The Right and White Nationalism - An annoying cancer

The parliament that had earlier murdered their King? Yeah, oathbreakers don't keep oaths. Quelle surprise. But this does lack of faith on Parliament's side, even admitting they faithlessly have interposed themselves illegally between Crown and Colony, does not justify the rebel's acts.
What do you owe a lord who refuses—not just fails but declines—to lift a hand or say a word to protect you from the abuses of his other subjects?
Don't get me wrong, I have no desire to rule over strangers, nor to 'civilize' them. But the idea that European Colonialism was some sort of unique and unredeemable evil is one of those pinko-commie just so stories that creates a narrative mythos of "unearned white privilege."

The same people who will wax poetic over the emirate of cordoba, a literal muslim supremacist, colonialist, imperialist slave state
The same people who will wax poetic over the emirate of cordoba, a literal muslim supremacist, colonialist, imperialist slave state

Yes.Idiots think that they could use muslims to destroy what is left of our cyvilisation,and then those muslims would obey them.Fools.If they succed,they would literelly lost their heads.

Idea as good as welcoming saxon mercaneries to Britain by Vortigern,becouse his british subject do not liked him.
Result? we have England now,and remnants of british people are unimportant minority.
What do you owe a lord who refuses—not just fails but declines—to lift a hand or say a word to protect you from the abuses of his other subjects?

Cromwell was a monster and arguably without his..politics..there'd be no Deconstructvists in the French revolution and without them no communism. So not the best argument to make...However

Trying to stick thirteen colonies with a war debt they incurred only because your predecessors ignored them and let Indians and Frogs rape them and murder them is... I would argue a quintessential failure of Kingly virtues enough to render any oath to the Crown moot.

The Plantagenet's were likewise derelict and its a miracle they survived passed Empress Thot and her dipshit brother.
26For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. 27For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. 28There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. 29And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.

Fail. This passage has never been taken to mean that men and women don't actually exist any more than nations. Do try to remember that the vast majority of Christians do not subscribe to the defined and condemned heresy of Sola Scriptura.

You sure you wanna play that game?

1935 The equality of men rests essentially on their dignity as persons and the rights that flow from it:
Every form of social or cultural discrimination in fundamental personal rights on the grounds of sex, race, color, social conditions, language, or religion must be curbed and eradicated as incompatible with God's design. 4

"Ever mindful, therefore, of the basic truth that our Colored Catholic brethren share with us the same spiritual life and destiny, the same membership in the Mystical Body of Christ, the same dependence upon the Word of God, the participation in the Sacraments, especially the Most Holy Eucharist, the same need of moral and social encouragement,let there be no further discrimination or segregation in the pews, at the Communion rail, at the confessional and in parish meetings, just as there will be no segregation in the kingdom of heaven."Rummel, Most Reverend Joseph Francis."Blessed Are the Peacemakers." Pastoral letter 15. 1953.


"Racial segregation as such is morally wrong and sinful because it is a denial of the unity and solidarity of the human race as conceived by God in the creation of Adam and Eve."Rummel, Most Reverend Joseph Francis."The Morality of Racial Segregation." Pastoral letter. Feb. 1956.

Oh, lookie, we can see an Archbishop teaching what you'd said was heresy and gnosticism! Either you don't know the teachings of the religion you claim to follow, you're lying about them, or you're actually following a different religion and lying about it (well, you do simultaneously call yourself an ultramontanist and then from the other side of your mouth say that the Pope and the Catholic hierarchy are so corrupt and evil they don't have any authority over you, so your honesty is rather in doubt).

Back in the day they also excommunicated folks who said milder things than you do:

On April 16, 1962, the Monday before Easter, Rummel excommunicated three local Catholics for defying the authority of the Church and organizing protests against the archdiocese


The excommunications made national headlines and had the tacit support of Pope John XXIII.

You wouldn't be a "pillar" of your parish if they knew what you say over here (unless you're part of some schismatic splinter-group of the Catholic Church, which is entirely possible).

The Orthodox Church is in fact organized around national and ethnic jurisdictional authority structures.

This is either pig-headedly ignorant or an out-right, bald-faced lie:

Phyletism or ethnophyletism (from Greek ἔθνος ethnos "nation" and φυλετισμός phyletismos "tribalism") is the principle of nationalities applied in the ecclesiastical domain: in other words, the conflation between church and nation. The term ethnophyletismos designates the idea that a local autocephalous church should be based not on a local (ecclesial) criterion, but on an ethnophyletist, national or linguistic one. It was used at the Holy and Great (Μείζων Meizon "enlarged") pan-Orthodox Synod in Constantinople on 10 September 1872 to qualify "phyletist (religious) nationalism", which was condemned as a modern ecclesial heresy: the church should not be confused with the destiny of a single nation or a single race.

Of course, you're directly guilty of this by Orthodox standards as you associate Christianity and Christendom completely with "MUH GLORIOUS ALL-CONQUERING ARYAN GERMANICS" to the point you say that they were the real originators of the Catholic Church (setting it up as a "folk religion", that's a very interesting term when spelled with a "v") and pagan blonde-haired blue-eyed Vikings sacrificing a bishop to Odin are part of "Christendom" where dutifully churchgoing dark-skinned and dark-haired Ethiopians aren't (one must note again that this was not the actual medieval worldview; in the early 1400s the Kingdom of Aragon had no inherent qualms about setting up a marriage alliance with the Empire of Ethiopia).

But then again your only qualifier for counting Protestant Confederates as "brothers in Christ" is "they thought slavery was kewl just like I do" so you really do have no real religious convictions. Only convictions about race and your own superiority masquerading as them.

You've also since abandoned your previous "Touch not the Lord's Anointed!" stance, for your real position: "lol, kill the king if you don't like him and you can get away with it, who cares?". So dissimulation is a consistent part of your rhetorical strategy (only you're really stupid about doing it so you act as if every time you post it was the first time ever). Either that or you're legally insane.

'Eugenics' is literally just Aristocratic concern for good breeding and mate selection.

The Catholic Church disagrees:

Casti connubii speaks out against the eugenics laws, then popular, that forbade those deemed 'unfit' from marrying and having children: "Those who act in this way are at fault in losing sight of the fact that the family is more sacred than the State and that men are begotten not for the earth and for time, but for Heaven and eternity."[5]


It also took a strong stand against forced sterilizations.[6] Pius XI stated that if no crime has taken place and there is no cause present for grave punishment, magistrates have no direct power over the bodies of their subjects.

In fact, Catholics at the time eugenics was really really openly popular (among leftists and progressives, of whom you are one even as you call yourself the only real right-winger on these forums) were among its most fervent critics. If you've read enough Chesterton to get to his critique of Carthage as an "over-civilised" society, you've read enough to know that he, to be mild, disapproved of eugenics and the "race theories" that were all the rage at the time. So did Tolkien, so you can stop pretending to like him now.

(As a consolation, you can continue to view a culture of Nietzschean will-to-power transhumanists who respect no law or religion, delight in torturing their enemies, genetically engineer their slaves to worship them and engage in wanton and rampant sexual immorality and rape as a good template for society. Because surely Jesus and the church say that's ideal.)

I often hear this opinion from Christians of various sects, but it has never made sense to me. How is this not just Gnosticism?

Saying only the Soul or the Spirit is meaningful is next to saying that only the immaterial is real and matter is meaningless or even evil.

When you die, do you expect the colour of your skin or your genetic makeup to matter? Oh, you probably literally do, my apologies for the rhetorical question. Either that or you believe you have a super-special "white soul" or even "Anglo soul". Both ideas are retarded, deemed heretical by the vast majority of Christian denominations, and have more to do with gnosticism than anything you excoriate.

Maybe if people from all sorts of Christian denominations are all trying to explain this idea to you, they're the ones who're right and you're the one who's wrong. But you'll never consider that, just as you've never considered that other people can skim Wikipedia and do Google searches, and don't have a lower memory span than a goldfish. Because you plainly have an obsession with your own perceived personal superiority over all of us and indeed over all mankind.

I mean, your whole definition of "monarchy" is "one man is free, all the others are little more than slaves to him", as the only form of government that doesn't degenerate into the evil modern world. And you see yourself as the "king" of this utopia, as you've made clear, with the right to inflict whatsoever tortures you please on whosoever offends you (God, the horrors your wife and kids must be going through. I am praying for them right now). The literal whole emotional root of your ideology (which I've defined in a previous post) is one massive sustained temper tantrum that other people with different wills to you exist and your need to destroy this evil world that doesn't bend to your whims, or to see it destroyed (rather like Tolkien's portrayal of Satan).

Whereas the idea of mixing all men everywhere into one brown mess reminds me of the Tower of Babel.

This would have a shred of validity if:

A: The sin of Babel had been "miscegenation" and not human pride.

B: the foundation of the Church at Pentecost hadn't been the literal reversal of the judgement at Babel.

You literally say "sola scriptura is heretical" and then reject the Catholic church's interpretation of the Bible for your own idiosyncratic one that just so happens to line up with your obsessions. That's brazen as all Hell.

EDIT: Lol. No reply. Cowardice on display yet again. Refuses to stand up for his self-proclaimed principles like a man.
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And what if everything you say is true, but it's not Christianity, or any religion, that is dominant? What if the future is secular, with most religions being something that is mostly held to by isolated or fringe groups.

Or what if the dominant religion is say...Jedi, which is recognized as an official religion in Australia?

Can you tolerate a future where Christianity is just another religious minority group in a sea of secular culture?

Edit: I ask, because your first points are reasonable and I agree with them, but am perfectly willing to accept religions of any sort becoming...quaint traditions most don't put much time or energy into, if they pay attention to them at all.

Lol Christians aren't going anywhere dude. They're getting stronger.
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As an atheist, I think Christianity is great if it prevents people turning their politics into religion.

And I far prefer Christianity over the others, because while I don't agree with all their moral standards, it's probably the closest to my own of all the religions. Probably because my own moral foundation absolutely has it's roots in Christianity, because that's one of the foundations of our nation and our system of laws.

Also in general most Christians I meet are more pleasant than edgelord atheists
As an atheist, I think Christianity is great if it prevents people turning their politics into religion.

And I far prefer Christianity over the others, because while I don't agree with all their moral standards, it's probably the closest to my own of all the religions. Probably because my own moral foundation absolutely has it's roots in Christianity, because that's one of the foundations of our nation and our system of laws.

Problem with that play is that removing said foundation ... leaves the whole idea of natural rights hanging in the air unsupported. If man is just another animal, you can do whatsoever you please to him. Literally nothing is forbidden.
I personally think as long as it is not forced into someone (that is often how people stop having faith these days especially the younger gen) it is fine to have a basis of it.
I can only pray that they will see reason and return to the Catholic Church. These hateful SJW-religions will lead to ruin.

Catholic church needs a new Pope Leo. Or that War Pope who said he'd raise an army in hell and storm the gates of Saint Peter and arrest the old boy for heresy if he was denied entrance into paradise.

The Catholic Church needs another Pope Pius X.

Hilariously the fate of the Church might be in the hands of two based Africans.

One who tried to order an inquisition against his own ancestral tribe for heresy no less. And has expressed interest in trying to depose the communist in white
We will know that day is come when the documents of the robber council are burned on a pyre in Saint Peter's square while Dies Irae is chanted by tonsured monks with full orchestral accompaniment.

Look, this is literally the worst possible time to try and make a big show of your supposedly vitally important Catholic faith given how I've shown your alleged piety to literally be nothing but a pile of lies, dissimulations and distortions to the point that you literally end up calling yourself a heretic by your own definition of such.

But then you've always thought you're far smarter than you are and that other people don't have the intelligence to stick your statements together, or to remember what you'd just said yesterday that was 180 degrees in opposition to what you said today.

Nordic neopaganism would actually be a far more honest religion for him to follow. It has a lot more in common with what he actually believes and his rampant Nietzscheanism.

I will happily setup a shrine to King Saint Wotan if it will make peace in my family.

No such saint exists in Catholicism. The closest result I got was an anime character. Please stop humiliating yourself.

So I guess you're fine with literal pagan syncretism then. So that clears up the worries you were having about the "Kali Yuga", you were literally scared of Kalki from Hindu mythology and not some abstract technological dystopia.

You just keep digging this hole deeper and deeper for yourself, don't you?


Oh, and you literally can't tell when people are mocking you and your idiotic ideas, even putting the "/s" sign to signpost it in their messages. I am amazingly still surprised that your stupidity knows no bounds.

Behind all the big words whose meanings you don't understand and the thinkers you boil down to a level below lowest common denominator we have a practically brain-dead individual who doesn't know when he's being mocked, doesn't know people can read his old posts, and doesn't know other people can look up Google and Wikipedia. And is too cowardly on the intellectual level to offer any kind of counter-argument when people issue rebuttals against his claims.

Behold, the self-proclaimed rightful man to be ruler of the world!

You do know that you are practically a pariah on this forum, and even your supposed co-religionists dislike you and hate your political ideology? But if you could understand things like that ... you wouldn't be you.
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We need it.Problem is - our Church fall to leftist.As last anchor which was left,but still fall.Now,only miracle would save us.
i just read book about Holy Mary in Trevignano Romano,and apparently our time is ending.

This isn’t entirely new, there’s a reason Dante Alighieri and Savonrola and others were ranting about the toleration of usury and the influence of the monied and vain oligarchs of Venice and Florence upon the Church Hierarchy.
This isn’t entirely new, there’s a reason Dante Alighieri and Savonrola and others were ranting about the toleration of usury and the influence of the monied and vain oligarchs of Venice and Florence upon the Church Hierarchy.
Not entirelly,those guys were simply corrupted,not marxist.Althought...Saint Damiani wrote book against sodomite mafia in church about 1050 AD.

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