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  1. Crom's Black Blade

    ROB has put you in charge of Disney.

    Well in terms of actions it's beyond tame. John Carter barely will look at any of the beautiful princess begging for his love other than Dejah Thoris. Like he's captured and the white Thern princess he's with flatly states they have nothing to look forward to but torture and slavery but if he'd...
  2. Crom's Black Blade

    Star Wars Star Wars Discussion Thread - LET THE PAST D-! Oh, wait, nevermind

    Of course, along with your idea to have spun the Legends into a proper, continuing, er, continuity rather than axing it. You talked about that on an earlier page, citing IIRC comics ability to have multiple realities and continuities without the audience being confused. Hence my somewhat...
  3. Crom's Black Blade

    Star Wars Star Wars Discussion Thread - LET THE PAST D-! Oh, wait, nevermind

    There are similarities through the "Star Trek approach" largely avoided a wider continuity, for the most part. Obviously that wasn't a 100%, writers did build upon their own and each other works, but broadly speaking a trek novel was designed to be pretty stand alone and connected more to the...
  4. Crom's Black Blade

    Star Wars Star Wars Discussion Thread - LET THE PAST D-! Oh, wait, nevermind

    Eh, that's kind of what I'm talking about. Either the EU should have been its own thing, and therefore free to depict the prequal era because it would never be meant to be the same prequel era as Lucas's, or pick an era so far removed from canon it didn't matter what they did. As it was the EU...
  5. Crom's Black Blade

    Star Wars Star Wars Discussion Thread - LET THE PAST D-! Oh, wait, nevermind

    The EU had it share of good stories in it but ultimately I think it would have been better if they'd stuck to the "Parallel Universe" as Lucas called it. Establish it is its own separate thing, a what-if of sorts that uses the original films as a launch pad, that didn't have to reflect anything...
  6. Crom's Black Blade

    History Western Civilization, Rome and Cyclical History

    I don't think the disagreement is in "order". There must always be order for any system to function pretty much by definition. Chaos being the rejection of a system. On the subject I think "Order" and "Security" are required just as "Liberty" is required. To have more of one will, by necessity...
  7. Crom's Black Blade

    History Western Civilization, Rome and Cyclical History

    Oh Men are certainly flawed beings and I do not now or previously expect men to be saints. The issue, the reason why I view the Universal Church as the "worse guys" in this hypothetical, isn't so much the killing itself or even human nature tendency towards abuse of power. No, my core objection...
  8. Crom's Black Blade

    History Western Civilization, Rome and Cyclical History

    I would agree with you that the left wants/ is attempting build a universal empire. But that stops well short of public assassinations and most of it, like attempting to promote multiculturalism in the middle east , is mostly a waste of time and ceases to exist the nanosecond American blood and...
  9. Crom's Black Blade

    History Western Civilization, Rome and Cyclical History

    Well what we're discussing is the the exact opposite of being "left alone". We're talking about forceful conversions under penalty of death or exile to an astrotuffed religion created for political purposes for people far removed from your culture and history. Now could demand for stability and...
  10. Crom's Black Blade

    History Western Civilization, Rome and Cyclical History

    Well I was envisioning something a little further than the post WW2 scenario. More like "allies" who in exchange for the Empire's protection have to tribute X percent of military age males to train and serve beneath the Imperial banner/ food products/military equipment ect. Less NATO where its...
  11. Crom's Black Blade

    History Western Civilization, Rome and Cyclical History

    Shrug. I find @Skallagrim quite informed and knowledgeable on the subject, even persuasive, and I find many of the ideas he presents quite fascinating even if I don't agree with all the details. As you say its unlikely the Augustus of our age is going to be conquering much of the West via armies...
  12. Crom's Black Blade

    History Western Civilization, Rome and Cyclical History

    Well I didn't mean to misquote you. I honestly felt "condemn" was a suitable synonym to what you were suggesting. I apologize for my error. Regardless, what you describe sounds a lot worse than condemn. That's what I figured but I did want to make sure. Now I'll admit this could be a...
  13. Crom's Black Blade

    History Western Civilization, Rome and Cyclical History

    Something along those lines was kind of what I was envisioning for a 21st century Christianity. I'm just not sureyou could go much farther than that and actually try to unify everyone under one house without it causing more problems than it solves.
  14. Crom's Black Blade

    History Western Civilization, Rome and Cyclical History

    Playing Devil's advocate I could kind of see all the main denominations coming together setting up some universal guidelines for "Christianity" regardless of faith. Ie homosexuality is a sin and any church that says different isn't preaching Christ's teachings for example but leaving the...
  15. Crom's Black Blade

    History Western Civilization, Rome and Cyclical History

    I suppose my question is what actually happens when a church(s) says no because they lost out on dictating "correct" orthodoxy or their dicks or they prefer a seat of religion closer to home. What does "condem" them mean in practice. Are we talking sternly worded essays or people being...
  16. Crom's Black Blade

    Star Wars Star Wars Discussion Thread - LET THE PAST D-! Oh, wait, nevermind

    Kind of sounds like Vader would be the Augustus to Palpy's Caesar creating a more popular, well-intended empire if likely drenched in blood to achieve it. Considering how much she is like her father I actually wonder if Leia might inheret her father's role as Supreme Commander while the more...
  17. Crom's Black Blade

    Star Wars Star Wars Discussion Thread - LET THE PAST D-! Oh, wait, nevermind

    Fully agree there, the ROTS novelization even goes into how the "perfect jedi trap" is one that it doesn't matter if it truly succeeds or not because all you needed was the Jedi to be distracted for that moment. I suppose my thoughts/curious of would having General Grievous around help the...
  18. Crom's Black Blade

    Star Wars Star Wars Discussion Thread - LET THE PAST D-! Oh, wait, nevermind

    So here's a what if I don't think has been asked in this thread, apologies if I missed it, but let's say Obi-Wan's mission to Utapau goes horribly wrong and General Grievous manages to kill him. How do the events of the series play out from that PoD?
  19. Crom's Black Blade

    Star Wars Star Wars Discussion Thread - LET THE PAST D-! Oh, wait, nevermind

    Well if you want to talk about the EU, it matters since it had to conform to his view. Again the EU invented an entire reformation just to align itself with a throw away line from AOTC. So clearly Lucas's word holds weight. At the very least its important to better understand Star Wars, the...
  20. Crom's Black Blade

    What If? What if the Emperor returned immediately after Endor?

    Well he'd likely to able to stave off Imperial in-fighting allowing the Empire to do better vis-a-vis the Rebel/ New Republic but it is his leadership which kind of put them into that situation in the first place. In essence the Empire has been humiliated and bloodied twice now proving they are...