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  • Hehehehehe.
    You have a gaydar apparently?
    Given I'm half a gay, I better have one lol. I got that, and the fashion sense, but not the sense to use the fashion sense
    D:> You're a daywalker!?
    *Pets the Abhorsen again*
    Hey man, what's up? I'd pet back, but your avatar doesn't seem all that amicable lol.
    Nah don't worry about him, he's friendly and will accept headpats. ;D

    I am good! How are you!
    How is the best forum dumbshit? <;D
    Is that more "why is the best forum dumbshit?" or "how is the forum, you dumbshit?" lol?
    I'll answer both: we have dumbshit because we have free speech, which does come with dumbshit.
    How is the forum? I'm really enjoying it (hence me donating to it every month and volunteering as a mod.) Glad you seem to be enjoying it too!
    Free speech is good though. And glad you are enjoying it! ;D
    *Pets the dumbshit*
    So there's a really great book series called the Abhorsen Trilogy, by Garth Nix. Basically, there are necromancers who control the dead via 7 bells. The Abhorsen is the Anti-Necromancer. His or her job is to use the bells to bind the dead then have them walk through death past the final (ninth) gate from which there is no return. It's a really cool story with pretty deep worldbuilding IMO.
    That sounds pretty neat.
    It's a favorite of mine that I was rereading about 10 years ago when I first signed up for spacebattles.
    Another meme you might like:


    You probably get that all the time, huh? ;)
    • HaHa
    Reactions: Abhorsen
    True; Harry Browne said it best, it seems. :(

    Anyhow, been meaning to learn more about Libertarianism beyond the broad strokes, and was wondering if we could discuss it further via PM? If so, I've also been wondering what you might make of some other content I've found from full-blown Ancaps and Voluntarists, seeing as — at least, to my untrained eyes — many of their arguments are actually quite compelling.
    I'd definitely be interested in this. I've life-experienced into being a libertarian/ancap, and haven't read a ton of the theory/foundational books, so I'd love to go over them. And I'm always free to PM, but especially free to PM about libertarianism.

    And, half jokingly, I'd say the reason that Ancaps and Voluntaryists are compelling is their inherent moral rightness.
    • Like
    Reactions: Zyobot
    Thanks; will send you a PM soon. (y)
    Since I'm banned from the Sietch affairs thread still

    Listening to Bacle on the white supremacy shit is the worst thing to do. The dude sees them everywhere and thinks I'm a neonazi for Pete's sake 🤣
    The Immortal Watch Dog
    The Immortal Watch Dog
    Or rather banning Nazis is one thing driving ethnocentrist thinking underground only empowers it.
    For the record, we don't ban nazi's in an attempt to stop nazism in general. We do it to not be running a nazi forum. Basically, if there isn't a way to kick off nazi posting from a popular enough forum, that forum will become only nazi posting as nazis will flock there driving people away. While will nazi's flock there? Because nazi's, like everyone else, like talking about their ideas in forums, but they've been banned from most, which funnels them to ones that don't ban it, which means any that allow it get deluged like the one hole in the dike. Not something we want to be running.

    We can see this to a lesser extent with right wing stuff, hence why we have so many right wing posters, but we are fine with them. The way not to get these mixed up is to have a clear line so that we don't get false positives.
    The Immortal Watch Dog
    The Immortal Watch Dog
    Im not talking about literal Nazis.

    I'm talking about Bacles...shall we say hyperbolic view on whose is one and who isn't
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