What If? “Pagan” Religions replaced that of those of the “People of The Book”?


Writers Blocked Douchebag
Basically, somehow, whether you’re Catholic, Jewish or Muslim or their offshoots and subsects

All those religions find themselves replaced with extremely sanitized “pagan” religions

Live in the UK? You’re now worshipping Celtic Gods and Arthur Pendragon is a Saint or Demigod

Live in Egypt? You’re now worshipping either Akhaten or the Egyptian Pantheon

Live in a Scandinavian country? Odds are you want to go to Valhalla by dying in combat

Live in the USA? A variation of many different competing faiths, but somehow everybody’s worshipping Lovecraftian horrors

How would the world take this? Also, would people become more “immoral” without the explicit values taught by the Bible/Koran/Torah?

I doubt there was any “rule” against raiding and enslaving others in any of those faiths
>he doesn't know about indigenous religions so he just throws in a completely made up theology that was only made up in the context of a cultural christian venting into the written page
The largest ethnic group in the USA is Germanic, which would not only include Germans and Scandinavians but Anglo-Saxons and Normans. So Americans primarily worship some variant of Odin/Wotan. I imagine that US foreign policy is going to be a bit more aggressive when they follow warrior gods that reward death in battle rather than Christ who said to turn the other cheek.
The largest ethnic group in the USA is Germanic, which would not only include Germans and Scandinavians but Anglo-Saxons and Normans. So Americans primarily worship some variant of Odin/Wotan. I imagine that US foreign policy is going to be a bit more aggressive when they follow warrior gods that reward death in battle rather than Christ who said to turn the other cheek.

Say, would there be theological debates still?

Like whether or not Valhalla is the only heaven worth anything?
Okay, so I'll imagine the thread as "how would the world be if it developed as it did except without abrahamic religions and maybe based Zoroastrianism". I was going to say that the absence of "hello this thing i made up to get laid is real paganism" would be a plus, but I think that similar hogshit to wicca would still come up.
Say, would there be theological debates still?
Yes, humans would still be humans. The syncretic slurry of "Greek mythology" would encompass a wider territory.
The way that achristianized moral philosophers argued about morals and ethics.

I think that’d be harder with Greek/Roman Gods

Try going on about morality and justice when guys like Zeus are douchebags for fun and dare to get pissed at others for violating things like Guest Right

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