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  1. The Whispering Monk

    SCOTUS Getting Shade Over Roe v Wade

    I'm OK with Jesus' land as long as it's actually Jesus, not some scheister claiming divinity for self-aggrandizement.
  2. The Whispering Monk

    SCOTUS Getting Shade Over Roe v Wade

    BUT, BUT, BUT....MUH FEMINISM!!!!!! 😱😱😱😱😱😱 just in case it wasn't clear...
  3. The Whispering Monk

    SCOTUS Getting Shade Over Roe v Wade

    At this point, that's a win-win scenario for the Left. THEY won't be the ones to have gotten rid of Bide, AND they'll get to blame it all on the Right and Trump. Perfect excuse to cram a boat load more judges onto SCOTUS.
  4. The Whispering Monk

    SCOTUS Getting Shade Over Roe v Wade

    "Since the Supreme Court's misguided decision put saved the lives of millions of Americans—our fellow Americans—at risk, and stripped away ensured freedom and autonomy for the most vulnerable, we've all had to take action and throw a tantrum." There ya' go dumbass. FTFY.
  5. The Whispering Monk

    SCOTUS Getting Shade Over Roe v Wade

    Diversity hire for the win!
  6. The Whispering Monk

    SCOTUS Getting Shade Over Roe v Wade

    Anyone else catch AOC & the Squad + another dozen democrats getting escorted away from the Supreme Court during a pro-abortion rally? Here's the pics that tells you all you need to know.... -- Photo Op Achieved! -- Pandering Level Gained! -- "I still look like an ass" award granted!!
  7. The Whispering Monk

    SCOTUS Getting Shade Over Roe v Wade

    They are stipends the military gives to their members when those members are in civilian housing or are having to provide their own meals. They amounts vary based on situation and living area.
  8. The Whispering Monk

    SCOTUS Getting Shade Over Roe v Wade

    Oh no. These were issues before that.
  9. The Whispering Monk

    SCOTUS Getting Shade Over Roe v Wade

    Actually, most of the famine will be the result of the Greens' movement around the world through the WEF pressuring small countries away from cheap energy and onto 'green' energy. Sri Lanka, Ghana, etc...all of them were pressured and offered 'deals' if they went green. Now their local energy...
  10. The Whispering Monk

    SCOTUS Getting Shade Over Roe v Wade

    Welp, officially crossing CA off as a tourist destination. HAHAH! Whom I kidding!? I did that years ago!
  11. The Whispering Monk

    SCOTUS Getting Shade Over Roe v Wade

    And now we get the affirmative action appointee...yippee.
  12. The Whispering Monk

    SCOTUS Getting Shade Over Roe v Wade

    I mean...they're almost right. It's just that it ends with the people tossing them into volcanos.
  13. The Whispering Monk

    SCOTUS Getting Shade Over Roe v Wade

    I don't twit...mostly b/c of...well...twitter
  14. The Whispering Monk

    SCOTUS Getting Shade Over Roe v Wade

    Will anybody call whitey out on using the 'n' word?
  15. The Whispering Monk

    SCOTUS Getting Shade Over Roe v Wade

    I'm of the opinion that Robert's HAS to be part of the winning argument to 'ensure' he's in the win. The majority grants him cover.
  16. The Whispering Monk

    SCOTUS Getting Shade Over Roe v Wade

    Let's drop the weapon discussion. It's not on topic.
  17. The Whispering Monk

    SCOTUS Getting Shade Over Roe v Wade

    @WolfBear Looking for a person of a specific skin tone is not racism. It's called narrowing the suspect pool. What you were advocating was government sponsored whatever'ism (racism, sexism, etc...) because it benefitted the government. You had it right in the 1st part of your statement, "I...
  18. The Whispering Monk

    SCOTUS Getting Shade Over Roe v Wade

    i definitely disagree with this completely.
  19. The Whispering Monk

    SCOTUS Getting Shade Over Roe v Wade

    I doubt guess is they read the Cliff Notes or just watched someone's Youtube review.
  20. The Whispering Monk

    SCOTUS Getting Shade Over Roe v Wade

    Many already do.