Scooby Doo
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  • Bear Ribs
    Bear Ribs
    Yeah, that does look pretty egregious.

    I was never all that fond of their vs. debates but the number of stories of people being infracted or banned for scoring points against the mod/advisor's favorites I've heard is huge. I tend to avoid posting there for that reason.
    Creating a story line with a cohesive progress path is a pretty difficult task, the parts I want to write I can't get to until I do the arduous task that is to write the order of events to get there. The worst part is keeping the quality bearable so readers don't lose interest when the really good parts come up, its kinda why I'm shooting for two chapters to be released at once and the progress has considerably slowed down, I'm doing occasional revisions to make the beginning parts more tolerable in terms of grammar and interest while ALSO adding more words to chapter 1 and drafting the idea for chapter 2.
    Just an update I will be releasing two chapters of my original story. "Sunstrider Chronicles" and if anyone is able to refer an artist that does 2D art commissions I would really appreciate it!
    Actually going to work on a original fanfic and post it on creative writing. It's going to be about 4,000 words and depending on how well it's received I'll make more chapters.

    If you're interested upon reading this it's going to be supernatural theme'd elements with a story arc that will expand from the late 1800's to 21st century.

    Edit: Proud to say I'm 25% done with the first Chapter!
    Free-Stater 101
    Free-Stater 101
    Thanks, Scoob! We are happy you're enjoying your time here so far! Is it completely original? I only ask because you said 'Original Fanfic' over original writing/story, so I am not sure. ;)

    Also, as the mod of the creative writing section thanks for helping expand it as well as your post in Vs. as we really have been trying to expand those areas and content creators like you only draw more. :)
    Scooby Doo
    Scooby Doo
    Yep not based on an existing franchise. Unique setting/verse It's going to be called "Sunstrider Chronicles" 😁
    I plan on doing an Oryx Respect thread as my upcoming project and then a

    Why Guardians would beat/take the majority over Warframes.

    Based on facts and quantifiable feats obviously.
    I used to be a pretty heavy advocate for Darth Vader in vs debates for Spacebattles. I am VERY familiar with Disney canon but quit star wars debating on SB because of all the low balling.

    I don't know much about Legends Vader feats tho, but I'd argue Disney Vader is equal.
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