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  1. The Whispering Monk

    DCEU: DC Cinematic Universe Thread

    Apparently, DCEU's The Flash's debut weekend was only $50 million, and they're expecting a dropoff on the 2nd weekend of over 70%. So...worst DC movie ever.
  2. The Whispering Monk

    DCEU: DC Cinematic Universe Thread

    TDWAM - The Dead Walk At Midnight
  3. The Whispering Monk

    DCEU: DC Cinematic Universe Thread

    Wow...they've succeeded in putting out a list of things that I have no interest in.
  4. The Whispering Monk

    DCEU: DC Cinematic Universe Thread

    Apparently, every one has to fight Supes in this DCCUM...really...THAT'S THE ACRONYM THEY CAME UP WITH?!