Economic Fallout: Pandemic, Brandon, Money Printer Go Brr, Ukraine.

The difference between America and Europe is that Americans think 100 years is a long time, and Europeans think 100 miles is a long way.
Yeah, Europe didn't go for the whole sub-urbanization thing and our cars are more fuel efficient because gasolene was always expensive.
Amazing how it took literally less than a year for the economy to grind to a halt and start plummeting. I love seeing the cope coming from establishment supporters about how this is not that bad or shit like this

Which is starting to make it's way around. I am pretty sure it's a mangled form of the 5 stages of grief going on. First the economy wasn't bad at all, it was amazing and the best ever. Then it was transitory inflation only. Then the high gas price was a "donation for freedom" and the "price of democracy". Now we are seeing attacks on the people who are complaining that they aren't just shutting up and taking it.

I, for one, wanna see the circus catch fire. At this point I am pretty much done being optimistic. I am waiting for the 6 a gallon nationwide in the USA real soon, it is already the case in Commiefornia. I wanna see the fucking "let them eat cake" elites shilling for Uber and telling the masses to tighten their belts "for Our Democracy" watch as their little bubbles of "civilization" start to collapse into anarchy.

Accelerate, just fuck my shit up already. Rip the bandaid off all at once.

were in for another very preventable depression.

Which means more populist backlash.
Maverick's coverage of the situation.

Time for my little hot take that people won't like.
I do not think that sanctions and counter-sanctions means a full loss of Russian supply.

Russian oil, nickel, steel, copper, aluminum, staples will probably go to Asia, consequently their supplies can sell stuff to Europe, and the initial freakout will probably look more like a temporary panic, with the Eurocrat morons scrambling to buy Australian coal and restarting nuclear power plants soon.
Long-term money supply expansion, growth in the 3rd world and supply chain realignment will still be a problem though.
So I am waiting to deploy cash for a few more days.
It looks like GMOs are no longer a problem for Europe, at least in the short term,so one stock I might be looking into are BASF and Bayer.
Maverick's coverage of the situation.

Time for my little hot take that people won't like.
I do not think that sanctions and counter-sanctions means a full loss of Russian supply.

Russian oil, nickel, steel, copper, aluminum, staples will probably go to Asia, consequently their supplies can sell stuff to Europe, and the initial freakout will probably look more like a temporary panic, with the Eurocrat morons scrambling to buy Australian coal and restarting nuclear power plants soon.
Long-term money supply expansion, growth in the 3rd world and supply chain realignment will still be a problem though.
So I am waiting to deploy cash for a few more days.
It looks like GMOs are no longer a problem for Europe, at least in the short term,so one stock I might be looking into are BASF and Bayer.

You always saw the changes he has made
but you always found a way to keep him right here waiting
and if you chose to walk away you still find him right here waiting
The Duran did a live-stream with Tom Luongo, Luongo has a worse outlook than my own.
Wall St. vs. Davos vs. Russia.
Lots of interested info about crude oil.
This will hit food, transportation,salaries every fucking thing we do or use, it will echo through the economy over, and over, and over, with more fucking increases.
Don't forget to thank our friendly neighborhood Poles and Neocons. ;)
Time to starve like we’re back in the 40s!
I’ll probably just go poaching if things get that bad tbh, rules are nice, but if me and my family are starving then they need a little bending.
We have been through hyperinflations and shortages during the 90s, I am pretty sure that we will manage, probably better than the westerners, although our cuck of a westernized PM is a problem, the Harvard fucktard hasn't banned food and energy exports yet.

What really, really pisses me off is that the sanctimonious retards who brought this upon us will probably get out of this scot free.
We have been through hyperinflations and shortages during the 90s, I am pretty sure that we will manage, probably better than the westerners, although our cuck of a westernized PM is a problem, the Harvard fucktard hasn't banned food and energy exports yet.

What really, really pisses me off is that the sanctimonious retards who brought this upon us will probably get out of this scot free.
Depending on how bad it get, I don’t think they will.
I’ll just be annoyed if the war effect allow Macron to be re-elected.

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