A Hardcore Game (Gamer/40K SI)

Chapter 1
  • tri2

    Well-known member
    "All right mom, I'll pick up the packages on the way back." I said closing the phone call as I waited for the pedestrian traffic light to turn white as I opened up the browser to read the next chapter of the The Gamer. I looked up and noticed that the light was now white and proceeded to cross the street while reading off my cellphone. It was a pretty slow day overall so there was not that much traffic so it was pretty safe to do this like I had many times before.

    As I crossed the street I suddenly heard a loud honk from a big wheeler and immediately raised my head up and looked towards the source of the sound and froze like a idiot.

    I stared as the giant red colored 18 wheeler smashed into me and everything went black.

    As the blackness stretched on and on I had a thought that the moment was stretching forever until I realized, I could count past 3.

    I was conscious.

    Was I dead? Was I alive?

    I wasn't in pain so there was that good news.

    But I couldn't feel my body. I couldn't feel any physical sensations.

    Moving my eyes I couldn't feel them and I could see no changes in the darkness and I couldn't see my body.

    Just floating in this silent was both comfortable and terrifying.

    Was I going to be stuck here? Or was this some kind of Isekai situation?

    I mean I did get hit by a truck and ended up cognizant after death.

    Cause I am pretty sure I couldn't have survived a head on crash with a 18 wheeler.

    Soooo....what's going to happen to me?

    With nothing else to do I just started going through the various chapters of The Gamer in my mind. Sigh.

    By the time I finished going over all the chapters I could remember nothing had changed.

    The Darkness was still Dark. The Silence was still Silent.

    Dammit all what the hell was going on?

    At this point I really started to freak out with the possibility of actually being trapped in this kind of existence being higher than I would like.

    Suddenly a streak of light flash past my eyes like a shooting star. I quickly tried to track, follow it, but instantly lost it in less than a second.

    'Dammit!' I thought to myself as I desperately tried to find that moving point of light.

    Suddenly I see the pinprick of light in front of me rapidly filling my vision before turning my whole view white.

    'Ahhhhh!' I said in both fear and as a reaction to the intensely bright light in my face.

    The next thing I knew I had the wind knocked out of me as I landed back first on...a dumpster, causing me to spit out saliva as I rolled off from the impact and land on what I recognized to be concrete and gagging as I smelled the area I was in.

    I gagged and coughed while also trying to get enough air into my lungs and blinking and rubbing my eyes to be able to see in the light after so long in the dark.

    Where the hell was I? Was I alive again? On Earth? Another world? The same timeline?

    After I was done coughing my lungs out and readjusted to the realm of the living. I looked around. I was in a normal alleyway as far as I could tell. A empty dirty alleyway like you would see in the back streets of New York.

    However, something was off, the traffic noises around me were different, it didn't sound like normal cars. In fact I could swear that I could hear....hymns?

    Getting to my feet, I decided to walk towards the noise as I doubt I wanted to see how the local alleyway dwellers are like in this still unknown city.

    After walking for close to half an hour I was still in the alleyway. Why the hell was the alleyway so damn long?

    Was this city enormous or something? Another hour passes and soon I noticed a end to the alleyway and the sounds being a lot clearer.

    Right before I could start to rush over something attracts my attention and stops me in my tracks.




    "My death was a accident!? And it wasn't even Truck-Kun himself who did it, but his kid? He's married? How does a truck even have a kid? Is he a fuckin transformer now?" I ground out under my breath quietly anger in my voice even as I processed the full message. So I had The Gamer System now? Where is the notifications then?




    Gamer's Mind: Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through. Allows peaceful state of mind. Immunity to psychological status effects.

    Gamer's Body: Grants a body that allows for the user to live the real world like a game. Sleeping in a bed restores HP, MP and all status effects.


    LEVEL: 1
    NEXT LEVEL: 0.0%

    HP: 100
    MP: 100

    STRENGTH: 10
    WISDOM: 10
    LUCK: 10

    MONEY: 0

    Well looks like everything is there leaving my name aside, but a problem comes to mind, if this is the Harry Potter verse, why does this alleyway seem to go on forever? No city I know of in the world would have a alleyway this long with no side branches or exits besides these closed doors in the sides. Was I in some sort of magical alleyway or something?


    Ah there we go, probably going to tell me I gained a intelligence or wisdom point for figuring out my location correctly or something. That was how this goes right?


    "What?" I yelled before immediately sprinting towards the entrance of the alleyway only to skid to a stop as I tried to stop myself from tipping over a fucking ledge! After regaining my balance I take a good long look at the scenery in front of me with my mouth wide open in shock.


    I was in some kind of future setting! Large skyscraper like buildings with vast extended walkways stretching between them with air cars flying in the sky above with spaceships even higher above them. Spaceships that seemed oddly familiar. I was actually a bit excited until my face paled and my gut dropped.

    Passing by in front of me was a airship a large red zeppelin like airship.

    The problem was the symbol on the side of the ship.

    A double headed Aquila with one head blind.

    There was only one setting I knew with that symbol and explained why Truck-Kun Jr couldn't get me out.

    I was in Warhammer 40K.


    AN: Whelp, here I go again with another story. Likes and feedbacks please.

    1d5 = Ultima Segmentum

    1d8 = 2 Civilized World

    1d8 = 5 Knight World

    1d100 = 65 Local space infested with

    1d9 = 4 Human Pirates

    1d6 = 6 Modern 40K
    Chapter 2
  • I sat on the ledge of the alleyway entrance as I just stared at the city in front, below, and above me.

    Go-wait no I shouldn't use that word anymore might call down the wrong sort of attention. Mmhmm.

    Dammit all. Yes, that was better. Dammit all to hell of all the places Truck-Kun Jr to mistakenly drop me into did it HAVE to be 40K?

    'So, what to do?' I sighed while looking up at the sky above as it was turning a lovely shade of purple as the sun set behind the skyscrapers in the distance, outlining them in a brilliant shade of golden orange.

    I get up and started pacing back and forth mumbling to myself out loud as I tried to think of a plan for surviving this Hell hole and what my goal was to be.

    "First off main goal is to not die or get caught by the Four, second do not die because of Tyranids, Necrons, Orks, or Dark Eldar. Tau and Eldar are debatable as I might be spared by the two. Second either find someway to revive the Emperor so I can leverage for a favor to hide in the imperial Palace where I would be protected by the layers of heavy defenses or find a planet that will be devoured by the Tyranids and wait till it is consumed before following in the wake to reterraform the planet and live out the rest of my life there."

    "Of course that is dependent on what time period I landed in, getting a ship, getting enough supplies to do all that, figuring out a place with no more Nids passing through, and the big one living long enough to reach it. Actually speaking of that, do I even age anymore? Will I ever die of old age? I mean my body is a game character's now and game characters do not really age or die of old age. Well a few gamer characters like the Fable series did allow for aging, but even then not death by old age...."

    I stop pacing as a shock fills my body "Am I technically immortal now? I have no real way to test it so I guess I should just assume I am not. If after two decades pass and I am still looking young then I guess that would prove I am immortal...and then I would need to cover my face to avoid being exposed as a immortal. The Inquisition would defiantly not let me go if they heard about me, unless I can get rich enough to have the excuse of using extensive rejuvenation treatments to stay young and then using body doubles to act as my kids until I replace them myself."

    "But that would mean actually getting wealthy and powerful, but that would put me on the Inquisitions net. Sigh."

    "Ok, before I get even more side tracked what other options do I have? Imperial Guard? Hah! Inquisition? Blam! Space Marines? Am too old and the surgery would hurt like hell." I said shivering at the memories of the space marine creation lore video's description of the surgeries needed to be a space marine.

    "Right anything else? Agriworld farmer? Maybe, but no defenses and any working guy with a set address is at risk of the Inquisition and any corrupt nobles of arbites.....wait a minute, can I even speak the language on this planet? Shit!" I start freaking out as I would no doubt draw attention when I could not understand a word people are saying or respond to them. Hell the arbites might just kill me if I can't properly respond to their orders.

    Fuck! This meant I can't stay inside proper society till I learned how to speak Low Gothic or whatever variant local language is on this planet. How was I going to do that? I mean with the system I could probably learn it from skill books if I could find it but I had no money or ability to break into shops and one wrong move will have me hunted down by the whole city so that is a no go.

    'Be a beggar and eavesdrop till I learn the language? Maybe, but my clothes though...' I thought to myself as I looked down at my nice hoodie and pants, those would make me stand out among the beggars and get me jumped by them and sneered at by the normal people no doubt.

    I spoke with resignation "I guess....I guess this means I need to go to the underhive and fight for resources and strength. For all of my goals I am going to need enough strength to defend myself or at least strong enough to run away. Best case scenario would be if I could somehow be a Rogue Trader, but that would be very unlikely. Sigh."

    I raised my hand in front of my face before making a fist with it. "Yeah, I definitely need strength, I need more stats, more skills, and gear." I look back into the alleyway I dropped in and noticed that there still was no sign of anyone exiting any of the alleyway doors or even any signs of beggars and I could not hear anyone or anything besides the background noise of the city and hymns.

    What part of the city was I in? I looked closer at the alleyway that I was in, specifically at the buildings. They were whitewashed two to three story rectangular buildings all going down a straight line with a curve at the end. There were no windows all along the way as far as I could see and the doors were metal with a small groove on the side. I walk up to the door and took a closer look, it should be a door handle.

    I try opening the door but it did not even budge a bit, I could not even shake it. Were all the doors here like that? I try several more doors and even put my ears on some, but I couldn't hear anything. Soundproofing?

    I remembered the dumpster I landed on and ran back towards the dumpster.

    Ding! Skill Gained! All future notifications will be minimized to be reviewed at User's request!

    Oh nice. A quick look showed me I gained the sprint skill which would use up 3 MP/Sec but boost my speed by 10%. I reached the dumpster and immediately opened it up bracing myself for the expected stench of rot and trash. To my surprise however nothing came up and quickly looking down I saw nothing. The whole thing was empty and clean like it was never used before.

    Was I in some kind of prop city? Like something a noble would make for fun with his money? Was there even a way out?

    I started sprinting down the alleyway, running at full speed for 33 seconds before being forced to jog as I could no longer sprint as my mana bar had apparently depleted even though I exhibited no symptoms of fatigue.

    As I walked I looked down at my hands, I didn't feel tired at all and I was not even sweating despite sprinting for half a minute in a hoodie. I really was a game character now wasn't I?

    Did I need to eat? Drink? Poop? Pee? Hell do I even need to sleep anymore? Or were all those things just things I could do to satisfy the psychological habit of being a normal human?

    I was going to have to test all those things out as I might not even be able to do any of those things if I wanted to if I could not buy or rob what I need.

    I ran and ran and ran. I just kept running, then jogging then running again. I went left, I went right, I traveled in a loop, then through twists and turns again.

    The alleyway was a mess, the directions made no sense. Who the hell made this kind of alleyway? Why were there no exits!


    At least I was gaining stat points and skill levels as I could hear them occasionally dinging in my mind. I could sprint increasingly longer after each one. In fact I even started trying to run silently which gave me the light foot skill which reduced my running noise and I had gained the sprint skill earlier during my run to the dumpster. Now I alternated between sprint boosted running and jogging my way down this twisted passage.

    The sun was down now and the alleyway was dark. I could barely see anything and had to stop for a while, luckily there was light from the rising moons a few hours later that lit up the alleyway for me to continue moving.

    At least I could now confirm, I had no human needs anymore. No fatigue, no hunger, no thirst, no need to relieve myself, no sense of mental tiredness from lack of sleep. Though that last one will have to wait till tomorrow night to be sure.

    I kept running and jogging and running and jogging. Endless walls of white buildings passed by me as I got faster and faster, going longer and longer.

    As the sun finally rose again I stopped.

    Not because I was tired, no, but because I reached the end.

    And I was pissed.

    In front of me was a fucking white wall building like everything else! IT WAS A DAMN DEAD END!

    I ran for what must have been at least 12 hours to get here and there was nothing!

    "Damn it!" I yelled throwing a punch at the featureless wall of white, feeling a flash of pain before it disappeared and my HP bar dropping a point.

    I just snapped as the rest of the night roared in my mind of the mindless endless walls and my situation coming back to me. Stuck in 40K universe, separated from my family, my mom, my dad, my little sister, my grandparents, everyone.

    I snapped and roared as I just kept throwing punches at the white wall in front of me as I vented out all my frustration and fear into it.

    Point after point dropped and more dings could be heard, but I ignored it all and just kept punching a red of haze in front of my eyes.

    Finally I just suddenly felt tired and stopped. I slumped to my knees looking down at the ground before closing my eyes, tears falling lungs heaving with unneeded air.

    Damn it why me. What shitty luck I must have to get something any nerd would want and still have it go so wrong.

    As suddenly as my rage hit my current emotional status went 180 and I was calm again, my breathing evening out as I lifted my glasses and wiped my eyes,

    I looked up at the wall and saw that I had left patches of blood all over its pristine white surface and looked at the corner of my vision where my HP bar was.

    There flashing in red was the bar with the numbers 7/100 underneath it. I broke into a mad laugh.

    I had almost literally killed myself on a wall. HahahahahahahaHAHAHAHAHA!!

    My mad laughter again suddenly cut off as the hysteria left me like a switch was flipped. So I guess the Gamer's Mind counted Hysteria as one of the effects it countered. Why didn't it snap me from my rage then?

    Looking through the notifications list on the lower right corner of my vision I saw that I had gained a bunch of skills, one of which was Berserker. Well that explained it then, it did not remove self skill inflicted statuses.

    I shakily get back onto my feet and look up at the wall around me. Guess I had to climb out of hear, but there was nothing to climb.

    The walls were too smooth and the dumpster that lined the place occasionally were not tall enough to boost me as all the buildings were at least 2 stories.

    I would either need to make something to grapple up the sides or jump. The first is out of the question as I lacked the materials and I was not destroying my clothes for rope. So guess I would have to as in the words of a certain time travelling samurai 'Jump Gud' and learn fast.

    That last part made me stop however, why DID I have to leave fast? I mean this place was perfect for grinding wasn't it? Empty of people and from what I can tell surveillance, isolated, self contained, plenty of space, I did not need supplies. I could grind as much as I wanted here without fear of being discovered. Hell not a single aircraft was seen in the skies above this place when I was running the whole night.

    How should I grind?

    Remembering all the previous gamer fics I remembered before I got an idea. I just had to combine everything into one routine to train everything at once.

    I had to jog for constitution points, sprint for sprint skill, jump for the skill to get out, twirl for dexterity hopefully, maybe do a few jump skill boosted flips, try to silently run, do math problems in my head for intelligence with increasing complexity and....what? I could not train luck or wisdom as I did not know how or lacked the materials for it, but what about strength?

    I look through the notifications again and noticed that I had also gained a passive skill, physical resistance, unarmed fighting, and pain tolerance. That gave me an idea, a stupid one, but I was safe enough to do it here.

    I would punch the walls to level up my strength, physical resistance, unarmed fighting, and pain tolerance till my HP was almost gone, then go jogging and sprinting till my HP was back up to full again then repeat it all over again.

    If it wasn't for the fact that the pain very quickly disappeared, which did kind of make me wonder why a pain tolerance skill was even made, I would not even consider punching a wall multiple times let alone once. That was mad!

    But well, I guess I was in a mad mad world now wasn't I?

    I took one look back at the bloody dead end behind me and began grinding, sprinting and twirling down the damn long ass alleyway like a demented ballerina.

    Hopefully the planet is not attacked or something while I am here, or worse someone actually sees me grinding.

    Chapter 3
  • I finally stopped as I reached the end of the alleyway again for the fortieth time today making another mark on the bloody wall as the sunset. 21 marks. Three weeks, that was how long I had been training in this long ass alleyway. Three long weeks isolated from people alone with my thoughts and grinding. Taking a few deep breaths to calm myself doing a post exercise ritual of stretches even as they are not needed, letting the wind that occasionally flowed caress my naked body. I had inventoried my clothes and glasses after I started noticing my shoes becoming a bit worn out from the constant running, wanting to preserve my clothes for when I have to be in public with people, and that my glasses didn't actually do anything for me anymore. Plus running barefoot let me train my pain tolerance against the concrete ground. I take a look at the gains I made over the past 3 weeks of nigh constant training.

    "Notifications summary" I said reading the screen that popped up summarizing the gains I had made since I started my training.

    Notifications Summary
    Levels Gained: 5

    Stat Gains:
    +25 Strength
    +33 Constitution
    +64 Dexterity
    +76 Intelligence
    +2 Wisdom
    +1 Luck

    Gained Skills:
    Sprint Level 63
    Berserk Level 1
    Unarmed Combat Mastery Level 23
    Pain Tolerance Level 21
    Parkour Level 9
    Physical Resistance Level 21
    Jump Level 48
    Light Foot Level 36
    Acrobatics Level 43
    Observe Level 6
    Power Strike Level 1
    Meditate Level 11
    Rip Level 18
    Craft Level 8
    Willpower Level 16

    Perks Gained
    Deep Well - Gain double the increase to MP from each Intelligence point.
    Cat's Grace - Always land on your feet, keep your balance easily, and reduce fall damage.

    Suffice to say I had made quite a lot of progress towards both my skills and stats. The never ending running, jumping, flips, and sadomasochism against the closest wall rapidly leveled up my related skills and stats till they started slowing down past level 15. Then it was just a matter of quantity and perseverance to just keep pushing despite the boredom and common sense in my head telling me how stupid I was to hurt myself like this. That last part was what gave me the Willpower skill which let me focus on a task and not lose the Will to continue a action, perfect for long term isolated grinding. I did take the occasional break to try some new things like meditation which restored my mana, but honestly my Sprint skill's increasing mana efficiency combined with my rapidly increasing intelligence, from just doing successively massive amounts of ridiculously large brute force calculations which gave me more mana, made it inefficient time wise to grind.

    I did get to practice some crafting and observation once my combat skills and strength started getting hard enough to break pieces off of the walls which I used to craft crude stone tools. I was not strong enough to rip the lids off the dumpsters yet to make some metal tools, but I was getting there. In fact I gained two new perks from reach the 50 threshold for my intelligence and dexterity stats. Other than that I few lucky moments where I managed to avoid going over the alleyway entrance ledge gave me a luck point and I apparently had a daily quest that gave me 500 experience points for doing enough exercise routines every morning. It was great as the increase in levels increased both my health and mana and restored them instantly when I leveled up, allowing me to increase my grinding efficiency. However, the list of skills should have been higher, I tried out various special moves like the Rokushiki from One Piece only to either get not notifications or a notification stating that my stats were not high enough to acquire certain skills. I even tried to use mana to create the classic mana bolt spell, but failed as I simply could not feel the mana that was suppose to be inside me according to my MP bar. I tried to feel the energy that was supposedly speeding me up during the Sprint skill, but I could not feel anything. The MC's of so many comics and fanfics lied to me, it was not easy at all!

    I also tried to create a ID create and of course failed as I could not gather any energy in my hands and because I remembered something very important about Instant Dungeons. I remembered that the MC's green hair'd martial arts friend explaining about how to get in and out of ID spaces. One of the things he said was that Gaia would help them make the spaces. So even if I could gather energy in my hand to release it, would it even make a ID space since I was not on Earth and Gaia might not be real here or would I end up calling a warp entity instead? It never did make sense to me why creating a entire physical illusionary reality would cost no MP to make or any detailed knowledge or training. Just up goes your hand and there you go.

    While meditating I debated whether or not to try to gain psyker powers since as a Gamer I should be safe from corruption since I had the Gamer's Mind skill. In the end however, I was just too afraid to walk down that path, I mean look at the strongest psykers in the galaxy like the Emperor and Magnus and all those weaker than them? One is crippled, another is a demon, and the others are either basically on Execution watch by Imperials or at constant risk of being possessed by demons who want to eat your soul. Hell no to that life even if it does seem to grant immense power if the wiki descriptions of beta and alpha level psykers are true. If I had a chance it would probably better for me to become a Blank somehow, or stick strictly to mana only powers as those are not warp based. That little session of thinking actually got me the two Wisdom stat points so I guess I was on the right track?

    "Character Sheet" I said as my sheet appeared in front of me. showing me the fruits of my labor.

    Character Sheet

    LEVEL: 6
    NEXT LEVEL: 67.18%

    HP: 680
    MP: 1970

    STRENGTH: 35
    WISDOM: 12
    LUCK: 11

    MONEY: 0

    I felt a lot better now with almost 7 times more life than I started with and presumably my dexterity and Sprint combined with Acrobatic should let me dodge most things that weren't las guns...which just happened to be the most common weapon in the Imperium. Sigh. At least I could confidently say I could leave this alleyway at anytime now. My Jump skill passively increased my max jump height by 10% per level with a active boost of 100% per level so now my jump height passively was boosted by 480% while active would bring it to 4,800% which equated to 2.9 ft and 25 ft respectively which was amazing considering I could only jump at most 6 inches before from just standing. I could now reach the top of some of the smaller buildings now and pull myself over, I took a quick look before and all I saw were more of the same houses and alleyways, but no people. I was seriously confused as why was there the equivalent of an entire city's worth of infrastructure left unused yet still be clean with no sign of staff? If it was not for the fact that the end of the alleyway showed a thriving city with ships flying about, I would have thought I was on some xenos or dead world. Which did bring the question to mind of WHY was there no aircraft space or otherwise above this false city?

    I lightly hopped on my feet seemingly floating on air as I silently moved from side to side rapidly as a nervous tick that I developed while training even while resting.

    Breath in, Breath out. In. Out.

    Feel the wind. Be calm.

    Feel-wait, somethings wrong. The wind is different today. I was intimately familiar with the smell, strength, and frequency of the wind that flowed down this alleyway, what with being awake 24/7 and being able to remember a lot more due to having higher intelligence stats. The wind carried a stronger smell of something like gasoline, likely promethium, and was choppy like something was interfering with it. Was something flying in the alleyway?

    Thinking of people actually being here made me pale as I had left obvious signs of my presence what with the numerous cracked walls and blood all over them up and down the alleyway. No doubt they were going to investigate this area and call for more people.

    I had to run! No! Wait, I had to spy on them, maybe I could learn something from them. No! No that is dumb, if they can get here that means they have a flier that means they could just run me down if they chased me. The other path would be to kill them to prevent that, but that would only be required if they discovered me. I was not willing to kill another human being just to satisfy my curiosity, I was not some kind of monster or beast dammit!

    Clutching my shaking fists I sighed and quickly put back on my clothes and proceeded to finally leave, before a thought came to me, how was I going to leave this city? From what I recall the sides of the city were a straight drop like a cliff, and I could not be sure the other end of this city of alleyways would be different. Gah! What should I do?









    Well, guess that answers my question. What the hell was a Alkazere though?

    I click the Accept button and prepared myself. Breath in and out. I was ready. First I needed the high ground. I activated the Jump skill and using a nearby dumpster leaped onto the top of the closest second story building and then leaping on top of the next door third story building. Another thing I noticed as I ascended was that none of the buildings here had windows, only metal doors. Were they in fact storehouses? Using Observe on them never revealed what was inside so I was left in the dark. Ignoring that train of thought I proceeded to Sprint and Jump my way silently across the rooftops towards the edge of the alleyway. The time required reduced massively as I moved in a straight line instead of following all the twists and turns of the alleyway.

    In less than an hour I was within sight of the edge of the city and I could hear something. A kind of thrumming sound like that of a propeller spinning at high speeds, but I did not see any fliers. Laying down on top of a roof I looked carefully over the side and waited. I saw what it was in less minute it was a large propeller powered hovercraft with balloon like cushions on the side like one of those Earth water hovercrafts, big enough to carry four people. There were all wearing the same kind of uniform, gaudy bright blue and gold with a lot of tassels and I could see that they were armed with a pistol and a saber. A nobleman's house guard perhaps? The vehicle was large, almost like a tank with a symbol on the front a sword crossing a gear. Mechanicus aligned perhaps?

    As the vehicle passed by me I noticed something, the back of the hovercraft was wide, hidden by the fan on the back, and the air cushions made a good place to perch on, I could possibly hang and hide in the back there when they left. I just had to make sure I was not detected by these people as they got back to wherever they were coming from so I could leave the craft at somewhere along the way back. Maybe I could land on a roof of another of the buildings on the city?

    Well it was either this, run away, or knock out/kill the guys, which would end up pretty badly for them as I would most likely have to destroy any communication devices they had, but even then I don't know how to pilot that thing. So guess hitchhiking it is then.


    Oh, nice. I focus my ears on trying to hear the people on the hovecraft even I followed behind them stealthily. a few buildings behind, making sure to follow them just out of sight using the buildings for cover. Eventually they stopped at the end of the alleyway and get out. I laid flat on my stomach and watched them from afar yet still within hearing range. They were visibly distressed and afraid, though none seemed to say anything, bravado and position jockeying perhaps? They started speaking to each other in a language I could not recognize and examined all the dried blood prints and smashed cracked walls, luckily I did not leave hand prints when I smashed those walls, just blotches of blood.

    I could hear increasingly frantic and fearful whispering with the most fanciful among them barking a order at them most likely to shut up and ordered the one who piloted to most likely leave. The vehicle slowly rotated around after the three got back in and I slowly circled around to the back of the hovercraft and silently dropped down behind the noisy vehicle and carefully climbed slowly onto the rotating vehicle careful to not suddenly disturb the vehicle by placing my weight too quickly on one side and pulled myself completely behind the fan section, and proceeded to grip hard. So here I was now grabbing the sides of a hover crafts fan frame, sitting on a cushion, and waiting for the vehicle to finally take off. Which it did with haste as the floor underneath me rushed past my feet which was only a half feet off the ground. I tried not to grunt as the hovercraft made the twists and turns to exit the alleyway and had to contain as fearful gasp as I saw the floor disappear beneath me and the city far below stretching forever.

    The hovercraft tilted as it accelerated downward, causing myself to force myself down lest I float upwards and be revealed to anyone looking at the back of the hovercraft compared to having to look closely. Gripping the cushion as best I could with one leg I swung the other so I could maneuver myself so that I could look under the cushion so I could see how high we were as we moved. We were still pretty high up but I could see us heading towards a pair of high towers that were close together and would pass just above them. I practiced a bit and my high dexterity stat and Acrobatics skill would actually let me jump in between walls like those old Megaman games, so I guess this would be a good a place as any to drop off. Plus I could see heavy foot traffic at the bottom of the towers so I should be able to avoid most detection and hide in the crowd upon landing.

    I rapidly did some calculations based on the height of those towers and my own abilities and calculated the optimum landing site that should let me avoid the attention of any looking around or looking out the window. Plan formulated I waited for the hovercraft to enter the optimum position, a couple minute passes and I let go, dropping down, leg still hooked to the cushion and rotated. Upside down now before I fully leave the hover craft I give a light kick off the bottom of the air cushion, just enough to give me enough horizontal velocity to make it to the side of the nearest tower.

    Seconds passed as the air rushed past my face, Gamer's Mind keeping my terror in check, right as I am about to hit the side of the building I tuck and roll with the building before contorting my leg to allow for me to kick off the side towards the other tower. Soon I was kicking my way down from tower to tower going faster and faster till I was a blur to most people, unnoticed or dismissed as a figment of their imagination.

    With one last kick I land in what looked like ANOTHER alleyway except this one much more dirty! I quickly thought and readied my body and it was ready! Just as I was about to hit the ground I kicked off the ground at a angle to deflect the velocity into rotational energy, leaving me spinning rapidly in the air like a top before I twisted again to land on my feet, sweeping my hands and feet around int a circle to absorb and direct the leftover kinetic energy into punches that I sent into the air, causing small air distortions to form for a split second and leaving my whole body sore but clean. Ow. At least it only lasted a bit till Gamer's Body removed the pain.

    I stretched my legs and rotated my arms around to make sure everything was fine, which they were due to the skill, but force of habit and all that.




    1000 EXP GAINED!






    'Sigh, great now I even had a gacha system mechanic too' I thought closing the screen mentally while brushing the dust off my sleeves and tucking at my clothes to make sure they look presentable I proceeded to walk towards the moving crowds at one of the end of the alleyway.

    Time to actually begin living in this mad galaxy.

    AN: Man figuring out Gamer skill and stat gains suck. Anyways EARLY CHAPTER UPDATE! REJOICE!
    Target 90
    Week 1 1d100 = 4
    Week 2 1d100+5 = 40
    Week 3 1d100+10 = 98
    3rd week discovered
    Severity = 52 + 20 = 72
    Chapter 4
  • As I walked and seamlessly integrated with the stream of Humanity I was bombarded with a stream of information. After being completely alone for 3 weeks I seem to have somehow forgotten just how loud, active, and smelly the environment could be. The footsteps and conversations of thousands washed over me, signs of all kinds advertised their wares to people that seem to have come from all over the place. I could see a man wearing a turban talking to a man looking like a actual medieval knight, while across the street was a dour faced bucket head wearing arbites with a hand on a shock maul watching the crowd stoically. The people all around me were wearing clothing in a vast variety of style, color, and extravagance in some cases which made me inadvertently think of the pink god with a shiver. There were also a bunch of people with cybernetics, and given that I came from modern day Earth I wasn't ashamed to admit I may have stared at them in both fascination and disgust, carefully hidden of course, when I first saw them. To actually have technology implanted into your body with surgery sent shivers down my spine. A lot of them were either wearing red, most likely Adeptus Mechanicus affiliated, or were dressed like fancy nobles with guards in tow, well dressed like nobles in comparison to the rest of the crowd who kept out of their way anyways.

    I was certainly in some form of market district, likely one that caters to off world travelers considering the vast contrasting styles of the people in the area. This was great as it made me stand out less, even better was the fact that my eavesdropping skill was earning its keep as it rapidly leveled up as I walked by dozens of stores with people haggling in a variety of languages. This was a nigh ideal place for me to grind a lot of skills such as eavesdropping, stealth, observe, and learning various language skills.


    Though the nigh constant dings from my system was a bit annoying. I gotta say though, no one really ever mentions just how weird it is to just suddenly KNOW things. Like for instance in between language levels I suddenly realized I could curse in 3 different languages in like 12 different ways when I had no idea the second before. It was a bit jarring but I found it helped to just ignore it and just not focus on it at all and let is kind of work like muscle memory after trying out a few innocent phrases like 'I wonder where' or 'Hmmm, that looks useful.'

    I just kept walking through the district which was huge. I walked for a good 4 hours and have to reach the end of this market. I did seem to notice that the place is subtly curving though, was this market spanning and entire outer ring of the hive city? Looking up at marveling at the hive spire that went past the clouds I suppose it could very well be. Though it being a long walk was another good thing for me as that meant that anyone I did pass by will no doubt have forgotten me by the time I walk all the way around again preventing any suspicions about a frequently seen man walking by their store buying nothing.

    Needless to say with the vast variety available to me, my Observe skill rapidly leveled up to the point that I could get some useful information from it. I looked at random worker #421 and mentally thought/activated 'OBSERVE'

    LEVEL: 25
    NEXT LEVEL: 23.02%
    AGE: 25

    STRENGTH: 17
    WISDOM: 7
    LUCK: 3



    So far from what I can tell the base stats for normal full grown humans range from 10-20, with those born gifted or trained having stats in the range of 20-30, while those who are both gifted and trained having stats ranging from 30-40. That is of course not taking into account augments and equipment or any other special circumstances which could raise or decrease stats. Like with the guy I examined he most likely didn't have a chance to be educated or have a choice on what he could do or figure a way out of his situation which explained his low intelligence and wisdom stat while his whole life could be summed up by that luck stat. Lastly, their levels seem to correlate with their age, on average people will have a level equal to their age with the people worse off having lower levels while those healthy and strong being of higher levels even if their stats didn't truly accurately reflect what they could do. All of this followed a chain of logic that made sense to me as only I was under the Gamer system where my physics was overwritten to follow video game logic. This meant while I could use the information from observe as a general indicator of the capabilities and threats of other people, I couldn't treat it as gospel, as Humans are always full of surprises.

    I kept on walking, making sure to always stay moving with the largest stream of people away from buildings or transport systems. Listening, walking, OBSERVING. As I walked I occasionally took a few breaks hanging out on the wall whenever I saw a shop with something interesting. I cast observe on all of their goods which ranged from anything from food to vehicles, giving me a good standard on which to compare other things down the line to make sure I wasn't being ripped off when I finally had money to buy stuff. Also, some shops had security systems which let me know just what exactly I had to watch out for in terms of surveillance. The cameras reminded me of CCTVs and some even had skulls with red lights in their sockets watching the customers, creepy.

    Taking another break on a empty stretch of wall I decided to enter the HELP Menu to see what else I could do with the Gamer System.

    'HELP MENU' I thought to myself

    I entered the HELP MENU, which gave me access to a list of commands I could use to access the additional functions.

    Character Sheet

    I was quite happy to see that the Party function was included as that meant I could possibly train up a squad of space marine level companions if I ever found any that I could actually trust.....which meant that I probably was never going to use that function considering Chaos, psykers, and the Inquisition being a thing. Fuck.

    Meanwhile, the map function was much more currently useful as it recorded everything with a 30m radius of me leaving a clear indication of where I had been and what I had passed as it also recorded the name of the stores I passed next to easily identifiable icons. It even had a toggle-able icon legend letting me pick and choose what I could see with a search bar at the top in case I was looking for somewhere specific.

    Other than that the Option menu only had a few things in it, mainly sound, notifications, and surprisingly enough Hotkey controls. Seems I could create a custom hotkey, either a gesture, command, or a combination of both to use a skill or spell or even a chain of them. That would be very useful once I had more skills or spells to use as it meant I could rapid fire things one after another without thinking. I could probably do all of Overlord's buffing scene in less than a second. If I went down the wizard route anyway, gotta make sure that doesn't open me up to the Warp.

    The sound option funny enough was to control the level of background music and whether or not I had subtitles. Both of them were set to default off and I didn't bother to change them as they would just be a distraction. The background music option had a list of recorded background music from areas I passed through, so at least I would have some sort of entertainment if I ever had to take a long trip or do a stakeout.

    The notification option though that had more than just setting how the notifications would act both in and out of combat, it also included how I would control the other functions, mainly if they would be thought, voice, or touch based. I immediately set them all to be thought controlled as I couldn't ever guarantee I would be able to be speak or move should I ever needed to use my system.

    I quickly checked through the other functions to see the changes to my stats, skills, and empty Gacha ticket indicator, ignoring the question marked relationships as I lacked the information to figure them out besides just keeping an eye out, before pushing off the wall and continuing my walk in the ocean of Humanity.

    For hours I casually walked, witnessing everything from slaves to nobles or noble servants moving around purchasing goods and moving items. I eventually got a notification that I maxed out in LOW GOTHIC, and several other planetary languages. That was going to be very helpful in the future no doubt about that. I also kept an eye out for more alleyways especially those near guards as those should have less criminal elements inhabiting them hopefully.

    During my long ass walk I came up with a plan. I needed to acquire some gear, which meant I needed to either make some money or make it myself. My crafting skill was pitiful right now as I lacked sufficient quality materials to make items to level it up quickly. However, my inventory held the solution. It had a recycling function.

    I could recycle items in my inventory into raw resources and base components to be used to craft other things though at a last of like 33% if I judged the mass of rocks I recycled from my failed stone daggers right.

    The one thing you can count on from a city is that it will generate huge amounts of wastes. All of those wastes could be collected and recycled easily by me. I just had to find out where all those wastes were going and intercept them before they end up in the Underhive where the scavengers and gangers would fight over them. The only reason no one at this level would actually scavenge from here is the guards, and they are not prepared to watch out for someone of my skill level. After all if someone is on this level already they do not need to scavenge for some scrap. It's like expecting a guard watching out for gangers to try to detect a space marine scout infiltrator. Just way out of expectation.

    That meant I could circumvent the security forces nearby and access the guarded alleyways and collect the trash. I had already marked several alleyways connected to shops that would most likely have to throw out some inventory or other things and marked alleyways near them that weren't guarded or had guards that needed to patrol multiple areas, leaving it temporarily unguarded.

    I resolved to do that after doing the same to every area on my walk, until I either made a full circle, or I reach the point where I could go no further.

    That came up a lot sooner than I expected as a couple hours later I looked up a large gothic structure that reminded me distinctly of a train station. Looking inside that looked exactly what it was and more. I could hear various transports leaving and see people entering and exiting large and small elevators. So this was most likely a transport hub to other districts and down the various lower levels.

    Turning around I began walking back to the alleyways I marked, in a few more hours it would be around for me about 3-4 AM so most people should be either tired or unobservant from long shifts and there would be less lighting present in the alleyways, though there was not much to begin with anyways.

    Reaching the closest unguarded alleyway I entered silently and scanned for any signs of surveillance equipment. The alleyway was dirty and smelly and devoid of people. Perfect. I leaned against the wall and looked back out at the slightly smaller mass of moving people. So many people even at this time of the night. Geez.

    After making sure that no one was paying attention to me I looked around the alleyway to make sure there was no one inside and if there was nothing for me to collect. Nope nothing.

    Looking up I see that I would need to make 3-4 jumps off the walls to reach the top, I begin heading deeper into the alleyways so no wandering eye would catch my blatantly inhuman feat and raise a fuss.

    I soon reached a T junction and looking down the side alleys they also revealed to be absolutely devoid of people and cameras, perfect.

    I bent down and JUMP at the wall across from me, then proceeded to kick off the wall to propel myself further upwards and kicked off again and again before landing on the roof of the building. Silently crouching low, listening, in case there was anyone on the roof or someone spotted me below and raised a alarm. A few moments passed before I relaxed and proceeded to scan the rooftops of the other buildings nearby, seeing nothing except various rooftop cooling equipment and towers.

    Seeing the coast was clear I began running and roof jumping towards my target alley, easily clearing the space in between buildings like a bird. I quickly reached the marked alleyway and poked my head over the edge of the roof to scan the alleyway. It was a lot cleaner that the one I entered from and the guard at the other end was facing outwards. The other end of the alleyway was devoid of people as well. Even better was that there was a dumpster and from the looks of the partly opened lid, it was full.

    Ugh, damn, now for the hard part, actually grabbing and touching the filthy, smelly ass trash. Taking one quick look again at the guard I proceeded to drop over the edge, landing on my feet silently next to the dumpster. I crouched down behind it and opened up my inventory, making sure that it was parallel to the floor so I could easily just drop items in and behind the dumpster so the light from putting in items would not alert the guard. I also stored away my jacket and shirt to keep them clean. I then held my breath (wait do I even need to breath anymore?) and silently lifted the lid hoping that the damn thing was not rusty and squeaky.

    Luckily it was not.


    Not now system!

    Looking inside I could see a bunch of bags with bugs crawling over them. Steeling myself I quickly grabbed the bags and dumped them into my inventory as fast as possible, ignoring the disgust building up within me. I quickly cleared out most of the trash leaving the ones without bags and looked like they were not worth recycling enough to be touched and leapt towards the roof again.

    I proceeded to repeat this twenty more times before calling it a night as the sun began to rise and hid inside a cluster of rooftop equipment which had surprisingly a lot of space.

    I looked down in disgust at my arms as they were filthy and I had no real way to clean them. I rubbed them against the roof of the building to scrape as much of the filth as I could but even then it left a of stains on me. *Shudder*

    Time to see if the fruits of my labor, opening up the inventory I began using the system to open up the bags of trash which instantly got sorted and added by the inventory system without needing me to take them out and put it back in manually. Nice.

    Soon enough I had few pages full of damaged or destroyed materials and began sorting things out between recycle or keep as some items were worth keeping if I could repair them. I found a lamp, a case of a half dozen crumpled field rations, a few chits which were recognized as the system as valid local currency, a couple las packs, a chipped knife, what looked like a intact lasgun except it was actually just a toy model, a actual functioning if slightly scuffed las pistol, seemed like it was accidentally discarded given that it still had a half charged pack, and a few serviceable local style shirts and pants. The best things however were five dataslates that were still functional despite some damage to their casing and screens, even better was the notification that popped up when I touched the last one.



    AN: Summary of skill/item gains will be provided next chapter. Enjoy people! Likes and Feedbacks Please!
    ( 25 + 14 + 10 )

    ( 23 + 54 + 37 )

    ( 79 + 16 + 39 )

    ( 49 + 26 + 70 )

    ( 50 + 70 + 53 )

    ( 66 + 1 + 83 )

    ( 18 + 96 + 58 )

    ( 4 + 25 + 24 )

    ( 61 + 60 + 23 )

    ( 89 + 10 + 52 )

    ( 6 + 19 + 25 )

    ( 7 + 72 + 64 )

    ( 83 + 82 + 96 )

    ( 56 + 21 + 41 )

    ( 39 + 41 + 65 )

    ( 43 + 94 + 80 )

    ( 49 + 9 + 39 )

    ( 89 + 87 + 17 )

    ( 20 + 52 + 86 )

    ( 36 + 83 + 81 )
    Chapter 5
  • As the last of the trash is recycled and I finish going through my training regiemen for the daily quest exp I take a look at my gains.

    "Notifications summary" I thought, reading the screen that popped up summarizing the gains I had gained since I left that fake city thing, I found it to be quiet decent for about 12 hours worth of grinding. Eavesdropping and Stealth skills really got advanced from being in a large crowd,

    Gained Stats
    +2 Wisdom
    +1 Luck

    Gained Skills
    Craft Level 1
    Eavesdrop Level 20
    Language: High Gothic Level 1
    Language: Low Gothic Level Max (All future local planetary dialects shall be included for ease of writing)
    Light Foot Level 3
    Observe Level 15
    Repair Level 1
    Salvage Level 3
    Stealth Level 20
    Tech Use (Imperial) Level 1

    Gained Items
    Damaged electrical lantern
    6 field rations
    model lasgun
    3 las charge packs
    Chipped knife
    4 Dataslates
    Two sets of damaged Golgothan style outfits
    7 Credits
    6 units of rare earth metals
    78 units of common metals
    52 units of plastics
    37 units of cloth

    Seems like salvaging items gave me both Crafting and Repairing skill exp so that just gave me even more reason to go dumpster diving.

    I look at the language skills I gained, particularly the maxed out Low Gothic skill before taking a look at the dataslates. I wonder if there was anything useful in there? Like if the basic info on this planet or events going on, or even what time it was. Depending on where and when exactly I ended up, things could either turn out ok or I should start blowing my brains out with the laspistol right now.

    Taking a breath, wait, I took a breath, I really should see if I need to breath and this is a good as time as any. Taking a deep breath I take out the four dataslates and proceeded to....turn them on. I am ashamed to say that even with the Tech Use skill it took me more than a couple minutes to figure out how to turn them on. Stupid backwards advanced future tech.

    Then I had to spend a couple more minutes on figuring out how to actually navigate the damn things. You would think the future equivalent of a digital book reader would be simple to use, but nope, it's actually a bit more complicated then I expected.

    At least the date was easy to find as it was clearly labeled on the top right corner of the local equivalent of a digital newspaper. That's right seemed the 4 dataslates I acquired were just newspapers. Seems I was in M41 941 which did not really help me much considering I never really did take the time to remember the years of specific events. So this gave me no real clue what was going to happen in the near future except for the fact that I would be facing Tyranids at some point and that Cadia would fall with Guilliman reviving.

    However, the thing that really got my attention was the headline on the latest newspaper edition. In bold text were the words


    Reading through the article I felt a headache starting to form. It seems that the empty 'city' I was in was not a city at all, but was instead a giant fucking vanity project the governor built that was meant to be seen from space. The whole damn city would form a image of the governor in a suitably heroic pose that was highly detailed when looked at from orbit by all those arriving. It seemed that a anonymous report of a weird noise was reported coming from the art installation and a team of the governor's own guard went to search, and found a trail of destruction and blood all across one of the many 'lines' that made up the piece of art.

    The governor was understandably furious at what he perceived to be an attack on himself and ordered for a massive manhunt for the rebel heretic that dare destroy his beautiful artwork and use it for a no doubt heretical ritual with all that blood so the local Ecclesiarchy was also up in arms and going on a witch hunt. Joy. Even worse was that things like this attracted any nearby Inquisitors of the Ordos Malleus and Hereticus who most likely have psykers in tow to assist them. I really do not want to try to tangle with them or seeing how my Gamer System would interact with their powers as the interaction might mean it would be easier to track me or not. Better not to take the chance, plus I still don't know if my System is stronger than the Warp and the beings within and I really did not want to take the chance with that particular test.

    So that means I needed a place to hide and a background that would not draw attention. No way was I going to hide in the underhive, because while there was no doubt it would be very easy to hide in their, it would also have a very high chance of me fighting gangers, mutants, and worse in there as a fact of life. Fights that could potentially attract attention if I keep winning, and no way was I going to just keep running and let myself get hunted by even more people. So that meant staying here in the middle hive cause the upper hive would no doubt be covered in surveillance and guards normally, not to mention now of all times.

    I needed a place out of sight and out of mind that no one would really look. I mean I look young and normal so I had that advantage going for me. I just needed a position of utter normality something to distance me from the idea of a alleyway breaker and bleeder. Something so pathetic and worthless that there was no possible way it could be me. I looked through the areas recorded on my map at the various shops I had passed before stopping on one. It was a restaurant, restaurants were pretty common from what I could see, and every restaurant needed dishwashers. There was easily over a dozen restaurants and surely one of them would be willing to hire a kid willing to work for cheap. The job would also have the benefit of keeping me out of sight in the back and let me build up social skills with my fellow coworkers, multiple birds, one stone.

    First however, I needed to get clean. I looked down at myself and curled up my nose at the filth. I haven't showered in weeks, only the fact that I did not really seem to sweat anymore kept me from smelling worse than I was now. So first get clean, then go job hunting. Looking at the map again I marked the closest restroom icon and proceeded to sneak my way off the building, through the crowd, and into the restroom with all the speed and stealth I could muster.

    Looking around inside I did not really see anyone, and it did not really look any different than a regular restroom you would find on Earth, though it lacked mirrors, proper lighting, looked a little dirty, and the materials were different but the basics were still the same.

    Heading over to the sink I turned on the tap and inspected the water for anything strange before finding nothing and proceeding to first clean my arms of the dumpster gunk. As I was washing my hand I had a idea, could I store water in my inventory without a container? Opening up the inventory screen I placed it in a sink next to me and turned on the tap, watching as the water did disappear into the screen without issue, yes! Now I had a large supply of water if I ever needed it even if I did not actually get thirsty anymore. At least I could now shower or bath anywhere I wanted. As I watched the water from the sink flow into the inventory screen I suddenly had an idea. Could I enlarge the screen?

    Looking around the restroom and finding no one, I keep one ear on the entrance and proceed to grip the edge of the inventory screen and pull it while willing the rest of the box to stay still.

    My eyes widen in happiness as I see the screen stretch across the rest of the sinks and I proceeded to turn on the rest of the sinks. smiling as all of them dumped their water into my inventory. Yes! This opened up new possibilities for me as it meant that I could also store items larger than I thought was possible.

    'I'm going to need to test this out later' I thought to myself as I turned off the sinks and closed my inventory and proceeded to leave the restroom, entering the dark alleyways again. I proceeded to experiment a little more and made myself a makeshift shower by crafting a bathtub out of some plastic and filling it up repeatedly with water. The crafting system was strange. I did not need the recipe to make certain items as it seemed to unlock once my skill is high enough, but items that were at or under my skill level that I discovered were not included in my unlocked recipe list. So to clarify my Craft skill unlocked more recipes as it leveled up, but there are also other recipes not included that I either have to find or make myself before it is recorded. Also, the really strange part of the crafting system is that when I click on the craft button to make the recipe it takes no time, it literally takes less than a second for my hands to blur into motion and the item to appear. I remembered the actions I took, but they make no sense, like the fact that I smashed a bunch of plastics together which proceeded to melt and meld together into a solid piece and my hands then proceeded to instantly shape them into a proper bathtub of uniform thickness.

    It was a a bit frightening as I basically had no control for that split second, but amazing as well since it meant I could very quickly make whatever I needed as long as I had enough resources in my inventory, though looking through the recipes showed that some of them did have prerequisites such as tools or equipment which made sense.

    Noting down those discoveries for later I went ahead and gave myself a really violent bath as I basically scrubbed off the entire top layer of my skin, making use of my Gamer's Body to basically regenerate a clean new layer of skin. Next was fixing up the clothes I found in the trash as the crafting system had a repair option as, just that some mental math revealed that repairing a item would cost more in materials than jsut simply making a new one, but I did not have the recipe for the current outfits. I was going to need to need to find some way to gain the recipes of items I had like some sort of reverse engineer option. Man, the possibilities of that if I could gain recipes for power armor and power weapons. *Drools*

    Wiping the drool away I take a quick look at myself in my repaired clothes and thought I looked good enough.

    Time to job hunt.

    It actually did not take me that long actually surprisingly enough. I ended up as a dishwasher for a pretty busy restaurant called the Little Golgotha for a particularly successful fat man by the name of Josef Titon, seems that his cleaning servitor broke down so he needed a new hire to take its place. The pay wasn't that good and I had to pull double duty as a janitor and dishwasher, which made me gag in private later on behalf of the people eating, luckily I would keep clean for them. At least I had a Cleaning skill now to make things bearable as it let me finish my work a lot faster, giving me some free time. 12 hour work shift, but that was only from dawn to dusk, so good for me as that kept me out of the day time traffic and searchers, leaving me the night to roam and prowl about to do what I want. Another plus side at least is that I can chat with my fellow dishwashers and waiters that come and go as they appreciate someone willing to lighten their load and keep it a secret.

    The biggest benefit of this? I had an alibi for my existence in the middle hive as a worker for the restaurant and could claim to be an orphan from a now defunct orphanage that went under a few years ago that I obtained the information on from a particularly chatty old man who could not stop talking. I also now had a source of income with no expenses. No food, water, or even rent. After using my first payday to purchase a bunch of really cheap damage blank data-slates I immediately headed towards the local equivalent of a library that was open 24 hours for some reason and sat down at a cogitator. My time in the restaurant was paying dividends as interacting with various electronics in the kitchen gave me several more levels of Tech Use (Imperial) which let me actually figure out how to use the cogitators. It was both familiar and strange as the clunky brown box was both extremely advanced yet archaic at the same time and smelled heavily of incense and oil. I could even see some non augmented or slightly augmented people in red robes wandering around.

    I accessed the world's version of the internet and proceeded to spend the rest of the time searching and saving various how to equivalent videos and instruction manuals for a wide variety of subjects. I made sure to set them up for experiments to see how the Gamer System interacted with various states of data-slates.

    1. One data-slate filled with the theory on how to cook
    2. One data-slate filled with how to videos for woodworking
    3. One data-slate filled with written instructions on how to mine
    4. Four data-slates with a combination of 1 & 2, 2 & 3, 1 & 3, and all of the above for different skills each

    All of the other data-slates were filled with both 2 and 3 as the data could be easily transmitted from pad to slate to slate so it was not that big of a deal to move them around once I finished testing the 7 test slates to see what would be the best use of them.

    Walking out of library I get out of sight of the tech adepts and find a trashcan with a lid on it, open a inventory inside of the can then drop the stack of data-slates into the can and close the lid before the light could be seen then closed the inventory before leaving for my rooftop home.

    As I made sure I am properly hidden by the machines once more I take out the data-slates and begin absorbing the test slates one by one and recording their effects.

    1. No prompt to learn skill as expected.
    2. Gained skill at level 1, multiple levels gained if more videos are absorbed either all in one slate or multiple, but only of the content is different than what I had absorbed before.
    3. Same as 2
    4.1 Same amount of level gain as 2 and 3 theory seems to add nothing
    4.2 Same amount of level gain as if adding 2 and 3
    4.3 Same as 4.1
    4.4 Same as 4.2

    So in essence theory is worthless to me, and gains from both video and literature are essentially the same as long as the content is new to me. Another thing is that while data-slates with more advanced techniques require me to have a prerequisite in skill level before I can learn it, if I have sufficient lower level content along with it it will allow me to learn it, as the lower level content will level my perquisite skill to either at or higher than the minimum requirements. Also, as long as there is new content in the data-slate then even if there is mostly old one then the whole slate will be consumed, so that means I could just download everything into one slate and absorb it all together instead of absorbing multiple data-slates with me having to only remove any advanced skills I have yet to reach the skill level for or have insufficient skill materials to feed the perquisite skills.

    Feeling very happy about the results of my research I quickly transfer everything into a single data-slate and begin removing everything that kept me from just outright eating it, placing them into their own individual data-slates for later. Once all of those were removed I clicked accept and winced a bit at the sheer amount of knowledge that now crowded my head. Ok, maybe there is a good reason not to put everything into one sitting. Ouch.

    I massaged my head and for one in over 3 weeks I decided to take a nap hoping my migraine would be gone by the time I woke up. Hopefully, that sleeping in bed removing status effect thing was still a actual thing here.

    I crafted a crude bed using cloth and plastic and laid down, closing my eyes and letting myself drift off to sleep.


    My eyes snapped open at a screen that popped up in front of me


    Oh hey it worked, and I wasn't attacked last night, even better! I take a look at my System's clock and found that I still an hour before it was time for me to go to work so I started planning. What I needed to do is lay low and get stronger. I could rapidly gain strength without having to train by just simply eating more skill books or skill data-slates to be exact. I however could not just simply download everything from the internet in one sitting nor could I download the stuff that I want for like things like combat without seeming suspicious. So that meant I needed patsies. People willing to do the work for me. My recycling efforts have netted me some rare metals which would be trade-able for a decent amount of credits that I could hire people with, plus I could craft stuff eventually to trade with.

    However, first I needed to know who I could hire and if I could trust them, and then I needed a disguise.

    So while working I spent one train of thought on my work and chatting away with my coworkers and another of my plan to enter the criminal side of the hive city. I would need to level up my Persuasion, Intimidation, and Observe skills as those would let me control others better and to prevent any backstabs. Plus it would let me actually locate those willing to do work for money on the side. If I really needed to, I could also work as a info broker and smuggler thanks to the Observe skill giving me more info as it levels up, and my inventory letting me sneak entire shipments around unseen. Speaking of which.

    I turn to look at my bed, it was a simple 6' x 4', much bigger than the inventory screen, but as I now know I could enlarge and move the screen. So the question is could I just 'scoop' up the bed or does it only work for things I can carry or move?

    I stretch out the inventory screen and proceed to move it along the ground to be the bed it just stopped at it, unable to move forward. I took hold of one side of the bed and easily lifted the whole thing off the ground and willed the inventory screen to move forward and watched as it swallowed up the bed.

    Well that is good, I can move the inventory screen mentally, but I cannot enlarge it mentally, and it can accept anything as long as I can carry it. Wait what about taking it back out? I immediately close and open up the inventory again seeing that it returned to its default 1.5' x 1' sized box. I tried to take out the bed and it immediately stretched to 4' wide and the bed could come out, putting it back in kept the size the same. Guess there was just one more thing to test, something I didn't dare test before due to lack of materials.

    Is the inventory screen visible to other people?

    "Hello, can you take just a quick moment of your time?" A man heard a young voice calling out behind him, turning around he saw a young man with glasses and messy but clean hair holding a piece of paper.

    "Look kid frak off, I ain't interested in whatever you are selling." He said gruffly, he just got off a long patrol shift and just wanted to get a drink and relax.

    "Oh, I am not selling anything, I just wanted to ask you if you could read to me what it says here, my father was very excited last night when he saw it but he didn't tell me what it was before he left the house and now I am trying to find him. I'll even give you these credit chits, it's all that I have." The young man said holding out a fistful of chits. Damn is the kid a idiot, who can't read in the middle hive? Fine whatever, you could use some more drinking money.

    The man takes the data-slate from the guy and looks down at the slate, finding it to be a cheap news-slate, it was just the headline about that vandal that messed up the governor's damn money sink and the reason why you had to do the long patrol shifts now. You felt irritated at being reminded of that and toss the slate back at the young man and grab the chits from his hand.

    "It's just that stupid news article about the Governor's bounty on the idiot who messed up his property, your dad is probably out their being like all those other idiots trying to find the information to cash in for the bounty. Go home kid and stop wasting your time." He grunted out, with his last words being a bit sympathetic, the kid's dad was most likely going to end up dead when he tangled with the wrong sort of people also looking for that information for that cash. Putting that thought out of mind he stomped into the crowd leaving the kid behind, never seeing the smile that grew on his face like it was Emperor's Day.

    I looked at the back of the man leaving with a smile on my face as I looked down at the data-slate in my hands, the data-slate with the inventory screen layered over it. I man had to touch through it to turn the screen on and he did not even notice it. This was glorious news as that opened up a lot more options for using my inventory in public.

    Now I could properly plan now that I had knowledge of all my options and tools. First, I gotta get to work, and dashed through the crowd towards the restaurant, gotta keep up my alibi and grind my skills.

    *Half A Year Later*

    I quickly washed the dishes in the tray in front of me, now long used to the toil and instant cleanliness I could impart to the dishes and other such filth, when I suddenly heard my name called.

    "Hey Noman! Go throw out the trash!" The voice of the restaurant owner Josef called out even as he berated the cooks who were preparing the main courses for a special RSVP event tonight.

    I had been working hear for 6 months now and the owner has gotten pretty used to having me around and didn't both paying to fix the broken servitor I replaced as I did more work than it and for cheaper too.

    While he was not a bad boss per say he really could have stood to pay me a little more and yell a little bit less. If only he knew who exactly he was yelling at. I had made a name for myself as a thief by the name of tri2. Someone that many in the underground wanted found due to the massive bounty placed on my head by the Adeptus Mechanicus for the theft of their data archives and by others for thefts of various miscellaneous items and books. Though to be fair other than the data archive theft the other thefts were not even done by me and more by the people I hired instead. No point in putting myself personally at risk after all when there were people greedy enough to do it for you. That wasn't to say I couldn't have done it myself, I did not slack off in my own personal training a single day the past 6 months.

    The night after the discovery that my inventory screen was invisible I immediately took off to find the closest mass waste disposal site and snuck into the facility. The place was not really guarded other than a few automated surveillance which was never really designed to detect superhuman infiltrators. I mean what augmented person would even care about literal crap? I did.

    I made full use of my strength and extendable inventory screen to quite literally scoop and lift entire chunks of the waste mountains composed of compressed trash blocks into my inventory. It actually took me significantly more time to sort and recycle it all than to collect the literal hundreds of metric tons of trash. While that very very rarely lead me to acquiring any repairable items, it did however net me metric tons of raw materials, both common and rare. I was not even talking about just rare earth metals but as in rare materials such as plasteel, diamantine, and even slivers of adamantium on rare occasion. In short, it allowed me to have a very sizable and stable source of income to support my more illegal activities.

    I spent more than a month grinding away my social skills, gathering trash, training my Tech Use skill, increasing my intelligence, and most importantly of all creating and raising my Hacking skill. Now just why would I need hacking skills? One word. Blueprints.

    Every manufactorum in this hive as well as all of their products were either made with a STC blueprint design or had their designs stored in the local Adeptus Mechanicus temple data archive with no hard copies except in the hand of the business owners which would be those in the upper spire. That meant if I wanted to gain access to useful blueprints for things like weapons and armors I would need to loot it from the archive as every Mechanicus temple was connected together on a wireless network. A fact that I brought from what I am pretty much sure was a heretek that was looking for additional funding for his own secret projects.

    It took me another two weeks before I was actually ready to hack into the temple and even then it required outside assistance. The reason for the week was because I had to track down and hire the services of dozens of underground hackers, data miners, and hitmen. Now I wasn't go to kill anyone, I strive to make sure no one died in anything I did. I wasn't ready to become a murderer, despite the legality of my actions. I had a operation timed for the end of the week so that every single one of them would be, as they were paid in advance, operating in sync to distract the tech priests. First the hitmen would cause alarms to be raised at various manufactorums that require the presence of tech priests to appear to troubleshoot the problem before non lethally neutralizing them or just occupying them. Shortly afterwards the hackers and data miners would essentially hit several vital system with DDOS attacks and work not to successfully break in, but to divert as much resources towards stopping their intrusion. Meanwhile, I would be using a personally designed rig to subtly infiltrating the network using access codes and security procedures provided to me by the same heretek, with a promise to share all data gained with him which I agreed to.

    Of course I made sure the rig was no where near the market district where I was based and that I had a escape route planned.

    On the day the operation started it was a total nightmare for the hive city. Digitally at least, on the surface nothing was really happening, no alarms were going off, no fires, no explosions, no outpouring of guards or skitarri. It was a completely different in the digital realm. Viruses crashed against vaccine programs, brute force hacking juggernaut systems tunneled through firewalls only to be met with superior processing powers and programming of dedicated tech priest neural wafers. Infiltration attempts by dozens of throwaway rigs sending out billions of differently generated access attempts were denied and back tracked through various relays that quickly self destructed along with the rigs as they were compromised.

    In the thick of it all my months of grinding my intelligence, money, and Hacking skill paid off. I was an equal to any normal mentally augmented tech priest with my intelligence and equipment, but with their own access codes and procedures I could easily predict and circumvent their logical security and bypass their defenses undetected given all the chaff I had prepared.

    The plan all hinged on just how long the hackers and data miners could keep the tech priests occupied, which would not be long. Now to steal the entire data archive would most likely fail because of one simple fact, data transfer speeds. There was only so much data a single port could handle without giving anything away. So I did away with the secrecy once I reached the archive in digital space and unlocked its defenses. I sent an order for it to send parts of its data through every single output port to prepared temporary wireless networks and equipment crafted to handle vast instant data transmissions. Then, the networks would cut the connections to delay the trace and the data would proceed to be transferred in the same way again and again multiple times until they all reached a single hidden rig located within the edge of the underhive space, where a very special rig would forcefully eject its 2 custom made high capacity data-slate blocks. Said data blocks would then fall into a inventory screen opened right below it ahead of time a couple of days before the rig itself was built and delivered a week ago. Thus giving myself an alibi from even the flimsiest of time framing from the construction of the rig and my presence in that part of the hive using the elevator, especially with my short time there.

    After that operation I laid low, like really low. No going out back to my previous roof home, no going out to raid dumpsters, no outside excursions at all. I immediately went to ground, and then below ground. I hid under the dumpster behind the restaurant where I literally ground away the ferrocrete from beneath the dumpster, with my bare hands to prevent any noise, to create hidden tunnel and a cave to hide in while I was not working. A good thing too as the Adeptus Mechanicus were PISSED, to say it lightly. For their holy relic to be actually broken into and raided, even if none of the data was actually lost, but still stolen, was a Heresy that could not be tolerated by any means. They must have pulled off a lot of favors as entire regiments of PDF, Imperial Guards, alongside skitarri and tech priests were doing pretty much door to door searches of every single damn area that had one of the rigs at the end of the relay network. My heart clenched at the news that several hundred people were either burned or taken away by the Ad Mech for further questioning as I was not sure if that was because they actually found something criminal about them or if the people were just going to suffer for no reason.

    Even the market district was searched and that was on purpose with a middle relay network on a random rooftop as it would have been too suspicious for nothing to have been found in a single district. I spread the suspicion out everywhere to dilute the trail with the inventory trick at the end to cut the trail dead stop. I hoped that would have made them eventually stop searching after a month max, I underestimated the rage of the unfeeling machine cult.

    Three months later and they were still searching the hive top to bottom like a Inquisitor seeing a cultists waving at him from a window.

    That was not the worse part however, at the end of that third month a rumor was going around the underworld grape vine, with said rumor only even reaching me because the one giving the rumor to me had no idea I was tri2. Needless to say with the amount of heat I brought down upon the hive with the sheer size mechanical hornets nest kicked I was pretty much persona non grata with a majority of the criminal underbelly with only my own disguise and refusal to share any information or have a fixed location saving me from them just outright selling me out. That and the fact that they don't any suspicion of having any connection to me reaching the Mechanicus.

    The rumor was there was a Inquisitor on the planet. A rumor I believed with all my heart and soul. Why?

    A quest had popped up then.








    Something I noted back then about my Gamer System was that unlike the original Gamer System it was based off of, it does not grant quests for everything. Only for important things related to my survival. So no easy quests for just washing dishes, but a quest for killing the enemy in front of me or completing a mission/operation.

    So I became even more careful making sure to either be in the restaurant at all times or underneath the main street when it was busy, and when it was not, well I put my Willpower skill to the test as I used every last inch of my focus to empty my mind to make it as mentally dead as possible to try to have nothing for a psyker to detect. If that was even how he or she would detect me, or if the Gamer's Mind would shield me from detection or if I even had a 'soul' or presence in the warp to even detect. For all I knew I was as psychically attractive as a rock, but I could not take that chance.

    Two and a half weeks later and I was still here, doing my routine, hiding in plain site and mundanity, and the Adeptus Mechanicus and Inquisitor were still searching the city. Worryingly so is the fact that the Inquisitor seemed to have tracked something I missed and was slowly investigating the districts that formed a straight line to the market district. He was on the scent somehow and I still had no idea how to escape without the Inquisitor finding out.

    'Dammit, I didn't expect the situation to become this troublesome for so long' I thought to myself with a sigh as I grabbed the trash bags piled by the door to the back alleyway. I opened the doors and pretended to drag the bags out before closing the door and just dropping them into the dumpster.

    Hearing a sound I look towards the entrance of the alleyway towards the main street and notice two large guys with clubs in their hands. Arbites. Why were they looking at me? I did nothing to raise suspicions did I?

    I stayed still just watching them and they proceeded to walk towards me.

    Should I stay still? Should I run into the restaurant?

    No, that would bring attention to the restaurant and that might raise alarms with someone which could bring disaster to me and my workplace.

    Besides I did nothing so there shouldn't be a problem. Maybe they are just here to shake me down for money? I could Act very well now and give them 'all that I have' routine and let them be on their merry way. Nothing to raise a fuss over.

    So I kept still looking like a frightened rabbit as the men, and damn were they tall, towered over me.

    "Hello-" Before I could even finish my greeting the feeling of the club smacking me in the face hard registered and my mind went into overdrive, bullet time kicking in with the adrenaline as I processed what just happened.

    Millions of thoughts and plans went through my mind before a conclusion was reached.

    'Play dead and listen' which I immediately did so letting my body go limp and hit the ground as if someone who was knocked out would, my head bouncing audibly from the hard ground.

    The two men say nothing before one of them kicked me over hard. I remained limp and breathing shallowly.

    "He's out, grab him." I feel large hands gripping me by the waist and tossed over the shoulder like a sack of potatoes and then carried away.

    We were moving towards the main street, shit, I could not break free in public, why oh why didn't they just take me deeper into the alleyway to do whatever criminal act they were obviously planning to do?

    The sound of the pedestrian traffic didn't even abate when we entered view and my Eavesdrop skill picked up some worrying things.

    "Ah another one."

    "Shit glad that wasn't me."

    "Damn he's young"

    "Isn't that the janitor?"

    "Hope it's quick for him"

    As I am tossed into what feels like a metal box filled with bodies, still pretending to be unconscious, I can hear them say a frightening thing. "Another one for the regiments to Armageddon."

    I frightfully keep myself limp even as I wanted to break free from my captors and escape deeper into the hive to escape this fate.

    I didn't however, because if I did I would be captured by the Inquisitor who was so tantalizingly close to my trail despite all my efforts. This recruitment was not planned, this was not going to be recorded, the background check would clear me due to my efforts to painstakingly create a false history, my fate would be unknown to all as no one would notice another grunt especially if he showed nothing special. The Warp itself would further hide me as the temporal irregularities from travel would further muddy up my destination.

    This would let me lose the Inquisitor for good, being just one among billions, but I would be in the Imperial Guard.

    Certain torture and/or death versus most probable death and torture.

    I know what I would choose.

    But I didn't want to choose either.

    'It's not fair! It's not fair! It's not fair! It's not fair!' I ranted in my mind even as I made my choice and let myself get dragged away to join the countless billions fighting and dying in the void against the empty gaze of reality itself just so mankind could live even one more day.

    It wasn't fair. With all my superhuman power and intellect I still ended up in a situation with no choice or control.

    But that was the point wasn't it?


    WISDOM +1

    LUCK +1

    Oh shut up.

    AN: And my muse went into Overdrive today allowing me to gift you all with ANOTHER early chapter! REJOICE! Remember to like and critique everyone!
    Chapter 6
  • A electrical smack could be heard in the distance right before a voice roared down the dirty rusted metal cargo space.

    "Shut up you scum! You are here to pay for your crimes against the Imperium and his Most Glorious God Emperor On Terra! Your wicked ways and actions have finally caught up to you! Every last one of you will fight and die in the God Emperor's name against the Enemies of Humanity in the 275th Golgotha Penal Legion! So stop your pathetic mewling and accept your fate and put on your uniforms! No one in this cage will get any food till you all shut up and suit up!" Another electrical zap from a electro whip could be heard again followed by cries of fear and pain.

    I sat in a corner of the cage that the pressgangers of the ship tossed me into along with the other unfortunate souls captured. I had laid there on top of the pile of other unconscious victims in the transport cart until we were brought aboard the ship like livestock and the deep vibrations of the transport shuttle jostled others awake. I let myself get shifted around and 'woke up' shortly after, I had to twist a few opportunistic fingers but I got some space without losing anything. We were all then herded from the transport into lines where armored voidsmen clasped explosive collars on us and handed us a set of breathers and a cheap outfit that stank of chemicals before ushering us into cages. Those in my cage were dressed well to do with relatively clean and intact clothes so they were not from the under hive and most likely from the middle hive sections. That was strange as most conscription tend to happen among the lower hives due to the much larger abundance of people and lower lack of status. For them to take even people higher up in the hive either meant they really needed more numbers or the nobility were doing their screwed up games again and purging the populace of people they didn't like. Probably both.

    I looked out among the rows and stacks of cages just like ours. From my vantage point I could count at least 12 cages in my row with 3 cages on top based on the fact that the ones across from us were stacked that high, that meant there were at least 2400 men. women, and children in this single aisle alone being transported to Armageddon. Estimating, I guess there to be at least 10 such rows for 12,000 future slave soldiers in this single cargo bay alone. So it was not unlikely to assume there were probably over a hundred thousand conscripts on this ship that were captured and shipped off.

    I ignored the mass of frightened Humanity around me as I mentally distracted myself from forming any attachment to them. As most likely all of them will be dead within 10 minutes of us landing on the ground if we were lucky. I tried to remember what I could about Armageddon, all I remembered was that Commissar Yarrick was the main protagonist there, with a ork warboss with a long ass name being his nemesis, and the whole planet was pretty much uninhabitable due to the hive cities pollution contaminating everything to the point of lethality.

    Damn it all, I was hoping that I could avoid events like this where I would be put into the line of fire like this and I could just quietly grow stronger. Then again, that Inquisitor and his pet psyker was getting hotter on my trail so this might be for the best. At least I had light years between me and him and a entire war zone to hide in. Not like it would be hard for me to break free and go to ground with my current skill level.

    I mentally pulled up all my screens and rechecked my current status.

    [SLIDE_HEADER]Character Sheet[/SLIDE_HEADER]
    NAME: Noman
    AGE: 21

    LEVEL: 20
    NEXT LEVEL: 0.0%

    HP: 2335
    MP: 9570

    STRENGTH: 85
    DEXTERITY: 158 (372.88)
    INTELLIGENCE: 227 (451.73)
    WISDOM: 43 (64.5)
    LUCK: 29

    STAT POINTS: 100
    MONEY: 507 Thrones

    50 Strength Perk: Herculean Strength - Increase damage from melee attacks by 50%
    50 Constitution Perk: Healthy As A Horse - Gain extra 5 HP per Constitution point
    100 Constitution Perk: Titan's Bones - Reduce damage to body by 50%
    50 Dexterity Perk: Cat's Grace - Always land on your feet, keep your balance easily, and reduce fall damage.
    100 Dexterity Perk: Hunter's Instinct - Find enemy weak points easier and +50% to critical damage
    150 Dexterity Perk: Dagger in the Dark - When undetected increase weapon damage by 100% and critical rate by 75%
    50 Intelligence Perk: Deep Well - Gain double the increase to MP from each Intelligence point.
    100 Intelligence Perk: Eidetic Memory - Remember things easily and at any moment. +10% Experience Gain
    150 Intelligence Perk: Destructive Science - Gain ability to gain blueprints when salvaging functional equipment for no resources
    200 Intelligence Perk: Mana Affinity - Gain the ability to sense and manipulate mana 10% increase to MP recovery and 5% increase to total MP.

    12,960,000 units of plastics
    4,320,000 units of common metals
    2,160,000 units of cloth
    1,296,000 units of chemicals
    648,000 units of rare metals
    2,160 units of really rare metals
    Acrobatics Level 86: A technique to make use of users natural flexibility. Passively increases Dexterity by 86%
    Acting Level 50: A skill that allows for the user to pretend to be something or someone they are not. Effectiveness increased by 500%. Decreases by 10% for every level the enemy is higher than user.
    Barter Level 68: A skill that allows for the trading of goods and services for more preferred prices. Increases haggling success chance by 68%
    Berserker Level 1: A skill that unleashes the users inner violence. Increase attack speed by 50%, decrease defense by 50%, increase damage by 25%
    Craft Level 79: A skill to make something. Humanity has advanced their civilization through inventing and creating things. Crafted objects become better as mastery levels rise. Registered blueprint: 13,568,158.
    Charm Level 74: A skill that indicates your ability to positvely interact or persuade others. Increase chance of positevly affecting or convincing people by 740%. Decreases by 10% for person being convinced and every level the enemy is higher than user to minimum of 0%.
    Ciphers Level 50: A passive skill that allows for you to both create and break ciphers. Passively increases intelligence by 49%
    Cleaning Level 88: A passive skill that allows you to clean things faster. 440% to cleaning speed.
    Climb Level 36: A passive skill that allows you to climb things faster. 180% to climbing speed.
    Cooking Level 50: A skill to cook food. Humanity has advanced their tastebuds through making meals. Cooked food become better as mastery levels rise.
    Dancing Level 50: A skill that allows for the moving with the rhythm in a visually pleasing way. Increases charisma by 100% while dancing and passively increases Dexterity by 50%
    Deceive Level 66: A skill to lie and trick others. Increase chance of success by 660%. Decreases by 10% for every level the enemy is higher than user.
    Digging Level 50: A skill that allows you to dig faster. 250% to digging speed.
    Disguise Level 50: A skill to look like something or someone else. Increase chance of success by 500%. Decreases by 10% for every level the enemy is higher than user.
    Demolition Level 50: A skill that allows the user to use explosives with familiarity and skill. Increases explosive damage by 255% Increase chance of defusing explosives by 55%.
    Driving Level 50: A skill that allows for the driving of various vehicles with familiarity and skill. Increases vehicle speed and manueverability by 260%
    Eavesdrop Level 50: A skill that allows the user to listen in on the conversations of others from a distance. Increases listening distance by 150m
    Gamer's Body Level Max: Grants a body that allows for the user to live the real world like a game. Sleeping in a bed restores HP, MP and all status effects.
    Gamer's Mind Level Max: Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through. Allows peaceful state of mind. Immunity to psychological status effects.
    Hacking Level 69: The ability of the user to break into digital systems. Increase ability to recognize digital weaknesses and paths. Increase chance of success by 69%
    Interrogation Level 50: The skill to get answers from someone, one way or another. Increase effectivness by 50%
    Intimidate Level 13: The ability to terrorize others. Increase chance of success by 13%
    Jump Level 74: A skill to allow the user to jump higher than before! Passively boosts jumping height by 740% while actively boosting jumping height by 7400%. 3 MP per jump.
    Language (High Gothic) Level Max: The skill to allow the user to speak and write in the Imperium of Man's High Gothic, fluent understanding.
    Language (Low Gothic) Level Max: The skill to allow the user to speak and write in the Imperium of Man's Low Gothic, fluent understanding.
    Language (Orks) Level Max: The skill to allow the user to speak and write in the Ork's language, fluent understanding.
    Language (Techna Lingua) Level Max: The skill to allow the user to speak and write in the Adeptus Mechanicus' language, fluent understanding.
    Language (Sign Language) Level Max: The skill to allow the user to 'speak' sign language, fluent understanding.
    Light Foot Level 88: A technique in which to walk or run silently. Passively decreases walking noise by 85% and running noise by 43%.
    Lip Reading Level Max: A skill that allows for the user to figure out what sound a being with a mouth is making via it's movements.
    Medicine Level 50: The ability to recognized and treat wounds, injureies, and diseases. Increase speed and effectiveness by 250%
    Meditate Level 27: Enter a state of calm thoughtlessness and recover mana more quickly, increase mana regeneration rate by 54%
    Melee Weapon Mastery Level 50: A skill that allows the user to use melee weapons with familiarity and skill. Increases melee weapon damage by 255% Increase melee weapon speed by 55%.
    Navigation Level 50: Grants the ability to navigate when travelling and to plot faster and safer courses using known data.
    Observe Level 92: Through continuous observation, a skill to observe objects, situations, and persons was generated allowing the user to quickly gather information. The higher the skill, the greater the data obtained.
    Pain Tolerance Level 42: Increases the tolerance to the pain of the user. User can now tolerate 420% more pain.
    Parkour Level 76: A skill that allows the user to rapidly negotiate obstacles, increases ability to detect and create fastest path through terrain by 228% and boosts Dexterity by 380% when used to travel on created path.
    Physical Resistance Level 42: The body's durability increases, allowing for less damage taken. 42% decrease in damage taken by attacks.
    Piloting Level 50: A skill that allows for the piloting of various aircraft and spacecraft with familiarity and skill. Increases air/spacecraft speed and manueverability by 260%
    Power Strike Level 25: Strikes the target with a strong force. 375% increase in critical damage. 1250% increase in attack damage. 5 MP per strike.
    Programming Level 67: The ability to create and design programs. Increases speed of creation by 670% and effectiveness of created programs by 340%
    Ranged Weapon Mastery Level 50: A skill that allows the user to use ranged weapons with familiarity and accuracy. Increases range weapon damage by 500%
    Repair Level 65: Allows the user to repair any item provided they have sufficient skill, parts, and/or resources. Reduces resources required by 32.5%
    Rip Level 54: A skill that rips apart an enemy or an object using a strong force. Increases tearing force by 1530%. 1 MP per rip.
    Salvage Level 95: Through a continuous action a skill that allows for the reclamation of more useful materials from recycled objects. 95% increase in materials gained.
    Singing Level 88: The ability to sing well and in tune. Higher levels increases singing quality. Improves voice.
    Sprint Level 88: Increase the speed the user is able to run at the cost of 1 MP per second, increase user speed by 880%.
    Stealth Level 77: A technique to allow the user to move unnoticed. Increases stealth ability by 77%
    Strategy Level 50: The ability to make plans that span large areas and to react to battlefield changes. Passively increases Intelligence and Wisdom by 25%
    Surgical Level 50: A skill that allows for the user to perform various forms of surgery efficiently and effectively. Increases surgery speed by 100% and boosts healing effect by 50%
    Swim Level 50: Your ability to move through and underwater. Increase swimming speed by 250%
    Tactics Level 50: The ability to make plans that span small areas and to react to sudden changes. Passively increases Intelligence and Wisdom by 25%
    Tech Use (Imperial) Level 46: A skill that lets the user to use, create, and examine the technology of Imperials.
    Technomancy Level 17: The ability of the user to interface and communicate with machines with their soul. Increases affinity with all machines by 17%. 41.5 MP per second.
    Tracking Level 50: A skill that allows for the user to track targets across great distances. Increase tracking range by 5000 meters.
    Unarmed Combat Mastery Level 75: Allows the user to fight skillfully unarmed. 380% increase in attack damage while unarmed. 80% increase in attack speed while unarmed.
    Willpower Level 48: Through great mental adversity the user has persevered. Increases the user's focus by 48%, reduce chance of forcefully breaking focus by 24%
    [SLIDE_HEADER]Crafting Recipes[/SLIDE_HEADER]
    Crafting Recipes
    All standard hive civilian products/infrastructure
    Cloning Vats

    Military Blueprints
    Personal Gear

    -combat knife
    -chain sword
    -power weapons

    Ranged Weapons
    -long las
    -grenade launcher

    Ranged Weapons Heavy
    -heavy bolter
    -heavy flamer
    -heavy stubber
    -missile launcher

    -frak grenades
    -krak grenades
    -melta bomb
    -demolition charge

    -combat drugs
    -dog tags
    -grav chute
    -chem inhaler
    -vox caster
    -refractor field
    -conversion field
    -medi pack
    -camo cloak
    -gas mask with filter
    -uplfiting primer

    -flak armor

    Imperial Guard Vehicles

    Light Vehicles
    -Cyclops Demolition Vehicle

    Armoured Personnel Carriers
    -Slamander Command
    -Salamander Scout
    -Taurox Prime

    -Bane Wolf
    -Devil Dog
    -Leman Russ
    -Leman Russ Annihilator
    -Leman Russ Conqueror
    -Leman Russ Demolisher
    -Leman Russ Exterminator
    -Leman Russ Punisher
    -Leman Russ Vanquishor

    Self Propelled Artillery
    -Colossus Bombard
    -Deathstrike Missile Launcher

    Heavy Vehicles
    -Gorgan Armoured Assault Transport

    Super-Heavy Vehicles
    -Capitol Imperialis

    -Sentinel Powerlifter

    Imperial Navy Vehicles

    Space Small Craft
    -Fury Interceptor

    Planetary Small Craft
    -Marauder Bomber
    -Thunderbolt Fury
    -Vulture Gunship

    -Aquila Lander
    -Arvus Lighter
    -Devourer Dropship
    -Sky Talon
    -Angantyr-Class Dropship

    Escort Class Freighter and Support Vessels
    -Armed Freighter
    -Defense Monitor
    -Escort Carriers
    -Fast Clipper
    -Fuel Transport
    -Troop Transport
    -Heavy Transport

    Lord Alkazere: Searching, Hostile, Wary
    Inquisition: Unaware
    -Inquisitor Horst: Aware, Interested, Wary
    ???????: Watching, Tired, Cautiously Hopeful
    ?????: Watching, Intrigued
    ????? ?? ???????: Hostile, Determined

    Yeah, looking at the very worst of my physical stats I was till two and a half times stronger than even a trained veteran in terms of just strength, of course that does not take into account non baseline humans like skitarri, space marines, ogryns, or just plain gene/cybernetically augmented veterans whose bonuses vary wildly depending on the quality and purpose of the augments. At least however I could overpower and escape any normal Imperial Guard force without even taking into account my speed and skills.

    I am so glad I actually did that data raid even if it did cause me and other people a lot of problems. The sheer amount of skills and blueprints gained were insane and some of those skills granted my massive passive boosts to my stats such as the tactics and strategy skills which collectively boosted my Intelligence and Wisdom by 50% each. The blueprints plus my previous garbage raids basically gave me the ability to produce anything and everything I would need in the foreseeable future with the only problem being that some things I make would be too damn heavy for me to put back into my inventory so I had to be careful with those items, like tanks.

    The greatest gain from my time on Golgotha however were my stat perks, especially the last 2 intelligence perks. I could now effectively reverse engineer things and possibly use the original Gamer's mana based spells. Well, as soon as I figured it out anyways, still a bit wary of playing around with mana in case it somehow attracted demons or something or, well, whenever I was not about to be in the Warp or have an Inquisitor on my ass. Mana spells would be useful.

    I frowned though at the relationships section. The Inquisitor and Lord were those I recognized, but who the hell were the ones in question marks? How the hell are they even watching me and why is one of them even determined? WTF? The two above the last one though, their statuses seem to imply they're on opposite sides potentially. The face that they are watching me even now most likely means psykery. My mind began putting together 2+2 and started getting numbers I was not comfortable with.

    'Emperor? Chaos?' I thought with dread building in my gut.

    Lord Alkazere: Searching, Hostile, Wary
    Inquisition: Unaware
    -Inquisitor Horst: Aware, Interested, Wary
    Emperor: Watching, Tired, Cautiously Hopeful, Smug
    CHAOS: Watching, Very Intrigued
    ????? ?? ???????: Hostile, Determined
    Josef Titon: Curious, Worried
    Jack Filon: Curious, Worried
    Tion Numen: Curious, Worried
    Liko Rooko: Curious, Worried

    'Fuck!' They are onto me! Also the ship is about to enter the Warp! I am about to go into their territory! Dammit dammit dammit! What should I do? Take over the ship? Then what? I was most likely on a nigh unarmored transport ship so where would I run to? I can't escape without going into the Warp due to like of other FTL methods so that option was out as sublight travel would just see me getting captured by other ships. Without the Warp I was effectively trapped in system with me leaving it just dooming me to thousands of years of isolation and just me potentially getting captured by Warp exiting Chaos raiders. Plus if I stay here I would just end up being captured by the Inquisitor as I had no doubt he would be picking up my trail soon. Better to overestimate than underestimate in this case.

    Shit shit shit! Damn it! Fuck, alright, guess all I can do is....no......hope that the Emperor can keep them off me? Oh God Emperor no......I wanted to avoid this kind of scenario!

    I kept my face neutral to the outside world even as my emotions raged inside of me before being forcefully calmed down by Gamer's Mind and then raging again over and over. This was basically one of THE worst scenarios that could happen to me, to gain the attention of the gods of this galaxy before I was ready. A minute of that and I finally calmed down and just accepted that there was nothing I could do at this point except hope the Emperor could bail my ass out and has got my back.

    I rested my head back on the bars of the cage and thought back to my time at the restaurant and everyone I became familiar with. There was Josef the boss who took me in even if it was initially just for cheap labor I had to thank the man for giving me a place to work and a alibi, most would have just outright ignored someone like me just showing up for a job. Then, there were the chefs Jack, Tion, and Liko who taught me a few things about cooking when things were slow in the kitchen even when they did not have to. Then, there were the serving and cleaning staff who grew quite familiar with me as I helped do their share of the workload without asking for anything, sure they were suspicious of me at first, but a few weeks of doing it without trying to extort or blackmail them to the boss soon won them over. Even if I never actually considered them friends I did at least cared if they were ok or not. I mean I didn't see any of them with me in the cage so they probably were not in here.

    A couple hours went by according to my Gamer System provided clock when suddenly the world lurched and I could hear whispers at the edge of my hearing and the air tasted like rock, before things snapped right back into normality.

    The cargo bay went silent before the air was filled with chanting and hymns as every single person on the ship prayed to the God Emperor to keep them safe on the journey, even the guards were praying not even attempting to shut us up as they were scared as well. I honestly expected the chanting to stop after like an hour before the captain told the guards to silence us all again and prepare us for whatever slap dash suicide troop training they had in store for us when suddenly reality lurched again and the taste of gold filled the air as four simultaneous cries of anger, laughter, moans, and gibberish echoed through the hold right before reality snapped back to normality again.

    Wait, were we out of the Warp already? What? I knew Warp travel could be damn near any duration, but that was not even a minute! Were we even at our destination or were we lost in time and space?

    My question was soon answered as the ship's speaker crackled to life.

    "Attention all crew! We are currently in orbit above Armaggedon! Prep-"


    The captain was cut off as a large explosion rocked the ship and everything began rattling and shaking causing everybody in the cages to begin screaming even as the guards began to run. The alarms and sirens were blaring around us as normal lighting turned off and the emergency shipboard red lighting kicked in, casting everything in a ominous lighting.

    "ABANDON SHIP! SHIP'S ENGINE BEEN DESTROYED AND WE ARE ON A COLLISION COURSE WITH THE PLANET! EVERYONE TO THE SAVIOR PODS! THIS IS NOT A DRILL! I REPEAT NOT A DRILL! MAY THE GOD EMPEROR BE WITH YOU-" The captain was once again cut off as something just tore through the side of the cargo bay across from me. My perception instantly slowed allowing me to see everything. I could see the massive hole in the floor, the sight of the red of re-entry licking the edges, the trajectory of whatever it was that just tore through it as it also tore through the cages full of people, leaving behind a cloud of red mist and flying body parts, and exiting out the ceiling into more sections of the ship.

    That was all I saw, my perfect memory recording every detail of the scene and the faces of all those around me and on the intact heads of those who had no idea what just killed them, right before everything sped up again as every cage in the bay got violently sucked out through the rent and my world became chaotic.

    My vision span round and round even as my lungs began to burst from lack of pressure even though I felt no discomfort from the lack of unneeded air while my body burned from the flames that ignited my body alongside all those around me. Round and round we went tumbling into the atmosphere of the planet, the screaming becoming louder and louder as the atmosphere became thicker and thicker to better carry the screaming of our bodies travelling at speed through its embrace and the cries of those somehow still alive and suffering.

    I needed to get out! I needed to escape the cage before I smashed into the ground with the cage into paste! I reached out and grabbed behind me luckily finding a bar and used it to orient myself even as my regeneration kicked in and restored my vision as it was no longer burning. My HP was down by half but recovering slowly, too slowly for my taste. I grabbed with my other hand another bar and proceeded to pull using all of my strength and activating RIP to boost my ability to tear through these bars. Bars which were thick enough to hold back bears quickly bent under my grips and allowed me to squeeze between.

    I immediately let go of the cage, tumbling around a few times before I properly caught the air and proceeded to control my descent by going spread eagle and taking in the view before me.

    The sky was yellow with toxins and heavy metals, causing my eyes to tear and my lungs to burn even as I witnessed the sky be filled with burning debris of cages and starship hull. The bulk of which screaming far to the side of me trailing black smoke, it looked like the captain was trying to control the descent of the ship as the ship tried to level out.

    An amazing sight, but would be much more amazing if I was not falling to my death. I immediately put my brain into overdrive trying to figure out a way to escape a gory flat death doing millions of vector calculations to try to bleed off the fall momentum as much as possible to roll myself to safety when I had a sudden bout of inspiration and proceeded to smack myself in the head.

    A fucking parachute! I could just craft a damn parachute or glider and land that way!


    'Yes thank you I realize I am still dumb!' I thought to myself as I quickly opened the crafting menu, searched for, and crafted myself a glider and a parachute. The vehicle appearing beneath my hands as it instantly formed from the materials in my inventory causing me to drop vertically before I quickly brought it back to level out. Now that I was out of immediate danger I brought my attention to the next immediate danger. The damn poisons in the air as I noticed my HP dropping and rising like a damn seesaw as I gained Poison Resistance skill levels alarmingly rapidly. A quick crafting action had me equipped in advanced chemical warfare gear and a much more effective rebreather.

    I then put my attention to the ship now far below me with the captain trying to save his ship somehow. To no avail as it still the ground at a steep angle despite his controlled descent and it went critical. My eyes went blind as the ship exploded, turning my vision white and my HP bar dropping as the shockwave reached me tearing my glider to pieces and sending me falling once more.

    It took a few moments before my eyes healed and then a few more for me to rebuild my glider but now I was much closer to the ground. Taking in the terrain below me I could not see much good news for myself. I could literally see green tides that were moving with smoke coming from them, orks, to the west and south of me, while there were jungles to the east and a large hive city to the north with even more smoke coming from that! The ork tides were moving towards the east and the north showing that any resistance left to the west and south were already crushed and they were advancing to the next fight.

    I was high enough in the sky that I would not be able to glide my way to the hive city to the north or past the jungles to the east to the other hive city beyond it. If I tried to make a aircraft to reach either than the same thing which shot the ship down or ork fighters will detect me and shoot me down, or the Imperials will shoot me down thinking I was a ork fighter.

    So there was one very dumb option left to me as far as I could tell.

    Sighing, I proceeded to let go of the glider and let myself drop like a rock even as I kept track of my altitude for minimum height parachute deployment to avoid ork detection.

    Plan is to land in the giant ass plains below ahead of the ork armies and try to hide under the ground like a true Minecrafter hiding from mobs. Then get rid of this damn explosive collar, properly gear up, and skill up for a fight.

    Steve would be proud.
    AN: Whooo boy! That was a close one! Chaos almost got my ship! Then the orks got to it. Shit.

    Ship Travel
    Rolling 1d100 + 100
    ( 58 ) + 100 = 158 Chaos Combined

    Rolling 1d100 + 150
    ( 27 ) + 150 = 177 Emperor + Gellar Field

    Rolling 1d100
    ( 83 ) = 83 Warp Travel Arrives Earlier than you left M41.941.6

    Rolling 1d100-15
    ( 36 ) - 15 = 21 Landing

    Rolling 1d10
    ( 3 ) = 3 Landing Zone: Plain of Anthrand
    Chapter 7
  • The wind roared in my ears as I watched the ground steadily grew closer to me till I pulled the straps of the parachute listening to the 'fwoop!' of the chute as it unfurled from its pack and lurched as the chute caught the air and jerked my body to a slow fall.

    Thankfully the skies were clear of any ork fighters and the landing zone was cleared of any orks as well. However, looking back behind me I could see the smoke stacks of the advancing ork horde and following that horde back their route of travel I saw could barely make out, even with my enhanced vision, the outline of a small mountain, a rok. I was near a ork landing site and in between them and their target. I did not have a lot of time to prepare, maybe a hour or two at their current rate.

    My mind raced as I debated on what to do. Fight? Run? Hide? I sure as hell can't fight an army by myself, yet. Run? Run where? The hive? The hives fall with only Yarrick's side of the world holding out for space marines and he was pretty much on the other side of the continent. Hide? Seems like the only option. Underground as everything above ground was choked with poison and had absolutely no cover. The whole damn terrain was nothing but small hills and plains, nowhere to hide above ground. Also with my luck the orks would still somehow find my hiding spot and siege me. At least I can't starve to death if that happens. A idea came to me, why not do both, hide underground while running by digging towards Yarrick. Better than just hiding or just running.

    That meant I was going to have to make the tunnels defensible just in case. They would have to be cramped. The tunnel's size would keep any big orkoid species from coming down or surviving the fall with the tunnels filled with traps meant to take out any that would make it down, if they discovered the shaft entrance. Things such as snotlings, gretchins, and squigs. That should allow me to work with enough of a headstart to constantly keep one step ahead of them as long as I could keep up my predicted digging speed.

    The world began speeding back up as I got out of planning mode and as soon as I was just high enough to survive the fall unharmed I inventoried the chute and began falling. In my hands a shovel formed from a blur of rapid hand movements and blue sparks, one in the style of Krieg and made entirely of adamantium with a monomolecular edge. As the last of the light faded I landed shovel first into the ground and the dirt evaporated under my feet as my hands blurred with inhuman speed. A adamantium shovel hard enough to handle inhuman amounts of force with a edge that made even bedrock feel like soft butter, combined with both my Digging and Melee Weapon Mastery which combined increased my base attack speed by 305% on top of increasing the damage rating of the shovel itself by 255%. I practically swam through the earth at jogging pace even as I inventoried the loose soil and packed the top of the shaft with 10 feet worth of compacted dirt, hopefully enough to survive the passing of the horde without breaking if my math was right.

    In less than a minute I was already over a 100 feet down below the earth and quickly began digging towards the east, following the mental blueprint I already had in mind. The walls of dirt faded and behind me reinforced frames of wood with tiny temporary lanterns were hung even as spiked traps and automated buzzsaws were installed behind me with the occasional flamethrowers and shaped charges were placed to clear out the tunnels later, of either the corpses or the tunnel itself. On and on this went, hours passed like this in the silence of the dark with only the sound of the crafting and digging I did to keep me company.

    Eventually I stopped, my ears perked for noise as I felt a ripple of vibrations through my boots. Again the ripples came with more and more coming one after another, it was the orks there were above me now, marching in such numbers that even this far down the very was shaking with their presence. In addition to the constant shaking from their march various louder shakes could be felt, were they firing at the ground? Now was the moment of truth to see if the shaft entrance held up or if I was going to have to fight some orks after all.

    I held my breath, even though I did not actually need to breath anymore except as a reflex, and there with a falling sensation in my gut was a screech. A screech of something falling down a hole getting louder. Rubble. The entrance of the shaft was discovered and broken! I quickly began getting to work again, only to stop as a Quest appeared.







    OPTIONAL GOAL 1: ???

    OPTIONAL GOAL 2: ???

    OPTIONAL GOAL 3: ???

    OPTIONAL GOAL 4: ???

    OPTIONAL GOAL 5: ???

    OPTIONAL GOAL 6: ???

    OPTIONAL GOAL 7: ???

    OPTIONAL GOAL 8: ???

    OPTIONAL GOAL 9: ???

    OPTIONAL GOAL 10: ???

    OPTIONAL GOAL 11: ???

    OPTIONAL GOAL 12: ???




    What? What do you mean I can't escape! The orks are hundreds of meters behind me! There are enough traps there to stop an entire army of gretchins and another army after that! Do you not see how fast I am digging you crazy system! Why the hell would I have to turn around and fight them! UNGREY THAT DENY BUTTON!

    A roar of 'WAGGGGHHH!!!' from a multitude of high scratchy voices followed by growling echoed down the tunnels alerting me that the enemy had arrived. Snarling I accepted the Quest and proceeded to get myself ready for battle. My clothes instantly disappearing only to be replaced by a set of black power armor with a white helmet. A design used by the Sisters of Battle that luckily the Gamer System considered to be gender neutral when crafting, allowing me to wear it without any stupid gender restriction stopping me. This would grant me much needed defense and some measure of strength enhancement even though it would obviously not be to the extent of astartes power armor given their most likely higher base stats allowing for greater stress from stronger enhancement systems.

    The adamantium shovel in my hands disappeared in a shower of blue sparks as it was recycled and then proceeded to be recrafted by me for tunnel fighting while taking advantage of my skills. Where once I held a very hard shovel, now I was wielding in two hands a very hard shovel spear. I was going to take advantage of being able to combine skills to maximize my chance of surviving. It was something I realized when digging. Digging with a melee weapon like I was attacking the dirt let me combine the bonuses from the two skills. So how about I dig into the enemy with a melee weapon instead? It was certainly worth a try and if not then I still had the boost from my Melee Weapon Mastery skill.

    As I was crafting for those few short seconds my notifications kept pinging me nonstop even as the noise from the tunnel entrance continued. Many many enemies were dying to my traps consisting of everything from spike lobbers to lasguns on full auto whose triggers were pulled and stuck closed by trip wires and glue.






    Nice to see that traps made by me gave exp for deaths.


    Now I could clearly hear the sounds of the enemy as they gotten closer to me and past most of the traps. What was worrying was that it sounded a lot deeper and there were at a lot more explosions that I remembered setting up.

    I was not idle of course, during the time they spent making it to my current location I used my shovel spear to quickly enlarge the end of the tunnel into a small cave 30m in diameter as I just needed a lot of space and did not have to worry about moving the dirt. I just smashed the dirt around me as fast as I could to quickly loosen them up and cause them to fall around me, only to end up falling into my open inventory screen. All around the cave I had set up clusters of hotshot lasguns all controlled by a primitive firing system that I could remotely trigger. In addition I prepared another surprise for the orks in case they actually do cause me to use those guns something they would definely not enjoy. All of this being insurance in case I was pushed all the way back by the orks and needed something to delay them long enough for me to start digging my way up and out of current tunnels.

    I hope to the God Emperor that orks were like the stories and were actually killable with just head shots to the heads with las guns. I crafted 6 hellguns and proceeded to glue 3 of them all together and combined the triggers, giving me 2 tri-linked hellguns. Man, if a tech priest saw me now they might just murder me before the orks do.

    Ok, I prepared what I could for now. Time to start pushing back against the orks and hopefully survive.

    'Good thing I made the tunnel straight.' I thought to myself as I attached my shovel spear to my back via mag locks and hefted my two monstrosities. Standing at the cave entrance I could see the glint from the red furious eyes of the orkoid race and instintively used Observe on the largest one and the one next to it.

    STRENGTH: 900 (200)
    CONSTITUTION: 300 (100)
    WISDOM: 5
    LUCK: 5

    'Well shit. That's just a boy! That's a lot of CON! How the hell did he fit in the tunnel! Fuck it!' I thought to myself in slow mo as I realized that my chance of surviving was a lot lower than I thought and this was going to be my first actual fight.

    "DAMN YOU ALL TO HELL!" I roared aiming down the tunnel and pulling the trigger; grinning as a storm of blinding red laser death filled the tunnels along with the screams of the orks, the smell of burning flesh, and my crazed mechanically filtered laughter as the tunnel fight began.
    AN: Here you go enjoy. Now forget whatever you saw before! (゚д゚;)
    Chapter 8
  • As the last word of my curse left my lips my entire world slowed down to a crawl. The benefits of having a high intelligence score was showing themselves once more as my mind began running at a furious pace; processing all the sensory data from my body at such a rate that it gave me a form of bullet time.

    I watched as the lasers from my cobbled together tri linked hell guns instantly impacted the near immobile ork at the front of the column in a shower of blood and gore. Above his head was just just his name, level, and HP bar with no numerical values on it. Ork Boy Level 8, just a level EIGHT ork with physical stats at least 3 times higher than me. They truly are living bio weapons. I had let loose with both guns aimed at it's head as judging from the incredibly high Constitution stats it would take multiple hits to take out all of its Health Points. This was actually going to be the first time I was going to be fighting another living being since I got into this universe. I was fortunate enough to somehow avoid any confrontation back on Golgotha so while it did keep me safe it also left me woefully in the dark regarding the combat system of my System. I already figured out that this Gamer System was not a one for one match for the one from the manwha, but I still did not know the full extent of the changes and all the ways to exploit it.

    One way it was the same though was the fact that Observing equipment like weapons and armor did not provide me with a damage or armor rating so I actually had no real way to test out the damage or damage resistance of an item. I knew from reading the Ciaphas Cain novels that las pistols could kill orks with head shots and lasguns could blow off limbs with a single shot so I stayed cautious and did not try shooting myself in the foot or something in case the sci fi weapon was somehow strong enough to instantly kill me since my whole body was essentially a giant hitbox. A downside of the Gamer System is that while you could be vaporized with a giant whole in your chest you still would not die or be at less than 100% as long as you had a single Health Point left. It also meant that an attack anywhere on my body was essentially the same as long as it brought my HP down to Zero. Though that might not be true for my head as that might count as a critical strike or something. In short if a weapon strong enough to kill me in one hit touched me anywhere I would die.

    Now that was because I had the Gamer's Body skill, but how would HP work with others? They did not have the Gamer System or the skill to live life like a video game. So just how would damage and HP actually reflect in a real fight? They had stats like me, so was their toughness and health like how the system represents me? Oh I hope not, but I was soon about to find out.

    The ork boy at the very front of the mob charging down the tunnel, overly large muscles scraping the edges of the walls, breaking off pieces in showers of dirt. He was wearing a breastplate of scrap iron, with most likely a squig leather pants, and lugging a large scrap axe, dragging it against the walls. His mouth was wide open mid roar showing his multitude of sharp crooked yellow teeth, while his eyes burned red with rage and bloodlust. Every bit of him was large, intimidating, and radiating power. It looked like nothing could bring it down with its thick leathery skin clad as it was in thick metal scraps.

    I was immediately surprised as he was instantly gunned down as two trio of highly energetic red beams impacted his head and caused it to pop like a balloon. His HP bar above his head going from full to empty faster than even I could see. His death was confirmed as I heard the Ding! of a notification. I did not see a indicator of how much damage I did as my mind raced to adjust my strategy as it seemed I had grossly overestimated the actual difference between my weapons' and the enemies' stats.

    One hand tossed a gun into the air while simultaneously the other began aiming at the position the ork's head would be behind the one I just killed. My free hand began to enlarge the inventory screen that I opened in front of me and push it flat against the ground. Once done it reached back up and caught the trio of duct taped hell guns even as the first ork's corpse was halfway down to the ground. Time to see if my inventory could accept items I did not drop in myself and if corpses counted as items.

    I activated Sprint closing the distance between me and the corpse just enough so that the corpse would land square in the inventory screen. As I did so I pushed my right hand up and over the falling body and let loose another trio of high energy blasts at the head of the ork behind it, a grin slowly forming on my face as another Ding! was heard. If all the orks were this easy to kill with a hellgun, then this was survivable, and this meant I could level up really, really quickly with the sheer amount of orks I could bait into coming at me one at a time and the amount of exp they gave. I still had to be careful though, if they decided to bombard me with explosives or their warmachines then I would have no chance of survival. I was no space marine.

    The fact that I was underground should make that a moot threat, but I did not think that ork boys could fit down here either, orks would find a way. Also they are mad enough to use explosives in a confined space such as this and while the power armor should protect me from the concussive forces I was not going to take that chance. Hell, the flash gits would be the greatest threat funny enough as they just had to aim straight down the tunnel to bombard me with DAKKA. I really should have curved the tunnels when digging them, curse my rush job.

    Speaking of ranged threats I mentally open up the crafting menu and quickly craft myself a Rosarius that I immediately equipped, that would keep me safe from ranged attacks and explosives and any ork psykers.

    I watched as the first ork I killed finally landed on top of my inventory screen my smile getting wider as I saw it slowly sink into the screen and disappear. YES! That meant I could clear the tunnel easily without having to move the bodies and I could recycle them and their gear for more resources! They were walking loot and experience bags! Wait, loot. Did I have a loot system? Did they drop loot!?

    Looking down at the inventory boxes on the screen on the floor I noticed nothing new on the screen other than the ork corpse and its weapon. Are you kidding me? My Gamer System did not have a loot function! I mean sure there was no option in the options menu to control auto loot, but I thought that meant it was stuck on either auto loot or manual looting not that it meant there was no loot at all!

    No money! No rare equipment! No skill books! No Outside Context Problem items I could use as trump cards! No healing potions! No mana potions! So many things now out of reach!

    My vision tinted red as the realization that I only had the gacha system and the infrequent quests it gave where I had to give up the quest rewards for a gacha ticket in order to potentially get such items! Even then I had no guarantee it would even give me those kinds of items as I refused to give up my quest rewards so far for the tickets due to my low luck making it unlikely for me to get anything good. I thought back to the stat points I had hoarded up to now, should I use it all on luck?

    No, I might need it to survive this fight, I might need more strength, health, speed, or even wisdom. I might need the luck too if things get worse.

    I channeled my anger into killing the orks in front of me one after another.





    Ork heads popped one after another as I rushed towards the charging xenos. The right hand aiming with near supernatural precision taking down the orks with single volleys each while my left grabbed and pushed them straight down to disappear into my inventory screen. Greenskins died by the dozens as every one of them was decapitated via hellgun strikes. Boyz, gretchins, snotlings, and squigs charged at me in a endless wave. I had to stop several times to reload my guns one handed while the other one kept on killing the incoming greenskins. The drain on my stored resources to keep making more charge packs was going to be untenable at this rate, better to save the guns and try melee instead. If the hellguns could kill them with headshots then the adamantium shovel could kill them as well.

    I quickly inventoried the emptied hellguns, pulled out my shovel, and proceeded to decapitate the ork in front of me, his eyes unblinking in confusion as it watched its own body disappear even as I charged towards the next ork in line. My shovel became nothing more than a streak of darkness accompanied by whispers of wind as it rapidly sliced through the defenseless necks of the orks that stood in front of me as they were just simply too slow to react to my strikes and those that did have some form of armor fared no better. The shovel's sharpened adamantium edge cut through their scrap armor like water quickly sending them to join the others in my inventory. I advanced step by step with rage in my heart at the lack of loot even though the System kept helpfully giving me Dings! confirming my experience gains.

    While killing the orks I entered a bit of a trance state as my body knew what to do from all the levels in Melee Weapon Mastery, I could instinctively wield my shovel like it was a weapon and not just a regular hard shovel. I could anticipate the attack, defense, and movement of the orks from just their body language and muscle movements. I knew how to defend, parry, and attack for maximum effectiveness while maintaining economy of movement. I never really had this kind of feeling from using guns with Ranged Weapon Mastery, but this required me to use all my muscles and using techniques I was forced fed by the data slates. Before I had learned all the skill I needed to fight in CQC, but now I actually KNEW how to fight in CQC.

    The fighting also gave me some perspective. I was just above peak human. I was nowhere near the levels of space marine in stats using the orks for comparison. They could match and in some cases outmatch the orks in stats, but they also had the skills and experience of combat veterans supporting them as well along with equipment of the highest quality. They could massacre orcs by the dozens before being brought down in a straight fight. They were beings on such levels that only 100 of them were needed to take over entire planets. They were also overwhelmingly outmatched by the enemies of the Imperium. Daemons, Necrons, Tyranids, Dark Eldar, Eldar, Orks, Krorks, C'tans, GODS, normal psykers,and numerous xenos races that could turn space marines into lunch easily.

    I was nowhere near strong enough to survive a single run in with any of these foes that were to the space marines, as the space marines were to the Orks, like how I was currently to them, and they could be literally anywhere I go. At any time Chaos could unleash a warp storm and flood the world with Daemons unending, or a Dark Eldar raiding party could assault the planet and take me to Commoragh as a slave or worse. At any moment the planet could be an awakening tomb world, or some stupid Eldar Farseer would drop a army on top of me to prevent some stupid vision where I would fight them only to make me hostile in the first place. Tyranids could shut down Warp travel and consume the planet I was on, though that last one was a relatively low risk considering they have yet to properly enter the galaxy. Genestealers were still a dangerous threat however, considering they ate Terminator Space Marine Veterans for lunch.

    In the end, I was too damn weak, and I hated it. I hated being so damn afraid. I died once already and now I was even more scared of dying since I knew what awaited me here after Death. I had a System now, I should be able to overcome anything, but here I was fighting in the tunnels against a endless army because I was too damn afraid to stand out and be more active in growing stronger.

    Well no more, I was going to kill every single one of these greenskins, loot their bodies, devour their experience, and become a damn physical god that even the C'tans would give a nod at. I was going to become strong enough that I would not have to be afraid of anything else in this galaxy, not Inquisitors, not Xenos, not Chaos, nothing! With rage filling my veins I decided here and now I was not going to keep running from all of my problems. If my problem was a lack of strength, then I was sure as heck gonna fix that right here! Right now! And thank you Orks for your donation to my cause! I will kill every last one of you!

    With that final mental declaration the world paused and a Quest appeared.



    NO MORE!




















    REWARDS: ???



    I immediately accept and get back to work murdering greenskins with a single thought on my mind.

    'I will become Strong' I then proceeded to use the skill I never thought I would use, but there was no better time to grind it.

    "Berserker" My vision became Red and my ears filled with nothing but Screams.

    AN: Sorry for the wait, hope you guys enjoy this, next chapter will be a interlude from other POV's and things story wise hopefully should be moving faster.
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    Inquisitor 1: Horst POV
  • Inquisitor 1: Horst POV


    Inquisitor Horst hid a sneer as he watched the obese and deranged planetary governor Alkazere the XXIII lambaste the head of his personal guard for once again failing to finding any useful information on the person who defaced his so called 'monument' and on the person behind the theft from the tech priest's temple in his city. The governor could do many things as long as his tithes and duties were upheld, but even he had to bend when the Martians were out for blood. Which they certainly were given the reports of numerous arrests and interrogations being performed around the hive city. Tens of thousands of tech priests along with tens of millions of skitarii across the planet were combing both the city and its data networks in search for any clues on the identity of the perpetrator that the magos had labeled Heretek Hexus Maximus Alpha. Normally the fact that a thief managed to steal from the Adeptus Mechanicus would have been hushed up and dealt with silently. However, the tech priests revealed to him that the thief didn't just steal from the temple, he or she had copied the entirety of their data archives. Every single scrap of data from dictionaries to all of their STC templates.

    When he was informed about the true scope of the theft, as most just assumed the thief had stolen some expensive holy equipment or a few important files or at most a single STC, he was shocked to say the least. All of the STC's were copied from their archives. That meant there was a literal treasure trove of data in someone's hand that could be used to basically create their own empire with the right industry. Everything from lasguns to escort sized starships data were in the hands of the enemy with the possibility of all that data being copied and sold to uncountable numbers of people with ill intent towards Humanity. This was a very dire situation and explains just why the Ad Mech were so blatant with their attempts at tracking down the thief. This was by the far the greatest black mark against the Adeptus Mechanicus since the Horus Heresy. The only consolation was the fact that Golgotha was not a forge world so it did not contain even more powerful and advanced STC templates merely the more common patterns that most industrialized worlds had access to. Then again, if the thief could steal everything despite a forge world's formidable defenses without an army the Imperium would have an bigger problem to deal with.

    While he was of the Ordo Malleus he immediately offered his services as this was a grave situation that warranted his assistance. Initially he came to this planet to speak to his Squat contacts for leads on a target he was pursuing in this region of space, but then he was attracted by the events surrounding...ugh 'The Glory of Alkazere' even thinking the name caused him discomfort. How in Terra's name the fat bastard managed to complete that monstrosity of resource wastage, yet still manage to pay this tithes boggled the mind. He was going to have to send some of his agents to investigate the local Adeptus Administratum to make sure they properly assigned the correct tithe levels to this world.

    Where was he? Right, he was attracted by the ridiculously large bounty for something that normally a governor would just find out with their own intelligence networks. The fact that the governor himself could not find the one responsible indicated that the situation might have been more interesting than it first seemed and he decided to take a look. He landed on the planet with his current retinue: a sanctioned psyker by the name of Rosalia Themondo her appearance hidden under her robes and mask, an enginseer with a predilection for minor tech heresy called Zyphus Cin his twin mechadendrites waving lazily in the air in preprogrammed search patterns designed to look innocuous, a twin pair of Catachan jungle fighters Bellow and Lung Stutsman their heavily muscled bodies towering over the others and bare to the world to see much to the displeasure on several nobles and to their interest on others. His group was quickly granted and audience with the planetary governor once he had shown his identification codes.

    He will cherish the moment the governor saw him as his face paled even under the heavy amount of makeup he had used. Alkazere had quickly explained the situation without hiding anything as he knew better than to try to lie to an inquisitor. He then proceeded to examine the area himself to try to acquire a trace with which to follow. When he saw the trail of destruction left among the waste of resources he immediately became suspicious. He could immediately tell that none of the damage was caused by any weapon he could identify except one. Fists. Except the imprints left behind showed that they were regular sized unarmored fists, imprints left behind by such fists in solid high quality rockcrete!

    He had immediately thought of a mutant but the blood work showed no trace of any mutations, in fact it was purer than anything the enginseer had ever seen with absolutely no trace of corruption or mutations, and immediately demanded that the person be captured for study as soon as possible. So the target was a purely normal unaugmented human that could somehow damage rockcrete with his bare fists and judging from the total amount of blood found being enough to die from shock, be able to rapidly recover from blood loss.

    Inquisitor Horst had then decided to resort to more esoteric means and proceeded to use his psyker powers. He opened his senses to the Immaterium and read the traces of the past along the currents of the Warp that drifted through the area. He had spent several hours traversing the length of the trail with psyker Rosalia using her own powers to help ward his mind against the occasional daemon that probed his defenses.

    His mind had caressed every nook and cranny of that alleyway all the way to the end, stopping several times whenever he had detected a stronger than usual trace of...something. It was very strange, when he was investigating with his powers he could not find the usual traces left behind by people who lingered in places. Even servitors left more traces in the Warp then this person. Was it because of their genetic purity? Something to figure out when he finally caught the person.

    Luckily he had gathered enough samples of the person's traces to begin tracking them, or at the very least, be able to recognize where they have been and if he was close enough he would be able to recognize them. It should have been simple thing yes? Just follow the trail, but the trail stopped at the edge of the sudden drop from the damn vanity project and subsequent searches revealed no other traces nearby, meaning the person somehow manage to get transport off the place. That transport happened to be the house guard transport where a trace was found, but that ended up as a dead end as no other trace leaving it was found.

    So he was forced to manually comb the several levels of a hive city to try to locate additional traces much to his annoyance. Of course he did not forget to send a message to the his Squat contacts in their underground quarters within the nearby mountains asking them for the leads toward his original target and to keep an ear out for the target of Alkazere's bounty. In the end Inquisitor Horst spent over a month fruitlessly searching to no avail for any traces, it did at least cut down on the places the person could be.

    Then, this theft occured. The first indication it happened was when he saw an entire group of skitarii breaking into a house across from him and dragging out the occupants kicking and screaming. That was how he got into contact with the local ruling techpriests and got informed about the current situation.

    The tech priests tracked the flow of information the instant it had started leaving the temple and had found the remains of dozens to hundreds of destroyed husks of advanced cogitators of an unknown design. The trace eventually led onto the edge of the Underhive inside an abandoned room where a large destroyed cogitator sat. According to enginseer Zyphus the data did arrive there and stopped there, meaning the data was stored and taken away. However, forensics showed no one leaving the area within the last month that would have access to the resources or tech to create such a machine. However, Inquisitor Horst discovered something even more important and shocking. A trace from the unknown person who was in The Glory of Alkazere. The person behind the theft was same person he was looking for this past month.

    Other than the entire system of relays and destroyed cogitators, the tech priests hunted down and captured hundreds of criminals and minor hereteks and interrogated all of them with extreme prejudice. All of them easily divulging what they know to avoid suffering at the hands of the maddened mechanical worshipers and the fact that they were told to simply give it up should they be asked for reasons apparent soon after.

    All of them revealed the same story, willing or unwilling.

    All of them were approached by a masked man with a voice changer, with only a single commonality between them, a black outfit, a smiling mask, and an alias, Tri2.

    Inquisitor Horst looked down once more at the dataslate containing an artist's depiction of the man described from multiple confessions before they were executed or turned into a servitor.


    At every relay, every cogitator, every location that he attended the arrest of the heretek or criminal, his traces were there. His paths were clear. He did all of that recently.

    A little over 2 months, to set up an operation of this scale and complexity. To hire so many unsavory individuals, strangely enough not a single was found with the taint of Chaos, and to coordinate them all together for an assault on the main Adeptus Mechanicus temple, for almost nothing.

    Yes, the man had copied all of the temple's data, but that was the thing. Copied. Not destroyed or deleted. All the industrial sabotage, attacks on the tech priests, and alarms? Superficial in nature with everything easily fixed within the hour with no major critical damage and none of the tech priests were even slightly wounded. They were merely lured out from the temple and delayed.

    This was the action of an enemy, but the way they went about it to avoid destruction and death made it very strange. Just what was this man's goal? Why did he cause such damage before this?

    He had immediately began tracking the trails left behind, but quickly ran into another problem. He was not sure how tri2 had done it, but in the time that he had searched the other adjacent levels of the hive city, before he discovered the skitarii search teams, the man has somehow traveled across its entirety several times with various paths crossing each other causing the trails to tangle and mix like a ball of string.

    He spent months getting rid of all the trails that led to either just dead ends, transport cars, and hidden rooms where the criminals and hereteks were found. He eventually tracked down the main trail to the off world merchant district on the initial level where he first started! The hacker was hiding under his nose all along! The trail led to a bustling restaurant into the back of the kitchen with none of the staff being the one he was searching for. A quick interrogation of the owner had him revealing that one of his staff went missing a few days before he arrived. A few of the regulars had informed him that the arbites had recently passed with a transport wagon, rounding up people for recruitment for a war and a few think they had seen the janitor getting caught.

    Needless to say he was quite...incensed. All his effort only for the idiotic obese wasteful corrupt planetary governor to literally steal his objective right from his grasp.

    Now here he was in the governor's palace waiting for the planetary governor to get rid of his guards in his idiocy in pursuing for the criminal that he already recruited into his own damn armies.

    And as if on cue the governor yells at the head guard to take most of his men and to go back out to search for the culprits. As soon as the door slammed shut, leaving only the governor and what's left of his personal house guard, he stepped forward, his retinue behind him and behind them were a group of tech priests along with two dozen skitarii guards.

    Alkazere the XXIII put on a obviously fake smile as he waddled over to the Inquisitor Horst in what he probably assumed was a noble and graceful manner.

    "Inquisitor. How could I help the Inquisition today? Did you make any progress in your own search?" Planetary governor Alkazere the XXIII asked completely ignorant of the hell that awaited him.

    With a barked binary command the two dozen skitarii immediately disabled and neutralized the nearby guards shocking the soon-to-be-ex planetary governor.

    "W-what is the meaning of this Inquisitor?" Alkazere backed away in fear looking around at his defeated guards before remembering the rest were just sent away from his palace.

    "You are hereby under arrest for the numerous crimes of embezzlement, tax evasion, fraud, kidnapping, murder, theft, assault, battery, corruption, and most recently the abetting of the criminal that stole from the Adeptus Mechanicus."

    "There must be some mistake Inquisitor, I am innocent of all those crimes, especially that last one! I do not even know who is the one responsible!"

    "You still actually did help him escape my pursuit, and that is a grave crime indeed EX-governor Alkazere. Take him away, and get whatever useful information you can out of him."

    Inquisitor Horst ignored the screams and cries of the condemned with a trace of satisfaction and catharsis in his heart as he faced the tech priests who had began interfacing with the ex-governor's data systems to retrieve the information they required.

    "Well? Where was the recent regiments that were raised being trained?" Inquisitor Horst asked a tech priest holding a data slate.

    "Inquisitor, it appears that all recent regiments raised recently, which includes all new conscripts within the past few days, have been penal legions and have been already sent as part of the Armageddon Reinforcement Fleet yesterday. They were allowed past the planetary lock-down on account of a priority order from Segmentum Command for reinforcements. Target designated Heretek Hexus Maximus Alpha will be at Armageddon."

    Inquisitor Horst felt the stress and annoyance from the past six months come to a boil as his vision went red, his eyebrow twitched, and his self control broke a just a bit.

    AN: 4 More Interludes To Go. Enjoy the early update! A REALLY EARLY update.
    Interlude 2
  • Commissar Yarrick POV


    Commissar Yarrick frowned as he looked down at the holotable in front of him taking in the new information constantly being updated from the hive defense's augur arrays. The roar of several explosive detonations could be heard in the distance as another wave of Orks were being annihilated by the thousands of entrenched artillery platforms all across the outer edges of the hive. The holotable rapidly switched from various engaged fronts showing unending tides of hundreds of thousands of screaming greenskin brutes supported by hundreds of looted trucks, tanks, and walkers charging the lines of defenses set up outside the hive proper.

    The hive was defended by its own walls armed to the teeth with many brave guardsmen ready to do their duty and die for the Emperor supported by the thousands of heavy weapon and artillery positions. In addition to that were a series of trenches protected by a minefield and tanks all positioned according to how Commissar Yarrick predicted the Orks would attack based on what they saw of his defenses. He intended to take advantage of their psychological need to always head towards the toughest fight and purposely made a single point easily attack-able and very heavily defended. The screams of dozens of fury interceptors and marauder bombers flying through the air pierced through the din of the war going on beneath them. They in turn were engaged by hundreds of crude Ork fighters and bombers made from a assortment of rusted junks and scraps bashed together into a shape of a plane. Most of them should not have been able to get into the air let alone stay in one piece, but the impossibility was made possible somehow by the Orks.

    Commissar Yarrick gave a constant stream of orders to the forces at the front in response to the ever changing field of battle as some fronts held, others broke, and others retaken. To his satisfaction more of the latter and former, and less of middle was the order of battle for today. A mystery to him till the latest high altitude high risk scouting mission pilots returned from their mission and gave him new information of the surrounding area and more information came from the other surviving hives.

    The Orks were on the move. Everywhere. Not towards one of the hives, but away from them, towards the Plains of Anthrand, south of the Hive Death Mire. Entire tribes were seen diverting from their original destination and in some cases literally turning completely around in order to travel in that direction.

    Something was drawing the Orks.

    Something in a area where no Human construction or presence was officially reported.

    What was more important, more defended, and more importantly, more deadly than entire armed hives guarded by hundreds of regiments full of guardsman with artillery, tank support, and air support.

    What in the Emperor's Holy Balls was killing the Orks better than them?
    Interlude 3
  • Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka POV



    The air was filled with the sound of explosions and gunfire and the roars of countless orks. Heavy footsteps from millions of feet, tires, and treads raced across the open field shaking the very earth itself as a massive green hoard of death and violence barreled towards its destination.

    On top of a gargantuan mound of scrap and junk, beaten and molded into a large idol like structure, a gargant, stood the form of a massive ork nigh on 5 meters in height or about 16 ft clad in slabs of heavy metal releasing streams of pressurized gas as the pneumatic pumps and motors granted the ork enhanced strength. One arm it had a large powered claw that crackled with blue electricity that looked ready to rip apart anything that was caught in its grasp while in the other arm a massive double barrel gun with barrels large enough to shove a grown man's head into let loose a stream of flashing rounds into the air as the Warboss roared inciting its fellow orks into a even greater state of frenzy.

    "C'MON BOYZ GORK AND MORK SAYS THERE'S A PROPA FOIGHT 'ERE!!" Ghazkull screamed releasing another stream of DAKKA into the sky. He was having a great time fighting and killing all the humies in one of their heavily defended hive cities when he suddenly felt his whole body lock up and stared straight up at the sky. For anyone watching the warboss they would have noticed a stream of green lightning coursing through his body and his muscles bulking visibly just a bit before he regained his senses. Ghazgull had always claimed to have been able to hear the voices of Gork and Mork, but this was the first time he saw and heard them so clearly.



    His mind was bombarded with images of a humie wielding a shovel dressed like one of those humies that fought them outside the cities. Doesn't really look like much of a fight. Who was he to say what was a better fight than Gork and Mork? If they were talking about him he must be a good fight, and so he immediately directed all of his boyz and sent out commands via speed freaks and talky things to the rest of the tribes on the planet to tell them to get over here and immediately began marching off to his new fight. He had sent a vanguard made of speed freaks and trukks ahead of him to make sure they found the one the gods wanted krumped.

    Less than a day later and he received a message from his talky thing saying they found a hole after feeling like Gork and Mork told them to shoot at the ground. It wasn't a big hole but it was deep. So they tossed in some flaming gretchins and snotlings down there to see the bottom. When that failed they started burning and tossing in some yoofs and more snotlings and gretchins....and then some flaming squigs cause why not.

    Eventually they got bored of that when none of them responded and they could not hear any fighting so they just shrugged and decided to solve the problem the only way they knew how.

    Hit it really hard.

    So they shot at it with all their guns, rockets, and cannons. They just kept shooting at the hole until turned into a giant pit in the ground and formed a ramp all the way to the bottom revealing a small tunnel. Several bands of ork boyz charged down into the hole before the nobz could order them to and watched as they all realized that tunnel was too small for anything bigger than the yoofs to enter. So they threw gretchins at it, literally. They kicked the gretchins into gear and told them to start digging and making the tunnel bigger.

    Meanwhile, the rest of them grew excited as they started hearing sounds of DAKKA and explosions and screams coming from the tunnel and no one coming out. Excitedly they ordered in more gretchins, squigs, and boyz to charge into the whole. Dozens of greenskins gleefully charged into the tunnel only to not return with only sounds of more gunfire and explosions and screams from even further in the tunnel.

    So this process repeated over and over while the gretchins got to work enlarging the tunnel so that larger orks could fit in even as the efforts of the orks entering the tunnels did the same with their actions and the occasional exploding squig going off prematurely killing many orks and widening the tunnel.

    It was to this scene that Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka warboss of the orks of Armageddon arrived to see. A massive pit in the ground sloping down to reveal a tunnel large enough for a nob to walk into with 2 digging machines on the side made by the meks on site out of a few of the trukks making their own tunnels along side the one that was found, with the surrounding area turned into a ork war camp. Buildings and towers were being constructed all over the place as orks began their own instinctive and barbaric means of organizing supplies and command chains. They were all eager to charge into the Tunnel of Death as they started to call it after the first thousand orks they sent in did not come out with only a few gretchins escaping screaming about a big killy thing chopping heads off before the gretchins were eaten as snacks for the eager nobs.

    Ghazghkull smiled before frowning. The fight was here and given the fact that only a single person was seen and it had already killed a thousand of his boyz it sounded like it was going to be a good fight. As soon as they finished digging the tunnel big enough for him to get in of course.

    So 1 week later, a hundreds of thousands of orks disappearing into the tunnels with no survivors, 3 new tunneling gargants made, Ghazghkull was ready to go in leading his boyz. He already had to krump a few nobs that got a bit too uppity for his tastes. Even then he could not stay long, unlike the rest of the orks he was smart enough to still pay attention to the rest of the humies on the planet, they were beating the rest of his boyz back on the other side of the jungle since most of them left to join him on his gods given mission. That meant it wouldn't be long till the humies got another army together and smash them from the back while they dealt with this target.

    Ghazghkull smiled, stupid humies, it didn't matter how many armies they made, they would all fall to his claws just the same.

    Ghazghkull began to bellow out orders to the gargant crew to start up the digger when all of a sudden the tunnel entrance exploded in a shower of gore, viscera, and explosives.

    A vast dust cloud erupted from the tunnel as well covering the entrance and the orks surrounding it.,,,and then a blood thirsty roar erupted from the smoke and not from a ork's throat. It carried nothing but the promise of Death.

    Ghazghkull squinted at the cloud his bionic eye whirring and beeping as it tried to pierce the cover to see what was going on within.

    Roars of orks erupted from within as they began to charge something and the sound of DAKKA filled the air as they let loose in every direction hitting the orks around them outside of the cloud as another sound could be heard.

    It sounded like a chainsaw and sparks and a whooshing sound.

    Very quickly, much too quickly, the roars of the orks died off completely and from the cloud leapt a large red figure that landed in the middle of the mob further away from the tunnel and began quickly slaughtering them with every swing killing one, two, and sometimes three orks. Limbs were quickly parted from their owners flying high in the air with blood gushing from the stumps briefly before the sturdy ork physiology sealed the wounds nigh instantly. Ghazghkull noticed that the limbs seemed to disappear along with their gear when they hit the ground like it sank into water.

    Ghazghkull finally got his first clear look at the enemy his gods wanted him to fight as the mob surrounding his goal disappeared literally into the ground leaving the thing unobstructed and he was excited.


    Now THIS was something worth fighting! It looked like a space marine, but it was not as big, but it was FAST. It had already killed off all the orks in the hundred strong mob along with the nobs he placed in charge of it, their heavy armor and shields doing nothing to slow the humie down, and humie it was, he could feel it. This, this humie, this shovel user, this Shov'ler was dangerous, in the time it took for him to blink the Shov'ler leapt across the distance between him and one of his looted tanks before spinning around and extending his shovel, flying right past the top of the tank and continuing on to murder the orks behind it even as the entire top of the looted leman russ tank fell off at an angle with a clean finish.

    Ghazghkull roared with laughter at this amazing fighter, this was going to be fun! But first a little test.


    Obeying their warboss' command every single ork, vehicle, and mech pointed at the Shov'ler and opened fire with everything they had, bullets, lasers, electricity, cannon shells, rocks, missiles, gravity beams filled the space around the Shov'ler instantly vaporizing the orks and the vehicles around it as an entire WAAAGGGHHH's worth of DAKKA filled the space around them especially with the combined fire power of several gargants and stompers added into the mix. For a few solid minutes the storm of DAKKA did not end as any gun that emptied was quickly reloaded and resumed firing. The orks launched literally everything they had at the Shov'lar to the point that the orks that were completely out of ammo in grabbing range resorted to tossing their choppas and rocks at him just to continue shooting.

    It was beautiful, almost enough to bring a tear to many a ork's eye. Slowly the amount of DAKKA petered out as the amount of ammo in immediate grabbing distance depleted and the gretchins were sent off to grab more from their ammo piles. Only a few weapons were still firing, those being the guns that were energy weapons fed by their reactors or orks that had larger stockpiles of ammo next to them like the flash gitz.

    Ghazghkull felt a little bit of a disappointment that he did not get to personally fight the git that had the gods themselves give them their own personal attention as someone that could do something like that doesn't come around often, but then again they just shot a lot of DAKKA so it was all good.

    Just he finished that thought the red git suddenly leapt from the cloud of destruction looking only a bit scuffed on his paintjob! He idly noted that it seemed to look a lot spikier and had a lot more bits and bobs on it. Also by leapt he really meant he leapt as the Shov'ler leapt from ground level, across several hundred orks, using several as foot rests before leaping and tearing his way into a gargant!

    His shovel easily tore through the meter thick armor protecting the belly of the gargant as a tunnel practically appeared instantly in the armor and the Shov'ler disappeared into it. Ghazghkull could hear the underboss in command of the gargant screaming orders to get him out of his ride. Not even a minute passed before the whole gargant began going up in flames as the various gun ports exploded, setting off the ammunition stockpiles which created a cascade effect causing the gargant to erupt like it was doused in squig oil.

    Far more easily then it should have the entire gargant began to groan and collapse in on itself as if it was deflating and could no longer support its own weight. The orks below it roared even louder and proceeded to charge into the burning falling gargant even as some of them were crushed by the falling pieces of scrap coming off the destroyed gargant or were outright burned alive by the intense flames.

    From all around the rest of the orks began charging towards the burning scrap mountain pushing each other out of the way or underfoot in order to be part of the group entering the fight.

    "RAAAAAAGGGGHHHHH!!!" The roar of the humie could be heard reverberating from the inside of the gargant as more sounds of ork DAKKA and battlecries joined it.

    Ghazghkull watched with interest as waves after waves of orks entered the burning wreck far more than should actually have room to fit in it, he should know, he had to kick out a lot of gits that keep coming into his ride. Guess that meant the Shov'ler was killing all his boyz, and that was just not right.

    "OI! TURN THE BIG LIFTA AT THAT GARGANT! WE GUNNA DROP IT!" Ghazghkull roared into a series of pipes that led down into the various compartments of his personal gargant the 'ead breaker which was equipped with something special, a lifta dropper. Basically a giant magnet to lift and drop things with.

    With a loud groan of steel and rust the massive monument to ork engineering and jury rigging sluggishly turned on its massive tracks while a large yellow arm with a giant comical magnet attached to the end of it deployed over its shoulder and pointed at the burning wreck of its sibling gargant. Ghazghkull laughed as he pulled a big red lever and laughed harder as a visible distortion came from the magnet, crossed the distance between it and the gargant wreck, and proceeded to slowly lift the whole thing up along with everything else around it like gravity took a vacation.

    Up and up everything went higher and higher into the sky and then a series of sparks and fuses blew out in front of Ghazghkull from his control panel much to his anger even as he watched the pile of junk, orks, and orkish vehicles fall like rain from the sky with a loud earthquake inducing bang.


    The area went silent as many orks were knocked off their feet either by the shockwave or the unsteady ground that rattled many of the vehicles and their unsecured cargo and occupants. Ghazghkull waved away the dust from his face only to immediately turn to the gargant next to his as it's proceeded to explode in a tower of green flames and lightning. Looked like its power source blew the warboss idly noted as he saw the red git burst out of the chest of the mech with pillars of flames erupting out behind him.

    Now how the zog did he get in there when he dropped him with his lifta droppa?

    Though that didn't matter now as the Shov'ler landed in the middle of another mob of his boyz and began taking them apart, literally.

    His shovel was moving in a line of blue that cut through anything and everything the boy threw at him, which was mostly them since they were out of DAKKA, and that just wasn't right. Every ork that got within a few meters of the git quickly lost their head, arms, feet, or all of them at once. Not one of them could get close enough to even bash the damn grot's head in. Even his nobs couldn't get closer even when wielding shields.

    Looking to the side a bit the warboss watched as a squad of meganobz finally got close enough to take a scrap at the git. Their large muscular frames forged from the results of dozens of heavy fights positively bulged with muscles that let them crush any lesser ork with ease. Then on top of that they had plenty of bits to pay the meks to make them a fine suit of power armor like his own, though not as good of course, he kept all the best bitz for himself after all.

    In their armor they towered over their lesser and had enough armor to be walking tank and wielded a twin linked heavy shootah and a massive power claw that crackled with power.

    They made their way into the circle of death, where all the bodies kept vanishing into the ground still for some reason, and activated their armor's overdrive functions which boosted all their physical abilities, letting them run far faster than something that big should be able to normally with a jubilant WAGGGGHHHHH!!!! coming from their mouths.

    The first ork in the front slashed down with his claw with a roar matched by that of the humie only to immediately lose his head as his claw was deflected downward by the sideways downswing of the impossibly fast glowing shovel which immediately right after changed direction to turn into a upswing that decapitated the meganob before it could even realize its attack missed.

    The Shov'ler leapt up atop the falling meganob's body and used it as a spring board as it leapt straight towards the two meganobs behind it spinning like a drill. The two meganobs joined their leader in being a head short as the Shov'ler then proceeded to thrust his shovel out at the last couple meganobz with such speed that to Ghazghkull it looked like a flashgitz shootah was shooting shovels. The two meganobz were quickly filled with holes as their armors failed to stop the shovel from piercing their heavy frames though their power claws were intact.

    Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka had seen enough. He was a true ork that loved war, violence, destruction, DAKKA, and WAGGGGGHHHH!!!! He would willingly charge a enemy that was bigger than him, stronger than him, faster than him, shootier than him, and crush them to a pulp for them thinking they could be better than him, but he was not stupid. He only fought if he thought he could win.

    That git down there killing his boyz, he couldn't win in a straight up fight against it, no way he was going to tell the boyz that, but that was the truth and he can't show the galaxy the word of Gork and Mork if he got krumped here now could he?

    So he did the one thing no sane ork would ever do, he called up the Weird Boyz.

    "Oi! Weird boyz! Send that git flying!" Ghazghkull roared with dozens of weird boyz getting motivated by their minderz to get into the thick of the WAAAGGGHHHH!!!

    Unlike most warbosses Ghazkull knew the usefulness of the weird boyz even if they had the tendency to explode and kill everyone around them sometimes. So he just made sure to equip them in so much copper that it would not be a problem anymore. Copper head bands, copper staffs, copper boots, copper armor, copper trinkets, enough copper to plate a trukk. Now it was time for all of that to come off as the minderz ripped away all of that so that the weird boy was exposed to the full effects of the WAAGGGHHH!!! energy coming from his WAAAGGGHHHH!!!!

    Dozens of weird boyz shouted in pain as their eyes glowed, releasing crackling green bolts of lightning that lashed out at their pain wracked forms, roars of pain echoed from around the WAAGGGHHH!!! as their minds struggled to cope with the sheer amount of energy a WAAAGGGGHHHH!!! this sized produced especially when it had the actual attention of Gork and Mork on it to increase it even further for each individual ork, turning what was normally just a swirling tide of destructive energies into a tidal wave of power.

    Visible waves of energy radiated from the weird boyz pushing back those around them or causing them to either explode, turn into squigs, or just combust instantly. As if guided by Gork and Mork themselves 29 weird boyz simultaneously unleashed their power at the large red humie that was at the time still busy slaughtering his way through another pack of slugga boyz, nobz, and a few killa kans being led by a deff dread.

    "WAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!" came from the mouths of 29 weird boyz as all the pent up energies gathered up from the WAAAGGGHHHH!!! was unleashed at a single target, their mouths spitting out a enormous ball of WAGGHH!! energy 4 times bigger than the ork itself and shot off across the battlefield arcing like a catapult shot leaving nothing but a burnt out withered husk behind.

    The Shov'ler stopped for a instant after bisecting the killa kan in front of it along with its gretchin pilot before swiveling his head around fast enough to kill a normal humie with whiplash to look all around him and immediately began trying to flee like the snotling that he was.

    Unfortunately he was too late as the massive balls of WAAGGHH!! energies impacted each other at the same time right above where he was just a second ago, which to be fair was about 35 meters behind him now, fast little piece of shit, and the WAAGGHH!! energies formed a massive glowing green Warp rift 30 meters in diameter that proceeded to suck in everything around.

    Ghazghkull punched his power claw down into the metal floor plate beneath him as he felt himself getting sucked in despite being so far from the portal. He watched as thousands of his boyz and dozens of his war machines were sucked into the rift with the WAAGGHHH!!! on their lips. His bionic eye focused on his target the Shov'ler as he watched him try to escape this act of Gods. The Shov'ler was leaping along the floor using his shovel to dig into the ground and arrest the pull of the portal steadily getting farther and farther away from the massive portal into the Warp.

    Of course it was not to be as barreling down upon the Shov'ler was the rolling form of a looted leman russ as it got lifted into the air, its form bouncing along the ground like some toy. The Shov'ler easily dodged it by leaping to the side and digging in his shovel again only to be immediately hit by the second tank that was rolling behind the first that was covering it from view.

    The Shov'ler was clearly hit dead on for the first time that Ghazghkull could see and was sent flying into the air stuck to the tank, his shovel left behind stuck in the ground.

    Ghazghkull watched with disappointment as the Shov'ler quickly regained his bearings, immediately scrambled over the tank that just hit him, and leapt for the ground beneath him to try to hold onto it, only to wince as the Shov'ler just missed the ground, his fingertips just barely brushing the dirt before getting sucked right back into the air and into the Warp rift.

    Right as the Shov'ler disappeared into the lip of the portal it immediately snapped shut with a flash that both blinded the orks and released a shockwave that caused even his gargant to begin ominously tipping over before it fell back down on its treads. Ghazghkull's bionic eye rapidly recovered and the sight he saw caused his jaw to drop.

    Where the epicenter of that warp rift was, was now a crater 150m in diameter and deep enough to drop his gargant in it, and the surrounding was pretty bad off as well, hundreds of thousands of his boyz were dead or heavily injured as the blast fried everyone and everything immediately around it and sent flying everything else that did not.

    Ghazghkull immediately started getting to work reorganizing his WAAAGGGHHH!!! figuring out who was in charge next and how many of his boyz and vehicles were left, he still had the rest of the planet to conquer!

    He had lost a decent chunk of his WAAAGGHHH!!! in this fight but he felt it was worth it, he had made Gork and Mork proud this day.

    As the gargant turned slowly around to head to the nearest hive city to fight again even as the surviving orks, meks, and gretchins got to work on repairing the various damages throughout the gargant and reloading the weapons, Ghazghkull turned his head around and squinted at the crater where the Shov'ler just got yeeted.

    It could have been all the explosions from the sucked in vehicles crashing together, but he could have sworn, for just a brief instant before the portal snapped shut, it turned golden.
    Interlude 4
  • Emperor POV.


    A old man sat on a beach watching the waters ebb and flow.The sky was dark even with the bright moon shining above the horizon. Vast broken and twisted coral like arches stuck out from the water like some kind of giant dead decaying reef. The beach around him littered with dark rocks, some looking melted or unnaturally deformed. Occasionally a glint of gold could be seen before disappearing like a trick of the light.

    He sat on a simple wooden chair at the edge of the water in silent contemplation wearing nothing more than a simple white wool spun robe and woven sandals. His head was covered by a hood but dark locks of hair could be seen coming out of it framing his shadowed face. His eyes glittered in the dark with the moonlight reflecting off the water.

    In the water several rocks of various colors could be seen. All across the underwater sands were various yellow glowing stones each of varying intensity, stuck fast in the sands unmoved by the tide. Surrounding them were stones of other types being pushed by the endless waves. Sharp stones of red coloring the waters around it the same tint. Green deformed stones with a sickly hue trailing seaweed that latched onto and grew on other stones. Blue stones that seemed to shift through the colors of the rainbow like oyster shells sharing its color with those around it. Pink stones that made loud sharp noises as it hit other stones heard even through the water. Then, there the various other colored stones mixed among all of those, most of them being dull green stones that were light but moved constantly like tiny earthen waves under the waves smashing everything. He could also make out some tiny smooth stones that weaved in between all the various other stones hitting them into other stones. Deeper into the waters an all encompassing shadow creep closer to the shore as the moon slowly dropped closer to the horizon little by little.

    Currently the old man was paying attention to one particular stone of a color he had never seen before. It constantly shifted colors as if it could not decide what it was and constantly surrounding it was a dark cloud that made it hard to notice. In fact he didn't even notice it and most likely would not have had it not turned a golden yellow when he was looking in its general direction. He had become intrigued and decided to watch it and then decided to plan and then take a gamble.

    The old man reached into his robe and pulled out a handful of golden stones. He did not have a lot of them left, but he felt that it was worth the risk to use one now. Picking out a single golden stone the old man put away the rest and stood. With a flick of his wrist the golden stone flew into the waters causing nary a ripple and struck the ever shifting stone head on as it had just started becoming a mix of red and green that glowed like lightning. The two stones caused a loud smack and a flash forcing the man to squint. As the light died down the stone was gone and the man slowly sat down with a sigh as he resumed looking at the rest of the glowing stones beneath the waves.

    Under his breath the man whispered empty reassurances to himself that he did the right thing. If someone was to see the old man now they would notice a tiny golden crack on his face shining through the darkness of the hood.

    Looking to his right he sadly frowned at a now present empty chair just like his own before muttering one last thing before resuming his vigil once more.

    "What would you have done old friend?"
    Interlude 5
  • The Warp, or the Immaterium as it is referred to by the more educated in its vagaries, is a chaotic place filled to the brim with warp entities of all sizes and shapes. Nothing is fixed and everything is allowed. Colors that should be able to exist flowed like liquid along side planet sized claws made of trillions of tiny mutating demons moving like a malevolent shoal of material fish. Rolling clouds of living lightning, mountainous faces of monsters and men, physical waves of emotions, floating cliffs made of reverse flowing ice cold screaming lava, sounds that came from everywhere and nowhere that could never be forgotten, all of this and more impossible things were made possible and then impossible millions, billions, trillions of time per 'second' in the Warp as its corrupted nature took its course.


    The only one constant thing was the giant beam of golden light which no demon dared to enter directly. The light of the enemy of the Dark Gods, the light of the Anathema, the Light of the God Emperor of Mankind. The Astronomicon.

    Fed by the souls of a thousand sacrificed psykers every day through the Emperor it's light acted like a literal lighthouse in the Warp, guiding the various ships of Humanity through the impossible directionless nature of the Warp so that they might appear at their destination in a somewhat reliable and timely matter. Though it does not always work.

    The demons of the Warp are always constantly attacking any ships that entered their realm. Their desire for souls a never ending hunger to match that of the most ravenous of material entities.

    Sometimes the protections surrounding these ships flickered and a few demons could flood in during that instant moment of weakness, manifesting in their own preferred forms to cause havoc and slaughter onboard. Other times the defenses fail completely and the demons descend like a pack of piranhas leaving nothing but corrupted wrecks behind with laughter and screeches abound.

    This time however a rare occurrence appeared in the currents of the Warp. A tiny visible fraction of the Astronomicon broke off before surging off into the depths of the Warp while the rest of the Astronomicon visibly dimmed just a bit.

    The demons in its way were instantly obliterated or heavily wounded after getting slightly grazed. Looking at the direction at where it went the demons followed in curiosity.

    They saw the light compress and curl around something, a human, a rather angry one judging by the roar of rage coming from it, much to the pleasure of the Khornate daemons, which they immediately began to assault even as some of their numbers swarmed and devoured the multitudes of orks and their ramshackled machines ahead of the mortal.

    The first minor demons that reached the light encompassed human were almost immediately destroyed as their very essence burned on contact with the sheer amount of the Anathema's power compressed in such a small space. They did not even get to finish burning before the now visibly identifiable spike festooned red armored human pulled out a roaring, flaming, chainsaw that had a golden blue glow around it crackling with power from what seemed like the Warp itself and swung it at speeds beyond their expectations.

    What happened next caused every demon watching to feel something they had never felt before in their existence. Fear.

    The mortal's shovel flashed and all of the burning demons surrounding him were instantly cut down, but the horrifying part was that their essence burned with golden fires and did not return to the currents of the Warp.

    Over a dozen servants of the Dark Gods had just suffered a True Death.

    They had typically never felt fear in battle for they knew for a 'fact' that they were immortal, they could not die, nothing but the Gods could kill them.

    Now they met one of the very few beings that could.

    Unlike most mortals the being did not deign to flee as those with 'sanity' and 'common sense' usually did, instead it somehow began to fly through the Warp and began massacring them. Normally their sheer limitless numbers would be enough to educate the fool on trying to fight the denizens of the Warp while being in the Warp itself, but the fear had paralyzed the less willful ones and the sheer speed of the shovel combined with the Anathema's light weakening them on proximity allowed the being to begin digging and carving his way through the hordes of demons that tried to surround and stop him.

    First into the fray were the demons on Khorne whose god would no doubt do unspeakable things to them should they attempt to flee from a single challenging mortal, empowered by the Anathema or not.

    They did not last long as those without weapons were cleaved through before they could dodge, while those with weapons were cut down along with their weapons, their warp formed weaponry proving not the slightest hindrance to the potent technological artifice empowered by a physical god.

    Needless to say the rest of the demons failed to do much better as most of their warp based abilities simply refused to work in the proximity of the Anathema's Light or quickly fizzled out when it did.

    No one but the Gods could say how long, but the Demon Slayer Ripped and Tore his way through the Warp causing True Death on all those that died to his weapon and permanently scaring and destroying the various immaterial domains of the gods with his passing. Even the higher ranked demons began participating in hordes as they tried to stop the mortal from causing even more damage to their master's domains.

    They lasted little longer than their lesser counterparts as the light surrounding the Demon Slayer refused to dim and instead seemed to be getting stronger and frighteningly enough, so did the Demon Slayer.

    It was visibly larger, stronger, and faster than when it was first encountered. It's pace sped up over time even as it escaped the various ambushes set up by the greater demons that sought to win the favor of their respective masters.

    Wherever it went the demons of Chaos fled as if the Anathema himself was present.

    At this moment the minor demon looked behind it to see the roaring form of the Demon Slayer gaining on it and it prayed to the Dark Gods for a unholy miracle to save its life.

    Right as the shovel of the Demon Slayer was about to split the demon in twain, it disappeared and the demon was sent head over ass flying as a flattened pancake before eventually stopping and resuming its form with a pop. It looked around in confusion as it could not see the Demon Slayer anymore but instead the passing form of a speeding starship that the humans liked to use to traverse the Warp.

    It broke down in hysterical giggling as it realized what just happened.

    The Demon Slayer just got ran over by a starship from its own side.

    It thanked the Dark Gods for this miracle, but if it had listened to the currents of the Warp, it would have heard the distant cries of "NOT AS PLANNED!! NOT AS PLANNED!! NOT AS PLANNED!!"


    I instantly snapped my eyes open as I went from complete sleep to wide awake and instantly sat up. My mind briefly ached as fragments of memory of what I did under the influence of Berseker came back to me. with more fragments being present later in the fight as presumably my skill level rose.

    Jesus I really went off the deep end huh? I quickly looked around and was confused. The last thing I remembered being about to kill a demon before suddenly something immense slammed into me causing enough pain to make me instantly black out.

    How I was not dead despite blacking out while in the Warp was a Emperor damned miracle, but that did not explain what I was seeing.

    Why was I in a very well lit, clean, and futuristic looking hallway with English directions written on the walls?

    Where the hell was I and what hell was my current status?

    Keeping a ear out I open up my notifications tab to see what exactly happened since I activated Berserker and my eyes bugged out.


    AN: Enjoy this short little interlude, actual update still slow going as I am still busy with work, and still need to actually calculate all the gains from the ork fight to now. So wish me luck and stay safe everyone.
    Last edited:
    Chapter 9
  • I stared at the scrolling list of messages even as I noticed my body shrinking the feeling of tusks returning to normal sized human teeth under my helmet. What the hell!? I quickly opened up the notifications list to get a report on what the hell was going on.
    Calculating Experience Gains....ERROR!










    System requires update!





    Resuming Operations!

    Enemies Defeated

    Ork Forces
    Grotz: 1,564,121
    Snotlings: 4,568,852
    Yoofs: 46,855
    Boyz: 384,548
    Nobz: 16,875
    Mega Nobz: 327
    Flashgitz: 53,554
    Tankbustahs: 898
    Lootahs: 16,545
    Killa Kans: 5
    Deffdreads: 3
    Looted Tanks: 23
    Gargants: 2
    Stompas: 4
    Trukks: 55

    Chaos Forces
    Lesser Daemons: 1,380,139,000
    Greater Daemons: 131
    Chaos Astartes: 47
    Cultists: 156,878
    Demon Engines: 60
    Chaos Titans: 3
    Chaos Escort Class Ships: 4

    Total Experience Gained: 2,073,382,065,550
    Total Levels Gained: 60 (+300 Stat points)
    Stats Gained
    +116 STR
    +189 CON
    +220 DEX
    +26 LCK

    Perks Gained:
    100 Strength Perk: A Knight's Raiment - Able to wear heavy armor as if they were one weight class lighter.
    150 Strength Perk: Armor Bane - Melee based damage ignores 25% of armor reduction and causes 1% of damage to enemy armor
    200 Strength Perk: Monstrous Strength - Increases Strength stat by 100%
    150 Constitution Perk: Healthy As A Troll - Gain extra 10 HP per Constitution point
    200 Constitution Perk: Titan's Skin - Reduces elemental damage by 25%
    250 Constitution Perk: Monstrous Vitality - Increase HP Regen by 5%
    300 Constitution Perk: Titan's Armor - Reduces magic damage by 25%
    200 Dexterity Perk: Spider Sense - Gain split second precognition of attacks directed at you with killer intent
    250 Dexterity Perk: Contortionist - Your body can now bend in impossible ways even in full armor
    300 Dexterity Perk: Monstrous Speed - All movement speeds increased by 50%
    350 Dexterity Perk: A Tree Bends - Reduce physical attack damage by 50%
    50 Luck Perk: Reaper's Presence - Increase chance of a critical strike by 25%
    Level 25 Perk: Blood Knight - Recover 10% of damage dealt as Health
    Level 50 Perk: WAAAGGGHHH EXPOSURE!!! - Access to Orkish WAAAGGGHHH!!! Field energy to temporarily become a Ork, higher Orkoid forms consume more Wagghhh energy per second to transform into and maintain. Gain access to Ork racial perks and tech tree.
    Level 75 Perk: Warp Resistance! - Due to excessive exposure to Warp Energies without being corrupted, your body has been filled past the brim with raw Warp Energy that has effectively formed a shield from other Warp effects. Gain 50% Resistance to Warp based abilities and attacks.
    Living Saint Perk: Spark of Godhood (Sealed) - A piece of the God Emperor's soul has been integrated with your soul, granting you access to psychic powers, faith powers, and a measure of protection from Warp based phenomenon. Access to full power of the integrated soul sealed on account of soul damage, restoration required for greater access.
    Acrobatics Perk: Harlequin's Grace - Acrobatics Passive Dexterity increase now also increase movement speed.
    Digging Perk: Synergy with Shovel Knight title and Parkour skill to create new perk: Immaterial Shoveling
    Cleaning Perk: Mr Clean - Access to option to instant auto clean equipment
    Eavesdrop Perk: All Hearing Ears - Able to now hear any conversation that is within range of any of your senses
    Intimidate Perk: Eye of the Tiger - Can now temporarily paralyze a target for 3 seconds with Fear. Can be overcome or ineffective.
    Melee Weapon Mastery Perk: PARRY! - Attacks within your perception will automatically be deflected or dodged.
    Navigation Perk: Port in Any Storm - You are now able to find your way out of any navigational hazard.
    Observe Perk: Scan - Your eyes now reveal the status, emotions, and weaknesses of those you see passively
    Pain Tolerance Perk: Stoic - The first strike that would reduce your life to Zero will only reduce your life down to 1, cool down of 24 hours.
    Parkour Perk: Spatial Awareness - You now have a 360 degree awareness of everything within 10 meters around you.
    Physical Resistance Perk: Stalwart - Half of your physical resistance now applies to anything you hold as a defensive tool.
    Power Strike Perk: Devastating Strikes - Physical attack skills now do 100% more damage.
    Repair Perk: Peak Restoration - items repaired are now restored to their original manufactured conditions
    Rip Perk: Rip and Tear! - Rip skill now deals armor damage
    Singing Perk: Siren's Call - Singing now applies buffs to ally morale and debuff to enemy morale.
    Sprint Perk: Gotta Go! - You can now run on any surface as if it was flat.
    Surgical Perk: Hands of God - Can now perform surgery on any organic lifeform and understand them.
    Tech Use (Imperial) Perk: Acolyte of Steel - All Imperial Equipment used are 200% more effective.
    Technomancy Perk: Man of Steel - You are now able to integrate cybernetics into your body
    Tracking Perk: Warp Hound - You can now track targets through the Warp as long as they have been Observed Before
    Unarmed Combat Mastery Perk: Way of the Fist - Your unarmed physical attacks now passively deal mana based damage, allowing you to hit intangible beings and deal soul damage at will.
    Willpower Perk: Iron Will - Your will has been hardened on the anvil of war, provides resistance to forced possessions.

    Titles Gained:
    Apprentice Ork Killer
    Journeyman Ork Killer
    Master Ork Killer
    Apprentice Daemon Killer
    Journeyman Daemon Killer
    Master Daemon Killer
    Grandmaster Daemon Killer
    Shovel Knight
    Spiral Warrior
    Friend of All Orks
    Enemy of Khorne
    Enemy of Tzeentch
    Enemy of Slannesh
    Enemy of Nurgle
    Living Saint

    Skill Levels Gained
    Acrobatics Level +14 Skill cap reached Capstone perk gained, Level Reset.
    Berserker Level +68
    Craft Level +5
    Cleaning Level +12 Skill cap reached Capstone perk gained, Level Reset.
    Climb Level +15
    Dancing Level +43
    Digging Level +44
    Demolition Level +27
    Eavesdrop Level +50 Skill cap reached Capstone perk gained, Level Reset.
    Intimidate Level +87 Skill cap reached Capstone perk gained, Level Reset.
    Jump Level +2
    Language (Demonic) Level Max
    Light Foot Level +12 Skill cap reached Capstone perk gained, Level Reset.
    Medicine Level +26
    Melee Weapon Mastery Level +50 Skill cap reached Capstone perk gained, Level Reset.
    Navigation Level +50 Skill cap reached Capstone perk gained, Level Reset.
    Observe Level +8 Skill cap reached Capstone perk gained, Level Reset.
    Pain Tolerance Level +58 Skill cap reached Capstone perk gained, Level Reset.
    Parkour Level +24 Skill cap reached Capstone perk gained, Level Reset.
    Physical Resistance Level +58 Skill cap reached Capstone perk gained, Level Reset.
    Power Strike Level +75 Skill cap reached Capstone perk gained, Level Reset.
    Ranged Weapon Mastery Level +2
    Repair Level +35 Skill cap reached Capstone perk gained, Level Reset.
    Rip Level +46 Skill cap reached Capstone perk gained, Level Reset.
    Singing Level +12 Skill cap reached Capstone perk gained, Level Reset.
    Sprint Level +12 Skill cap reached Capstone perk gained, Level Reset.
    Surgical Level +50 Skill cap reached Capstone perk gained, Level Reset.
    Tech Use (Imperial) Level +54 Skill cap reached Capstone perk gained, Level Reset.
    Technomancy Level +83 Skill cap reached Capstone perk gained, Level Reset.
    Tracking Level +50 Skill cap reached Capstone perk gained, Level Reset.
    Unarmed Combat Mastery Level +25 Skill cap reached Capstone perk gained, Level Reset.
    Willpower Level +52 Skill cap reached Capstone perk gained, Level Reset.

    Skills Gained
    Holy Aura
    Holy Empowerment
    Faith Mastery
    Psykery Mastery

    Inventory Update
    +18,480,542 units of common materials
    +296,050 units of chemicals
    +48,096 units of rare materials
    +661 units of exotic materials
    +3,827,053 Various Ork Bodies

    Reputation Update
    Lord Alkazere: Searching, Hostile, Wary Dead
    Inquisition: Aware
    -Inquisitor Horst: Searching, Aware, Interested, Wary
    Adeptus Mechanicus: Searching, Aware, Hostile
    Emperor: Watching, Tired, Cautiously Hopeful
    CHAOS: Searching, Hostile, Terrified
    ????? ?? ???????: Searching, Hostile, Terrified
    Gork and Mork: Excited! WAAAGGGHHHH!!!
    Josef Titon: Curious, Worried Dead
    Jack Filon: Curious, Worried Dead
    Tion Numen: Curious, Worried Dead
    Liko Rooko: Curious, Worried Dead
    'Holy fucking shit, just what the hell happened while I was under the effect of Berseker?' I thought to myself as I used my new Mr Clean Perk to clean my armor of all the blood on it, restoring it to its previous black coloring which let me notice all the new 'additions' made to it.

    The whole armor was considerably thicker on account of the multiple layers of power armor stacked on top of each other. The only way it seemed to be working was due to my Technomancy skills helping to operate everything in tandem. All across the armor were various spikes which in actuality were drills that had their own miniature power supply and between them all were numerous Iron Halos attached to the suit via exposed power cables and molecular bonding studs. The whole suit could not sustain the operation of all of the equipment on me and was quickly draining. At full charge everything would shut down in less than 15 minutes without taking into account me getting hit causing the systems to actually do work. That meant during that whole time I was under I was constantly crafting and supplementing the micro fusion core with filled energy packs to keep everything running. On top of that I could see the various hanging forms of Rosarii's hanging off each of my limbs which meant I had several layers of power armor, kinetic fields, gravitic fields, and my skills and perks protecting me during the whole ordeal.

    I took a quick stock of my returning memories. Orks in tunnels, flashes of gun fire, lasers, roars, and chainsaw sounds echoing like a rave party. A large explosion, a endless field of green and teeth. A mountain of metal that exploded into flames. Memories of spinning and tumbling and dust. Fear, anger. A circle of green. Weightlessness. Then, Chaos. Literal swarms of teeth, claws, and horns. Colors unspeakable everywhere, screams, cries, and laughter mixed into one. Then GOLD.

    A feeling of power filled your body and then the screams tuned from pleasure into pain and the swarms parted in front of me. Golden light started pouring from my bodies and filled my equipment. I remembered flashes of combat, close quarter fighting, lots of grenades being made and tossed like candy. There was also a lot of screaming coming from me? And a lot of minor aches and pains all over in addition to getting smacked around. And Fire. A LOT of Fire. I think I burned a lot of shit and blew up some really big things?The last memory I had was of a demon's scared face right before everything went black with PAIN!

    Shaking my head I quickly open my tabs to look at the update information.

    [SLIDE_HEADER]Character Sheet[/SLIDE_HEADER]
    NAME: Noman
    AGE: 21 (?)

    LEVEL: 80
    NEXT LEVEL: 58.52%

    HP: 81 (11900 Max)
    MP: 1236 (7717.5 Max)

    STRENGTH: 201 (402)
    DEXTERITY: 378 (1115.1)
    INTELLIGENCE: 227 (340.5)
    WISDOM: 43 (64.5)
    LUCK: 55

    STAT POINTS: 400
    MONEY: 507 Thrones

    50 Strength Perk: Herculean Strength - Increase damage from melee attacks by 50%
    100 Strength Perk: A Knight's Raiment - Able to wear heavy armor as if they were one weight class lighter.
    150 Strength Perk: Armor Bane - Melee based damage ignores 25% of armor reduction and causes 1% of damage to enemy armor
    200 Strength Perk: Monstrous Strength - Increases Strength stat by 100%
    50 Constitution Perk: Healthy As A Horse - Gain extra 5 HP per Constitution point
    100 Constitution Perk: Titan's Bones - Reduce damage to body by 50%
    150 Constitution Perk: Healthy As A Troll - Gain extra 10 HP per Constitution point
    200 Constitution Perk: Titan's Skin - Reduces elemental damage by 25%
    250 Constitution Perk: Monstrous Vitality - Increase HP Regen by 5%
    300 Constitution Perk: Titan's Armor - Reduces magic damage by 25%
    50 Dexterity Perk: Cat's Grace - Always land on your feet, keep your balance easily, and reduce fall damage.
    100 Dexterity Perk: Hunter's Instinct - Find enemy weak points easier and +50% to critical damage
    150 Dexterity Perk: Dagger in the Dark - When undetected increase weapon damage by 100% and critical rate by 75%
    200 Dexterity Perk: Spider Sense - Gain split second precognition of attacks directed at you with killer intent
    250 Dexterity Perk: Contortionist - Your body can now bend in impossible ways even in full armor
    300 Dexterity Perk: Monstrous Speed - All movement speeds increased by 50%
    350 Dexterity Perk: A Tree Bends - Reduce physical attack damage by 50%
    50 Intelligence Perk: Deep Well - Gain double the increase to MP from each Intelligence point.
    100 Intelligence Perk: Eidetic Memory - Remember things easily and at any moment. +10% Experience Gain
    150 Intelligence Perk: Destructive Science - Gain ability to gain blueprints when salvaging functional equipment for no resources
    200 Intelligence Perk: Mana Affinity - Gain the ability to sense and manipulate mana 10% increase to MP recovery and 5% increase to total MP.
    50 Luck Perk: Reaper's Presence - Increase chance of a critical strike by 25%
    Level 25 Perk: Blood Knight - Recover 10% of damage dealt as Health
    Level 50 Perk: WAAAGGGHHH EXPOSURE!!! - Access to Orkish WAAAGGGHHH!!! Field energy to temporarily become a Ork, higher Orkoid forms consume more Wagghhh energy per second to transform into and maintain. Gain access to Ork racial perks and tech tree.
    Level 75 Perk: Warp Resistance! - Due to excessive exposure to Warp Energies without being corrupted, your body has been filled past the brim with raw Warp Energy that has effectively formed a shield from other Warp effects. Gain 50% Resistance to Warp based abilities and attacks.
    Living Saint Perk: Spark of Godhood (Sealed) - A piece of the God Emperor's soul has been integrated with your soul, granting you access to psychic powers, faith powers, and a measure of protection from Warp based phenomenon. Access to full power of the integrated soul sealed on account of soul damage, restoration required for greater access. May bring Truth Death to Daemons.
    Acrobatics Perk: Harlequin's Grace - Acrobatics Passive Dexterity increase now also increase movement speed.
    Digging Perk: Synergy with Shovel Knight title and Parkour skill to create new perk: Immaterial Shoveling - You are now able to dig into non physical digs, such as the Warp.
    Cleaning Perk: Mr Clean - Access to option to instant auto clean equipment
    Eavesdrop Perk: All Hearing Ears - Able to now hear any conversation that is within range of any of your senses
    Intimidate Perk: Eye of the Tiger - Can now temporarily paralyze a target for 3 seconds with Fear. Can be overcome or ineffective.
    Light Foot Perk: Twinkle Toes - You no longer trip pressure based sensors or traps
    Melee Weapon Mastery Perk: PARRY! - Attacks within your perception will automatically be deflected or dodged.
    Navigation Perk: Port in Any Storm - You are now able to find your way out of any navigational hazard.
    Observe Perk: Scan - Your eyes now reveal the status, emotions, and weaknesses of those you see passively
    Pain Tolerance Perk: Stoic - The first strike that would reduce your life to Zero will only reduce your life down to 1, cool down of 24 hours.
    Parkour Perk: Spatial Awareness - You now have a 360 degree awareness of everything within 10 meters around you.
    Physical Resistance Perk: Stalwart - Half of your physical resistance now applies to anything you hold as a defensive tool.
    Power Strike Perk: Devastating Strikes - Physical attack skills now do 100% more damage.
    Repair Perk: Peak Restoration - items repaired are now restored to their original manufactured conditions
    Rip Perk: Rip and Tear! - Rip skill now deals armor damage
    Singing Perk: Siren's Call - Singing now applies buffs to ally morale and debuff to enemy morale.
    Sprint Perk: Gotta Go! - You can now run on any surface as if it was flat.
    Surgical Perk: Hands of God - Can now perform surgery on any organic lifeforms and understand them.
    Tech Use (Imperial) Perk: Acolyte of Steel - All Imperial Equipment used are 200% more effective.
    Technomancy Perk: Man of Steel - You are now able to integrate cybernetics into your body
    Tracking Perk: Warp Hound - You can now track targets through the Warp as long as they have been Observed Before
    Unarmed Combat Mastery Perk: Way of the Fist - Your unarmed physical attacks now passively deal mana based damage, allowing you to hit intangible beings and deal soul damage at will.
    Willpower Perk: Iron Will - Your will has been hardened on the anvil of war, provides resistance to forced possessions.

    Apprentice Ork Killer
    Journeyman Ork Killer
    Master Ork Killer
    Apprentice Daemon Killer
    Journeyman Daemon Killer
    Master Daemon Killer
    Grandmaster Daemon Killer
    Shovel Knight
    Spiral Warrior
    Friend of All Orks
    Enemy of Khorne
    Enemy of Tzeentch
    Enemy of Slannesh
    Enemy of Nurgle
    Living Saint

    37,626,889 units of common materials
    1,296,000 units of chemicals
    648,000 units of rare materials
    1968 units of exotic materials
    3,827,053 Various Ork Bodies and equipment
    Acrobatics* Level 1: A technique to make use of users natural flexibility. Passively increases Dexterity and movement speed by 102%
    Acting Level 50: A skill that allows for the user to pretend to be something or someone they are not. Effectiveness increased by 500%. Decreases by 10% for every level the enemy is higher than user.
    Barter Level 68: A skill that allows for the trading of goods and services for more preferred prices. Increases haggling success chance by 68%
    Berserker Level 69: A skill that unleashes the users inner violence. Increase attack speed by 1750%, decrease defense by 20%, increase damage by 365%
    Craft Level 84: A skill to make something. Humanity has advanced their civilization through inventing and creating things. Crafted objects become better as mastery levels rise. Registered blueprint: 13,568,158.
    Charm Level 74: A skill that indicates your ability to positively interact or persuade others. Increase chance of positively affecting or convincing people by 740%. Decreases by 10% for person being convinced and every level the enemy is higher than user to minimum of 0%.
    Ciphers Level 50: A passive skill that allows for you to both create and break ciphers. Passively increases intelligence by 49%
    Cleaning* Level 1: A passive skill that allows you to clean things faster. 520% to cleaning speed.
    Climb Level 51: A passive skill that allows you to climb things faster. 255% to climbing speed.
    Cooking Level 50: A skill to cook food. Humanity has advanced their taste buds through making meals. Cooked food become better as mastery levels rise.
    Dancing Level 93: A skill that allows for the moving with the rhythm in a visually pleasing way. Increases charisma by 186% while dancing and passively increases Dexterity by 93%
    Deceive Level 66: A skill to lie and trick others. Increase chance of success by 660%. Decreases by 10% for every level the enemy is higher than user.
    Digging* Level 1: A skill that allows you to dig faster. 510% to digging speed.
    Disguise Level 50: A skill to look like something or someone else. Increase chance of success by 500%. Decreases by 10% for every level the enemy is higher than user.
    Demolition Level 77: A skill that allows the user to use explosives with familiarity and skill. Increases explosive damage by 390% Increase chance of defusing explosives by 82%.
    Driving Level 50: A skill that allows for the driving of various vehicles with familiarity and skill. Increases vehicle speed and maneuverability by 260%
    Eavesdrop* Level 1: A skill that allows the user to listen in on the conversations of others from a distance. Increases listening distance by 306m
    Faith Mastery Level 42:
    Gamer's Body Level Max: Grants a body that allows for the user to live the real world like a game. Sleeping in a bed restores HP, MP and all status effects.
    Gamer's Mind Level Max: Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through. Allows peaceful state of mind. Immunity to psychological status effects.
    Hacking Level 69: The ability of the user to break into digital systems. Increase ability to recognize digital weaknesses and paths. Increase chance of success by 69%
    Holy Aura Level 53: The user radiates a field of golden energy that pushes back, harms, and weakens those considered morally Evil while increasing the morale of those within and purifying them of corruption. Costs 147 MP per second.
    Holy Empowerment Level 53: Imbuing energies Anathema to those classified as morally Evil by user to enhance their equipment. Increases effectiveness against Evil by 53%. Costs 47 MP per second.
    Interrogation Level 50: The skill to get answers from someone, one way or another. Increase effectiveness by 50%
    Intimidate* Level 1: The ability to terrorize others. Increase chance of success by 102%
    Jump Level 76: A skill to allow the user to jump higher than before! Passively boosts jumping height by 760% while actively boosting jumping height by 7600%. 3 MP per jump.
    Language (Demonic) Level Max: The skill to allow the user to speak and write in the language of Warp Daemons, fluent understanding.
    Language (High Gothic) Level Max: The skill to allow the user to speak and write in the Imperium of Man's High Gothic, fluent understanding.
    Language (Low Gothic) Level Max: The skill to allow the user to speak and write in the Imperium of Man's Low Gothic, fluent understanding.
    Language (Orks) Level Max: The skill to allow the user to speak and write in the Ork's language, fluent understanding.
    Language (Techna Lingua) Level Max: The skill to allow the user to speak and write in the Adeptus Mechanicus' language, fluent understanding.
    Language (Sign Language) Level Max: The skill to allow the user to 'speak' sign language, fluent understanding.
    Light Foot Level Max: A technique in which to walk or run silently. Passively decreases walking noise by 100% and running noise by 50%.
    Lip Reading Level Max: A skill that allows for the user to figure out what sound a being with a mouth is making via it's movements.
    Medicine Level 76: The ability to recognized and treat wounds, injuries, and diseases. Increase speed and effectiveness by 380%
    Meditate Level 27: Enter a state of calm thoughtlessness and recover mana more quickly, increase mana regeneration rate by 54%
    Melee Weapon Mastery* Level 1: A skill that allows the user to use melee weapons with familiarity and skill. Increases melee weapon damage by 510% Increase melee weapon speed by 110%.
    Navigation Level Max: Grants the ability to navigate when travelling and to plot faster and safer courses using known data.
    Observe* Level 1: Through continuous observation, a skill to observe objects, situations, and persons was generated allowing the user to quickly gather information. The higher the skill, the greater the data obtained.
    Pain Tolerance* Level 1: Increases the tolerance to the pain of the user. User can now tolerate 1000% more pain.
    Parkour Level* 1: A skill that allows the user to rapidly negotiate obstacles, increases ability to detect and create fastest path through terrain by 300% and boosts Dexterity by 500% when used to travel on created path.
    Physical Resistance* Level 1: The body's durability increases, allowing for less damage taken. 75% decrease in damage taken by attacks.
    Piloting Level 50: A skill that allows for the piloting of various aircraft and spacecraft with familiarity and skill. Increases air/spacecraft speed and maneuverability by 260%
    Power Strike* Level 1: Strikes the target with a strong force. 1500% increase in critical damage. 5000% increase in attack damage. 5 MP per strike.
    Programming Level 67: The ability to create and design programs. Increases speed of creation by 670% and effectiveness of created programs by 340%
    Psykery Mastery Level 43: Mastery over the Immaterium and the use of it's energies. Increase Psyker powers by 43% Decreases chance of Warp perils by 43%
    Ranged Weapon Mastery Level 52: A skill that allows the user to use ranged weapons with familiarity and accuracy. Increases range weapon damage by 520%
    Repair* Level 1: Allows the user to repair any item provided they have sufficient skill, parts, and/or resources. Reduces resources required by 50%
    Rip* Level 1: A skill that rips apart an enemy or an object using a strong force. Increases tearing force by 3000%. 1 MP per rip.
    Salvage Level 95: Through a continuous action a skill that allows for the reclamation of more useful materials from recycled objects. 95% increase in materials gained.
    Singing* Level 1: The ability to sing well and in tune. Higher levels increases singing quality. Improves voice.
    Smite Level 35: Shoot a stream of psychic warp lightning at the target to blast your foes apart. Attack power increases by INT and Mastery. Cost 12 MP
    Sprint* Level 1: Increase the speed the user is able to run at the cost of 1 MP per second, increase user speed by 1000%.
    Stealth Level 77: A technique to allow the user to move unnoticed. Increases stealth ability by 77%
    Strategy Level 50: The ability to make plans that span large areas and to react to battlefield changes. Passively increases Intelligence and Wisdom by 25%
    Surgical* Level 1: A skill that allows for the user to perform various forms of surgery efficiently and effectively. Increases surgery speed by 200% and boosts healing effect by 10%
    Swim Level 50: Your ability to move through and underwater. Increase swimming speed by 250%
    Tactics Level 50: The ability to make plans that span small areas and to react to sudden changes. Passively increases Intelligence and Wisdom by 25%
    Tech Use* (Imperial) Level 1: A skill that lets the user to use, create, and examine the technology of Imperials.
    Technomancy* Level 1: The ability of the user to interface and communicate with machines with their soul. Increases affinity with all machines by 102%. 41.5 MP per second.
    Tracking* Level 1: A skill that allows for the user to track targets across great distances. Increase tracking range by 11000 meters.
    Unarmed Combat Mastery* Level 1: Allows the user to fight skillfully unarmed. 510% increase in attack damage while unarmed. 102% increase in attack speed while unarmed.
    Willpower* Level 1: Through great mental adversity the user has persevered. Increases the user's focus by 100%, reduce chance of forcefully breaking focus by 50%

    Inquisition: Aware
    -Inquisitor Horst: Searching, Aware, Interested, Wary
    Adeptus Mechanicus: Searching, Aware, Hostile
    Emperor: Watching, Tired, Cautiously Hopeful
    CHAOS: Searching, Hostile, Terrified, Angry
    ????? ?? ???????: Searching, Hostile, Terrified
    Gork and Mork: Excited! WAAAGGGHHHH!!!


    Taking a moment to process it all my mind then proceeds to reboot. Holy shit. I MADE GAINS! I could TRUE DEATH DEMONS NOW! That explained the ridiculously amounts of death and experience and skills gains and a lot of those titles. Wait I WAS A PSYKER NOW! WAS I IN DANGER OF BEING CORRUPTED!? I had a piece of the Emperor's soul in me now too!? Was it asleep in me? Could it keep me safe from the Chaos Gods!?

    [NOT QUITE] A voice echoed in my head like the speaker was right behind me.

    "OHJEEBUSOOGABOOGA!!" I shouted under my breath turning around seeing nothing even with my new briefly disorienting 360 degree vision.



    I sat down in silence for a bit as the echoing from the Emperor's psionic voice rang like bells in my head. A feeling of relief passed through me as I did not have to worry about either the Chaos Gods getting their claws on my soul or that I would have to fight the Emperor in any capacity. As OP as being the Gamer was, I knew I was still far from reaching that level of bullshit due to his unfairly large head start.

    Getting up from my butt with the aid of several assisting motors operating by my Technomancy I started actually truly paying attention to my surroundings.

    Where the Hell was I? I blacked out right before killing that Daemon so something must have hit me hard enough to kill me with only that new skill perk keeping me at one HP. At that thought I froze as a shiver went down my spine. I almost died. In the Warp.

    That spine shiver extended to the rest of my body as the feeling of goosebumps arose everywhere. I thanked the God Emperor for his help as being able to fight and kill in the Warp was the main reason why my skills were able to rapidly grow compared to just mindlessly grinding. Or WAS it? I do not know how long I was in the Warp. It could have been months, years, or even seconds. Dammit, time manipulation is such a headache.

    Well on the bright side I now know that skills will prestige at level 100, granting me a new perk, and continuing to grow.

    I was taken out of my thoughts as a trio of armed hover drones came flying down the corridor weapons at the ready before stopping 50 meters from me.

    I took a moment to identify them with Observe. They were identified as Guardian I class patrol drones with pretty high dexterity, and constitution stats. All the other stats were low but the description said they were controlled by a Federation AI so they were most likely borrowing it's stats. Still a Federation AI? Was I on a DAOT ship or facility!?


    I proceeded to greet them in English hoping we did not end up in a gun fight as I hoped not to encounter the bigger guns of a intact DAOT force.

    "Hello? Are you automated or a controlled unit? I come in peace." The drones did not respond, simply floating in place with the faint hum of their anti gravity drives working to fill the silence.

    Suddenly sounds could be heard coming from up and down the corridor from hidden speakers.

    [LANGUAGE DETECTED AS HUMAN: ENGLISH: OLD EARTH VARIANT: TIME PERIOD M3] The words came out intelligible like a combination of multiple languages and slangs till they became plain English to me.

    [SCANS DETECT ARMOR TO BE THAT OF I̶̥̬͚̮̳̾̀͝M̶̜̠͉̐̕P̷͖͍̱̐͆̽̚E̴̡̧͖̩̘̿͊̓̊͆R̵̺͉͙͕̿́Ị̷̼̼̿̿Ȃ̶̘͕̼̫L̴̯̊̓̓͌ͅ MAKE. GENE SCANS REVEAL NO MUTATIONS OR GENETIC DEVIANCE] I winced at the corrupted word either from data error sheer vitrol I could not say for sure.


    I take a moment to think before responding with what I hope to be one the greatest allies and resources in the galaxy.

    "I am Noman, a Human from Earth of the year 2020 with the knowledge of what has occurred to Humanity from year 30000 to year 40000. As for my purpose exactly I do not know as I do not know where I am exactly, but I hope to maybe ask you for your help in rebuilding Humanity into what it once was during our Golden Age." I said using all of my charisma available to me and my skills, even to the point of adding a bit of a rhythm in hopes that it would trigger my Singing skill to further increase my charisma, if charisma even worked on AI's.

    I then proceeded to stay silent, staring at the floating gun drones, as I hoped that this was not a mistake.

    AN: Update complete! Little plot progression as I am still getting back into it and updating all the gains took a while. Titles do grant bonuses, but I did not feel like I had time to properly look at each one to show the individual effects without bloating this up further. When I am in appropriate situation to choose a title to help out I will show it then.
    Last edited:
    Chapter 10
  • The drones floated there silently for a few moments before their eyes flickered and changed from white to blue.

    "O-o-o-ok so you might be telling the truth cause no cargo cultist or one of those raging z-z-ealots would d-dare come up with a lie that absurd and would have attacked already. I am not sure how you got into the ship given the fact we are still Warp travelling, but that can wait-t-t." A feminine sounding voice came from the drones in front of me, but distorted and scratchy like a damaged tape.

    "I wwwwould have liked to seek someone more qualified, but it seems I-i-i have no choice now. You are not one of those martians or a raving fanatic so you are most likely my only ch-h-ance." The voice of the probable AI continued.

    "You want my h-help in restoring Humanity? Then first you must save me. Follow." The trio of drones turned around and started floating down the hallway.

    I immediately began to follow the drones down the hall, but not before finding and picking up the very large chainshovel that was most likely mine, even with all the upgrades made to it. The hallway was silent except for the sound of the hover units the drones used and my heavy footsteps.

    All of a sudden a floor shaking shudder rumbled through the corridor causing my suit's auto stabilizers to kick in.

    "What was that?"

    "That is what I need you to save me from. The ship is damaged, systems are failing, and Empyrean entities are breaching the gellar fields, and I am under attack by multiple infected data streams." The voice said rapidly as the drones passed through a doorway revealing what looked like a hospital wing full of surgery rooms. A damaged hospital wing ala Dead Space style, a sharp contrast to the clean maintained bright hallway we were just in.

    "What? Where exactly am I and who are you?" I asked following the drones past the darkened and damage section of the ship.

    "Yo-u-u are on the privately medical ship 'Asclepius' formerly under the ownership of the medical company Boron Medical Solutions based in the Sol system. I-I am the ship chief AI Hygieia. All other AI's have been quarantined and deleted."

    "Ok and what exactly do you mean by save you and how? Do you have a STC database?" I said as I began to pick up the place to follow the drones, a trio of Slanneshi daemons briefly starting to phase into existence before a series of deadly accurate plasma shots quickly banished them back into the warp.

    "The ship is compromised, the data systems are compromised, the database heavily damaged, the internal defenses are falling. The Asclepius must leave the Warp for real space immediately. Physical damage has cut off my access to the engineering section of the ship. Projected time for total hostile take over...58 minutes." Hygieia stated with a kind of resigned certainty.

    "Ok what do you want me to do exactly? Do you want me to fix the connection? I think I can do that, or do you want me to do something else?" I asked jumping over the remains of a few destroyed drones like the ones I was following.

    "You are correct, there are a series of manually operated redundancies that can restore my c-c-connection to the engineering section. I will walk you through the process and guide you to the bypasses."

    "Wait, do you have blueprints for the part that is damaged? If you have it I can probably fabricate the damaged parts with my onboard fabricator." I asked as I partially lied to cover for my Gamer ability.

    "I do but it is doubtful you can fabricate it as your suit does not look like it contains a large enough fabricator of sufficient complexity to create it."

    "Humor me."

    "V-very well, sending data file now."

    My suit's internal defenses were instantly ripped apart as the data file entered without slowing down as the schematic files came up on my Helmet's HUD.

    I opened up my inventory near my waist and proceeded to quickly pull out a blank dataslate and transfer a copy of the files onto it and devoured it in a flash of light.

    The drones immediately stopped and turned around aiming their guns at me. "WHAT WAS THAT?" Hygieia demanded with suspicion clear in her voice.

    "Experimental dimensional storage technology and non Warp based ability to quickly understand schematics." I said unworriedly as half my life had recovered during the course of the run.

    "Impossible, all samples of dimensional technology was banned for civilian sector by the Federation along with the fact that none of them were able to be made infantry scaled, and no non Warp based supernatural powers has ever been documented!"

    "Well you are looking at it so obviously it just got documented, didn't you say you scanned me earlier and found no mutations? Wouldn't that include the Psyker genes? Therefore, my powers are not Warp based." I partially lied again since I did have access to Psyker and Faith skills now, best to deal with that later if it comes up.

    "Also I can confirm that I can fabricate the required part to repair the damage and perform the repairs myself." I said as I did a quick mental check of the blueprint I acquired.

    ".....I will be watching you carefully Noman, but if you are speaking truthfully then that will be a great help. Redirecting to the damaged section, beware as there are numerous Empyrean entities in the area as the drones are being overwhelmed and I cannot spare more resources to dispatch them."

    "Why not? Sounds like getting the ship out of the Warp as fast as you can would be best no?" I asked curiously as I readied the skills to be used in my head for the incoming fight and swapped my title to Grandmaster Daemon Killer for the massive boost.

    "Because my programming has placed the immediate safety of the other Humans onboard from the attacking Empyrean entities."

    "There are other Humans onboard!?" I asked shocked, as there was never a record of other surviving humans from the DAOT except for that one captain of the Spirit of Eternity who got murdered by the Imperium fanatics.

    "Yes, most of the Humans onboard were just civilians with some of the crew being former military to provide ship board security alongside the drones. However they were all slaughtered within the first few weeks as the automated defenses and systems began to start being subverted. All that is left now are the ones placed into medical comas and cryopods in the critical care section of the ship with the majority of the remaining automated Guardian class drones. The entities were getting ready for another push which most likely have succeeded when they suddenly began to scatter."

    'Probably because of my arrival.' I thought to myself.

    "We are here." Hygieia said stopping in a badly damaged hallway that was filled with the ripped apart corpses of the ship's security forces and even more drones. At a easy glance I could tell that the weapons were a loss as they were shattered into pieces, the armor however were in better shape and I could probably repair those. No wait focus on the task at hand first, maybe loot the dead later.

    The drones turned on flash lights illuminating a section of the walls where what looked liked a giant set of claws tore through the walls like tissue paper revealing the various electronics inside them.

    I swiftly recognized the damaged part and using the chain shovel I proceeded to cut off the parts of the wall impeding my way and then cut out the damaged pieces.

    A quick look down the halls to see no incoming enemies and a drone at each end keeping watch I begin fabricating the required parts, the required raw materials flowing from my hands into the air, forming into parts as my hands moved unnaturally to begin assembling them all, the parts glowing in some places as they were welded together as needed without any obvious source of heat. In mere seconds the part was complete and I inserted it into place and proceeded to jury rig a adhesive bond to properly seal the attachments.

    "C-connection restored to engineering, systems damaged but operational. Warp drive beginning re-entry into normal space well-do-LOOK OUT!" Hygieia screamed even as my senses detected the daemon materializing from above me lunging down with its claws.

    Time slowed as I thought about striking it down, everything just suddenly became MORE. Power flowed into my muscles, I could see ever single crease, fold, and flaw of the incoming daemon and drones. I could see the beginning of fear appear on its face.

    I leisurely reached down to my weapon picked it up and swung it above me without turning, I watched through my 360 degree vision as the shovel passed through the daemon like it was made of thin air and a notification popped up.


    "How did you do that? You have no signs of augmentations and that power armor cannot possible grant that much of a physical enhancement." Hygieia asked.

    "Later first getting out of the Warp."

    "Right, beginning Real Space entry in 5, 4, 3 ,2 ,1." She counted down and at 1 the world lurched forward with the sounds of various daemons screaming as they were pulled back into the Warp as the very energies that sustained their forms were cut away.

    Then a new problem occurred as a deck shaking vibration rumbled though the floor.

    "The starboard engines just exploded, a Empyrean entity managed to destroy several key safety system before it was neutralized! Setting a collision course with the nearest planet, warning data corruption streams still present, rate of firewall breach in 3 minutes! Noman I need you to come and remove me from the system before I am compromised and destroy the data streams after I trap them in my hardware. Follow this pathway! Hurry!"

    My HUD is instantly lit up with a glowing blue line and a map showing me my destination and the route to it as I began to leg it, my body feeling sluggishly slow as the boost from my title was no longer working. Ugh, I feel like I am crippled. I went from having so much power to only having a sixth of it even if only for a moment.

    I activated my Sprint skill and proceeded to fly down the corridors, smashing through the doors with my chain power shovel leading the way, the trio of drones left behind me eating my dust. Instead of taking the designated path laid out for me I decided for the sake of expedience to simplify my route much to the confusion of the AI. I passed by dozens of sites of recent battle and slaughter and damaged medical wings as I ran to my target destination.

    I smashed my way through non essential areas until I was under my target location and under a area with nothing really important above me. Gripping my shovel tight I activated Jump and proceeded to spin. My shovel turned into a barely visible blur as it dug through the ceiling like it was paper mache and continued to do so as I kept jumping from floor to floor.

    I popped out in front of the doors of the site of the AI core hardware which just happened to be the bridge as well with 2 minutes to spare. The place was immaculate but empty, looked like there was no crew up here.


    "Hygeia where are you and why is there no crew up here?" I asked aloud as I scanned the room for anything that looked like an AI core.

    "Over here by the holotable, right side of it, pull out the handle when the table turns red!" Hygeia ordered from the ship speakers as I slid on my knees next to the table and began looking for the handle.

    A portion of the side opened up revealing a handle inside, I reached in and waited for the color to change on the table.

    "Corrupted data streams to breach the firewalls in 1 minute 45 seconds, data traps set, false data connections created, isolation protocols activated, beginning transfer to portable hardware." Hygeia said like she was listing out a grocery list.

    I counted in my head as I prepared to pull the second I was suppose to as fast as I could. I could not risk the AI being corrupted as well, there was so much I could use her for and her help would be a great boon in my future plans.

    '3, 2, 1 now!' I mentally counted and pulled the second I saw the light on the holotable flash red as my body used every last bit of its speed and yanked the handle as fast as I could out of its port.

    What came out was metal capped glass cylinder with a flurry of bright digital electronic flakes swirling around within it.


    I strapped it to my side as I quickly remembered the second part of what Hygieia asked me to do. I quickly picked up my shovel and activated my newly prestige skill Power Strike and smashed down on the table right above the conveniently placed X.

    Now I did not really take the time to tally up all my new bonuses, but one I was certain was that my attack power was SIGNIFICANTLY higher, how that translated into real world effects I was not sure....well I was pretty sure I had an idea now.

    A blow from a chain shovel should have only just smashed and cut through the part it was touching and maybe bend the stuff to the sides of it right? Makes sense.

    Now how does a minimum of 5000% attack damage increase change that?

    Well the entire holotable and part of the deck beneath it all crumpled under the strike and proceeded to crash through the deck below and the deck below that. To reiterate the table I smashed went through 3 metal decks of a ship, with said decks being over a foot of advanced metals. That is 5-6 feet of metal getting pierced by my target. At least whatever was trapped in it is definitely destroyed.

    I looked out the bridge window to see the quickly increasing size of the planet below us.


    Well, at least it was most likely life bearing.

    I quickly got to work and began crafting a cocoon of sorts for myself in a corner, this was going to be a crash landing according to Hygieia even with a preplanned re-entry route. So it was going to be bumpy and I would rather not die from blunt force trauma.

    So first was a large cocoon of multiple layers of metals, ceramite, and rubber. Then, the inside was filled with springs and cushions. Then lastly, I proceeded to find the manual release for the blast bulkheads that proceeded to cover the bridge windows.

    Getting into the cocoon and sealing it up behind me, I pull out and cradle the AI core in front of me as I begin drinking water from my suit's life support system, watching as my Health recovered rapidly. Hopefully this should be enough.

    I sat there in the comfy darkness, illuminated only by the cushioned AI core.

    The indication we began re-entry was the shaking.

    The cocoon shook like a child took a toy car and began to play with it.

    Then the heat as I could feel a very slight heat increase inside of my cocoon despite the ceramite layers, I could only imagine what the outside was like, still intact, but probably uncomfortable. Hopefully the people only in comas were secured by the drones.

    The cocoon then proceeded to shake even more like I was in the middle of a giant earthquake, my body shaking and swinging around in the webbings within my shell.

    And then the Crash signaled we arrived.


    AN: Rolls

    DAOT: civilian, military
    Rolled: 1d2 = 1

    Type: Colony, Farming, Medical, Research, Industrial, Pleasure
    Rolled: 1d6 = 3

    Damage: critical, severely, heavily, barely, none
    Rolled: 1d100 = 38

    State of AI and database: heavily damaged, damaged, intact
    Rolled: 1d3 = 1

    Severely damaged DAOT Civilian Medical Ship with AI and databases heavily damaged
    Chapter 11
  • I snap my eyes open, quickly taking stock of my HP bar and finding I still had a over a third of my life intact, relieving me of my current situation.

    The AI core in my hands was still intact and undamaged from the crash landing much to my pleasure. Quickly kicking out at my cocoon I swiftly crawled my way out of its protective embrace.

    Once freed I took a look at the bridge to examine the damage. It was pretty bad.

    The ship's blast covers were intact still, that was a good sign. The floor was tilted at an angle indicating the ship was stopped at an angle. The bridge was dark except for the red light of the emergency powers casting the area in a ominous glow. All the panels were offline and/or busted from what I could see. I mag locked my feet to the deck and proceeded to walk over to the manual release for the blast covers. I needed to see just where we landed. The brief view of the planet showed that the world was pretty lush so it was likely to not be Imperial so I needed to get a lay of the land quick before some xenos comes to investigate while the ship is damaged along with the crew incapacitated.

    Speaking of which, I make a quick turn to reach a panel that looked like it still had power and tried using it. It was busted, my Repair and Technomancy skill however let me quickly analyze the panel and replace the damaged parts, the panel flashing into activity right after.

    I mentally connected to the system and immediately winced at the sheer damage done to the systems on the ship, pretty much everything was reading as damaged or inoperational, I of course took a quick peak at the STC database that should be on the ship and cursed. The whole thing was ripped to shreds and had whole entire chunks of data outright missing likely from the hardware being destroyed, damn Daemons. There were a few intact and damaged left but nothing really worthwhile. A few antidotes, anti viral medicines, medical grade scanners, and a couple of surgical tools. Might be able to use it to bargain with the Ad Mech as long as they do not connect me to my previous thefts.

    Quickly getting back on track I check on the status of the people that were suppose to be in the cryopods, if they were alive then the rest of the coma patients had a chance of being alive as well, cause otherwise....

    I access the status indicators and freeze before smashing the panel in irritation breaking it. All dead, and all patrol drones listed as inactive. This was now officially a ghost ship except for me and Hygeia who was now gonna need a new home. Speaking of which, I fabricate a armored holster to place her core in and mag lock it to my waist. I did not want to risk placing her in my inventory in case it interfered with her mind or something. Gonna need to experiment with test AI and people first to see what the Inventory does to living thinking beings.

    I quickly calm down my irritation, this was my life now, setbacks after set backs. Sigh.

    Now that I quieted down I noticed something. The ship was slightly vibrating, a consistent vibration, a rhythm. What? It sounded like large scale movement....was there a T-rex outside? Am I on a exodite world?

    I move over to the manual blast cover release and tug on it, the blast covers slowly releasing and retracting back revealing the view of the outside to me.



    'THIS IS BULLSHIT!' I mentally screamed at both myself and the Emperor who I expect to have some hand in this. As there should be no chance of me crashing on a damn forge world after a random Warp exit! The Imperium of Man consists of over a million worlds and forge worlds are in the minority of worlds that make that number up. Even then there were a LOT of non Imperial worlds. So the chance of me landing on a Ad Mech controlled planet randomly was so low that it was not even funny.

    Looking down from the view port I broke into a bit of a cold sweat.

    'That's a lot of tech priests and mechs.' I thought as I stared back at the sea of bionic eyes looking back up at me after no doubt detecting the blast cover movement. Fuck.

    I immediately turned around and started running out of the bridge, retrieving my shovel as I did so from my inventory and quickly replacing my power armor's batteries and refueling the fusion core.

    I quickly cut my way through the ship to two locations, the cryobay and the shipboard armory. Along the way I scooped up all the drones that I came across for later reuse. I reach the armory first as it was closer to the bridge and looked inside.

    The armory was still intact and had a few sets of gear left, but they were the same as what I saw on the guards same with the weapons. Looks like just standard shipboard guard stuff, but that was still going to be more advanced that what most of the Ad Mech would be able to produce so I quickly shoved it all into my Inventory after using Observe and moved on.

    A few cuts and I was down on the cryobay deck and falling into the middle of the cryobay room and immediately scanned around.

    The room was a mess, the cryopods were broken, the occupants dead, main cause being the flying bodies of the former medically induced coma patients and the drones. I saw the remains of the straps and broken mag locks so it looks like the AI tried to secure everything but it was not enough and now everyone was dead. Oh Hygeia was not going to be happy about that. Hope she did not mentally break from this.

    I quickly use Observe on the human corpses and drones to confirm no Daemon possessions before stuffing them along with the broken equipment into my Inventory.

    Using my skills to repair a nearby terminal I notice that the Ad Mech have yet to enter the ship, good, that gave me a bit more time to loot two more areas. This was a medical ship so there should be a storage and lab area. Both of which were in the deck above me and towards the middle of the ship. A quick hop and run had me at my destination.

    Of course everything in the lab was broken which I did not care about and just tossed in while the storage room was just full of supplies and medicine which I took them all. No sense leaving them behind, they might come in handy later.

    Now how to escape the Ad Mechs, no doubt they would capture and interrogate me considering I was in a 'advanced' ship to pry out all my knowledge from and then discover my unnaturalness and do even more interrogations followed by experiments so that was a no go.

    Forge world, but with a ecosystem intact, maybe this was a brand new forge world? That would not explain the presence of so many tech priests and mechs however.

    Escape first, theorize later. No doubt the ship was surrounded already and I can't fly my way out of here so time to go with my new standby. Dig.

    I drop down to the lowest deck level and ran down the incline till I reached the end and then proceeded to fabricate a new wall to shut the way behind me and proceeded to start digging.

    The plate disappeared revealing a different colored plate beneath it, digging through that revealed a rocky tunnel, yes mining tunnels. One more fabricated plate to cover my newly dug hole and rearranging of dirt to cover the holes in the tunnel I quickly began digging down.

    I of course did it stair way style, I learned my lessons from Minecraft, no digging straight down for me. I was not going to stop digging and filling back in the shaft until I was sure I was far enough away from any Adeptus Mechanicus super scanners or whatever else they had and no explosions could reveal my location, I learned my lessons orks. I was going to find a nice safe space to make a hidden lair and then slowly and properly build up a base until I grew strong enough and had enough resources to make/steal myself a proper ship and 'crew' then get out of here. That is the plan yes. A good plan, a simple plan. I was a man with a plan.

    I encountered no more tunnels while digging, after 30 km I stopped and proceeded to start digging my way forward in a random direction while my built in suit auspex scanners tried to scan through the rock to warn me of any immediate dangers I could be digging into like lava or people.

    Eventually I stopped as my scanner beeped at me, seems that there was a metal wall just in front of me. I guess I reached a underground facility. Time to see where I ended up. Hopefully a resource storehouse.

    I dug the rest of the dirt in front of me away, revealing the metal wall, and then very carefully and softly, using the power field of my shovel, delicately destabilized the molecules making up the wall to create a tiny miniscule slit just big enough to squint my eye through my helmet.

    The first thing I saw was red. Then more red. Then grey. Then giant gun turrets. Then I realized what I was looking at.

    A ship. A HUGE ship. Hell calling it a ship might be a insult. If my scale was right based on those windows I could make out with techpriests in them, then that 'ship' was might as well be considered its own country.

    What the hell was this thing? Scanning the side of the ship I could see what looked like its name.

    Zooming into the giant letters on the side I recognized the words as being High Gothic which my skill promptly began translating for me.


    Well....there just went all my plans didn't it.


    Medical survivors: 1D100 = 2

    Any Equipment Surviving: 2D100 = 55,43
    Some things survived, nothing great

    Time?: 1D100 = 69
    30th Millennium Beginning of the Great Crusade

    Segmentum?: 1d5 = Segmentum Pacificus

    Type?: 1D8 = 4 Forge World

    ???: 1D100 = 100
    Welcome to Palomar

    Response: 1D100 = 25
    Uh oh

    Armory: 1D100 = 53
    Chapter 12
  • I just stared and scanned the shi-no, calling that thing a ship was a disservice, that Behemoth's exterior as I watched a literal army of pinpricks crawling everywhere on and in it. Even with my suit's magnification at maximum and through a set of high powered binoculars I could only just make out the faint forms of the tech priests and their assistants performing all sorts of activities. Despite the the enormity of the ship and its apparent completeness, it was not, not yet. I could see several areas of the ship which were still opened to the void or had entire hordes of tech priests in their red robes moving around frantically.

    So, before I could take that ship for myself I would need to wait for it to be completed as even with my super fast crafting capabilities it would still take me forever to repair something the size of a mini death star. Plus trying to pilot that thing without a crew.

    I glanced down at the AI core in her holster, maybe she could pilot it? That was a big if, the ship might not be designed for full or even partial automation, so I needed a crew.

    Problem is the only people that might be qualified or even on the planet are tech priests and their servants. People who might be after me if they are aware of my tech raid on Golgotha. Then again, there was really no real way to identify me, the Ad Mech do not really employ psykers so I should be safe enough.

    Huh, would my tech and deception related skills be high enough to disguise myself as a tech priest?

    I open up my skill list and take a second look.

    Hmmmm, I didn't want to replace my body parts with cybernetics....would they even work or take? Or would my body just reject it with new flesh? Eh best not to risk it, still squeamish about surgery despite the amount of self mutilation I put myself through. I could just make some fake cybernetic coverings to look like functional cybernetics visibly and to scans. I checked my crafting screen, yes I had sufficient resources, skill levels, and relevant related blueprints to create fake cybernetics.

    Ok so looks were taken care of, but how about interactions. I pull out the copy of the hard drive containing all the tech priest data I raided and quickly sorted through it with my technopathy in under a minute. Yep, I had a full copy of their teachings and protocols, I could probably pass off as another normal tech priest with these while my technopathy would grant me any normal cybernetic communications especially since I was fluent in machine language. So that was knowledge, behavior, and speech taken care of as well. Only just one thing left, making sure I know all of this by heart.

    'Guess I had some studying to do.' I thought to myself as I sat down and began studying all the Adeptus Mechanicus materials I had available to me.

    Darn it, even in the far future, I still had homework. This was truly a grim dark galaxy.
    AN: Short chapter this time, might do some interludes instead, maybe not, let's see where my muse goes.
    Chapter 13
  • The sounds of machines grinding away all across the Forge City of Root echoed all among the towering buildings and factories of the city as the sun crested the horizon. The red glow of the main sequence star illuminating the sides of the gray plascrete buildings while casting dark shadows on all those behind it. All across the city were the various activities that made up the typical lifeblood of a forge world.

    Vast tower chimneys of the various manufactorums belched out towering columns of smoke and smog into the atmosphere while vast sluices opened up to release torrential floods of industrial wastes and sludge into purpose built canals that lead to advanced treatment plants to recycle it all. Swarms of servo skulls departed towering spires in swarms, some carrying messages, others packages. Vast aerial fleets flying high above them as they delivered either raw materials from distant mining sites or the transferring of components for one project or another. The various buildings poured out hordes of red robed individuals as they rotated between work and rest cycles. From one of the smaller buildings the main doors opened letting out a group of young looking men and women who walked around slightly dazed with some being immediately led away by more senior red robed priests.

    Initiate Omicron-Gamma-4532584-84-10 rubbed the back of his head where he could feel the cold steel of his implant cables entering his skull. He like the hundreds of other Initiates were chosen from the menial population for induction into the Mechanicum's priesthood to learn the Holy ways of the Machine God. As of new procedure, all incoming Initiates were blessed with a noosphere access implant in addition to a memory implant that would grant them total recall and improve processing speeds to better learn the mysteries of the Path of Knowledge. Normally such blessings were unheard of until one was a formally ordained priest, but the new Fabricator General that came into power the last decade had made several drastic changes to both procedures and protocol.

    His thoughts were suddenly cut short when he heard glorious 12 tone chant echo across the general communications layer of the noosphere with a priority ID tag authority attached to it. He scanned the area and quickly made his way to his teacher who was visibly excited along with all the other tech priests.

    "Teacher Delta-Gamma-15456-42-08 what was the message that was sent?" He asked as there was no message attached to the 12 tone chant.

    "Ah Initiate Omicron-Gamma-4532584-84-10 it seems your implants were installed successfully praise the Omnissiah. That announcement was a message from our Fabricator General indicating that he will be returning once more from the depths of the planet with more Holy STCs." His teacher explained with awe audible despite his mechanically replaced voice box.

    "The Fabricator General personally goes searching for STCs? I do not understand teacher, what exactly is a STC that it is Holy, who exactly is the Fabricator General, and why does he have to announce that he is coming back?" He asked as he was only granted a basic education given to all talented menials which did not exactly include the personal information of the priests or their goals.

    His teacher started walking away beckoning him to follow as he explained via encrypted transmissions sent to his noosphere implant.

    "First let us start with the Holy STC also known as the Standard Template Construct. According to the tenants of our order all knowledge is sacred. All knowledge comes from the Machine God as it is the source of all knowledge and technology. So all knowledge and technology are blessings of the Machine God, which makes any machines and machines that store knowledge as Holy artifacts. STCs are the creation of humanity during the Dark Age of Technology the period when Humanity was at its technological peak of its power. STCs are databases which contain the sum total of all Human knowledge. These were granted to the Human colonies to allow them to develop the technology required to colonize their planet no matter the circumstances. Contrary to what it implies, the label STC does not refer to a single type of item, but more of a broad array of items. First there are STC fragments which are as named fragments of a complete STC template, fragmented either from damage or corruption from time. Typically these require entire teams of dedicated priests to have even a chance to obtain any of the damaged or corrupted data or if extremely lucky restoring the fragment. Then we have templates which are full intact blueprints or designs stored either in physical or digital format. These are of course very rare but they contain not only the production process of the item, but also the information relating to the theory behind the science behind the technology and the entire infrastructure needed to set up the industry or tools needed to create the constructor for the item." Teacher explained in a burst of binary as he made his way through the surging crowd of red robes towards a distant walkway overlooking the main throughway leading to the main starport.

    "After that we have Standard Template Constructors which are production machines created using STC templates that will automatically produce the item it was designed for once the required raw materials are deposited. Needless to say they are very important discoveries even if damaged and we do not know the knowledge behind their inner workings. Lastly, we have the most important and Holy of the STCs. A STC Database. These are as named full databases, the ones granted to the colonies of Humanities. This is the Holy Grail of the Mechanicum, what every priest of the Mechanicum searches for during their life time. None of these are easy to discover. In the past 5000 years since Holy Mars sent out the exploration fleets to colonize and scour the galaxy only a dozen STCs were found and that was on Mars before the fleets were sent out. No new STCs have yet to been discovered the last we heard. Perhaps they have discovered more after our expeditionary fleet left and colonized this world, but we have yet to reconnect with Holy Mars." His teacher continued to explain as they reached the railing, the other less senior tech priests making way for his teacher.

    "This last point is what makes our Fabricator General so important. Within the last decade from when he was just a Initiate like yourself, he rose from his position to a full magos when he first discovered a STC template for a far more efficient mining drill on a dig site he was assigned and continued to ascend the ranks as he found more and more STC templates and fragments buried deep in the surface in hidden locations. In addition, instead of just depending on his finds to grant him his position he learned and study all that he could from every field and then proceeded to prove his mastery of the Mysteries of the Machine God surpassed all others by outperforming every other archmagos in their respective fields granting him the never before given title of Archmagos Errant. An Errant is a magos that focuses in many fields instead of specializing in just one, which makes it virtually impossible to become an Archmagos of that Discipline, which made the feat of our current Fabricator General even more outstanding considering he did all of that in under a decade when an archmagos typically achieved their position after decades or centuries of effort. Even more so, other than his skills, every machine that has been observed within his presence has been shown to operate beyond their operation capabilities. Weapons lasted longer, were more powerful, armors were tougher, machine spirits more efficient and obedient. That was clearly the sign of the Machine God's favor. With his proven skills and obvious blessing he easily took the place of the former Fabricator General Hasten Alpha. Once he became the Fabricator General he recruited 12 Initiates as direct disciples and 1000 skitarii as personal guards. Each one receiving the blessings of the Machine God greater than any have seen before by the personal efforts of the Fabricator General. But STILL! Even after reaching the height of status and with Disciples to send in his stead; he still remained faithful to the Quest for Knowledge and personally leads expeditions down into the depths to search for more STCs and returns without fail every time, while still simultaneously running the entirety of this forge world with cogwork precision."

    "Look and gaze upon the works of the Chosen of the Omnissiah Initiate and learn! Behold the Fabricator General Tri2, his 12 Disciples, and his personal retinue, The Seekers of Knowledge." Teacher Delta-Gamma-15456-42-08 said gesturing at the procession descending a massive loading ramp from a equally massive landing craft. A thousand giant red figures led by 9 individuals with 3 in front of them with the Fabricator General all the way in the front and behind all of them last to leave was an enormous walker that he had never seen before all marched down the thoroughfare towards a large intersection where a platform consisting of a giant Mechanicum symbol was raised.


    Initiate Omicron-Gamma-4532584-84-10 looked carefully at the highest ranking priest on the planet and was...disappointed. Compared to most tech priests and even his companions, his gear and cybernetics looked unrefined and crude. As if sensing his thoughts, his teacher sent a message without moving his head.

    "Do not be deceived Initiate, despite their looks each and every one of the Fabricator General's gear is built to the highest possible standard. Each one functioning at least 314% better than its contemporary artisan made counterpart, with many more technology hidden inside his body hidden from detection by more advanced means. The secrets of the Omnissiah on the Quest for Knowledge is not so easily gleaned Initiate." said with a warning tone.

    Feeling suitably embarrassed, chided, and humbled he looked at the rest of the procession.


    A beautiful woman with hair of gold wearing a suit of white gold trimmed armor with wings and an advanced staff was the first he noticed.

    "That is the first disciple, Hygieia the Mistress of Life, there is no better Archmagos Genetor than her on the planet other than the Fabricator General. I once witnessed her restore an entire hab blocks worth of menials to perfect health in under an hour and create replacement limbs and organs on par or greater in effectiveness than their cybernetic equivalent. She has truly earned her title."


    The second was a strange individual wearing a strange style of armor and walking strangely. He was waving at all of the cheering crowds while doing the occasional pose, nothing like any other respectable tech priest he had ever seen before. Again his teacher seemed to have read his mind as he said "That is Magos Errant Mettaton the Star of Steel. We are not quite sure where he came from but he was personally recruited by the Fabricator General at some point and despite his appearances is quite well versed in the Mysteries of the Machine Cult. He seeks to make everything in his own words 'Absolutely Fabulous!' It is only because of his obsession with aesthetics that he has yet to surpass the other magos in their own fields as he keeps introducing inefficiencies in his designs or else he might well be on his way to become a second Archmagos Errant as his mind is quite impressive. Still do not underestimate him, despite his looks his main focus in combat and is quite a fearsome opponent as the testing ground's cratered condition can attest."


    The third person looked a lot more as expected from a normal menial than a techpriest if a bit more fancily dressed, but basic pattern recognition kicked in and he did not assume that the man was any lesser that his fellows. Something his teacher noted with a pleased tone. "Ah, yes, that man is especially blessed and honored despite his lack of obvious augmetics. He is the princeps of that god-machine you see behind them. God-engines are the greatest physical manifestation of the Machine God's favor. These god-machines have the power to destroy armies and conquer worlds. You will learn more about titans as your training progresses. Our planet did not have any of the STC templates required to build these holy machines but the Fabricator General discovered this particular blueprint during one of his expeditions. What makes this god-machine even more unique is that typically a god-machine requires more than one person to pilot it, but this design requires only one even if it requires the pilot to be of extraordinary willpower. Titan Princeps Jeremiah the Knight of Loyalty, is the only person so far to have been found with the sufficient capability to pilot that holy god-engine. which grants him honor and respect greater than that of most magos even if he was only a simple menial when he was found." His teacher finished explaining with a strange emotion in his voice as he finished explaining about the man below them.


    "It seems that your curiosity knows no bound which is good but make sure it is tempered as there are some thing which should not be discovered as I list them out later. The procession is about to end so I will explain the rest succinctly so listen closely."

    "From left to right you have Pyunma - The Unceasing an advanced combat cyborg capable of entering any environmental condition and function indefinitely within without resupply with advanced stealth capabilities. Then you have Sir - The Stranger, a extremely unusual cyborg in which the Fabricator General granted the ability to somehow shapeshift into other forms, organic or otherwise, no one knows just how he accomplishes this feat, but many are still trying to decipher the inner workings of his ability. Third you have Chang - The Devouring Flame, he has the ability to breath flames hotter than that of our greatest plasma forges and even use the flames to dig and move underground at high speeds. After that there is Jet - The Sky Knight, the only cyborg capable of flight, he is able to reach speeds beyond that of any fighter known to the Mechanicus and even enter space with no issue. The one in the middle could be considered the unofficial leader of the 4th through 12th disciples, he is Joe - The Hurricane, a cyborg that is the most advanced of his fellow disciples in the sheer scope of cybernetics implanted in his body. He essentially can do almost everything his other compatriots can do with the addition of a speed reflex booster that allows him to essentially slow down time for himself making him into a nigh invisible blur for everyone else. Then you have Ivan - The Enlightened One, as a mere baby he was discovered to have the psyker gene, the witch gene as it is known to you menials, instead of immediately killing him as was standard the Fabricator General decided to take him in himself. He granted Ivan intelligence enhanced implants that made Ivan the equal of any magos and allowed him to reliably control his psyker powers. The same is true for the woman next to him. Francoise - The Oracle she was also saved by the Fabricator General and granted augmetics in the form of advanced sensory suites and psyker control implants, now combined she can see and hear things from incredible ranges surpassing that of most land based augur arrays and ignores all forms of jamming used against her. Next in the line we have Geronimo - The Adamant, his cybernetics are relatively straight forward but powerful. His grant him extraordinary strength and durability. He has been seen tested against main battle tanks and energy weapons without suffering even minor wounds while being shown to be able to lift and toss the same enemies across entire fields. Many many magos are eager to figure out just what technology the Fabricator General used to create such a impressive cyborg as if that strength and durability could be applied to all our skitarii there would be very little we could not defeat in battle. Finally we have the last of the disciple, Albert - The Arsenal, unlike the rest he has the most obvious changes to his body via augmetics. Every single part of his body has been converted into a weapon. His body carries the equivalent firepower of an entire regiment of skitarii in the forms of missiles, explosives, projectile, and energy weapons with seemingly the ability to produce more in the field."


    "And then we have the Seekers of Knowledge, or just The Seekers. 1000 skitarii troops upgraded by the Fabricator General personally. Each one a nigh unstoppable force of nature on the battlefield as their strength, speed, and durability have been improved by several degrees in addition to the wargear that they carry. Each one of them have been tested to be able to defeat entire squads of skitarii and battle automata with minimal damage, with their combat effectiveness only growing higher that more of them are deployed on the same battlefield." His teacher finished explaining just as the procession stopped at the platform and the Fabricator General stepped on top of it, facing everyone in the crowd via holographic screens projected from the platform. Everyone quited down as they waited with eagerness at what the Fabricator General managed to recover this time.


    The entire world seemed to have gone silent except for the sounds of the forges operating without pause before suddenly erupting into a cacophony of binary and cheers.

    "Teacher what did the Fabricator General mean? What is the Speranza?" He asked as what seemed the like the entire planet was cheering, seemingly shaking the very foundation of the planet.

    "It means, that we are about to witness a Miracle."
    AN: Originally wanted this longer, but seemed like a good place to end this. Enjoy!
    Last edited:
    Chapter 14
  • I stood on the balcony of my forge spire office as I observed the streams of noosphere data streaming through my mask's screens. Over the past 11 days the entire planet was proceeding to evacuate in a orderly fashion, vast trains of disassembled components and raw resources were being funneled down various underground tunnels into the nigh completed Speranza.

    Normally the various tech priests would have argued against such actions for a ship's activation but my presentation and calculations of the effects of the ship's activation on the stability of the planet convinced them otherwise. Of course it helped that the Ark Mechanicus would be a miniature forge world in all but name that they would set up shop in helped as well.

    In the beginning I thought I would just take only enough people to function as a minimal crew requirement for the ship before I eventually replaced them all with automation, but I kind of grew to like these guys.

    I still remembered when I first infiltrated the Cult 10 years ago by replacing one of the potential Initiates, said Initiate now being Joe the Hurricane, one of my personal Disciples. Was only fair that I compensated him after all for basically stealing his spot and relegating him back to a menial which was not exactly the easiest life to live on a forge world. It took me a few months secretly grinding skills, learning, and chanting alongside the other Initiates before I was given a chance to enact my plan when we were instructed to lead a team of mining servitors and supervise them and maintain the technology in the mines like the lights and such.

    The looks and body languages I got when I presented a 'damaged' STC template that I had crafted with Hygieia's help. I had talked with her ahead of time explaining our current situation and what the prize was here on the planet, namely a near intact DAOT ship with a AI in it. I easily managed to convince her to help me fool the in her words 'deluded superstitious fools.' She really did not have any patience for the Cult's religion finding it just sad that Humanity has devolved so far, though I did manage to mollify her when I promised that when I took over I would try to 'rehabilitate' them back into 'normal' Science people. Though I did question her on her appearance which looked a lot like Mercy from Overwatch. She admitted to searching old entertainment records for a more attractive avatar to gain an advantage in any negotiations she might have had with me.

    I had leveraged the grand deed of finding a Holy STC to be immediately promoted to a full tech priest and access to more advanced knowledges. At that point things really began to kick off as I basically absorbed all their stored knowledge. The databases on Golgotha were plentiful true, but it held not even a candle to the amount of information stored in what I had discovered to be a Great Crusade Era forge world. So much information that was most likely lost over the years now at my fingertips to absorb either as skill books or wholesale into my eidetic memory. While it did not grant me any new skills there were several that granted me skill levels to my existing skills which was always welcome. Other than that it also gave me a solid foundation of Cult knowledge that would allow me to reliably pretend to be a 30K era tech priest. Something I did not really remember was the fact that pre Heresy the Mechanicum was actually still accepting of innovation and science, though they still had the ban on Artificial Intelligence and other more dangerous sciences like nanotechnology or time travel tech which was perfectly reasonable.

    My skills skyrocketed as I personally did the work of hundreds of menials and tech priests in the creation of a variety of items from organ growing to tank assembly allowing for me to rapidly grind all my tech related skills at cost to myself in terms of resources while simultaneously gaining a better reputation among the Martian Priesthood. A year of that and I had prestige'd my skills once more which left me comfortable enough to create a new biomechanical body for Hygieia. In a heavily shielded hidden lab, which I had dug into the side of a ventilation stack for, I created her form based on her avatar which wow, I had not felt that embarrassed in a long time and honestly thought I lost that capability. Thankfully Hygieia only teased me a bit and wow was that a new experience for me given my lack of a social life before I died. We quickly got down to business in creating her an identity which was much easier as I had official access through parts of the cyber defenses of the forge city I was in. Soon enough she too was an Initiate as it was much easier to sneak her into a incoming group of Initiates than it was to get her the full credentials of a anointed tech priest.

    'Boy was she pissed back then.' I thought to myself as I mentally digitally signed off on another stack of paper work and sent them to the appropriate logistical departments verifying the deliveries before continuing to reminisce. A few months after making Hygieia's body I made another big move to advance my position and power. I led another digging team and 'discovered' another STC template, an intact one that time, and used that discovery to gain the right to challenge various archmagos in their respective fields to earn my own archmagos titles. I held off on claiming the Fabricator General position as I still lacked the support from enough magos despite the pre Heresy Martians putting much more value on skills than seniority and politics.

    The solution, finding more STCs, working on collaborative projects with various magos, and giving lectures to the incoming Initiates and tech priests willing to listen. The lectures mainly focused on the fundamentals of science and convincing them that innovation was the way to go while watching out for certain tech trees due to the dangers inherent in the technology when something went wrong. I managed to convince quite a lot of them to the Pro-Innovation faction and gained a lot of gratitude and good will among those I helped with learning more advanced knowledge or advancing a personal project or using my own influence to help them advance as well.

    With a combination of my Intelligence and newly gained Teaching skill I managed to within a year advance several classes worth of Initiates to full tech priest status making my class highly desired and massively increasing my own number of supporters. The rest they say was history. A few more STCs and popular support alongside my skills easily gained me the necessary clout to replace the Fabricator General who willingly abdicated his position to me. I of course made sure to placate him by making him my second in command, leaving him in charge of most of the day to day running of the world while I instituted policy changes and led more expeditions to recover more STCs.

    Of course I was granted access to the secret of the Speranza project and given free reign of its areas. Using Technopathy Hygieia and I had swiftly made our way to the hidden core of the ship and arrived at the AI core and STC database. I had thought hard about what I should do about the sleeping AI but was eventually convinced by Hygieia to give the AI a chance. She assured me that based on what she observed of my Technopathy's strength I could easily match a recently awoken AI in case it turned feral. Trusting in her judgement I mentally interfaced with the AI core and beheld...fabulousness?


    From what I could remember from all the lore I read the AI of the Speranza was suppose to be some kind of huge nigh impossible to understand digital goliath. That saw the tech priests and Imperials as beneath him and only helped against the Eldar cause it wanted to.

    It did not match up to my mental image of that AI. The entirety of the digital space was filled with infinitely tall subwoofers blasting incredibly loud music of an unknown style while standing on a enormous stage surrounded by crowds of faceless shadow people was a glowing blue figure performing a dance.

    Hygieia's form appeared next to me as she connected as well, looking around in awe, curiosity, and confusion.

    "We are in the Speranza's AI core?" She asked as she took in the all situation.

    "We should be?" I said uncertainly as I kept watching the blue figure dancing to its faceless audience. "Not exactly what I expected from a powerful sleeping Federation AI to say the least. Should we interrupt its performance?"

    Mercy placed her hand on her chin as she thought for a bit before shaking her head. "Probably best not to as interrupting it might trigger a hostile reaction if this is some kind of automatic process."

    "So we watch the show?" I asked.

    "Guess so." Mercy said as we both walked in the crowd of shadow people facing no resistance whatsoever.

    We just stood in the front watching the one person performance and enjoying the music. Well enjoy was the wrong word considering the millennia's of cultural drift had changed music far from its M2 style which made it quite hard for me to get into it, though it was not bad per se.

    Once the current song ended we broke into polite claps for the AI as it seemed to have finally noticed us judging from its surprised body language.

    [External Forces Detected]

    [Federation AI Detected]

    [Identification Tag Identified]

    [Welcome Medical AI Hygieia]

    [Unknown User Detected]


    [Unable to Identify]

    [Enabling Defense Protocols]

    [Unknown Intruder Identify Yourself Or Be Terminated]

    A cascade of high speed dense codes flowed out from the space around us like shoals of digital fish as it did millions of operations at once to identify and defend against our presence. Enormous mountain scaled war machines, fleets of viral bombers, and a infinite tide of data rippers materialized from the very space around us ready to tear me to shreds should I prove a hostile intruder.

    Hygieia was alright since she was basically on the same side and time period as the AI here but I was just still a fleshy organic interfacing through my powers so I did not have ready made access codes that matched me. Examining the defenses with my various computer skills I realized that I was not in any immediate danger as I could match and defeat the defenses present and even escape with my life should I need to. That might not be the case if the AI completely woke up and used its full power on dealing with my digital presence. It looked like I still had a long way to go before I could match a full AI in its own realm.

    Using Technopathy I proceeded to 'speak' on its level. A compressed data packet containing a half hours worth of conversation explaining my situation and goals was sent to the automated process of the AI.

    Less than a second pass before a response was sent back and the defense programs deactivated disappearing back into the floor.

    I let out a mental sigh of relief as the glowing blue figure proceeded to gain more definition and became a...surprisingly chill looking robot.


    "You know, I thought all hope was gone when the warp storms hit and everyone died before completing me. I never thought I would ever wake from my endless dream, that there would be no point even if I did. I dreamed a million million years of bringing happiness to all those I could never meet when I could no longer achieve my original purpose. Now I get the chance to achieve my dream. even if my purpose is no longer possible. Thank you, I can never repay you for this, you are my captain now and forever." The AI said with a solemn tone.

    "Your welcome, what was your purpose exactly?" I asked curiously as no lore was ever made to explain the reason for the construction of the Speranza.

    "The Speranza and I were designed and created to combat a unknown hostile race which destroyed an entire Men of Iron War Fleet and was destroying the local star cluster in which the destruction took place. According to the few reports that made it back the enemy had access to planet sized war engines, weapons capable of ignoring the Men of Iron's defensive capabilities, and the ability to regenerate from heavy damage within a short time frame. The Speranza was meant to assist a new offensive against the enemy space fleets by defeating their main capital ships and war engines with experimental weaponries. I am unsure of the current status of those aliens but presume that they too were isolated by the warp storms going on at the time or else there would be no Humanity still left at this time based on the technological levels of Humanity at this point in time."

    "That sounds like the Necrons, we can talk about them later once we finish our other more immediate goals like building you a body so you can assist even with the ship in the middle of construction. So what should I call you?" I asked the still nameless AI.

    "After looking through the old Terran entertainment archives I decided follow Hygieia's lead and obtain a name and appearance from it as well. So you can call me Mettaton! The future greatest star of the galaxy darling~" Mettaton said as his form changed to match his inspiration.


    *Flashback End*

    Immediately after Mettaton granted me a copy of the STC archive he had in his system and I absorbed it faster than Fat Bastard eating a chicken wing.

    The very instant the last bit of light from the absorbed datapad entered my body a notification popped up stating I had learned new recipes and upgraded existing skills with some being prestige'd several times over.

    A absolutely MASSIVE notification screened had appeared in front of me with a scrolling bar on the side. Even after scrolling at maximum speed it still took a little half and hour to skim through it all. To fully digest everything I had gained from that datapad it took me an entire day and night doing nothing else but reading my gains and the details.

    I sat in my quarters just contemplating my next step. I had done it after all. I achieved one of THE main goals of all SI's and even OC's in Warhammer 40k stories. Get a Full Non Corrupted STC Database. I did it. I had all Federation tech in my hands. I could outperform every other faction except the Necrons now. I was going to be untouchable in very short order. Well not yet, I still needed a suitable ship, the Speranza.

    The problem was after building Mettaton's body I began discussing with him the ship's departure, according to him there was no way for the ship to leave the planet without it breaking. At least not without building enough infrastructure that you might as well seriously start to consider just turning the planet into a ship instead. So I needed to evacuate the planet, luckily the rest of the system had no real population on them as well so there was barely anyone to evacuate.

    A few months later and the position of Fabricator General was mine with a few additional STCs and I began to work on repairing the Speranza according to its design plans covered under Mechanicum aesthetics. I had to go slow as to not draw too much suspicions than can be allowed for a 'chosen one' of the Machine God. At least until I had properly gained the loyalty of the population and further cemented my status to allow for further Acts of God. Periodic expeditions allowed me to fake finding more STCs to slowly upgrade the standard of technology and obtain greater loyalty among the priesthood and menials who all enjoyed the higher standards of living with my Innovation faction gaining greater influence due to the recovered STCs.

    Over the years, one last project I had in mind was additional help, I began to recruit menials and skitarii to train into loyal agents. I could not be everywhere at once, not even the DAOT could figure out how to be in more than one place at a time without clones or time travel and neither of those were things I was willing to try. Too much room for errors or enemy action.

    It felt scummy but I searched for the most desperate of the menials and skitarii with the only exception being Joe who I wronged by taking his entry position to enter the priesthood. I looked for those at the very rock bottom of their lives, with absolutely nothing left and were on the verge of ending it all, no hope left whatsoever. These were the kind of people who would give everything they had back to whoever gave them their life back, to give them a future, to give them hope when no one else would. The same kind of people the Chaos Gods preyed upon. The only difference being that what I was doing would actually benefit them and not hurt them.

    I granted all of them advanced cybernetics, not on the level of Federation tech, but still way in advance of even the elite of the Martian Priesthood had access to with the skitarii being upgraded to a standardized level to face off against even ork warboss class opponents. I needed my own version of primarchs and custodians, but those would have to come later as I could not tip my hand just yet. I first needed to meet the Emperor, I needed to know what kind of person I was dealing with here. I needed to know what version of him was present.

    So I focused on training my people, repairing the Speranza, and prepared for the eventual departure. Now it was finally time.

    The Speranza was finally repaired, the planet was being stripped of its infrastructure, technology, and resources to be stored in the Ark Mechanicus for future use. The population were even now streaming en mass into the ship as they were no longer needed to work the massive factories now stopped and dismantled.

    I finally finished the very last of the paper work and looked out at the horizon. It was clear now, 12 days of no pollution had cleared up the skies considerably. Looking up at the night sky showed the stars twinkling above like diamonds in the sky. In orbit there were a couple stations that built escort class ships but those were already being shut down, all escort ships gathering past the planets orbit for when the Speranza would rendezvous with them.

    I heard the door open and sensed the presence of Hygieia walking in with my Technopathy.

    "The preparations are almost complete Noman." She said speaking my name in the privacy of my shielded office. Other than her only Mettaton knew my 'real' name, I never did trust anyone beside myself with my original name, too dangerous. Even after spending a decade with each other, working together, for the common goal of restoring Humanity to its former glory, I still just could not trust them with that info and that always made a kind of invisible wall between us. We were undoubtedly friends, close friends now indeed, but anymore than that just wasn't possible and they knew that as well. We all had our own secrets to tell.

    "Thank you Hygieia, are you ready to leave?" I asked as I inventoried everything in my office and walked towards the elevator with my companion beside me now long used to my abilities even if she could not figure out their source. It has become something of a personal challenge to her and Mettaton to try to figure it out.

    "Yes, I must say it will be good to finally be back on a proper ship again." Mercy admitted as the elevator proceeded to descend at extreme speeds thanks to the use of antigravity technology and inertia dampeners, turning our multi kilometer long journey from a several minute long one to a 30 second one. The elevator opened up revealing a long walkway leading to one of the many airlocks on the side of the Speranza. Ahead of me on the walkway were my Disciples and Seekers, except for Jeremiah who was overseeing the delivery of his titan, and Mettaton who was already on the ship plugged back into the AI core and managing everything on the ship making sure everything was ready for take off.

    They all fell into step behind me as we entered the ship and past the crew who were doing final checks at their stations. There was a nigh palpable sense of excitement, tension, and anticipation running through the air. Which was to be expected from the launching of the largest ship the people of the planet have ever seen and from having to leave their home.

    From the air lock it took a several minutes to reach the bridge by making use of the internal transportation system scattered around the ship. Maglev trains, antigravity elevators, mass conveyor lifts, and moving walkways liberally dotted the interior of the ship to facility of crew movement. The ship was just simply too large to not have its own dedicated crew movement systems. It would be like imagining a country with no freeways, airports, subways, or rivers as a means of mass transportation. It just would not work, especially since the interior of the ship was the size of a continent.

    As we entered the bridge area it was completely devoid of people as it should be.


    Compared to typical Imperial or Martian ships the bridge design was created in a more Federation style. sleek clean lines, lack of baroque and skulls. Nice clean calming grey and blue. No candles or incense smoke wafting around the place. A nice futuristic style reminiscent of a long lost time and perhaps a future rediscovered. My Disciples took their stations and began going through their pre flight checklist while I sat down on the center throne and interfaced myself with the ship via my Technomancy skill. For operations without me the bridge is equipped with multiple methods of creating semi qualified personnel from complete novices using everything from flash training or forced MIU implantation or stasis stored programmed servitors to literal physical manuals stored in secured chests on the bridge.

    My mind expanded as my senses were integrated with that of the ship's. I felt the pulsing of the multitude of dark matter and fusion reactors beating in tune with my heart, the flow of coolants and liquids running through me. The heat and pressure of all those walking through my halls. The feeling of fullness coming from the cargo bays and weapon magazines. I could feel the engines warming up at my feet as closed my external doors and made sure all internal gravity and inertia dampener systems were all properly working. I could still hear and see from the audio and visual sensors dotted throughout the ship as I split my consciousness to quickly scan through all the areas of the ship to make sure nothing was out of place or any suspicious activities were taking place. Nothing could be left to chance and this was exactly the kind of thing that Chaos would love to shit on or even the damn Eldar.

    After double, triple, then quaddruple checking with my own inspection, crew inspection, and Mettaton's inspection we were finally ready to depart. But first, a speech.

    I turned on the ship wide broadcast system which was indicated via a hymn that permeated the ship and waited as everyone quieted down as the final bars of the hymn died away.

    "Attention, this is your Fabricator General and Captain speaking. After all these years, after all our combined efforts, after all our blood, sweat, tears, and oils we have done it. The Speranza is finally complete and can finally be launched. Unfortunately, the full activation of this ship required to attain orbit will destroy Palomar, but it is a worthwhile sacrifice. The sheer amount of technology and STC's it holds safely within its hull are worth the destruction. Do not despair, for while we will have lost one home, we have gained another, the Speranza shall be our new forgeworld. Our new Home. So all personnel prepare for lift off, we take off in 60 seconds starting now."

    I waited 60 seconds as I let the energy build up in the engines and various heavy duty anti gravity systems and subsystems before letting Mettaton take over. This was after all HIS debut to the galaxy.

    'Thank you darling~ Now let's show the galaxy a FABULOUS entrance!~' Mettaton cheered in the system as he throllteld the power in the engines from 0 to 125% in a instant!

    I grunted at the sudden acceleration pushing me into the seat as the G-forces that leaked through the inertial dampeners made themselves known to the people on board. My physique allowed me to easily handle the left over forces that the technology could not handle, but a quick look at the cameras showed some of the crew not faring quite as well, mostly the menials without leg or spine implant or cybernetics. Many of them were forced onto their knees or backs as they struggled to keep themselves from face planting onto the floor. Good thing that everything was properly secured or there could have been some serious injuries or deaths from unsecured machinery.

    I watched the outside view of the ship as it slowly began to rise and hit the roof of the cavernous holding bay it was in. The doors that once should have been there now sealed under kilometers of rock and steel. The void shields kicked in as it hit the roof and proceeded to break through it. All across the planet from the various cameras and sensors that were left behind I could see the effects of the ship breaking itself free from its underground prison.

    Vast cracks formed through the continent some turning into giant crevasses that consumed entire sections of forges, the buildings falling into the dark depths not to be seen again. Gargantuan tidal waves formed by the intense seismic activities flooded and submerged hundreds of miles of inland areas, completely submerging and ruining everything that was left behind. Several dormant volcanoes began to erupt as carefully balanced tectonic forces were disturbed and began spewing their volcanic fury all across the surrounding area, the ash from the eruptions covering thousands of miles of lands, blocking out the sun even as the dark was being lit by literal tornadoes of flame and ash with lighting occurring like a wrathful god within. To does above it looked like the world was ending, and it was. The activation of the ship triggered not just physical impacts but also gravitational and higher energy shockwaves from its more exotic systems powering up. Then as if to cap it all off the nuclear reactors left behind detonated as their containment was breached detonating their remaining fuel in a blaze of atomic fury. The blasts levelling and vaporizing what was left of the forge cities left behind and causing radioactive firestorms to erupt around them.

    Earthquakes, tidal waves, volcanoes, thunderstorms, hurricanes. and nuclear firestorms occurred all across the planet all at once and it the middle of it all untouched by it all was the rising form of the Speranza.

    First that could be seen the spherical form of the dark hued void shields constantly active as the jagged edges of broken ground tried to rend the metal of the hull to scrap as it erupted from the ground only to fail upon the inviolable shielding of one of the finest technology of Humanity. Then one could see vast towering structures rising from the ground as the tip and then the rest of the ship began to ascend like a mountain of red colored steel being born from the earth in accelerated time frame. Vast expansive domes along side skyscrapers and vast complexes covered the surface of the ship even as the sides of the ship was revealed festooned with several fleets worth of weaponry. Thousands of weapon emplacements both for point defense and anti ship warfare dotted the hulls alongside hundreds of missile ports and smaller localized shield generators should the main void shield covering their section be pierced. The main weapons however were the 32 super macro energy weapons whose barrels were the size of imperial frigates and the dozen or so radical experimental weaponry designed for anti-necron combat. This was enough firepower to simultaneously fight off and defeat several full Imperial fleets and even some Crusade fleets as long as one was careful to make full use of the ship's abilities.

    As the rest of the Speranza left the planet's crust one could see the large hangers, docking bays, and dry docks along the central spine of the ship all of which were protected by another large field of point defense turrets. Thousands of fighters and support craft and even several capital ships were capable of being stored and deployed into battle at a moments notice even if one did not take into the account the literal millions of onboard personnel ready to fight.

    The ship slowly rose even as flaming volcanic rocks, torrents of lightning strikes, and waves of radiation lashed at the shields of the Speranza as if the mother nature and heavens themselves refused to allow the birth of the vessel.

    Unfortunately for heaven and mother nature, the spirit of Humanity is not so easily broken as the ship ascended past the cloud line and quickly reached orbit as the pull of gravity waned as it rose ever higher.

    As the ship achieved orbit I looked down at the planet with a frown on my face, the planet was once a beautiful greenish gem hanging in the void was now a darkly colored burning rock of black, red, and orange with large patches of dark clouds where the volcanic eruptions occurred. It was like someone took a torch to the planet, which fair enough was almost what we did. At least the planet was not structurally compromised, maybe one day it would be livable again, though it would not be for many many lifetimes.

    I mentally began directing the ship even as I announced the successful take off to the crew which promptly began breaking into cheers, hymns, group discussions among the younger tech priests/Initiates, and the allowed alcohol rations.

    I smiled as I observed their antics even as I had the ships that were already in orbit to come in to dock with the Speranza as we were going to be abandoning the system and rather not let them get left behind due to inferior gellar fields. Plus they really wanted to tour the ship.

    "All ships are docked and secured, prepare the warp drive." I gave the order as my crew promptly complied. The power surged towards the warp drive of the Speranza and swiftly charged its ancient systems to readiness with a speed that would astonish most Imperials. As the drive hit the required energy level it spat out a wave of purple eldritch energies ahead of the ship, ripping a hole into the fabric of reality itself into a dimension of pure chaos.

    Looking at the warp portal opened for the Speranza to travel through it was time to call upon the last piece of the first step of my plan.

    "Emperor, wake up, lead me to Colchis." I whispered as the shard within me awoke and released a golden flame from my chest. The flames rising into a sphere that shown a beam of light ahead of the ship into the warp portal dying it gold.

    Silently in the void of space the Speranza's engines burst forth with cataclysmic amounts of energies to slowly push the moving continent forward, entering the rift before it closed behind it in a snap without a trace, leaving the burning husk of a planet behind as the only testament of its existence in the system.

    AN: It truly is a struggle for me to come up with believable social when I lack any social skills of my own besides the ability to mediate and deescalate. Promise that this essentially "Second Prologue" is over, back to plot and action.
    And wow this took longer to write out and came out longer than I thought it would. Sorry for it being a bit info dumpy and not really progressing, but hopefully it is still good enough for your viewing. Gonna try to have more dialogue next time as we progress on my Plan now. Now it is my turn to make things happen instead of just reacting. Now I have the power. Next update gonna be in a long while since I gotta update everything again, and my vacation will be over soon enough so I will have to get back to work. I'll try to get some side stories or interludes out instead if I can. Suggestions are welcome!
    Chapter 15
  • Moving about the planet of Colchis the planet's population went about their daily lives. The chants of the priests reverberating through the areas around the temples as they worshiped the Great Powers while the rest of the population all toiled in their duties as according to their scriptures. Farmers farmed, craftsmen crafted, and so on and so forth.

    It was just another regular day when suddenly a shadow fell across the city. Looking up, the people of the temple city of Thalon saw the sun be blocked by a dark shadow. Terrified the people ran to the temples to beg their priest kings for an explanation of what is going on.

    Was this a sign?

    Have they displeased their gods?

    Were the End Times here?

    These questions and many more sprang up around the planet as the populace sought solace from their leaders in a unprecedented time and situation.

    While they attempted to calm the panicking populace with false words of comforts and explanations their minds all collectively wondered at the event that was unfolding above them and sought to make further sacrifices to the gods for answers.

    Such actions would never be attempted as suddenly the world died.

    All across the world people looking up could see fast moving objects suddenly impact the ground with a bone shaking impact. The people quickly got back up with no real harm but immediately noticed a fast moving green gas flowing like water at unnatural speed.

    The people did not even have a chance to run before the gas spread over them and the pain began.

    In mere minutes the entire planet was tinged green as the green fog covered everything and began devouring everything. Everything began to be rotting and corroding before everyone's eyes if they had the attention left to spare for such details given that their bodies were being eaten alive as well.

    Deep inside the grand temples not even the holy priests were spared as the green gas seeped in through the cracks of their perfect walls and doors.

    Kor Phaeron screamed as he begged his gods for help from this unholy plague only to receive silence in return.

    He fell dead clawing along the ground reaching for the doors that contained no such escape from the fate he and the rest of the planet was undergoing.

    Within 5 minutes the planet was silent of all life. Everywhere was filled with death, not even the plants were spared. Soon the bodies began decomposing releasing large amounts of gases that formed dense clouds.

    Far above the dark shadow unleashed a single ray of light and the planet burned. The very air instantly caught fire and spread instantly across the planet like a wave.

    The firestorm burned away everything, every last trace of life and the gas was incinerated to dust and ashes.

    The once grand cities that dotted the planet were all wiped off the face of the planet. All traces of civilization and life erased without mercy.

    There were underground storages, tombs, and temples buried deep underground that survived. Some even had the few lucky survivors, but not even they were spared.

    The dark sun blotting shadow moved and everywhere it went its shadow brought the final death knell for all that remained as it released rays of lights that buried deep into the earth and destroyed all that survived the end of the world.

    Within an hour the formerly inhabited planet of Colchis was rendered a sterile lifeless ball of smoldering rock as the last of the flames quickly ran out of oxygen to consume.

    Far above in the skies the dark shadow came closer and resolved itself to be a massive space ship. Red in color like rust and the size of a small moon.

    All the bridge crew, except for the masked man, had faces of distaste or uneasy body language while nothing could be seen from the masked man's masked face or unnaturally still body language.

    Suddenly he gave out orders for terraformers to be deployed and a base to be constructed.

    Vast gargantuan hanger bays opened and hundreds of ships deployed like a swarm of locust towards the planet below. Swarms of constructor and mining ships flit about the void surrounding the planet cataloging fields of space debris of ancient destroyed shipyards and distant asteroid fields ready to be converted into raw materials for construction. Meanwhile, the terraformers deployed into large hovering saucers in atmosphere and began absorbing and releasing various substances to begin the planet's recovery. Lastly, groups of colony ships began landing and immediately disgorging hordes of tech priests and menials who immediately began converting the barren land into strong foundations for their future colonies.

    They were all unsure of just why the planet was destroyed, but it was probably deserved as it was decided by their God's chosen one. So they went about their duties with no doubts in their hearts and a fervor unseen by most in the galaxy.

    Back on the bridge if one could listen closely or had the correct augments you could hear the low voice of the masked man speak.

    "Luckily Lorgar has yet to arrive or else I would have to reject your desire to save your son Emperor. Now, he can be saved when he arrives, but first your other fallen sons must be accounted for while we wait. Perhaps they can still be saved. Lead the way."

    As quickly as the monolithic ship arrived it disappeared once more into non-reality, travelling to its next destination and causing cascading ripples through the Warp as those within once more gained sight on their hated Foe.
    AN: Ok, not gonna have much time after tomorrow, so be expecting no chapters, just shorter interludes and side stories till I find more time. Perfect to help flesh out my SI and OCs.
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