2023 Election Predictions
@Stargazer @Cherico @Blasterbot @Zachowon @bullethead @f1onagher

Predictions for this evening:
MS House of Representatives: GOP Hold
MS State Senate: GOP Hold
VA House of Delegates: GOP Hold
VA State Senate: GOP Pick-Up
NJ State Assembly: DEM Hold
NJ State Senate: DEM Hold
MS Governor: Reeves (R) wins reelection by double digits.
KY Governor: Beshear (D) narrowly wins reelection by less than 38,000+.
2025 VA Governor; 2025 VA Lieutenant Governor: Stoney dropping down statewide offices
Richmond Mayor Levar Stoney (D) dropping out of the 2025 VA Gubernatorial Democratic primary & will be running for the Lieutenant Governorship.

@Stargazer Any thoughts on Stoney deciding to run for Lieutenant Governor. Gut feeling Warner, Kaine & the VA Democratic Party establishment pressured him to abandon his gubernatorial aspirations & they're uniting behind Spanberger.

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