Five minutes of hate news

That part I did check, cause I know people might think it was a parody or something so I checked and their source was the WaPo and thay was solid.
Meanwhile in the Shitcago, major Lori Lightfoot (who happens to look like Faces of Meth version of Beetlejuice) is accusing the police union of inducing an insurrection

Chicago mayor says police union trying to 'induce an insurrection' with vaccine mandate opposition
Ugly mind, ugly soul, ugly face. Regarding the statement, there's no insurrection beyond what she tries ro incite with her inflamatory claims. Ghen again, she's a demorat. From Chicago on top of that. The critter of critters, so to speak.
Ugly mind, ugly soul, ugly face. Regarding the statement, there's no insurrection beyond what she tries ro incite with her inflamatory claims. Ghen again, she's a demorat. From Chicago on top of that. The critter of critters, so to speak.

Id like to note with chicago being as infamously corrupt as it is, the police have more then enough excuse if they really wanted to, to investigate both her and her supporters and would no doubt find more then enough to put her and her cronies into prison for very legitiment reasons.

If they wanted her gone they could have her gone.
Meanwhile in the Shitcago, major Lori Lightfoot (who happens to look like Faces of Meth version of Beetlejuice) is accusing the police union of inducing an insurrection

Chicago mayor says police union trying to 'induce an insurrection' with vaccine mandate opposition
She's in trouble with this one.

From everything I've read this is less about a few crazy anti-vaxers and more about collective bargaining rights since Lightfoot didn't negoiate with the union for these new employment policies.

I am happy that my countries haven't been contaminated (fully) by this ilk. Both Brazil and Italy usually shrug off these parasitic degenerates, if we talk about universities most students just smile, "agree" and then move on.

Honestly, I'm starting to enjoy being hyped up as the greatest boss enemy of mankind. It's like they're arguing that white people are somehow better than everyone else.

Fuck this fetid horse shit. The Texas war for independence started out as the Mexican Civil War after Santa Anna and the Centralist government in Mexico City abolished the constitution and tried to use force to compel the Federalist Mexican states into subservience. Texas was one of these states and after Santa Anna burned Zacatecas to the ground was the only holdout left. That is the background to the Alamo and any attempt to "recontextualize" it is revisionist propaganda.

It galls me when the historically inept try to rewrite for contemporary gain. If you want to add focus to the Tejanos, natives, and slaves involved go ahead. We've been doing that for fifteen years already. But the obvious attempt to co-opt the most iconic Texan monument for subversive ends needs to stop and be called out for the petty, power-hungry chicken shit it is.
It isn't about white people.
It is about Texans. People who wanted a other chance.
There were whites, a few blacks, and plenty if Tejanos
I haven't heard yet in my countries (yet) of supply chain problems : though in Italy we are striking in the ports of Trieste and Genova and few others because so many got ruined by the lockdowns and now the vax passports.

In Brazil, well, I love that country but it has its flaws. I know we have a similar problem to Turkey but so far thanks to Bolsonaro we are seemingly doing decent.

In Sao Paulo they attempted to follow the French-Italian line of the vax pass but when more than a few people grumbled out it they just went "ok it will be only with 500 people or more to show your vax". For once the "Brazilian little way" seemed to have done something decent!

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