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  1. Valiran

    #MeToo and Cancel Culture: Friday is bring your own torches and pitchforks day!

    Yeah, and if this article from the American Bar Association is any indication the city of Baltimore may not even be able to take it down legally.
  2. Valiran

    #MeToo and Cancel Culture: Friday is bring your own torches and pitchforks day!

    That's true of basically everything, I think. Anyone who's behaving like that is in no mood for debate, at least for the moment. God knows I've believed one thing when I got riled up and become more amenable to discussing things after calming down. I'd say "the community" would be the city of...
  3. Valiran

    #MeToo and Cancel Culture: Friday is bring your own torches and pitchforks day!

    And this is what convinced me. Have a like while I go correct my post.
  4. Valiran

    #MeToo and Cancel Culture: Friday is bring your own torches and pitchforks day!

    Not just his enemies, but his allies and even his own journals and letters corroborate the horrible things he did; not only toward the native population but also the Spaniards living under his rule. Apparently, this even included letting prepubescent girls being sold into sexual slavery, which I...
  5. Valiran

    #MeToo and Cancel Culture: Friday is bring your own torches and pitchforks day!

    Here's the thing about cancel culture that I haven't seen mentioned yet: it's a double-edged sword. If there's convincing and reliable evidence that someone famous is a scumbag then hell yes society should cancel them! Case in point: No, Mr Cosby, you're not "America's Dad"; you're a rapist...