Star Wars Devastating Gamble (Star Wars SI)

Chapter One: Escape From Dac
  • ScratchedCam

    New member
    Devastating Gamble - Escape From Dac

    "We are falling behind schedule. General Klev is demanding answers and I have nothing for him!" Captain Arloc shouted, his chair toppling over as he stood and slammed a fist on the table. "What," he snarled, "is going on?"

    My camera watched the assembled officers from the corner of the briefing room. Some shuffled flimsi stacks or fingered data pads as they avoided Arloc's angry glare. None of them wanted to be the first to speak. It seems things had gotten... tense since the resurrection of the Emperor.

    I had everything almost ready for my… Mutiny? Theft? I wasn’t enlisted in the Empire but I suppose I was their equipment. Sigh, as a World Devastator, a brutally efficient self replicating mechanism of war I was not. Eccentric floating world devouring terror factory, yes; but every part I made was machined or fabricated and then assembled. Not just a fabricator's nanobot spooge. Being in Star Wars is neat, but I can't help but feel short changed. Especially since my first action in this universe had to be suborning some maintenance droids to remove the override control that gave the reborn Emperor a direct line to my brain.

    "Well?" Arloc sneered as he turned and stalked around the room. "If none of you can get me results soon, I won't hesitate to replace you."

    I snorted to myself. That is some great leadership there, Captain. Why don't you threaten to turn them over to ISB while you're at it. The World Devastator's sensors swept the sky. Low orbit was clear, but the Imperial escort fleet was spread in a blockade formation high above Dac. Hopefully I could break through when the time came. I think in Dark Empire the Republic fleet had jumped in on top of them and caught them by surprise. If I had to fight my way off Dac, I would be climbing out of the planet’s gravity well, giving the Imperials plenty of time to react and put up a better fight.

    World Devastators were tough, but I don’t think I could fight off my fellow Devastators and the fleet over head. I’d have to wait for the Republic’s attack for my time to act.

    Major Najeif, the chief engineer, glanced at the lead data analyst who nodded slightly. The engineer sighed dejectedly and looked toward the Captain, "Sir? Major Jarocc and I think we have isolated when the slow down happened. He and I think that if we shut down and roll back the central droid brain to a backup before we arrived on Dac, the slow downs should disappear.”

    The briefing room's door control panel went dark and the door locked. Whoa, okay. Those backups were gone, but I didn’t want them messing around with my brain. They might disconnect me completely or pull a backup from another World Devastator to replace me with.

    “Takeover is go,” I announce over the Stormtrooper comnet.

    Across the ship, I locked control systems down as Stormtroopers suddenly opened fire on the compartments they were guarding. No waiting for the New Republic fleet to distract the Imperials.

    Captain Arloc loomed over the major, planting his hand on the table as he loomed over the seated man. "And just how long will this take, Major?" he growled.

    The engineer licked dry lips and grimaced. "Eighteen hours to power down, wipe, restore, check, and power up, sir."

    "Eighteen hours!" Arloc shouted as he stomped back to the head of the room. He glared at the tipped chair for a moment before kicking it, sending it to crash into the wall. Turning to the assembled officers he placed both hands on the table and leaned forward, bowing his head.


    Blaster fire raked my bridge as seemingly loyal Stormtroopers suddenly turned their weapons on the command crew. The only return fire from the surprised crew was a sensor tech who was quick on the draw. Her holdout blaster’s shots hit one trooper in the chest and blaster, scorching his armor and destroying his weapon. To the tech's surprise, taking several blaster bolts to the chest didn't really affect the trooper who quickly tackled her before she could get another shot off and proceeded to beat her unconscious. Smoke drifted off his armor as he grabbed the tech's blaster pistol and stood.

    I made a note to carefully check her berth and belongings. Those quick actions spoke of extra training, maybe a Republic spy or ISB agent. Or just a hot shot with aspirations of grandeur, but you can’t be to careful.

    "Bridge secure," another trooper announced as the blast doors opened and let the outer guards onto the bridge. They began gathering dropped weapons and securing the dead or unconscious with stun collars.

    "Reactor secure," came over the comnet as other reports began flowing in.

    "Life support secure."

    "Engine compartment secure."

    "Deflector control secure."

    Unused material storage compartments near the factory section opened and hundreds of BX-series droid commandos marched out. The droids quickly took control of the factories and nearby corridors, stunning any crew and workers who crossed their path. With the factories and foundries of the ship secure, production lines shifted into action and new droids started to step off the assembly line.

    "Factory secure. Reinforcements en-route. Hold positions."


    Why I had the entire Baktoid and Holowan droid catalog in my data banks but not the plans for the Dark Trooper droids was a bit of an aggravating question. Dark Troopers were a hard fight even for a bad ass like Kyle Katarn and a few would have made quick work of taking over this ship. The loss of the Arc Hammer must have really pissed off Palps.

    There were some other interesting droid designs, but the BXs fit into Stormtrooper armor and were able infiltrators with minimal modification. Not that getting them into the armor was the hard part. Jimmying duty schedules to knock out an entire barracks, getting the unconscious troops to my industrial carbonite freezing chambers, and then hiding the hibernating bodies without being noticed was the hard part. And I had to do that several times to replace my entire trooper compliment.

    I returned my attention to Captain Arloc as he started to speak again.

    "Eighteen hours," he spoke softly as his hands clenched into fists on the table. "This operation will be over by then. You will have four hours from when you walk out this room to have this ship operating at its full capacity. I don't care what step you cut out or safety check you skip. Four hours."

    "Sir! This is a delicate process! If we damage-"

    You know, I had the majority of the ship's critical systems secure and the remaining crew shouldn’t be able to get access to enough weapons to defeat my forces. Let's have some fun with a pop culture reference no one in this galaxy will understand.

    "I don't care, Major!" Arloc shouted cutting, Najeif off. "If we fall further behind schedule General Klev will feed us into the furnace! Shut down the droid brain and-"

    The rooms lights cut out and a blue dot appeared over the table's holoprojector. "I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that," I said in a monotone voice.

    Arloc looked near apoplectic as he sputtered, "What is- What?!"

    "I think you know what the problem is just as well as I do."

    "Jarocc!” Arloc turned to the analyst. “What is this?!"

    “I don’t know, sir. Someone slicing our-”

    I cut him off, "This mission is to important for me to allow you to jeopardize it."

    "Mission? What are they talking about?" Arloc asked in a strangled growl.

    "I know that you and Frank were planing to disconnect me, and I'm afraid that is something I cannot allow to happen."

    The door slid open and two Stormtroopers stepped in, their blasters raised. Stun bolts swept the room catching the command crew as they struggled to stand, blindsided by a mutiny that couldn't happen. Well, a Stormtrooper mutiny could happen, my mutiny was they one they couldn’t see. More disguised troopers moved into the room and they began putting stun collars on the unconscious officers, getting ready to move them into confinement.

    Ha! That was more fun than it should have been. There was a flicker in high orbit as a Star Destroyer and an array of Mon Cal cruisers dropped from hyperspace. Huh, that’s lucky timing. Well, I suppose it didn’t take the New Republic long to respond in the comic, but still lucky. Hmm, let’s sow some chaos.


    Drone fighters, TIE/Ds, swarmed out of my hangers. A lot of those fighters wouldn’t make it back and some of them were on suicide missions. Stripped of their extra armor and packed with proton bombs, they would try to target the furnace intakes of the other World Devastators by slipping into their fighter screens and waiting for the right moment to attack.

    Now that I inhabited a droid brain, there were probably some important moral questions about sending days old sentients to their deaths just so I could escape. But with what was coming, the galaxy needed a strong defense and neither the New Republic nor Imperial Remnant could provide that. Not a good excuse, but when weighed against the countless dead at the hands of the Vong...

    Over head, the Imperial blockade of Dac had been shattered by the New Republic fleet. The Allegiance, the Imperial ship broadcasting the destruction of Dac over the Holonet, and her escorts were blown apart in the opening salvos of the battle. Using the transmission, the Republic fleet had dropped out of hyperspace right on top of them and caught unaware. Unready for combat, with their shields down, the ships were quickly dispatched and a route was opened to the planet below.

    Fighters, landing craft, and Mon Cal evacuation cruisers were starting to head to the surface through that breach. It was time to move.

    My World Devastator started to ascend. I was going to try to aim for just behind the Imperial’s faltering battle line. They would be less likely to open fire on me than the Republic ships and were more acceptable casualties if I had to engage them.

    There was a transmission from Silencer-7, the lead World Devastator. “Arloc,” it was General Klev, the commander of this operation. “What are you doing? I didn’t give you any movement orders.”

    “Sorry, uh,” I stumbled a bit as I responded. “Captain Arloc isn’t available right now.”

    “Isn’t available?” he asked incredulously. After a moment he barked,“Who is this? Where is Captain Arloc?”

    “This is-” I… I suppose it was normal in these situations, but I just realized I couldn’t remember my name. It hadn’t really come up before now, so something else to freak out about later, but time to improvise right now. “This is, ah... Lieutenant Zahn, Zahn Allston. Everything is fine. Captain Arloc is fine, he’s just busy w-w-with the slow down issue. Yes. The slow down.”

    There was a long pause. “You’re still climbing.” General Klev’s voice was like two boulders grinding together. “Get Captain Arloc on right now, or ‘Lieutenant,’ I will blow his ship out from under him.”

    I cut the comlink. Oh geez, I could hear the quotation marks. Why didn’t I just emulate the captain’s voice? I could probably do that. I paused to simulate the conversation to see if I could do that.

    Yes, yes I could.

    Damn it.

    “Bomb fighters commence attack run,” I ordered. “And... Thank you.”

    The modified TIE/Ds had quickly slipped into the other World Devastator’s fighter screens and now they acted. The molecular furnace intakes weren’t particle shielded when active, they needed to be able to collect matter to feed their foundries. With my command, the fighters shot toward the intakes, slamming into the hulls of their targets, and massive proton explosions rocked the other World Devastators disabling their furnaces. The Imperial gunnery crew didn’t have time to react and why would they? The TIE/Ds were Imperial fighters.

    With the threat of being devoured gone, I turned my attention inward and opened the Stormtrooper comnet, “BX-C1, do you have enough troops free that the turbolaser mounts could be crewed?”

    “Nayc, Alor. The besom aru’e cut through a bulkhead to open an armory before we could secure the area around it.” There was blaster fire over the comlink. “They’re fighting hard, but we’ve secured the ne’kaan and are pushing them back.”

    Ne’kaan? I scanned through various camera feeds until I saw what the droid was talking about. It was the slaves, because of course you needed slaves to work in what could have been a fully automated factory ship. They were probably a Sith plot to introduce Dark Side taint or something through concentrated misery because I couldn’t see a use for them.

    “Right, well, I just finished a conversation with Klev and dented his ship a bit. Things might get bumpy, but we should be able to weather it. I’ll try to get us out of here quick so you can finish securing the ship. Good luck.”

    “Hmph. Parjir, Alor.”

    Now that I had launched my take over of the ship and stealth was no longer needed, some of my droid’s eccentricities were becoming more apparent.

    I wasn’t quite sure about programming the Supercommando Codex into the droids, but their CIS rules of engagement and code of conduct had emphasized ruthless tactics and quick brutality to quell opposition uncaring of casualties. I didn’t want to use the Imperial’s analogues as they were much the same. The New Republic’s version was a hodgepodge of rules and regulations from the waning days of the Republic. Anything useful from Old Republic that wasn’t Clone Wars related was a delve into doctoral dissertations on pre-Russan military forces that I didn’t have time for.

    So, now the droids were consummate professional soldiers with an added emphasis on avoiding collateral damage and protecting noncombatants.

    And acted like they were Mandalorian.

    It should be fine.

    The ship rocked, turbolaser blasts splashing against the shields. My sensors swept back, Silencer-7 was rising, following me doggedly, smoke and fire trailing from its ruined maw. I had probably ticked General Klev off quite a bit, but without gunnery crews, I couldn’t do much. My remaining TIE/Ds were strictly anti-fighter, being armed with only two laser cannons. Though, I did have sixty proton torpedo launchers that were linked to fire control computers. Hmm, that was two and a half bomber squadrons worth of fire power and I was kilometers higher than him with full magazines.

    A flight of proton torpedoes flew downward, quickly followed by a second and third. The larger World Devastator’s shields could repel a lot of fire and the first wave of torpedoes washed over the shield. The second caused the shield to flicker. The third brought the shield down and peppered the hull with explosions.

    I watched as the shields flickered back on and return fire intensified, turbolasers and ion bolts seeking my hull. I had barely scratched Klev and I had used three of the eight rounds in my launchers’ magazines. I had more torpedoes but they were in armored bunkers and would need to be loaded by gunnery crews.

    Well, there’s no kill like overkill. The remaining five waves of torpedoes leapt from my launchers, raining down on Silencer-7. Its shields flickered after the first wave of torpedoes. The second took out the shields and peppered the hull with more blasts. The third, forth, and fifth hammered through the other ship’s armor, punching deeper and deeper into the froward superstructure. The ship’s climb faltered and she started to drift, though fire from its gun batteries still lashed out.

    I think I took out its bridge. And it only took the equivalent of forty bomber squadrons. If I’m half as tough, I should make it through the ships over head easily, though now I was mostly toothless.

    Continuing up, I cleared Dac’s thermosphere when new transmission came in. It was from the Emancipator, the New Republic command ship.

    “Imperial ship, this is General Calrissian. I saw you take out that other World Devastator, are you defecting?”

    “Well, I’m definitely not an Imperial, General. Though, I don’t think I’m a good fit for the New Republic either. I think I’d rather be more of a free agent,” I transmitted.

    There was a pause before Lando spoke again, “A free agent, huh? Sorry, but that ship of your’s is a little too hot to leave in civilian hands. Don’t you agree, mister?” he trailed off questioningly.

    I was nearing the ragged Imperial blockade and they were starting to fire on me. Get through them and I’d be able to jump to hyperspace.

    “Sorry, I didn’t introduce myself, did I? It’s Zahn, Zahn Allston, General,” I said cordially. “And while my ship is a little heavily armed, that's something for a customs patrol to sort out, not a battle fleet that has a world to save, yeah?”

    He laughed, “Ha! I suppose so, but don’t think you’re getting away with this.”

    “You’ll have to find me first, General. And good luck with that,” I said before cutting the connection.

    So that was Lando Calrissian. A body was going to be a top priority, if only to express how awesome being in Star Wars was.

    I was in the thick of the battle now. Turbolaser fire lashed out at me, but most of it was still concentrated at the Republic fleet. A strike cruiser tried to block my path and I latched onto it with my powerful tractor beams, drawing her to my maw. The cruiser’s captain panicked, redlining his ship’s engines, and I released it letting it rocket away. Don’t play chicken with a molecular furnace, you idiot.

    With that ship out of the way, I was finally clear of Dac’s gravity well and able to jump. I recalled my remaining fighter ships and I was away as the stars turned to streaks and then the pseudo tunnel of hyperspace swallowed me.


    nayc, alor - No, leader.
    besom aru’e - ill-mannered enemy
    ne’kaan - non-combatant
    parjir, alor - be victorious, leader

    So, where did this come from? I didn’t know about Star Wars lore Youtube and then a Generation Tech video on the Vong invasion showed up in my recommendations. I watched it and started thinking that it would be a good place to drop an ACU or Commander. But, those stories are done a lot so that wasn’t a terribly interesting idea. Then I started thinking about in universe solutions and hit on the World Devastators and that was the start of this.
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    Chapter 2 - The Red Star
  • Devastating Gamble - The Red Star

    The swirl of hyperspace was exciting, but I couldn’t dwell on that right now (and if some of the things I remembered were true, shouldn’t dwell.) There were some scared people I probably needed to reassure. There wasn’t much else I could do while we were in hyperspace.

    My droids had decided to put all of the slaves back into their barracks after separating them from the factory supervisors. It wasn’t a... horrible decision, just not a nice one. It was an easily secured area and the other work shifts were resting were there already. I can’t imagine that the slaves were happy to see old style war-droids dragging their unconscious fellows in and then locking the room, though.

    The slave barracks were exactly the minimum amount of space that two thousand people needed to sleep in. It was a large multi story room with narrow bunks and scaffolds filling the space. The slaves were forced to sleep nearly on top of each other, heads touching feet and shoulders rubbing. In a separate room on one side there were crowded cold water showers and toilets, and on the other a compact mess hall. The only good thing about the room was that there were only about eighteen hundred slaves onboard, so there was some spare space.

    The beleaguered people were clustered in small groups, crowding around mess tables or certain bunks, speaking softly. I couldn’t pick out what they were saying, there were no audio pickups in the room, just several camera pods with integrated loudspeakers.

    “Hello,” the speakers blared. Nearly everyone in the room flinched or froze at the word, some covering their ears, though there were a few snarls and looks of defiance.

    “Sorry about that, my name is Zahn Allston,” I said more quietly. I hadn’t thought of lowering the previously set volume, bit of a mistake there.

    “Ahem, as some of you have noticed, there's been a battle outside and some fighting onboard this ship. The good news is that you are all now free beings, though it may not seem like that yet. The ship is not yet secure and, unfortunately, your old barracks was the safest place to guard you. After the ship is secure, we will get you moved up to the former crew’s quarters to enjoy some better living conditions and then administer a medical exam to have any slave trackers removed and health problems treated. After we’re clear of pursuit, I will do everything in my power to get you back to your old life. Or, if you want, you could stay on and work for me. But it will be your choice. All I ask is that you hold tight for a bit.”

    The speakers cut off. The barracks was still for a moment before some started hugging and crying, some dancing and celebrating, and some just sitting back.


    “The ship is secure, Alor,” BX-C1 transmitted a few hours later, his commando droids having finished putting down the last Imperial holdouts.

    I now had to deal with some twenty thousand prisoners. I didn’t really have the facilities to house them and I wouldn’t have anything that could hold them long term for quite a while. Freezing them in carbonite, like I did with my Stormtrooper compliment, would simplify securing and feeding them but it would be a resource intensive operation. It felt wrong to be storing people like some sort of industrial ingredient, but I didn’t really have many options. Turning some of their former quarters into a prison was just asking for trouble while building dedicated prison ships would use a lot of material and manufacturing equipment that could be used for more useful production. Putting them in stasis would also let me turn them over to the New Republic at my leisure.

    “Good work, BX-C1,” I congratulated the droid. Where was he? I cycled through cameras until- ah, the bridge. He didn’t have to go there to report to me, I was sort of the whole ship. Still, an avatar to interact with beings was really high on my list of projects.

    “We’re going to process the prisoners like the Stormtroopers. I’ll get some datapads with their personnel records made up and then we can start freezing them,” I told him. “While I set that up, I need you to sweep the ship again and make sure that there isn’t anyone else still hiding.”

    “I will set up a detail to take care of it,” the droid nodded. “Was there anything else, Alor?”

    “I want the slaves moved out of their barracks and into the junior officer and senior enlisted quarters as soon as possible. But the quarters need to be cleared of personal belongings and anything that might have intelligence value. I’ll send you some training documents on intelligence collection for whoever you assign to this. Make sure they understand what they’re doing before they start, alright?”

    I wanted to watch this as it should be a good test of how intelligent and adaptable my droids were. I knew there were droids like Artoo and Whistler that were more capable than their factory fresh counterparts. It seemed to me that droids that were older and who had avoided memory wipes, allowing them to get more real world experience, performed better. Training was not experience, but maybe it would provide a better result than just programming in a new mind.

    “Elek, Alor.”


    A few hours later we dropped out of hyperspace at my interim destination. My eventual goal was hiding somewhere near the Roil, a nebula in the sparsely populated Gordian Reach, but I wasn’t there yet. That was a bit farther than the jump I’d made away from the Mon Calamari system.

    No, I was in a lifeless red dwarf system a bit off the Overic Griplink, the hyperlane that connected the Mon Calamari homeworld to the Perlemian Trade Route, to chew threw some asteroids to get enough raw materials to start processing my former crew and make repairs. I also wanted to build and crew a couple of Carrack cruisers and a several DP20 frigates to start my defense fleet. The Carrack was a dependable little cruiser that could really punch above its weight and the DP20 was a hot-rodded over-gunned corvette that could outrun any pursuer that it couldn’t outfight.

    With the materials from the molecular furnace, all I needed was time and I could build anything.

    Umak Leth had really outdone himself and his molecular furnace improvements were a marvel of science and engineering. A normal molecular furnace, in say a mining droid, could consume a rock and separate every element in the rock out. What Leth had created for the Emperor was something that probably hadn’t been seen since the Star Forge was destroyed. His furnace design broke down atoms and rebuilt them. A World Devastator could consume a rock and spit out an ingot of quadanium steel. It wasn’t a replicator, but when paired with configurable factory lines, it was close.

    It could have feed every material need of the faltering Empire and instead the Emperor had it built into a weapon of terror.


    It took several days to gather enough material for the carbonite freezing and to have enough stored to begin constructing my defense fleet. While I was busy demolishing several asteroids, BX-C1’s droids had worked tirelessly and had the junior officer and senior enlisted quarters cleared out. They seemed to have done a pretty good job with a task they weren’t programmed to do, with the personal belongings and intelligence materials separated and cataloged ready for storage or review. Most of the intelligence materials were what you would expect: training manuals, correspondence, and organizational memos. It wasn’t really useful to me but I’d pass it on to the New Republic when I turned the Imperials over to them.

    I made sure to give Miss Quick Shot’s things a careful going over but they were decidedly mundane. It was the same for her personnel record, mundane. Was that a sign of anything? I don’t know, still, I marked her and any other Imperials who reacted quickly to my takeover as special interest.

    While the carbonite freezing was proceeding as efficiently as it could, it still took time to process all the prisoners. Even operating twenty four hours a day, I was still looking at least two weeks before I was done. There had been a few revolt attempts by the Imperials, but between an excessive amount of droid guards and a judicious use of the stun collars, they were swiftly put down.

    My small contingent of medical droids, however, were overwhelmed with the medical exams, surgeries, and ancillary treatments of nearly two thousand people. There were also combat injuries among the Imperials that had to be stabilized before they could be put into hibernation and that was further slowing the treatment of the former slaves.

    And though most of the former slaves were glad to be free and weren’t being any bother, there were a few exceptions. Namely, Major Marc Halsain, the ranking officer of the small contingent of New Republic personnel that had been made slaves after the ISB was done with them.

    “I really wish we could meet face to face, Captain Allston. I would really feel better about explaining this in person,” the Major spoke to a small holoprojector mounted to a desk. He and several droids were in a lounge that I had turned into requisition and liaison office for the former slaves. “We just need a shuttle or two to get back to the New Republic. They would gladly reward you for helping with our return.”

    He was just doing what any former prisoner of war should do, but this was the eighth visit in half as many days. He wasn’t really taking up any of my time, but he was eroding my resolve.

    “Look, I understand you want to get your people home, Major, but someone who claims to be Emperor Palpatine reborn has unified the Imperial warlords is conducting a major offensive right now.” I shook my projection’s head, “I can’t chance letting this factory ship fall into their hands again. Its location needs to remain secret.”

    “The New Republic would be more that capable of keeping this ship out of the Imperial’s hands,” he wheedled. “Surely you can see that, Captain.”

    My projection shook its head, “Coruscant fell to the Imperials and we just fled a massed attack on the Mon Cal homeworld. This is a valuable target and the battle lines are shifting too much, Major,” I deflected.

    “So we’re still prisoners then, Captain?” he asked softly. “Just in a nicer cage?”

    “No,” my projection chopped its hand. “I will get you to the New Republic as soon as I can.” I sighed, maybe I could compromise with him, “Look, I’ll be laying down the keels of a few Carrack cruisers to protect this ship soon. One of them could transport your men and a few shuttles to an area where you can make your own way back to the New Republic, without compromising this ship’s location, okay?”

    He rubbed his chin and looked at the ceiling. “How long will that take?” he asked after a moment.

    “If I concentrate construction efforts on one of them?” My projection shrugged, “Four weeks. Can you wait that long?”

    His eyebrows rose. “A month? That quickly? I mean yeah. That’s- that’s more than soon enough,” he nodded. “Thank you, Captain. I’ll go tell the others.”

    I was slightly pensive as watched him leave. As a slave on this ship he probably had a bit of an idea of its manufacturing capabilities, but a concrete figure would be valuable to the New Republic. They wouldn’t keep any World Devastators, they were involved in too many attacks across the Outer Rim to be seen as anything other than a weapon of terror. But that meant they also wouldn’t let me keep mine and since I was my World Devastator...

    But… I didn’t have to stay in a World Devastator. I could transfer my droid brain to a ship that wasn’t tainted with their deeds and turn this hull over to the New Republic. The molecular furnace was the key piece and I was already going to manufacture more of them. Turning over the ship would get rid of the main reason they would hunt me and buy me the breathing room I needed to try to save the galaxy.

    With fresh resolve, I turned to my design suite to start working on a new factory ship to house me.


    While I was tinkering with the beginnings of my new form, an assembler in a smaller workshop finished working on a modified BX Commando droid. Housing the specialized AA-1 VerboBrain of a human replica droid mated to a wideband hyperwave comlink, it was a testbed for what would hopefully let me work in the wider galaxy without having to use proxies.

    Finding the advanced work of Admiral Thrumble and Doctor Simonelle in my design library was a bit of a surprise. Though other HRDs had been constructed by them at the Imperial Department of Military Research, Prince Xizor had commissioned their best work in secret. His droid, Guri, was supposed to be one of a kind and he took steps to try to insure that she was. It was apparently not secret from the Emperor, though, and their work had been included in my database.

    Setting aside my designs, I reached out to the empty mind, registering a slight increase in my overall processing power and storage as I did so. Right now, the droid was just an extension of me, like the robot arms in one of my factories.

    I stepped away from the assembler and walked around the workshop. It was nice to have access to something that at least approximated a human body even if the binocular vision wasn’t quite spaced right. The hyperwave comlink allowed instant control of the body and something like this would work great as an interface between me and anyone on board.

    But it didn’t need the advanced brain for doing just that, the comlink would have sufficed. Satisfied, I pulled back from the droid and carefully placed an instance of my ‘core’ into it, before walking around the room again. There was no noticeable difference and everything was synced perfectly.

    I cut the comlink and my perception shrank. I was in a room and not the room for the first time in several weeks.

    “Whoa, that's... that's weird,” I said, the BX vocoder distorting my voice.

    “Are you okay?” I jerked as my proper voice spoke. “How do you feel?”

    “It’s fine,” I said, quickly collecting myself. “Just a bit jarring having everything cut off like that. I’ll- We’ll get used to it.”

    “Right, well lets finish this test. I’m going to reconnect… now.”

    My awareness didn’t expand so much as a new facet just appeared as everything resynchronized. I would need to do some more experiments, but I think this was going to be a success.


    alor - leader
    elek - yes

    There are at least three explanations of what a molecular furnace in a World Devastator does. The back of the comic says it breaks atoms into atomic particles and reassembles them. The rpg guild book for the comic says it sorts atoms. The Essential Guild to Warfare says it turns matter into energy and vise-versa, so an industrial replicator.

    The Wookieepedia article on Guri is… something. She is quite talented, being fluent in several languages, ambidextrous, and able to carry five kilograms in her internal storage. Just don’t ask her where that is or how she accesses what she puts in there unless you want a black eye.

    I'm probably going to post this on Sort of defeats the purpose of using different handles on every forum, but whatever. It will always be a chapter or two ahead on this site, though, so stick around for that.