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  1. Bacle

    Election 2020 Bidening the Trump? Trumping the Biden? The presidential debate thread.

    People can change thier votes in a few states. As much as I like Tim Pool, I also think he's...doing a lot of 'maybe, we'll see, I don't know' when he talks about the election now. Which, while honest to a degree, makes it feel more and more like he nitpicks and repeats things a lot just to...
  2. Bacle

    Election 2020 Bidening the Trump? Trumping the Biden? The presidential debate thread.

    That entirely depends on if the suburban woman in question is also a supporter of illegal immigration, or not. Because people against illegal immigration tend to see the child separation situation as an unfortunately necessary deterrence to people using kids to get free tickets in, even when...
  3. Bacle

    Election 2020 Bidening the Trump? Trumping the Biden? The presidential debate thread.

    We will still need oil and nat-gas for other things besides energy. Lots of pharma and industrial feed-stocks depend on petro-derived materials. I'm a huge fan of nuclear energy, but I know it cannot replace some to the less talked about petroleum uses.
  4. Bacle

    Election 2020 Bidening the Trump? Trumping the Biden? The presidential debate thread.

    So, do you think that will cost him the election? It may not make him friends with more progressives, but for people who illegal immigration is a big ticket issue (which is a lot of his base) discouraging illegal immigration via the deterrence the separation the policy enacted is good policy...
  5. Bacle

    Election 2020 Bidening the Trump? Trumping the Biden? The presidential debate thread.

    I see someone has drank the MSM kool aid and went back for more.
  6. Bacle

    Election 2020 Bidening the Trump? Trumping the Biden? The presidential debate thread.

    Very true. That kinda got lost in the election coverage that focus's mostly on domestic stuff.
  7. Bacle

    Election 2020 Bidening the Trump? Trumping the Biden? The presidential debate thread.

    As an ex-Dem, I feel you. There are a lot of moderates and classical liberals who support Trump because of how insane the Dems have gotten. Plus, Trump actually gets shit done, instead of just talking a good game. First Step Act, 10 years of funding for HBCUs, permanently funding the Nat'l...
  8. Bacle

    Election 2020 Bidening the Trump? Trumping the Biden? The presidential debate thread.

    Nah, he should use the moderators mic, since they are the one silencing him.
  9. Bacle

    Election 2020 Bidening the Trump? Trumping the Biden? The presidential debate thread.

    I hope he either has placard signs he holds up, or just live-Tweets from the podium. Well they also tend to think Trump's base is mostly Far-Right and ultra-Far-Right folks, which is plainly false. If Trump not being Pinochet gets someone demoralized, then the problem is with them, not Trump.
  10. Bacle

    Election 2020 Bidening the Trump? Trumping the Biden? The presidential debate thread.

    This ought to add an interesting twist to the debates:
  11. Bacle

    Election 2020 Bidening the Trump? Trumping the Biden? The presidential debate thread.

    Well, aside from the commercial interrupting things on the secondary streams, this was a good show/interview/rally. I just hope Trump gets the straight facts about if the Axios claim about the Durham report is true or not. If it's being delayed to give Durham and Barr cover if Trump loses, then...
  12. Bacle

    Election 2020 Bidening the Trump? Trumping the Biden? The presidential debate thread.

    Not really. Trump has repeatedly said he'd keep/protect pre-existing conditions for people, all the way back to 2016. Yet people keep asking the damn question, because his answer isn't the negative they want for smear purposes.
  13. Bacle

    Election 2020 Bidening the Trump? Trumping the Biden? The presidential debate thread.

    Barr and Durham seem like they may be hedging against a Trump loss, if what Axios is saying is true about the Durham report not coming out till after the election.
  14. Bacle

    Election 2020 Bidening the Trump? Trumping the Biden? The presidential debate thread.

    Anyone else getting tired of the commercial interruptions going on over the stream while Trump and Limbaugh are talking?
  15. Bacle

    Election 2020 Bidening the Trump? Trumping the Biden? The presidential debate thread.

    It in the tweet I posted last page, the one you replied to.
  16. Bacle

    Election 2020 Bidening the Trump? Trumping the Biden? The presidential debate thread.

    Isn't this the same thing that was posted earlier?
  17. Bacle

    Election 2020 Bidening the Trump? Trumping the Biden? The presidential debate thread.

    The thing is, I don't think Trump can get a fair shake at the debates, especially if they are going to change stuff constantly to assist Biden. Biden/Harris will continue to dodge questions about court packing, while relying on the moderators to interrupt Trump and Pence anytime they make a...
  18. Bacle

    Election 2020 Bidening the Trump? Trumping the Biden? The presidential debate thread.

    Well, guess that's it for the debates, and Trump can point out it was Biden who would not accept new dates. After the last minute rule change about doing it remotely, which Trump never agreed to, it's obvious the debate commision is biased against him and trying to stack this for Biden in every...