United States 2022 Midterms General Thread

Lets not forget her husband represent's Hunter Biden.

However, I did see Yang congratulating her, which was disappointing and has soured me on him, so she may actually attempt to help boost Yang to split the vote.

Between the Biden connection and possible Yang endorsement, do not expect this to actually make her go away when it comes to her involvement in fucking with Trump; she'll just do so as a private citizen now.
It's hilarious really. She turned on the people who might like her to suck up to people who will hate her no matter what she does...and now fucking nobody likes her.

The wench got what she deserved.
I find it aggravating that she has the gall to believe she's some great protector of our country, the Constitution, and our way of life; when she's done everything she could to destroy those things. This is what the people who are supposed to be in charge of keeping the United States extant and functional have reduced themselves to; at best, idiotically delusional fools convinced of their own superiority.
Razorfist's new video about Liz Cheney going down:

Somewhat off topic, the shots at Lincoln in the video are typical of Razorfist, be it in politics, entertainment, or life in general. (I.e., if he doesn't like something, he treats its as being without any good points whatsoever. And anyone who disagrees with him about that as an idiot.)

Edit: A statement needed clarification.
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Somewhat off topic, the shots at Lincoln in the video are typical of Razorfist, be it in politics, entertainment, or life in general. (I.e., if he doesn't like something, he treats its as being without any good points whatsoever. And anyone who disagrees with him as an idiot.)

Case in point, his one man war on the Witcher fandom.
Razorfist's new video about Liz Cheney going down:

Somewhat off topic, the shots at Lincoln in the video are typical of Razorfist, be it in politics, entertainment, or life in general. (I.e., if he doesn't like something, he treats its as being without any good points whatsoever. And anyone who disagrees with him as an idiot.)

Case in point, his one man war on the Witcher fandom.

To be fair, at least some of that could be Razorfist playing his ‘character’. That and I think the Witcher is overrated, but that’s just my opinion.
The Cheneys are monsters who shed the blood of upwards of a million Iraqis and ruined the lives of many more, in the process also laying down the foundations for the rise of ISIS and further destabilization of the Middle East, so Daddy Dick could giftwrap almost $40 billion in sweetheart contracts to Halliburton (where he still owned stock even after stepping down from the chairmanship) - not much different from Lady Bird Johnson being a primary stockholder in Bell Helicopter (manufacturer of the iconic Huey chopper) while her husband was getting the States waist-deep in the mud and jungles of Vietnam. And after all that, his daughter still has the audacity to repeatedly backstab her constituents, claim she's doing it for their own good, and then cry when they vote her dumb ass out.

The Bushes have done to their own country what the British Empire did to China with the Opium Wars, whether it was the Nicaraguan coke pushed by the CIA's pet psycho Contras in Papa Bush's day or Afghan opium pushed by the CIA's pet boy-raping Afghan warlords under Bush II.

It warms my heart to see these demonic dynasties crash and burn, from George P. Bush losing out to Ken Paxton in Texas and now Liz Cheney getting annihilated by a nearly 40-point margin. I'm only surprised that 1) blood-red states like Wyoming would elect such blatantly un-conservative bog monsters who hate them and everything they stand for in the first place, and 2) anyone actually misses their ilk. I'm not talking about the liberal talking heads bewailing Cheney's downfall as some great light of reason being snuffed out, what the hell's up with supposedly mainstream conservatives in online comment sections crying about how she was fundamentally more decent and righteous than Trump and such BS?

Unfortunately it's looking like Alaska's implementation of ranked choice voting and open primaries is working exactly as intended to kneecap Sarah Palin's House candidacy and Kelly Tshibaka's Senate run, if the fractious primary results are any indicator. Still I must hope that Alaskans will turn things around and send the Murkowski dynasty to join the Bushes, Cheneys and Clintons in the dustbin of history where they belong this coming November.
Liz Cheney has been Primary'd by a Trump Supporter.

But Cheney's not backing down, instead considering running for President as a spoiler. Literally, just to split the vote and make sure a Democrat is in office instead of Trump.

Acting as a spoiler in 2024 by running as an independent or third party candidate actually does make sense for Cheney. I mean, she did get 30% of the primary vote in Wyoming. Even if only 20% of her primary supporters will vote for her for President, that's still 5% of the GOP vote, possibly enough to make the difference in a crucial election. If you don't think that a small number of votes can matter, then I'd like to introduce you to US President Al Gore.
Acting as a spoiler in 2024 by running as an independent or third party candidate actually does make sense for Cheney. I mean, she did get 30% of the primary vote in Wyoming. Even if only 20% of her primary supporters will vote for her for President, that's still 5% of the GOP vote, possibly enough to make the difference in a crucial election. If you don't think that a small number of votes can matter, then I'd like to introduce you to US President Al Gore.
She's heavily dispised for her actions and I doubt she would get 5 percent
The Cheneys are monsters who shed the blood of upwards of a million Iraqis and ruined the lives of many more, in the process also laying down the foundations for the rise of ISIS and further destabilization of the Middle East, so Daddy Dick could giftwrap almost $40 billion in sweetheart contracts to Halliburton (where he still owned stock even after stepping down from the chairmanship) - not much different from Lady Bird Johnson being a primary stockholder in Bell Helicopter (manufacturer of the iconic Huey chopper) while her husband was getting the States waist-deep in the mud and jungles of Vietnam. And after all that, his daughter still has the audacity to repeatedly backstab her constituents, claim she's doing it for their own good, and then cry when they vote her dumb ass out.

The Bushes have done to their own country what the British Empire did to China with the Opium Wars, whether it was the Nicaraguan coke pushed by the CIA's pet psycho Contras in Papa Bush's day or Afghan opium pushed by the CIA's pet boy-raping Afghan warlords under Bush II.

It warms my heart to see these demonic dynasties crash and burn, from George P. Bush losing out to Ken Paxton in Texas and now Liz Cheney getting annihilated by a nearly 40-point margin. I'm only surprised that 1) blood-red states like Wyoming would elect such blatantly un-conservative bog monsters who hate them and everything they stand for in the first place, and 2) anyone actually misses their ilk. I'm not talking about the liberal talking heads bewailing Cheney's downfall as some great light of reason being snuffed out, what the hell's up with supposedly mainstream conservatives in online comment sections crying about how she was fundamentally more decent and righteous than Trump and such BS?

Unfortunately it's looking like Alaska's implementation of ranked choice voting and open primaries is working exactly as intended to kneecap Sarah Palin's House candidacy and Kelly Tshibaka's Senate run, if the fractious primary results are any indicator. Still I must hope that Alaskans will turn things around and send the Murkowski dynasty to join the Bushes, Cheneys and Clintons in the dustbin of history where they belong this coming November.

Re: Iraq: First of all, what's your source for the million Iraqi casualties figure? Is it actually reliable? Secondly, at least Iraqis actually have a democracy right now, albeit a corrupt and dysfunctional one. It's better than extremely high risk of getting tortured, jailed, and/or murdered for speaking your mind under Saddam Hussein. In my own honest opinion, the US should have helped the Iraqis overthrow Saddam Hussein back in 1991 after it encouraged them to do this, but still, it's better to do this late than to never do this. And I fear that Iraq could have become an even more severe bloodbath during the Arab Spring than it actually was in real life. ISIS never actually conquered most of Iraq's Shi'a-majority and Kurdish-majority territories, after all. So, their ability to inflict damage on Iraq was thankfully relatively limited, believe it or not.
She's heavily dispised for her actions and I doubt she would get 5 percent

5% of the total GOP vote. So, maybe like 2-3% of the total vote. Or at least 1% of the total vote which, again, is enough to make the difference in an extremely close election.
5% of the total GOP vote. So, maybe like 2-3% of the total vote. Or at least 1% of the total vote which, again, is enough to make the difference in an extremely close election.
Her problem: she will never get on the ballot as a Republican. Once she starts campaigning she'll actually end up pulling Democrat votes as a very outspoken anti Trumper.
Her problem: she will never get on the ballot as a Republican. Once she starts campaigning she'll actually end up pulling Democrat votes as a very outspoken anti Trumper.

She might run in the GOP primaries and then run as an independent in the general election after losing the GOP primaries. And she'll make it clear to her supporters that they should only vote for her if their second preference is Trump over Biden. If their second preference is Biden over Trump, then they should be encouraged to strategically vote for Biden rather than to vote for her.
She might run in the GOP primaries and then run as an independent in the general election after losing the GOP primaries. And she'll make it clear to her supporters that they should only vote for her if their second preference is Trump over Biden. If their second preference is Biden over Trump, then they should be encouraged to strategically vote for Biden rather than to vote for her.
That may be the dumbest thing she could do. She has very little support. Most of what she got was from her last name and the fact that she was the incumbent. That's not something that is going to carry over much at all.

I'm sure the Left would love to weaponize Cheney to try and ruin Trump's chances in '24. I have massive doubts that it'll do anything more than motivate people towards Trump.
That may be the dumbest thing she could do. She has very little support. Most of what she got was from her last name and the fact that she was the incumbent. That's not something that is going to carry over much at all.

I'm sure the Left would love to weaponize Cheney to try and ruin Trump's chances in '24. I have massive doubts that it'll do anything more than motivate people towards Trump.

We'll see, shall we? Though I wonder if Cheney would support Big Ron if he turns out to be the 2024 GOP presidential nominee instead of Teflon Don.

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