• The Sietch will be brought offline for HPG systems maintenance tomorrow (Thursday, 2 May 2024). Please remain calm and do not start any interstellar wars while ComStar is busy. May the Peace of Blake be with you. Precentor Dune

Search results

  1. King Krávoka

    "Woke" Franchises

    I can verify this from personal experience, though it ceased after my late teens.
  2. King Krávoka

    "Woke" Franchises

    If you want a constructive explanation of this; the entire concept of dualism exists in cherrypicking between what is part of your invisible higher person, most dualists would agree that your injuries or even birth defects are not part of your spirit, as a good start. Theolgians have accepted...
  3. King Krávoka

    "Woke" Franchises

    It's tripe invented by the megalomaniacal occultist Rudolf Steiner, who was so much of an antichrist lover that he believed in two of them; Lucifer and Ahriman who represented opposite foundations of Human knowledge. He believed that a dialectical fusion between the two was inevitable, and that...
  4. King Krávoka

    "Woke" Franchises

    They don't need to be aware of what they're intending to do.
  5. King Krávoka

    "Woke" Franchises

    No. It's not like that at all, even if the current authors personally affirm that position. All major franchises are only made of the parts that you like, nothing more, nothing less. You're not supposed to accept that everything inside a five-year Groundhog Day loop sustained by millions or...
  6. King Krávoka

    "Woke" Franchises

    At the time, I understood that the love triangle from Bee Movie was one man between a woman and another man, but I also assumed that Adam was already Barry's BF, so I left with the impression that it was acceptable but rare for anybody to have one female and one male romantic partner.
  7. King Krávoka

    "Woke" Franchises

    No, no. and no! The SOLITARY meaningful trait is in the name, another world. Spongebob Squarepants is an anime, Spider-Man is a manga, Count Dracula is a yokai, and Zeus is a kami.
  8. King Krávoka

    "Woke" Franchises

    Part of the problem is that Hollywood, and maybe all mass media, is genuinely racist, sexist, classist, and any other prejudice that You can name, which is inherent to the way it works. When I say "inherent", I don't mean that it has bad blood with any less privileged group, or that it's...
  9. King Krávoka

    "Woke" Franchises

    But it reinforced the stereotype that biological sciences are a feminine field.
  10. King Krávoka

    "Woke" Franchises

    Oh, I didn't notice the gay thing because I was too used to race-based pandering.
  11. King Krávoka

    "Woke" Franchises

    It's not. He's the son of two Europeans, the sort of immigrant that certain people used as the motte to unchecked refugee access, but nothing more "PC" than that.
  12. King Krávoka

    "Woke" Franchises

    Mass media is an exercise in how much pedophilia you can hide in plain sight.
  13. King Krávoka

    "Woke" Franchises

    Are you pretending that men aren't the same, or are you engaged in a display of arrogance?
  14. King Krávoka

    "Woke" Franchises

    Don't be, there was no possibility that they would do anything else.
  15. King Krávoka

    "Woke" Franchises

    Tell me what other BASED ideas you mistake for being retarded.
  16. King Krávoka

    "Woke" Franchises

    Titles like that are the property of extremely complacent companies who live off of fame more than love.
  17. King Krávoka

    "Woke" Franchises

    The core components of CO-DIV 21, acting in concert are: Resentful affluents who use the illusion of being persecuted to phase out any challenge to their comfortable lives. They oppose beauty standards out of spite for people who can freely and safely obtain companionship, and support...
  18. King Krávoka

    "Woke" Franchises

    Shit anime is made under paradigms that hold pandering garbage to be objectively superior.
  19. King Krávoka

    "Woke" Franchises

    Look dude nothing I said was about the Jews. Look at the absolute stress they put on (((idea))) of Russian manipulation. It's all about the **** degrading our proud nation of **** with populist rhetoric to install their puppet leadership and Take Over The World! Read all about it in Hillary...
  20. King Krávoka

    "Woke" Franchises

    Don't worry I got you. So okay, how do you resolve this contradiction? Sounds like a pretty shitty world takeover plan to have your spies make the superpower ache for nuclear warfare with you. Is mainstream left run by those of (((them))) who didn't go offboard of the communist manifesto?