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  • Which sect of religion are you? I forgot. X_X
    depends on whom you ask. I consider myself fundamentalist.
    Fundamentalist? What do you think of Orthodox Christianity?
    While they aren't as wrong as the catholic church they are still wrong in many aspects. I guess if you want to get technical from a secularist perspective. I'm what would be called a Campbellite.

    it's not the best term because nobody I know deifies Alexander Campell but it's the best term for others to understand. I guess you could use the term apostolic?

    I've considered going back to using the phrase "Follower of The Way" but I doubt that will catch on and even if it did it'd probably create more division than unity.
    Hey I just wanted to say I appreciate how you are keeping your head in these contentious times. You are staying strong by not letting politics break your brain. Better for you, better for your family/friends, better for the world.
    A free country doesn't take your wages so that the rich can give it to their buddies and other special interest groups. It doesn't keep making you continue to pay them to live in/on your own house. (property tax) and it doesn't convince you to try and kill yourself for the sake of the environment. (Believe me it's coming it's already occurring in Canada.) I have no love or trust in my country or my fellow man, and at this point, I'm tired and bitter I just want to be left alone. I just want to have some worthless acreage and a house I can call my own and pass down to my kids.
    I cannot agree more with this, my country is no different and to be frank I am not sure if ANY nation nowadays is exempt from this.
    Why love or trust anybody when so many just want to destroy you? Why love or trust your nation when it is more than happy to injure, maim, kill and replace you in an instant just because it can?

    I'm sorry you feel this way.
    Aww, I liked your other avatar better! :p
    Thanks for following. Always nice to see people interested in what I have to say, even if it doesn't tend to be much. (y)
    Taking this here, because one it would be thread spam, and two people might find it interesting if they stumble onto it. But did you know that Thomas Paine brings up the exact same thing in his book Common Sense he actually uses this to argue that Republics are more godly than kingdoms.
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    I guess I need to read common sense again, but i'm inclined to agree. Just because the bible used a lot of "fudalist" language doesin't mean that such an eartly kingdom was "godly" just one people sadly understood due to carnal nature. In fact as we've seen in Kings such a kingdom was heavily rebuked.
    Hlaalu Agent
    Hlaalu Agent
    This is not my area of expertise sadly, I probably should read the bible to understand Christians and then probably follow up with the Torah for Jews, and so on. But I can still get the idea, I think, is that in Judaism and Christianity god is supposed to be the only real king.
    God and Jesus are our true kings, the fact that those of us who claim to be his followers are so quick to be willing to accept Phisical imitations and subsitutions because we don't feel like God is acting fast enough, is not just sad, i'd argue with scripture it is borderline blasphamy. Though we are given some idea of what a godly government as God's form of ideal government has remained fairly consistant, a council of elders/wisemen that handles public cases in keeping with God's word while the smaller disputes are handled by the people whom the dispute is with. I would say that in terms of a sliding scale a republic is more godly then that of an absolute monarch or dictatorship though I will say that his main concern is that people follow him above all else.
    If the dead could speak, we'd all fear for our lives.
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    And if the dead could vote, all places would be like Chicago.
    Now I’m wondering what they’d say?

    I know that includes people from all across history, but if I were to guess what the generation who lived through (and died in) the Depression or the World Wars would think… my guess is that they’re begging us to hit the brakes and turn back before it’s too late. We’ll regret not heeding that advice later, I fear. :(
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