Images Funny Pictures and Memes - You know you want them, here we have them!


This meme calls for proper mood music.

And all the descendants of the guy on the left were murdered.
Perish the thought.They simply was cured by modern doctors.Or fall 999 times on kitchen knive.Something like that.
Becouse it is impossible for our progressive /un/friends to kill anybody,right? ;)

Damn Templars.I warned them ,that they become too laxing in hiding their existence.
Well,i would take over the world without them!
*Get him down to half HP*

*cutscene plays*

*Santa tears off his red coat revealing bishop clothes*

*Stocking cap is burned away by halo*

"Foolish child. I shall chastise thee as I once did the heretic Arius."

*Name above refilled HP bar changes*


*oshit he a Soulsborne boss*
…and when you beat that stage, he becomes Wodan.
I actually had this happen to me once and but my 32 was the highest grade, The real kicker is that I didn't study for the test at all and just marked down random answers hoping for the best.
That actually indicates that the test was poorly designed or the teacher was a poor teacher. There comes a point when students failing a test like that no longer is on the students and a 32/100 is well below that point.
Truth, That said I ended up with a 100 thanks to the curb. I couldn't really complain since I literally just marked down C for every answer.
I had something like that happen but it wasn't multiple choice.

It was 143/100 because the 2nd higest result was was 7/10 correct and also showed the work and set the curve.

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