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  1. Bassoe

    Alternate History Two Settings that just click. Crossover Edition.

    OK, most baffling crossover I've discovered recently, tristesses' Divinity Defined By Echo. Star Trek / House of Leaves. And it somehow works.
  2. Bassoe

    Alternate History Two Settings that just click. Crossover Edition.

    Bloodborne/Transformers Using the blood of a eldritch abomination for healing, necromancy and as a powerup despite it having some unfortunate physical and mental side effects. Also, Beast/Terrorcon forms which wouldn't look out of place in Fury Road.
  3. Bassoe

    Alternate History Two Settings that just click. Crossover Edition.

    Destiny crosses over surprisingly effectively with any earth-based scifi, historic and/or technothriller setting. Just rule it as having taken place before the Traveler showed up, then have its characters resurrected as Guardians.