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  1. LordsFire

    News of the Amused

    I agree. When professionals who spend most of a decade studying law specialize only in one specific part of it, the idea that everyone can understand the law is nonsense. The test should be much simpler: "Does this fall into 'don't take what is not yours, and don't break a contract you sign.'
  2. LordsFire

    News of the Amused

    That is genuinely horrifying. People will do really messed up things to themselves seeking fulfillment in their delusions.
  3. LordsFire

    News of the Amused

    Jezebel or Potiphar's wife would probably be decent candidates.
  4. LordsFire

    News of the Amused

    Hideously overpriced, but at least unlike a lot of modern 'art,' it isn't actually hideous.
  5. LordsFire

    News of the Amused

    It's this bizarre thing where they're trying to avoid actual proper war, but 'face' and pride demand that they go out there and throw down at least somewhat. They've been having fist-fights and the like on the border for years now.
  6. LordsFire

    News of the Amused

    The Chinese PLA.
  7. LordsFire

    News of the Amused

    I'm far too aware of just how agonizing fire is to not feel sorry for the fool. ...And also anger at the people who push the propaganda he bought into. He still chose to buy into it, but they chose to lie to him.
  8. LordsFire

    News of the Amused

    Being hostile to minimum wage absolutely helps the little guy. Open borders not so much, though if you get rid of the welfare state, circumstances substantially improve.
  9. LordsFire

    News of the Amused

    To be fair, this was probably another case of leftists self-selecting a group of unstable and mostly narcissistic leftists to work together. While there's infamous examples of women's groups at churches and 'knitting circles' among more conservative types having drama and gossip, they're...
  10. LordsFire

    News of the Amused

    I've yet to see any evidence this was the case. It's just an 'Everyone knows' kind of thing, as best as I can tell created by the leftist media establishment.
  11. LordsFire

    News of the Amused

    Of course he could have. That would have required the use of nuclear munitions though, and that was questionable. Beyond that though, that's a situation that was set up because the political left in the US killed support for the nationalists, allowing the Soviet-backed Communists to win the...
  12. LordsFire

    News of the Amused

    I still have yet to be convinced the 'red scare' was a bad thing. Given the number of communist spies and traitors who were in and working for the government, I still don't get why I'm supposed to believe it was paranoia or the like, rather than a very real threat and problem, that caused the...
  13. LordsFire

    News of the Amused

    The FDR administration was absolutely riddled with Communist spies and traitors, and the Democrat Party has been as sympathetic to them as they have been towards every other type of elitist authoritarian. That's a fair accusation. The way you chose your words in your prior post though, didn't...
  14. LordsFire

    News of the Amused

    Can you even see reality from whatever world it is you live in? While it's true that the Democrat Party have been treasonously sympathetic in both attitude and deed towards the socialists at least since FDR, with the exception of JFK, don't confuse our traitors for the totality of America.
  15. LordsFire

    News of the Amused

    This is not true. Any more than the Feminists are right about women being exactly the same as men. Men and women, on average, are substantially different from each other. But there are outliers in either gender that have interests and abilities well outside of the 'norm' or 'average.'...
  16. LordsFire

    News of the Amused

    In political office, there's little to no difference.
  17. LordsFire

    News of the Amused

    VTubers are almost entirely in the voice. I've never been into VTubers, but when friends I have exposed me to them, they all had extremely feminine voices, which is pretty hard to fake. Not impossible, but even skilled falsettos, you can usually tell, and they have a more limited range than...
  18. LordsFire

    News of the Amused

    That'd be pretty awesome. That's not what comes to mind when 'fully restored and operational' is said about one of the bloodiest specific locations in history. The Collosseum is a very impressive structure, both in general and especially for its time. That doesn't change the fact that it was...
  19. LordsFire

    News of the Amused

    I'm not a fan of actual blood sports. They're sick. We have video games now, rendering such things completely unnecessary.