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  1. LordsFire

    Cultural destruction and White guilt

    Yes. If something would have worked better, He would have done that instead. Being Omniscient and all. It isn't the right of God to rebuke something that is not serving the purpose that pleases Him? If you don't think Jesus was God, then it's just a dude pissed because he didn't get what he...
  2. LordsFire

    Cultural destruction and White guilt

    Biden's remarks about black people recently would be an example of the general trend of Democrat condescension towards black people. The calls for segregation would be another form. The much more open and aggressive attempts to blame white people in general, and white men in particular, for...
  3. LordsFire

    Cultural destruction and White guilt

    I don't think that's true at all. The Republican Party has no love for the confederacy, and while the Democrats have repudiated the confederacy, it's not particularly hard to see the strong strains of racist thought within them.
  4. LordsFire

    Cultural destruction and White guilt

    If it hadn't been for the USA, the USSR would have conquered all of Europe for certain, Britain most likely (but not for certain), and would have rolled through central Asia, across the Middle East, and into Africa. Reagan put pressure on the USSR until the massive internal weaknesses couldn't...
  5. LordsFire

    Cultural destruction and White guilt

    It also defeated the USSR, is the key element in keeping China contained (albeit better policies towards them would have prevented a lot of the problems we have now), is the greatest source of the spread of Christianity in the world, has lead the fight against Islamic Terrorism (as imperfectly...
  6. LordsFire

    Cultural destruction and White guilt

    Yeah, you're just shit-posting at this point. Either try to make a real point, or stop bothering people with your doom-and gloom.
  7. LordsFire

    Cultural destruction and White guilt

    Which explains why we are still the most powerful economy and military in the world. Which explains why American innovation is the driving force of technology development in the world, has been since WWII, and doesn't look to be changing anytime soon. Yeah. Corpse. America has a disease...
  8. LordsFire

    Cultural destruction and White guilt

    This post is impressive in its ignorance. Maybe European culture died on the Battlefields of Europe, but American culture sure as hell didn't. After WWII, is when America rose to ascendancy in the world. Partly because the other powers had broken each other, but partly because our culture was...
  9. LordsFire

    Cultural destruction and White guilt

    There's a lot of crap being said I'm not even going to try to argue with. This though, I feel the need to reply to: 1. I don't believe in equality of ideas, and I frankly don't know any serious philosopher or politically active individual who does. 2. The problem isn't 'freedom to teach as...
  10. LordsFire

    Cultural destruction and White guilt

    And apparently one of your primary arguments is trite condescension. Trump has had a meaningful impact for the better. Before he ran, most Republicans were slaves to political correctness. Now only some are. He's deregulated things, pushed back harder (though we want harder still) against...
  11. LordsFire

    Cultural destruction and White guilt

    Interesting theory. Given that the SocJus crowd are absolute shit at subtlety, patience, and sophisticated technical thinking, I kind of doubt it. See, the old-school Democrats? They were content to try to slowly boil the frog alive. They've been playing the long game for decades. The modern...
  12. LordsFire

    Cultural destruction and White guilt

    You see, there's a problem with trying to implement this here in America. We have guns. If an actual, explicit, 'white people pay money to non-white-people because of race' thing is passed, that will immediately lead to either large numbers of people refusing to pay taxes, which might lead to...
  13. LordsFire

    Cultural destruction and White guilt

    A significant rise in white nationalism is possible, but sufficient conditions for it have not yet met. At this point, we're looking at a very marginal increase in white nationalists as a reaction to all the rampant racism on the left. If the Democrats actually take control of the Federal...
  14. LordsFire

    Cultural destruction and White guilt

    I've never been to that site before in my life. I'm sure going to go give it a visit now. This is such a breath of fresh air.
  15. LordsFire

    Cultural destruction and White guilt

    This is very different form 'think more like Mao' as a standalone statement. Also, most of the leaders on the right are already working on changing up the thinking. Honestly, it looks like you're arguing against the pre-Trump era RINO wing of the Republican party.
  16. LordsFire

    Cultural destruction and White guilt

    "Defeat political leftism by becoming like one of their worst mass murderers." No thanks.
  17. LordsFire

    Cultural destruction and White guilt

    The mistake many in the west have made is not apologizing, it's assuming the people demanding the apologies are acting in good faith. Rush Limbaugh, for example, has made apologies for when he's thought he overstepped boundaries. He apologizes, moves on, and completely ignores anyone who tries...