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  1. W

    Protecting And Serving: Cop (mis)behavior and consequences general discussion

    Centralized power is more corrupt not less.
  2. W

    Protecting And Serving: Cop (mis)behavior and consequences general discussion

    Hah, it's clear you've never seen how Asian countries treat mental issues.
  3. W

    Protecting And Serving: Cop (mis)behavior and consequences general discussion

    I don't hate cops to the extent that I want to burn down the breadth of the country in order to take them out. Though that's an exaggeration. It's far more likely we'd see qualified immunity come back, just either backdoored or via judicial refusal to hear cases. So likely worse then the bad...
  4. W

    Protecting And Serving: Cop (mis)behavior and consequences general discussion

    Cool, all the police are sued out of existence by everyone they have ever looked at. Who do you get to replace them and how do you convince them to do the job? Fanatics looking to totally destroy qualified immunity are acting like they've never seen any of the current cop cancel culture the...
  5. W

    Protecting And Serving: Cop (mis)behavior and consequences general discussion

    That's a fantasy. Patronage exists, it will aways exist. I expect city cops to be loyal to their municipal government, just like I expect sheriffs to be loyal to the people that pay for and elect them. You need enough regulations to keep police from abusing citizens and enough protections to...
  6. W

    Protecting And Serving: Cop (mis)behavior and consequences general discussion

    Right now it leads to nothing. Perfect is the enemy of good. Get a system in place to compensate people for obvious fuckups. Then start throwing blame around.
  7. W

    Protecting And Serving: Cop (mis)behavior and consequences general discussion

    While holding dumbasses responsible would be great, I'd settle for people not being rendered homeless and end with nothing. Crime is going out of control in certain cities, run by morons. For the next while anti-police policies are not going to be popular. Methods of making whole people who...
  8. W

    Protecting And Serving: Cop (mis)behavior and consequences general discussion

    In practice that would just let the State double dip on fucking people it doesn't like. Judges already defacto side with police, letting them then dismiss cases they don't like and stick them with the bill? You keep thinking that the courts in general and judges in particular are neutral. This...
  9. W

    Protecting And Serving: Cop (mis)behavior and consequences general discussion

    Making the people suing the State pay legal fees sounds like a good way to suppress people disliked by the State. The State already has a bunch of other intrinsic advantages, this would just add to it.
  10. W

    Protecting And Serving: Cop (mis)behavior and consequences general discussion

    Shit what do you think all the arrests for wrongthink are, the UK especially is hard into that? Obedience is a habit.