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  1. TyrantTriumphant

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    I for one, think we should strip the right to vote from dead people. They voted for Biden in larger margins than any other constituency.
  2. TyrantTriumphant

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    He'll have to stop with that. He doesn't actually have the capability to conquer anything else. Russia is not the power that is once was. Also, I'm not saying we shouldn't help the Ukraine, I'm still undecided on that issue myself. I'm only saying that Putin's ability to do damage is limited.
  3. TyrantTriumphant

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    In all fairness, Putin is not a genocidal lunatic like Hitler was. He's just an expansionist authoritarian douchebag. The worst case scenario is that he ends up conquering parts of the Ukraine and the Baltics. Not great, but not the end of the world either.
  4. TyrantTriumphant

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    I would hardly call the Neocons "Fiscal Conservatives". Their stupid wars and caving to the left are part of the reason the debt is so bad.
  5. TyrantTriumphant

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    At least the Republicans seem to actually be standing up to Biden on the mandates. Even most RINOs are telling Biden to pound sand on this.
  6. TyrantTriumphant

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    I wouldn't quite go that far. I'd say we're a decade or two away from the gulags right now.
  7. TyrantTriumphant

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    The idea that we have to work together with the left to defeat China is absurd when most of the Democrat leadership is in the pocket of the CCP. China wouldn't be anywhere near the threat that they are now if the political class hadn't spent the last few decades selling us out to them.
  8. TyrantTriumphant

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    Except you can actually point to examples of capitalism working mostly as intended as opposed to communism which has produced nothing but death and misery.
  9. TyrantTriumphant

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    I hear some county in Ohio is openly defying Biden's eviction order. Good for them. Maybe we can see more of this sort of thing in the future.
  10. TyrantTriumphant

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    One of the big arguments of the tech monopolies is that they are private businesses and that the first amendment only applies to the government. But if Facebook and the rest are acting on behalf of the government then that means that they are no longer private businesses, they are state actors...
  11. TyrantTriumphant

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    The laws of economics always do.
  12. TyrantTriumphant

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    During her meeting with President Obrador of Mexico, Kamala Harris decided to hang up on him mid-meeting because she had more important things to do. Obrador is apparently furious and Kamala doesn't care. Compare that to Trump who had a very good relationship with Obrador. The Left always...
  13. TyrantTriumphant

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    I think they want to keep Biden in as long as possible so that they can put the blame for all their radical stuff on him. That way when people ask "Why is gas 10 dollars a gallon" or "Why is everybody to the right of John McCain being thrown in a gulag" they can point to the senile old coot on...
  14. TyrantTriumphant

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    I'm not even sure Harris is in charge. I think that the gaggle of advisors and bureaucrats surrounding the department heads are the ones actually making decisions. That's how they ran the Mueller investigation.
  15. TyrantTriumphant

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    How about DeSantis? He's been getting a lot of support lately. If he was made nominee would you and other moderates be willing to support him?
  16. TyrantTriumphant

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    You condemn the Right in one sentence for not engaging in long term planning and criticize them for wanting to ban all immigration in the next? Immigrants of all races tend to vote Democrat. I see no reason the Right shouldn't manipulate demographics to benefit themselves just like the Left had...
  17. TyrantTriumphant

    United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

    The Democrats are still pushing for nationalized voting laws and Biden has just signed an executive order relating to that. Joe Biden's Executive Order on Voting Tells Agencies to Push Vote-by-Mail, 'Combat Misinformation' It's nothing too serious yet, but it shows where they're going with...