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  1. L

    ASOIAF/GOT After Sauron’s defeat, he is reincarnated into a baby Joffrey

    No clue haven't read them I just know WOT will eat westros every single time.
  2. L

    ASOIAF/GOT After Sauron’s defeat, he is reincarnated into a baby Joffrey

    So Aeil, then more Aiel and then finally Sheinsrans and Aiel. BOOM conquered Planetos and that's before we bung in channelers. GOT is straight-up weak sauce for fantasy but still entertaining.
  3. L

    ASOIAF/GOT After Sauron’s defeat, he is reincarnated into a baby Joffrey

    Bet u could take 3 random non-chanbelers from WOT and they roll the whole setting. Magic or no nothing in westros is "impressive" strong my ass. That's frankly hilarious Mat Cauthoun would make little finger and Varys cry like little girls.
  4. L

    ASOIAF/GOT After Sauron’s defeat, he is reincarnated into a baby Joffrey

    How in the world is ASOFAI a "strong* setting? Don't get me wrong it's certainly an interesting setting but"Strong"? Hardly 99.95% of fantasy world's spank planetos every time and twice on Sunday. Seriously Carl what in the world said strong to you?