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  1. Zyobot

    The Coming Far Right Backlash

    Said it here already, but depending on how far left it ends up going, I really do fear the Catholic Church is in for an "Age of Martyrs" in which the Vatican is obliterated and the clergy get mercilessly butchered by fanatical Neo-Crusaders who cast them off as "Closeted Satanists in Christian...
  2. Zyobot

    The Coming Far Right Backlash

    Yeah, nice try, dude. I'll give you a D+ for at least commenting on religion this time. But as usual, you're just derailing with your signature articles you had on hand ahead of time and framing everything through the lens of your pet issues — malevolent AIs, universal enslavement, and so on...
  3. Zyobot

    The Coming Far Right Backlash

    Been having a sordid thought for a while, but just to share: I'm wondering what the fate of the Church is in this scenario? Myself, I'm betting that even with (or perhaps, because of) the "Third Great Awakening" needed for the Far Right to become "Neo-Crusader" cultists, odds are the Catholic...
  4. Zyobot

    The Coming Far Right Backlash

    Not a bad observation, if I'm being honest. Certainly no theologian, but for myself, I'm guessing Far-Right blowback could also contain a distinctly anti-materialist, "anti-Mammon" streak in opposition to Globalist economics and denigration of everything spiritual nowadays. At the very least...
  5. Zyobot

    The Coming Far Right Backlash

    No idea, though at this point, it's entirely possible that happened somewhere at some point. o_O Don't have the time or will to wad through years' worth of articles or social-media posts to locate it at the moment, but if I find anything, I'll try and get back to you on that.
  6. Zyobot

    The Coming Far Right Backlash

    In other words: "If everyone's a Nazi, then no one is." Seems like an on-point observation to me, though the fact all the "crying wolf" in the decades before may give actual Nazis (or other likeminded extremists, such as "Neo-Crusaders" who more resemble a pan-Western version of ISIS or...
  7. Zyobot

    The Coming Far Right Backlash

    Not sure I follow? And in any case, it's just one movie, as opposed to a cross-section of how an entire society (or at least, a substantial percentage of that society) is feeling at a given point. Sure, it's theoretically possible that World War III might start tomorrow, courtesy of the...
  8. Zyobot

    The Coming Far Right Backlash

    Like I said, all the more reason to watch with wary eyes as the "Führer of the West" (or someone close enough) makes themselves known in the 2050s or later. They may hold weight now, but once World War II has faded out of living memory and the survivors' Boomer children have gone virtually...
  9. Zyobot

    The Coming Far Right Backlash

    The leader in question: More seriously, though, I'm fairly sure that soon after World War II disappears from living memory, the angry youths in question will look to someone scarily akin to a certain mustachioed Austrian from back in the day and be more than happy to unleash death camps...