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  1. Hlaalu Agent

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    I am pretty sure it is two single negatives, and not a double negative. Further, I am 90% sure this is just a mistake in missing a connecting word or punctuation that the right spot- which is not just an ESL problem, but a general problem with the average internet user. Just, because you do...
  2. Hlaalu Agent

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    He is saying it isn't fraud, and it is not enough to budge the needle- I'd wager.
  3. Hlaalu Agent

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    Yes, I was thinking of their actions in general and then applying it to a particular case. Remember what they have done to the African-American community.
  4. Hlaalu Agent

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    It is almost as if Democrats want to create criminals/offenders so that they can create a larger unemployable underclass that they can then exploit...
  5. Hlaalu Agent

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    I disagree, we shouldn't accept this, we should do our best to avoid this. To leave one final message in our wake, one final statement to an uncaring universe, one that shall baffle all civilizations after us. "WAZZUP!" More seriously, we should and shouldn't accept it. We should accept that...
  6. Hlaalu Agent

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    I removed my post, because I feel it adds nothing and just continues a derail and fight. If @Terthna desires, I'll continue the discussion in an appropriate thread. Anyways on Biden, normally I'd just consider it to be impolitic to have a hoity-toity Thanksgiving rather than doing a family...
  7. Hlaalu Agent

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    History tends to rhyme... And we probably should finish this discussion elsewhere (maybe get a mod to move it or create a thread ourselves). But speaking of history rhyming, I swear that I have seen Biden's example somewhere else... Was it the Hapsburgs or the late Roman Republic, or even late...
  8. Hlaalu Agent

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    And Scotland invited England in too. They needed to fight tooth and nail to chuck them out and keep their independence until the unions of the crowns. Also as I remember the Romans invited Germans to live among them...
  9. Hlaalu Agent

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    No matter what you claim, that still counts as an invasion. And given the clear vote rigging and shady tactics, I very much doubt that. And invading while being "invited" is literally the same trick the Russians have done in other countries such as Georgia. Russians invaded another country, deal...
  10. Hlaalu Agent

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    "This is about the American people's right to vote, unfettered. It is about their access to the right to vote in a meaningful way " By vote unfettered, you mean vote as much as you want? And I am pretty sure for the latter you mean only the American people on your side. We already caught on to...
  11. Hlaalu Agent

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    Because that would spark a civil war and could end in a loss. Plus it would lead to single party rule, which is not very effective and possibly to autocracy. And violence would set a precedence, and possibly lead to further decay of the American Republic. Making it a revolving door of...
  12. Hlaalu Agent

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    Good one, too bad it seems to have whooshed over people's head. You sound like a man of culture. Anyways it is pretty funny those fools bought it hook line and sinker. It is also sad, and still infuriating as much as the expected can be found to be infuriating- the typical lying of politicians...
  13. Hlaalu Agent

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    It is almost as if they are casting stones when they live in glass houses. Seems shockingly familiar.
  14. Hlaalu Agent

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    They wouldn't want to bring back feudalism, because under that they'd actually owe their slaves reciprocal duties and have actual obligations. Nah, they want some form of slavocracy/oligarchy. Or a rapine plutocracy/kleptocracy... or this is just another step on the path to anarcho-tyranny. I...
  15. Hlaalu Agent

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    You aren't going to get that without some major political reform. The two parties just have everything locked down, and as I said this is just going to help the Democrats and if they get Puerto Rico too they can then lock down control of the government. And now you just have one party rule...
  16. Hlaalu Agent

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    No it isn't stupid, and if you need to resort to name calling, that just means I have made an effective point. And on the first, no they don't, but having those people there still means they have influence on them, and by its nature means the city can influence the rest of the country. And my...
  17. Hlaalu Agent

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    The problem is that Washington DC already has representation. It is the centre of the US Government, has the Pentagon, all the civil servants, hordes of lobbyists, all those foreign embassies, The White House and so on. And then you have to remember many of the people who work there commute, so...
  18. Hlaalu Agent

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    The world turning into a dystopia YA novel, the only worse thing than turning into cyberpunk or a well written dystopian novel that is actually meant to warn us about a potential danger.
  19. Hlaalu Agent

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    I disagree that there will be succession. The USA is not to Shattered Union levels of dysfunction yet.
  20. Hlaalu Agent

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    People do tend to use others as a stepping stone to power. It should be expected. And yes, it does seem that they are, or they will be until they are of use again and then placed on the shelf. Kept on that shelf until Chaos is needed, because as they say Chaos can be a ladder...