Images Funny Pictures and Memes - You know you want them, here we have them!

This Karate Kid Sequel Trilogy is Shit.


Damn you Rian Johnson!
I recently had a dream where I had ROB-like superpowers which got used in "pass the popcorn" ways to prove a point.

Cleaning up a neglected Superfund site by willing the hazardous BS dumped there to be elsewhere: heroic.

Relocating said hazardous BS to shoddy containers and teleporting said containers to the EPA's doorstep with a note saying where it came from and how they should dispose of it: villainous.

The image reminded me of that dream.
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I recently had a dream
reminded me of that dream.
I recently had a dream about how when you stab someone in the upper torso you should be able to feel the movement of the organs and the beating of the heart transmitted through the reverb of the blade.

Also irrelevant.

Maybe we can start a dream journal thread? Not even joking. Might have to be NSFW though, since dreams don't give a fuck.
I recently had a dream about how when you stab someone in the upper torso you should be able to feel the movement of the organs and the beating of the heart transmitted through the reverb of the blade.

Also irrelevant.

Maybe we can start a dream journal thread? Not even joking. Might have to be NSFW though, since dreams don't give a fuck.


Wouldn't that be non-NSFW?


Oh, and, Thread Tax.

Wouldn't that be non-NSFW?
Depends on the work, but I've had plenty of fucked up sexual dreams, so if we bother to have a dream journal thread at all then we might as well put in the NSFW section just in case.
I remember Richard fucking Feynman talking about experimenting with lucid dream masturbation, but it resulted in some weird Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade shit where the sexy strippers ended up aging to death in front of his half-chub.
I had a thematically similar dream, with time/space being looped, where the only way I could escape was by breaking the hotel window and jumping into the street. I tend to have nightmares when I sleep on my left side, so I often choose to sleep that way. More fun.
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Yes. As opposed to giving whiplash to the entire train, plus their bodies slamming into the walls.

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