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  1. S'task

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    Love this old school idea. Dust off the Letter of Marque and Reprisal clause and start up a new golden age of American Privateers! I'm not being sarcastic, this would be kinda awesome.
  2. S'task

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    Debt is highly variable, a lot of it is avoidable if you choose to go to a state schools near your parents and commute to campus...
  3. S'task

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    Going after Biden isn't going to work anyway, he's far to old and mentally unfit to stand to any sort of trial. Heck, if he loses in November I have my doubts about him surviving another year, not out of any sort of malice, it's just they'll no longer have motive to maintain whatever crazy...
  4. S'task

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    This won't withstand court challenge. Unfortunately, things will take time to get it through the courts.
  5. S'task

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    I mean, strictly speaking this is true. Lying is, by definition, "knowingly stating a falsehood as if fact", that "knowingly" is critical to the definition of lying, as otherwise someone is either ignorant or misinformed. Or senile... I guess in Ol' Uncle Joe's case that's the most likely reason.
  6. S'task

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    Once again, thank God that the one man who WAS in a position to use it for a vehicle for their own rise to power was George Washington. It cannot be understated enough that his humility and honor laid a foundation that few other countries ever get. There's very good reason he was often called...
  7. S'task

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    This is your core mistake. You're assuming Soros and Co. actually care about being Jews. They don't. Wealthy Progressive "Jews" don't actually identify as "Jews", they identify as Progressives first and foremost, their "Jewishness" is only useful as a shield to deflect criticism of their...
  8. S'task

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    Hahaha Yeah, no. The current top level brass clearly answer to the Swamp Beauracracy, not the President. They didn't when it was Trump in office, as Miley explicitly demonstrated, and they don't with Biden since he's nothing more than a puppet with the collective hands of the beaucracy...
  9. S'task

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    See, this is the EXACT attitude I'm warning against. Boomers DID NOT DO THESE THINGS. You're blaming an entire Generation, 76.4 MILLION people, for the actions of a handful of elites, many of whom were not even Baby Boomers when the course was set we were on. Want to know when our being sold...
  10. S'task

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    That's being harsh to the GenXers and Boomers who advised the Millennials. For Boomers and GenXers, the route they told Millennials to go, High School > College > Career, was a well beaten path that had worked very well for both those generations. For Boomers, who were the parents of most...
  11. S'task

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    Something else to consider. The Court overturning Roe v Wade would be the biggest "fuck you" to the Never!Trump faction of "Republicans" that could happen. Because it would show that Trump managed to do something no single other Republican president has managed to do. Now, granted, it HAS...
  12. S'task

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    "Fortifying" House district races on such a scale would be next to impossible to pull off. You're giving them WAY to much credit, if all the theories surrounding vote fraud in the 2020 election are true, the way they pulled it off is that they basically added huge numbers of Biden ballots in...
  13. S'task

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    You're ignoring the other aspects of the Strict Scrutiny test, only the first of which is the "compelling governmental interest" part. The more critical part to this is the "narrowly tailored" and "least restrictive means" parts of the test, both of which the current vaccine mandates fail...
  14. S'task

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    Actually, since the main religious objection is the testing on aborted stem cell lines, it may not be so hard to prove as you might think. The Pro-Life movement has been bringing attention to and objecting to the use of aborted fetal tissue in medicines for decades, and many dedicated...
  15. S'task

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    If you work full time making $7.50/hr, you'd hit the $600 threshhold. This basically means that everyone working a professional level job would have their income tracked. The actual fuck?
  16. S'task

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    It is not good that I have to decloak and remind people to cool down and be civil with one another, but I do, as these last few pages are getting overly heated and I would rather not have to start issuing cooldown threadbans.
  17. S'task

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    The issue with purely electric cars is that storage for electricity is... complicated. Ironically, there ARE areas where electric cars are better, electric motors are are very superior to mechanically driven motors like internal combustion engines (ICE) use. They can produce more torque faster...
  18. S'task

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    Gasoline is just... ridiculously good as a fuel to the point I think most people don't actually realize just how good it is. It basically checks every box that you could want a fuel source to have, including ones most people don't think about. Like, for instance, what happens when you spill...
  19. S'task

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    This is both true, but also gives a false impression. The Framers of the Constitution did not want a professional standing army, seeing it as anathema to liberty in the long term. However, they were not idiots who were in denial concerning the ability of the Federal government to defend the...
  20. S'task

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    My understanding based on what I've heard over the years is that a lot of the "Roswell" sightings were exactly that, as per what I've heard Area 51 was a radar testing range. IE, it's the EXACT place they'd use to test the radar profile of things like the B-2, F-117, and other such stealth...