King Krávoka
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  • @Iconoclast (pinging you since your wall is restricted)
    The language is fucking degenerating, Newspeak-style, and the cocksuckers in power are encouraging it. The one thing those older books have in common is that their authors all had significantly more intricate vocabularies than most do today. A lot of novels nowadays are written entirely in monosyllabic sub-fourth-grade caveman grunting. Modern writing has built-in, mandatory retardation. Ever use Grammarly? That fucking thing actually suggests you use more common words.
    Other Thousands kids have actually denigrated me for having a large vocabulary. If your understanding of English is any better than the absolute minimum needed to spoonfeed ESLs, then you're some incomprehensible fart huffer that religiously watches Rick & Morty. It's the internet. We're all readers. Everyone's job is reading and writing but you're a freak if you dare to be good at it.
    Remember in this HOLY DAY season that it is HAPPY HOLY DAYS not happy holidays, it is the time of the DAYS that are HOLY.
    While many Buddhists maintain that the arrival of Maitreya (who is the designated head of the Masters of Wisdom) lies in the far distant future, others contend that Maitreya already resides on Earth.[13] [2] The explanation for this may be complex, and seemingly contradictory: Humanity has evolved enough to receive the means to accelerate its evolutionary trajectory worldwide; humanity is also threatened with extinction.[14] In fact, in 1978 (during the first year of his Emergence), Maitreya spoke openly of how humanity needed to alter its course:
    Don't you love bumping into edits made by obvious true believers in some vanishingly small gnostic foundation⸮
    King Krávoka
    King Krávoka
    You can't hate crime a Pleiadian. Violence against them, even to death, is inherently an act of Love.
    King Krávoka
    King Krávoka
    The Ashtar command crackers glow in the dark.
    The sky opens up. Light beams over every corner of the Earth, and the dead fly back into the shape of their living selves. And everyone hears a voice older than time, louder than the Sun, and clearer than space. "The first thing that you all need to know is that my pronouns are He, Him, and His. With a capital H."
    I have enough knowledge to recognize that a swastika isn't inherently fascistic, but now I understand that a symbol of infinity is still very ominous for national iconography. Googol might as well be infinity for all human purposes.
    The advancement of technology is in direct service to increasing the speed of memetic transmission. It was intergenerational in old centuries. Modernity allowed for easy unilateral transmission of the required path. The vectors came into the arms of corporate, golden age of advertising. Now it's trickling into populistic transmission of memes. With each new threshold reached, the pool of transmitters grew. First it was only significant authors, then a scribe caste, the whole ruling class, those who grabbed enough transient power, in the current year it is available to any but the deprived. Each mind in the pool was given the potential to inflict mutation onto culture, thus its evolutionary speed was increased. The sequoia trees of old ideology have been placed under an onslaught of plagues, the memetic equivalents of microbes. The worldwide culture is being turned to yoghurt.
    Damn, how the hell did you manage to get temp banned on this site.
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    Reactions: Ddmkm122
    Shipmaster Sane
    Shipmaster Sane
    There shouldn't be any rule against telling people they're mentally ill wether they are or aren't, but if you live by the schizopost you should be prepared to die by the schizopost.
    Deleted member 88
    I didn’t see this comment chain, so I’m late to the party. But no, I don’t think it’s proper or right to tell people they have onset schizophrenia. Not only was he was concern trolling, he was also wrong. It’s also not his place to tell random strangers on the internet about their mental health.
    Shipmaster Sane
    Shipmaster Sane
    "Proper and right and factually correct" and "not against the rules" should be two extremely different things.
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