenty of Trump supporters out there, and we'll bedealing with this nonsense for the next few generations.
There's actual video evidence like this skinny jeans wearing 'smoker' just a short ride from wear hundreds of people who look exactly like him are starting countless fires. Sorry but basic logic and videos like this and others are more credible to me than the propagandist media or the authority figures who release violent rioters with not even a slap on the wrist. If it makes you feel better you can always claim partisian 'fact checkers' debunked it.

Of course you conveniently don't remember when patriot prayer member and Trump supporter Aaron ''jay'' bishop was shot minding his own business in a hit that looked like something out of The Godfather.

I really don't mean well to the left after the past 4 years of nonsensical attacks on trump, the threats,intimidation and assault of his supporters. I simply want revenge and me and the right are going to get it.

Unrelated but is the site glitchy today? or is it just me? Quotes don't wanna work for me and i couldn't put text over my link without it exiting.
Holy shit how did that happen? I didn't even quote the second part? Uhmm could a mod fix that train wreck please?
Your quotes got mangled up there, my friend.

If you want to believe that antifa were starting wildfires despite the lack of any confirmation, I can't stop you. I can tell you that it makes no sense at all. Like I can't even begin to fathom the motivation. Burning a police precinct, yeah, that makes total sense. Likewise, property damage in response to fascist cops, I get. Random ass wildfires that stand to get a lot of people killed and leave other people homeless just doesn't make sense from an ideological standpoint. But then I don't have a YouTube video with zero context so what do I know.

I do remember Mr. Danielson. He wasn't assassinated. He was shot when he assaulted someone. His killer was actually assassinated (at least according to the president.)

I agree with you there. The wildfires have more to do with a lack of sane forest management on the part of the Californian state government for ideological reasons (i.e. leaving dry wood scattered about)
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Haven't seen that one yet😊
This one.
Just as an FYI, @mesonoxian, LifeIsTiresome is one of the competitors for 'most black-pilled on this forum.'

He does not represent the views of the rest of us, and when hard leftists like yourself aren't here, most people are usually arguing with him, Invictus, and sometimes CarlManverse.
We love them anyways though😁😁😁😁

Also @mesonoxian i'm sorry but quotes aren't working for me right now, i think it's because i'm xbox 1 posting?. So i would like to address your post here. The incident you were talking about and the one i was talking about are two different ones i think?. There was an incident with a guy macing a security guard hired by a news team who was then shot with his most decidely non lethal mace. His social media was full of pro antifa and leftist messaging of course.

The one i was talking about was when a guy was walking down the sidewalk and a group of antifa ambushed him and shot him point blank with no apparent provocation on his part aside from wearing something pro Trump. The cops later went to apprahend the guy and he resisted or reached and got lit up.

You say there is no context in my fire video but i think you are maybe allowing yourself to be willfully blind. If some guy who was like 40 something,white,wearing khakis and a maga hat was found 20 minutes away from a violent right wing protest with numerous assaults and arson. Had matches but no cigarettes and an antifa flophouse was burning what would you think?

You also said there is no reason for a member of the terrorist group antifa to set fire in the area.There are a few reasons, for starters rural areas have long been associated with Trump supporters by the media and antifa themselves. Also during the riots it was quite common for the right to laugh and make comments about the left burning their own cities down. Antifa certainly use social media and would have been exposed to this right wing narrative of them only hurting themselves. This gives them additional motive.

I'm honestly amazed and terrified that the police and fbi are so partisian that the idea of the people commiting arson and hopping in a car to commit arson where their ideological enemies live is somehow impossible.

Groups like antifa and blm have committed a campaign of terror against the right. Unfortunately for both the right and left it seems to have worked with the stolen election of biden(unless Trump says 2020 is just starting ya'll) so it's clear to many on the right that the long standing belief that political violence will hurt your side in elections is no longer the case.

I honestly expect an explosion of right on left violence when or if it's clear that Trump is out. Afterall what do they have to lose?Congress woman aoc is making a list of them. They're jobs? they already lost them for wrong think or were 'cancelled'. They're families? prominent laft wingers gleefully speak about indoctrinating their children and destroying the family unit. You may say 'well that would hurt the Republicans' so what? Many if not most on the right see them as rino's and war starting neocons of the 'uniparty'. The Republicans without Trump are worthless for defending and advancing right wing beliefs.

The right would not be anywhere near as angry or radicalised were it not for the left and you're constant escalations and attacks on the right and the constitution. The left can laugh all it want's and act like it's above it all, ban and gaslight the right. But i don't believe they know just how absolutely PIST the right is right now.

This is just my personal ancedotal experience so it may not apply everywhere. My local neighborhood just formed a 'gun club'. A guy came and knocked on our door and asked if we would be interested in joining a local 'gun club' to learn about guns and if necessary defend the neighborhood. Like wtf right? We are not even close to any protest or blm stuff. My uncle in a neighboring town just joined his local 'neighborhood watch' ffs. The current situation in America is going to get much more ugly i fear as the right has nothing left to lose. Everyone should start praying Trumps legal team can turn liberal tears into wine otherwise America is going to get interesting.
People like @mesonoxian make me wonder why they even bother to live in the US if they dislike it so much.

I'm not trying to pull the "then leave" card here, it just genuinely baffles me. He hates private property, hates the basic ideals of capitalism, and hates the concept of nation-states.

So why do people like him continue to live here? Their communal belief system is fundamentally at odds with the ideas of the individualist USA, why not move to another nation that more closely aligned with their political and moral viewpoints?

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