Advocate: "You won't date trans people because you are ignorant, biased, and Transphobic"

If she finds out "oh, you're Autistic" and then no, yes.
If she finds out "oh, you're X% White" and then no, yes.
If she finds out "oh, you're X% Asian" and then no, yes.

If she finds out "oh, you're a Sex-Offender" and then no, no.
If she finds out "oh, you're a devout Christian" and then no, no.
If she finds out "oh, you're a devout Muslim" and then no, no.

Intrinsic Characteristics vs Choices you see.
Well at least you are consistent in applying said standard to everyone.
I think your personal right to choose your partners is absolute and there is nothing wrong with refusing to even look at trans -anything... Or members of another race, or autistics, or any other differentiation, and anyone saying to the contrary is a totalitarian.
I think your personal right to choose your partners is absolute
yes, but if you interrupt the date that's been going well with "X intrinsic attribute means I now dislike you despite liking nearly everything else about you" I have a hard time not calling that "phobic"... doesn't mean it's illegal.

If, at the end of the date you say that you're not sexually attracted to them because of X but you like them as a person that's not "phobic". That's tastes.
yes, but if you interrupt the date that's been going well with "X intrinsic attribute means I now dislike you despite liking nearly everything else about you" I have a hard time not calling that "phobic"... doesn't mean it's illegal.

If, at the end of the date you say that you're not sexually attracted to them because of X but you like them as a person that's not "phobic". That's tastes.
Lol, thats how this shit starts. Its phobic means its bad and problematic and thus needs to be fixed and those who don't conform are labelled bigots and need to be harassed or arrested.
Lying to your partner about some thing that big Is an inherently bad idea, that said telling the truth and being honest and upfront about it is a good idea. Because lets be honest bi sexuals are a thing and there are guys who are into that kind of thing. Telling the truth is a way to select for people who would actually be into you.

Trying to shame people into dating you however makes you look like an entitled jackass.
yes, but if you interrupt the date that's been going well with "X intrinsic attribute means I now dislike you despite liking nearly everything else about you" I have a hard time not calling that "phobic"... doesn't mean it's illegal.

If, at the end of the date you say that you're not sexually attracted to them because of X but you like them as a person that's not "phobic". That's tastes.

My spouse and I are car shopping right now. We’re rather eccentric and we like old fashioned station wagons (estate cars); there are very few on the market today. When we call a dealership and ask questions we frequently get invited for a test drive after having made it explicit we are only interested in a wagon. Then we check the online inventory and discover this dealer only has sedans in stock.

Now imagine there was no online inventory reference so we drove two hours from our house in the middle of nowhere just to find out they only had sedans. Now, every single feature of the vehicle is the same in how it handles and performs... Almost completely but not quite. But it’s not what we want. Would that test drive be anything other than a complete waste of time?

Am I now “Sedanophobic”?

No. It’s just a preference. Don’t make this about anything other than a pack of miserable losers who have deluded themselves into thinking they can replace love and passion with shame and fear and somehow be happy, or at least drag others down with them through that shame and fear so everyone can be miserable together. This has no bearing on anything except the miserable lives of activists. Nobody is phobic because of their choice in partners, no matter what that choice is.
There are no principles involved here. The left thinks that people who they like are entitled to their biases against people that the left doesn’t like. People that the left doesn’t like aren’t entitled to preferences at all, especially if those preferences are against groups that the left likes.

If a lesbian only wants to date women, that is empowered and a man who said that she should give him a chance would be the very worst kind of villain. If a man says that he won’t date a MTF transsexual, he is a terrible bigot. If a white person says that they aren’t attracted to black people, another villain.

If a guy who has trouble dating says that he deserves a girlfriend, they say that he is a rapist for thinking he is entitled to sex from somebody. If some body positive feminist who is a 3/10 even if you exclude her terrible personality and moral degeneracy says that she deserves a man who is a 9/10 and who worships her, then they’ll say how confident and empowered she is.

The left doesn’t have principles, they don’t have consistency. Principles are something that their opponents have that they can take advantage of, just as Saul Alinsky advocated.
Id like to note that Saul Alinsky got his tactics from Chicago organized crime groups.

They basically considered him a non threat and were willing to teach him the tricks of the trade because he amused them.
Yes, in fact I believe that Alinsky called Frank Nitti his “professor” and Nitti was Al Capone’s top guy and successor when he was imprisoned. Also disturbing is that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton we’re both influenced by those Chicago politics.
Id like to note that Saul Alinsky got his tactics from Chicago organized crime groups.

They basically considered him a non threat and were willing to teach him the tricks of the trade because he amused them.

That is rather...interesting. They are copying gangsters.
Well I mean is it any different then lying or omitting physical characteristics over the internet? Like pretending to be a different age or physical description than what you really are then showing up for the date? One could make the same claim that the online potion of the relationship was going well until they saw each other.

Are all physical characteristics we have no control over fine to hide and omit even if the relationship was going well before hand?
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