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  1. 49ersfootball

    SCOTUS Getting Shade Over Roe v Wade

    I am 100% Pro-Life & proud of it! 😊
  2. 49ersfootball

    SCOTUS Getting Shade Over Roe v Wade

    Who do y'all think the US Supreme Court will strike down next ?
  3. 49ersfootball

    SCOTUS Getting Shade Over Roe v Wade

    The WOKE Culture knows that Roe v Wade is likely getting overturned.
  4. 49ersfootball

    SCOTUS Getting Shade Over Roe v Wade

    I've heard Alito is standing his ground by NOT getting intimidated by the WOKE freaks
  5. 49ersfootball

    SCOTUS Getting Shade Over Roe v Wade

    Schumer must be really STUPID pushing this codifying vote on the floor of the United States Senate isn't he ?
  6. 49ersfootball

    SCOTUS Getting Shade Over Roe v Wade

    TX Governor Greg Abbott (R), whom I (I'm a lifelong Texan) strongly & staunchly support his reelection campaign, will crack down on those freaks who attempt to riot. Best Governor in America BABY! #BACKTHEBLUE #SECURETHEBORDER #IMWITHABBOTT #ABBOTT2022 PS: Here's a trigger button: Let's get...
  7. 49ersfootball

    SCOTUS Getting Shade Over Roe v Wade

    Dems haven't learned their lesson from their STUPID hitjob on Kavanaugh in 2018: costed them 4 US Senate seats in MO, IN, FL & ND.
  8. 49ersfootball

    SCOTUS Getting Shade Over Roe v Wade

    Bold Prediction: The Dems will overplay their hands on this & it will blow up on their faces resulting in the massive GOP wave across the United States in November.
  9. 49ersfootball

    SCOTUS Getting Shade Over Roe v Wade

    Rochelle Garza: the likely Dem nominee for TX State Attorney General issued this tweet:
  10. 49ersfootball

    SCOTUS Getting Shade Over Roe v Wade

    FBI is working on finding out who the leaker was: most likely one of the clerks, who's likely to be losing his or her job & facing criminal prosecution.
  11. 49ersfootball

    SCOTUS Getting Shade Over Roe v Wade

    Ouch! Fired, criminally prosecuted & disbarred. Whoever did this better consider fleeing the country ASAP.
  12. 49ersfootball

    SCOTUS Getting Shade Over Roe v Wade

    Whoever intentionally leaked this, will likeky lose his or her job & get criminally prosecuted.
  13. 49ersfootball

    SCOTUS Getting Shade Over Roe v Wade

    GOP still dominates the 2022 Midterms.
  14. 49ersfootball

    SCOTUS Getting Shade Over Roe v Wade

    Good Morning. Just woke up to the news about the leaked draft opinion of the US Supreme Court overturning Roe v Wade. Somebody's going to soooo get fired.