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  1. Jormungandr

    Kiwi Farms under attack again

    Wow, these trans-trender militants are getting desperate.
  2. Jormungandr

    Kiwi Farms under attack again

    To protect the company, basically. People always misunderstood and still misunderstand that HR is there to support the workers' interests. It's not. Unfortunately, when one wokie gets hired at HR, they slowly hire their fellow parasites; that's how they typically get a foot in the company.
  3. Jormungandr

    Kiwi Farms under attack again

    The woke infiltrate and contaminate. These days, it almost always starts with HR and their hiring of fellow parasites.
  4. Jormungandr

    Kiwi Farms under attack again

    My my, how very Russian... sorry, I meant Chinese... sorry, sorry, North Korean of them. As I've said numerous times before, you can't reason or compromise with these people. You either drink their kool-aid or you're an enemy to be destroyed. Only thing we can do is destroy them first, one way...
  5. Jormungandr

    Kiwi Farms under attack again

    If you don't gatekeep to an extent, however, you end up being infiltrated and taken from the inside out like a virus or, well, The Thing. This has happened to so many hobbyist communities and sites. Trading card games? Dice, pen, and paper role-playing games? Certain video game communities...
  6. Jormungandr

    Kiwi Farms under attack again

    Ironically, trans-trender pedos and their Alphabet Soup followers going to these measures to try to take Kiwi down has just shed sunlight on why they're trying to bury Kiwi.
  7. Jormungandr

    Kiwi Farms under attack again

    They really want to bury all the nasty little things they've been getting up to from getting out, don't they? Fucking groomers.
  8. Jormungandr

    Kiwi Farms under attack again

    So basically what it boils down to is that: Sexual predators that are heavily involved in the trans-trender movement sent word along their little networks about Kiwi exposing them They're doing all they can to try to bury Kiwi permanently because it's exposing all their dirty laundry of being...
  9. Jormungandr

    Kiwi Farms under attack again

    This I fully agree with. PayPal have acted scummy in the past on certain things, especially with just randomly locking people's accounts and their money, but this was almost (or, IIRC, actually) criminal what they did. I use PayPal because I have to. But fuck them.
  10. Jormungandr

    Kiwi Farms under attack again

    Yeah, this feels like there's something more going on than a bunch of trans-trender activists trying to bring down a site for exposing their child-fucking or grooming.
  11. Jormungandr

    Kiwi Farms under attack again

    They really want it buried. I wonder who it was they were about to expose for being an actual kiddie-fucker, or something...
  12. Jormungandr

    Kiwi Farms under attack again

    The Left rely on intimidation, subversion, and outright thuggery -- we see this in BLM, AntiFa, MSM, and what government and military elements have drunk the kool-aid/are under Democrat control. They also rely on a rigged-in-their-favour system for protection, and we see this all the time where...
  13. Jormungandr

    Kiwi Farms under attack again

    Honestly, the only way I'm seeing this ending is now in violence. They will not stop of their own violation. Ever. Peaceful methods will not, cannot, work because they've subverted the processes used in creating a peaceful response/reaction to their rabid zealotry -- it comes from the old...
  14. Jormungandr

    Kiwi Farms under attack again

    Yep. I've seen people say that "oh, a Black actress playing a historical White person doesn't mean anything since it's fictional; stop being a bigot, you bigot!" How is this relevant to IA playing judge, jury, and executioner with site history, you ask? Well, yes -- we know that it's a...
  15. Jormungandr

    Kiwi Farms under attack again

    The disturbing facet of this is the Internet Archive, supposedly dedicated to preserving Internet history, is directly editing and censoring it. It's like a supposed museum altering paintings or removing exhibits because they offend modern sensibilities, or something along those lines. They're...
  16. Jormungandr

    Kiwi Farms under attack again

    chuckles Kiwi was slowly exposing all the freaks, the predators, groomers, and all the other little nasty skeletons in Their* closets. It's natural They'd want the site down. *If you don't know who 'They' are, have you been living under a rock for the last ten or so years? :p