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  1. Abhorsen

    United States The Left Can't Meme

    Honestly, this meme is like halfway funny, in a satiric sense. It's just the perfect callout of the LGBT-obsessed.
  2. Abhorsen

    United States The Left Can't Meme

    Reminds me of the Cuomo-sexuals.
  3. Abhorsen

    United States The Left Can't Meme

    Look up a translation of his speech on his return to Paris, he acts like 'sure, the allies were there, I guess, maybe, in the distant background, but look how amazing France is.' He basically acts as if it was the French alone who stormed the beaches at Normandy.
  4. Abhorsen

    United States The Left Can't Meme

    Yes, but he purposely stole credit from the Allies in his speech, proclaiming that Paris liberated itself, basically ignoring the 4th infantry's role. Hence why I call the french buddyfuckers.
  5. Abhorsen

    United States The Left Can't Meme

    France isn't an ally. It's a repeated buddy fucker. Vietnam, Ghaddafi, claiming the liberation of Paris as if they did that, etc.
  6. Abhorsen

    United States The Left Can't Meme

    The Iraq war caused a hundred thousand (or more, that's a lowball estimate) needless deaths, further conditioned the security state to outright lie to the American people, put us $2T in additional debt for no reason, and contributed to Osama escaping justice by distracting from the hunt for him...
  7. Abhorsen

    United States The Left Can't Meme

    Honestly, it would likely have been better. It's hard to do worse than the Iraq war. And any stupidity from Dems running stuff would have been made up for by Dems getting hated for fucking the economy in 2008 (no idea when it would blow up, but likely faster with Dems), as they'd get blamed for...
  8. Abhorsen

    United States The Left Can't Meme

    I need to correct myself, it's not suicidal, it's being adjudicated as mentally incompetent or involuntarily institutionalized. Yeah, @Zyobot encapsulated my argument pretty well. See, I don't even support this. Both because yes, even that can be abused (if it's found to be consitutional...
  9. Abhorsen

    United States The Left Can't Meme

    No. Not as broad as that. Only people who say they are suicidal, or were institutionalized against their will can't. If we broaden it to "people considered mentally ill" we're all fucked.
  10. Abhorsen

    United States The Left Can't Meme

    Sure, whatever. Mentally ill being defined lawfully, and then used to prevent people from having guns, means that you, me, and everyone else will be defined lawfully to be mentally ill so that we can't have guns.
  11. Abhorsen

    United States The Left Can't Meme

    No, fuck that. Who determines mental illness? Now how long until they decide that homeschooling is mental illness? "You don't want your kid trans? Sounds like a red flag to me!" This is why you don't give into the gun grabbers.
  12. Abhorsen

    United States The Left Can't Meme

    HAHAHAHAHA!!! Every time I look at it, I just laugh more. But I think maybe I get where they are coming from given the Auth-Right blue background? It's sorta like when Ben Shapiro says he has libertarian views. Maybe on like a single issue, but I doubt it. But then giving the person a Gadsden...
  13. Abhorsen

    United States The Left Can't Meme

    I'll provide mine. The first is definitely not the greatest as it's from basically an ad for the documentary, as I can't find the whole documentary online, but this video has some stuff from the leader of the raid (just the guy in the NYPD hat starting about 1:15 ish, and more at 2:20): The...
  14. Abhorsen

    United States The Left Can't Meme

    Not true at all. No, the Stonewall raid happened because the vice squad would regularly raid any gay bar and arrest everyone there. This was just business as usual, until it was finally resisted. Because even a man dressing as a woman or dancing with a man was illegal. There's actual footage...
  15. Abhorsen

    United States The Left Can't Meme

    Eh, no. I can read the iconography pretty easily. Remember that they also hate religion, and it all makes sense. (What follows is NOT my PoV, but the meme's implication): Basically, Wall Street is Solomon's temple, and both suck. This Jesus is the real Jesus that you guys would hate, so your...
  16. Abhorsen

    United States The Left Can't Meme

    I was sure this was a leftist meme until I read it. Wow.
  17. Abhorsen

    United States The Left Can't Meme

    Honestly funny, which makes sense. It's not just the lack of truth that makes leftist memes unfunny: it's that they are too serious and too stupid at the same time.
  18. Abhorsen

    United States The Left Can't Meme

    It fails on funny though, and it isn't even trying to be. It's not a meme in any real sense. It's an advertisement or propaganda post. (Assuming you mean this one?) But then, I don't know that it's even trying to be a meme. Sometimes people just post quotes. A quote != a meme, and that's fine...
  19. Abhorsen

    United States The Left Can't Meme

    You could redo the meme with that in mind. The fruit is nuclear, the cocaine 'green new deal', and elmo is Climate Campaigners.
  20. Abhorsen

    United States The Left Can't Meme

    It's an attempt at parodying a Ben Garrison cartoon (hence keeping the name), minus the lack of any relevance right now. The labelling is because Garrison does tend to label everything. Not the worst I've seen by far.