History Myths and Misconceptions of History you Hate

Isn’t the whole 9/11 was allowed to occur in order to justify attacking the middle east, still a thing?
That is another myth in history, that has major conspiracy theories about it. 9/11 being an inside job....
Like...fucking hell people are crazy!
Not to my knowledge but I could be wrong.
I understand
No it was because we honestly thought no one would be stupid enough to do that and forgot that the middle east runs on spite, stupidity and oil and thats an improvement because they didnt used to have oil!
Forgot the extensive inbreeding that likley causes much of it to.
How much of an issue is that, really? I mean, why marry your cousin so often?
It depends on the region and nation. The Islamic world is a big place. There are parts of it where inbreeding causes a fair number of negative issues, others regions where it’s not a big deal.

Pakistanis, for example, love them some incest. Even when they go to other countries.

First-cousin marriages, which are are legal in the UK, are practised within Britain’s Pakistani community, as well as among some Arab and African families.Medical data previously suggested that while British Pakistanis were responsible for 3 per cent of all births, they accounted for 30 per cent of British children born with a genetic illness.
And then the middle east learned the only ones more spiteful are the Americans
Seriously, compared to what they do to eachother, you guys were the best behaved invasion to grace the region in the last two millenia, barely a blip on the radar, despite the media spin.

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