Ghost in the City Cyberpunk Gamer SI

Can not mention Sietch without explaining what happened on SB that reeked of a Stasi slander campaign. So I understand why SB cringes at the free flow of knowledge.
Chapter 36
Hiromi eventually calmed down and we just hung out for a while as she recovered. Eventually she felt better and wiped her eyes and like a switch we were back to happy Hiromi.

Or at least Hiromi that pretended to be happy.

We were interrupted while Hiromi was telling me about how her online classes were when suddenly her bedroom door opened.


“Mom! It’s called knocking! I know you know how to do it!” Hiromi snapped as she sat up but didn’t let go of my hand.

“We are having dinner, your father is eating with us… Motoko. You are welcome to join us.” She offered to me her eyes hyperfocusing on me for a moment before she stepped in, approaching Hiromi and reaching down to wipe a bit at Hiromi’s face with her thumb. “You should wash up first. Never show them weakness Hiromi, a put together face is an armor all on its own.” She said before standing up and leaving without another word.

“Your mom is a little intense.” I whispered.

“Yeah.” Hiromi grumbled as sat up. “But she is right, I should clean up a bit.” She finally pulled away from me as she rose. Stomping over to a connected bathroom. The light turning on let me see the insides of her bathroom, and I could only roll my eyes.

It was very Hiromi.

Tyger Claw stickers littered her mirror, and there was a ton of hair stuff that let her wear her typical mohawk. Plus piles and piles of makeup. That looked mostly unused but stacked up like towers.

She didn’t do much, just washed her face a bit to get rid of the tear tracks and she was back out, looking…

Well like she had been crying a bit, but more firm. “Hungry? You can delta if you don’t want to deal with the ‘rents.”

“I’ll come. I haven’t met your dad yet.”

“Oh yeah, you don’t remember meeting him. That’s gonna be interesting.” Hiromi said, sounding like it would be anything but. I followed her out of her room. Adjusting my holsters a bit to settle more comfortably as I headed into the massive dining room. A steaming dinner was already set out, with four spots. As I walked in, a pair of men wearing suits were packing up a cart that they had brought the food in on, and were heading out.

I guess this complex was ritzy enough to have room service.

“C’mon Motoko, sit here.” Hiromi guided me to a spot and pushed me in as she took the next closest spot, scooting her chair and food over so she was closer.

“Ah there is Hiromi’s friend.” A slick voice called out from behind me as I turned, a man wearing a suit stepped out of an office, every piece of him perfectly in place as he walked in and patted Hiromi on the shoulder smiling in a way that seemed…


Even Hiromi sent her dad a glare for it which he seemed to ignore. “It was… Motoko?”

“Motoko Kusanagi.” I introduced myself and he nodded.

“That’s right. That’s right, It’s been years since I last saw you. Well you certainly changed your style. My dear lovely wife tells me you have been working as a Mercenary? That’s a useful job.” He offered with a smile that was absolutely fake.

But he was also Hiromi’s dad. So I just nodded as he and his wife settled into their seats

“Yeah. I’ve been doing some work with Wakako. Mostly minor stuff, some bodyguard work and asset acquisition.” I told him. Earning a blink from Hiromi at my words, and then Hiromi’s dad started laughing.

“Asset Acquisition! An excellent way to put it! You should see what you can do for Arasaka, with that quick wit!” His smile didn’t reach his eyes but Hiromi’s mother asked Hiromi a question about her schoolwork after that and I was able to look down at the meal.

Looked like something I would have eaten in my past life. Even if the piece of meat that looked like a chunk cut off from a roast, was definitely not Pork or Beef. It looked like it, but the taste was wrong.

“What about you Motoko? Any school in your life? Education is important for young girls, You will need it to get anywhere in life.” Hiromi’s mother asked me suddenly as Hiromi did her best to not answer anything about her own education.

“Nothing official. I don’t go to school exactly, but I’m not sitting around all day. Netrunning, Tinkering, Gunsmithing. I dabble a little with everything.” I told her after swallowing a bite of Mashed Potatoes. Definitely not real potato. It tasted like the boxed stuff. Not terrible, and it was at least a familiar taste and texture.

“Oh? That’s a diverse skillset for a girl your age. I find people that try to do everything, end up failing to do anything.” Hiromi’s father cut in, with a smile.

I swear I think the guy just smiled through whatever he was saying or doing just out of habit.

“I think I focus on everything in a way. I’ve been interested in Robotics with my tinkering. I want to create a drone system for my… Job.” I admit. It was something I had in mind for a while, but it was… complicated. Drones in cyberpunk were amazing, but there was an issue with cost, to effectiveness. That and intelligence.

“Drones? Militech spends billions a year trying to come out with the next great Drone system. The problem always comes down to size. Make it smart enough to be useful, and the AI takes up too much room, and too much power, so their little drones always balloon in size. Or end up just another drone system needing a big truck to make it work.” He said with a shake of his head.

“True. I do want something closer in size to their Flathead, but that is hardly on the open market.”

I took another bite of mashed potatoes, something I hadn’t had since waking up in Night City, but it was the sudden silence that had me look up and notice the narrowed eyes of both adults.

Hiromi beside me had noticed something was up, but obviously had as much of a clue as I did.

“How are you aware of a Militech experimental Drone system?” Hiromi’s father asked casually.

I blinked. That’s right. The Flathead was an experimental item when you get one in 2077. That was why the quest was such a pain. Maelstrom stole one, from Millitech which is why you were trying to get it from them.

That was in 2077. Two years early? It was probably still in development. Maybe not even an actualized product.

“Came across it. It sounded useful, so I’ve been thinking of making something similar.”

“What exactly do you know about the Flathead?” Once again that voice of forced casualness, made me realize he was digging.

“It’s small, probably remote operated. To bypass the AI size issue. Something about a camo system.” I tell him using my hands to give about the size of what the Flathead should be. Honestly it was the size of a smallish dog.

“Interesting. If you find out any more, or if you happen to have any concrete data, I would be happy to be informed of a competitor's work. I would be happy to pay you for hard data.” He said his eyes locked on mine. He wasn’t smiling.

I nodded.

“Sure. If I come across any Corpo stuff on my jobs, I’ll make sure you can get a look at it. For Hiromi.” I answered and finished with another bite of my dinner.

Then that fake smile was back on his face. “Excellent. Looks like my dear Buttercup made a very useful friend indeed, excellent work Hiromi, and here I thought you failed your Human Resources course.” Her father said with a loud laugh as he swallowed a bit of his wine. Hiromi’s mother was quiet just with a small fake smile on her face as well, but her eyes were sharp like a hawk.

“I did fail it Dad.” Hiromi muttered, irritated.



Hiromi and I hung out the rest of the day, never talking about anything serious, just playing games, or spending some time with Hiromi painting my nails.

“Even if you are full chrome now, still gotta look like a bad bitch Motoko. Besides Green an-”

“No Tyger Claw colors! I already have enough issues with Jun and where I am staying now.”

“Fiiine. Purple is more your color anyways.” She admitted with a grin.

But as it grew late I did leave. Hiromi, still stuck at home, forced me to promise to call and visit more, which I assured her I would. As I walked back to the Quadra feeling kinda normal I couldn’t help but smile a bit.

Today had been nice. I mean Hiromi having a meltdown wasn’t, but it was nice to be pulled away from Maelstrom. Away from the harsh reality I had been feeling since the Maelstrom kidnapping, and back towards the realization that just because bad stuff happened to me, didn’t mean I had to let it control my entire life, that…

That I wanted to be happy.

I wanted to enjoy my life. I just had to accept that even through the bad things.

I kept that little smile on my face as I made the circuitous route back towards the Dojo. Jun wasn’t in the apartment when I got home, and I was tired from the emotional rollercoaster with Hiromi, so I just decided to go to sleep.

Tomorrow would be a new day.


“So do you have it?” I asked. I wasn’t going to hide in the apartment, nor was I going to only head out to murder people.

I still had a life to live. That meant going shopping!

“Hmm. Interesting request, sit tight for a few minutes, let me go through my private collection.” Yoko said as she adjusted her round glasses. I had traveled to the Dewdrop Inn in order to find a program, but not a netrunning one.

The thing was, Netrunners main job wasn’t just throwing out quickhacks or breaking into security.

It was data theft.

Data was knowledge.

And knowledge was power.

So since I had finally unlocked Engineering, I needed something specific, something I hadn’t run across.

Turns out the reason why, was because CAD, or design programing was almost always proprietary.

Every Corp would use its own private program, locked down, and hardcoded.

Not that a Netrunner couldn’t break into that and swipe data, but how often did they steal the entire program itself? Why bother? Netrunners aren’t engineers, and the people that want the data, have their own program that they use

So here I was, going to the only Netrunner cafe, that I really trusted. Yoko being someone at the very least that would hold data for V even after T-Bug died.

So she was at least semi reliable.


I looked around the room the Netrunning chairs in the back were both occupied, but they weren’t anyone I knew, and I wasn't about to go poking them. So I just sort of hung around as Yoko disappeared into the back of her shop.

Thankfully she wasn’t gone for too long.

“I have something.” She appeared saying putting down a shard case. “Arasaka design software. Not a common piece of data, but I did have a copy.” She said as she slid it across the desk towards me. Hand pinning the shard case to the table. “This sort of stuff has plenty of protections. Arasaka won’t be happy if they ever find out you used it.”

“I’ll keep that in mind. Thanks Yoko, how much do I owe you?”

“No no, this data? Not something eddies can buy. You wanted to be a Netrunner? We don’t deal in just eddies. Information. Data. Something useful.” She slid down her dark sunglasses as she said it.

Her hand was still on the shard case. Waiting.

Fuck. I wasn’t a normal Netrunner! It wasn’t like I practiced by sneaking into corpo systems, stealing little bits and pieces of data!

I was a gamer! I just grinded! But then I remembered!

My hands instantly went to my pouches.

Pulling out bits and bobs.

Mostly ammo…

Okay like a lot of ammo.

One pouch for my Burya, another for my Unity… Lexington.

For my Lexington.

I even had some shotgun shells in another, but then in that pouch I found my goal.

A handful of shards without a case were spilled across the counter.

“There they are!” I said happily as I brushed the shotgun shells off the shards and pushed them towards Yoko.

All I got was an upturned eyebrow in turn.

“I klepped these off a Maelstrom Netrunner the other night. He was solid, full gear, full setup. His security was tight. I did check them, but they didn’t have what I was looking for. But it was full of his Net logs-”

“I’ll accept it.” She said, interrupting me, but I could tell it was more out of pity than interest. Her lips were twitching a bit despite the way she was squeezing them together a bit.

She was laughing at me!

“I’ll uh… keep an eye out for data you’ll like.” I offered. I didn’t really like when people thought I was a novice. I mean I was, but only because grinding Netrunner stuff was difficult, but soon I would be amazing!

“Good. Get out of here kid. Happy Netrunning.” She said as she gathered up the shards. Leaving me a moment to put everything back in my pouches.

I slipped the shard into one of my emptier pocket pouches. Tugging on it to make sure it was sealed.

Didn’t want to lose that.

As I stepped out onto the Kabuki Roundabout I took a moment to just look around.

It was emptier than usual, much emptier in fact, but even during a gang war Night City has to continue on. Walking around the structure to head towards where I had parked I passed some people still willing to go out and do their job, or just willing to shop.

In fact I slowed at a little food stand and had a cup of some noodle thing in a styrofoam cup to eat out of as I continued my walk.

Which was when I was suddenly stopped as a Mox girl stomped out in front of me. The Kitsch clothing, well what there was of it anyways. In pastel. The tattoos despite her young age, all told me she was definitely Mox.

The glare was weird though.

“You’re Nox’s ‘savior’ right? Purple hair, a Leotard, and plenty of hardware. That fits you to a T.” She said abruptly as she practically invaded my personal space.

I blinked looking around, noticing the girl had been at a table full of Mox, all of them looking curiously at what their friend was up to.

It took me a moment to parse out what she had said as she forced me to switch gears from relaxing to talking.

“Wha? Nox? Yeah I know him… I wouldn’t really say savior though, it was just some bullying.”

“Well, it was kinda fucked to ghost him like that. I know he is a bit of a pain in the ass, but you could at least tell him before you blocked him or something. He’s been hyping you up to the Mox, vouching for you and shit. But then you just vanish on him?” She hissed a bit, eyes narrowed.


“What?” I blinked a bit at her words trying to make heads or tails of the sudden hostility, before it came to me.

Ah, I was being stupid.

“That’s right… It must’ve looked like I dropped off the edge of the world.” I spoke the realization before chuckling a little. “Listen, it's not like that… Nox is… well I’m not sure I would call him a friend, but he was nice enough. But with everything going on, I’ve been out of touch.”

“Yeah whatever. Not like I really care. I just agreed to stop you if I ever saw you.”

“Right…” I muttered as I opened my phone system.

I hadn’t really checked my stuff, but as I pulled up the system and actually looked at it, I noticed I had plenty of messages.

Missed calls, texts, even Voicemail alerts.

I winced a bit. My system had updated when I first ran out of the jammer to call Hiromi, but I had been hyperfocused on my gonk friend, that I had thought would be rushing around Night City looking for me. Then I had been too distracted with the desire to kill the Maelstrom fuckers.

I hadn’t bothered to actually notice all the other messages.

I had a few from Ichi, mostly just a few alerts on how his work had been going the first few nights of the war, but that trailed off not long after.

I guess my lack of response had meant he stopped messaging me.

But I had a ton from Nox.

He was a texter.

I had a barrage of texts that trailed off when he must have realized I wasn’t responding.

Most interestingly though was that the texts said he had a gig for me. I considered it. Would a gig from a kid that pushes BD’s really be worth my time? Then I remembered two very important things.

First, I was still mostly unknown. Wakako might have some respect for my skills, and maybe the Tyger Claws might realize I was pretty useful, but that was about it.

Second? Side quests are fun! It’s not always about the reward, or the money!

So I opened up a text message.

*Hey, sorry for being out of touch so long. I was under a jammer and recovering. What’s this about a gig?*

I nodded once that was done. Realizing I had been standing there right in front of all the Mox. I Waved at them trying to ignore that they were all looking at me, as I started heading back towards the car remembering to finish off my noodle cup as I went. I hadn’t even made it back to my Quadra when I got a response.


Nox was calling me, I shrugged, it would be easier through a phone call anyways.

*Hey Nox.*

*Motoko! I’m glad you messaged me! How are you? Everything Preem? I’ve been trying to reach out, you said you were recovering? You alright?-*

*Yeah, I noticed sorry about not responding, I’ve been hanging out under a jammer.* I cut in, as Nox was also apparently a bit of a blabber mouth. *Just some Maelstrom issues. I just noticed your messages. You mentioned a gig?*

*Yes! I had this brain wave, a preem idea. The preemest! So listen, umm can you come by Lizzie’s? It’s way easier if I show you rather than try to explain it… I guess? Is that nova? Not too pushy?*

*Sure. I’m free, I can stop by.* I agreed, side quest, get!
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This was a great chapter, seeing all the different perspectives clash with Motoko, especially coming off last chapter being about Jun seeing Motoko in a new light.

Hiromi's parents seem nice. They're a bit alien to our sensibilities, but it seems like they're trying their best. I like the shift when they go from just being polite and seeing her as Hiromi's little friend, to realizing that she might be a valuable mercenary. The father seems genuinely proud that his daughter is cultivating assets. The netrunner (correctly) sees Mokoto as an amatuer at Netrunning, while Nox sees her as a superhero. It's like they're each touching a different part of the elephant.

It's funny that this story seems to mirror my experience with the game. In 2077, the main plot is okay, but my real love for the game is from all the side stories and just wandering night city. Here, the 'main plot' with Maelstrom is great but it's a little bit heavy, while all the side interactions are fluffy gold.
Chapter 37
Despite being midday, Lizzie's was already busy.

That’s just Night City for you. As I pulled into a parking spot I could see Rita the bouncer throwing some drunk out of the club. The poor guy not able to fight back against the borg woman who happily tossed him on his ass onto the asphalt.

I walked up stepping over the groaning drunk as I headed up to the door only to be stopped by Rita as she sauntered into my path.

“Nox finally found ya huh?” She seemed to question her eyes locked on mine.

“Yeah, I had someone let me know he was trying to get in touch.” I told her as I stopped, as the way she was looking told me she wasn’t happy.

“We aren’t the type to be pissed with avoiding someone you aren’t interested in, but it’s fucked not to at least let him down easy.” She said with a little glare. Telling me in no uncertain terms that my disappearance wasn’t taken well.

Jeez what is it with these Mox? “There was nothing like that. I was out of touch because of some Maelstrom trouble. I was under a Jammer. I didn’t even know he was trying to contact me.”

She snorted a bit but stepped aside letting me in. Thankfully it seems she wasn’t taking the matter into her own hands.

I decided to ignore every Mox’s weird assumptions and just get back to business.

Side Quest!

I walked through the entrance without stopping at the desk. I wasn’t here to buy BD’s after all.

Honestly BD stuff kinda creeped me out. The fact that you could feel other peoples emotions during a BD, rather than your own? It was like…

Art that forces a perspective on you. Which was sorta weird. Imagine watching a TV show, but instead of enjoying it from your own perspective, you felt the emotions of the main character, watched from their eyes.

It was just weird.

One of the reasons I hadn’t done any Brain Dance stuff since I woke up in Night City, normal TV and games was good enough for me.

No need to stick other people's emotions in my head.

The main room was actually surprisingly full. Again the fact it was mid day seemed to have no effect on Night City debauchery.

But I didn’t see Nox.

So I did what any gun toting merc does when you enter a bar.

I walked up to the bartender and settled into a chair, waiting for him to finish an order before walking over.

“What can I get you?”

“Just information. I’m looking for Nox, he asked me to meet him.”

“Ah. That’s right, you’re that one girl.” The bartender gave a chuckle as his eyes went yellow. “I let him know, he’ll be here in a minute.”

I shrugged, I could have sent a text too.

“So Mox tends to be defensive about the kids… Might be a good idea to let the kid down flat if you aren’t interested instead of ghosting him.” The man offered as he wiped a glass clean.

“Wait.” I couldn’t help but ask as I brought up my hand to the guy to stop him from saying anything further. “Did Nox tell everyone that I ghosted him or something? You’re the third Mox I’ve met today that mentioned that.”

“Well less he told us, and more he has been mopin-”

“THANKS MATEO!” Nox yelled as the boy practically jumped the bar to try and shut the bartender up. “Hey Motoko! Glad you made it. C’mon I have something preem to show you.” He said glaring at the bartender who was smiling behind the teenager's hand as waved his hands in a ‘go on then’ motion.

“Sure.” I offered shrugging which grabbed Nox’s attention.

“Whoa. That’s fresh chrome. Double full arm replacement?” He asked, looking curiously at my arms.

“Yeah, the reason no messages went through. I got kidnapped by Maelstrom. Ended up needing some ripper work done after. Been under a jammer for the bit. Sorry about that.” I explained. Hopefully the explanation would stop making every Mox I ran into tell me off for ignoring Nox.

Seriously Suzie didn’t seem to be too happy with Nox, but considering everyone's reaction, he must be pretty loved by the Mox.

“Damn.” He muttered looking shocked as he took in my arms.

But I wasn't about to get into it right now, especially with someone I wasn’t super close to. “So the gig?”

“R-right. Yeah c’mon it’s this way.” He offered slowly seeming to come to some conclusion as he finally slipped off the bar and waved me to follow.

We went through the back down some halls until we came to a place I actually remembered.

Down a set of dark steps into a server room. The room that carried all the Mox’s BD’s probably, considering they literally ran a BD club it made sense they would need a ton of storage, and processing.

But this was the realm of a certain character.

“Judes!” Nox yelled out as he hurried forward rushing into the next room as I hesitated.

I don’t know if I was ready to meet Judy!

I’d seen her naked!

Well I mean. It was a video game but still!

She was real here. How do you respond to someone that you’ve basically seen in a porn!?

I resisted slapping myself but only just, as I shook my head. “Focus Motoko.” I demanded as I let cool slip over. Then I walked into the room where Nox was standing next to Judy Alvarez.

She was… Younger. It struck me then, that Judy was pretty young in 2077. Right now, she practically looked like a teenager, or only just out of it.

“Motoko! This is Judy, she is absolutely NOVA at anything tech, but she is the best BD Maestro in Night City. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Jude, this is Motoko, she backed me up before, didn’t even try to cred me. She is running as an Cyberpunk, and would be perfect for that idea I talked to you about.”

“Yeah I remember Nox. Didn’t she ghost you?” Judy asked as she pulled up a BD wreathe set and set it on the desk she was sitting at.

“N-no! It wasn’t like that. She got into some trouble that’s all… Her arms weren’t chrome before.” He offered the end quietly, practically whispering it, but I picked it up without much trouble.

Judy’s eyes shifted to me, to my arms back to him, and I could just make out through a side profile that Nox was looking… Worried?

“Right moving on from that.” Judy grabbed her wreathe and sort of pointed it at me. “You know anything about Virtue?”

I blinked at the random question, I opened my mouth to answer then closed it. The word was familiar, and it was on the tip of my tongue. But Judy didn’t wait.

“Virtues are raw BD’s unedited. The base recording. Then a BD editor like me goes through, fixes it up, gets rid of the dangerous highs, or the uncomfortable lows. Makes it usable for people.”

“And Judy is the best!” Nox offered with a grin as he sat back on the desk. “But there are a lot of markets for BD’s. Not just… Porn.” He offered chuckling a little with a blush across his cheeks.

“Right. I get that… So what’s the gig?”

“Nox’s idea. Wants to move into Edgerunner BD’s. They are extremely popular, although usually, they are snuff films.” Judy offered looking at me.


“Oooh. You want me to record BD’s?”

“Exactly!” Nox offered rushing up to me practically bouncing on his feet. “You were nova when you fought Ian and his assholes. It gave me the idea see! What if we start putting out Preem BD’s of Edgerunners on gigs. With the best BD editor in Night City cleaning them up, we can offer the experience to people that they can’t get outside of XBD’s.”

“Not that we expect you to do something crazy right away.” Judy interrupted, waving her hands a bit as she tried to calm Nox down. “We don’t want you doing something crazy and flatlining, but whatever is normal is fine, the goal is to sort of…” Judy trailed off as she rolled her wrist as she searched for the right word.

“My goal is to build up a catalog, and brand. Right now there aren't really any BD’s of Edgerunners working that isn’t an XBD. The only BD’s that come close are like Jimmy Kurosaki’s Edgerunner, but those are all Cyberpsycho shit.” Nox said, shaking his head as Judy nodded along.

I guess the Mox had an issue with that sort of BD?

“I mean sure, sending out an edgerunner to do gigs while we record is asking for some deaths. But I want to make a BD that a normal person can enjoy, a taste of, ‘What it's like to be an edgerunner.’ Nox said, speaking quickly and almost rambling, I could hear the excitement in his voice as he talked.

“So you want me?”

“Of course! You’re preem! You fight really well, you’re a good person, and…” Nox trailed off blushing a little as he tried to figure out what to say.

“You are good looking.” Judy interrupted with a smirk causing Nox to jump and glare at her. “You’d be surprised how many people enjoy a BD from the perspective of someone good looking.”

“That… and the pay probably won’t be great at first?” Nox added, looking apologetic. “It’s gonna cost to get everything started. Shards to store it on, Judy’s services, which aren’t free.”

“Hey I know I’m good, and I already work all day doing this.”

“I know I know!” Nox offered hands up. “Anyway, yeah… So the pay is gonna be shit?” He said questioningly looking towards me.

Ah I see.

The real reason behind choosing me.

“I’m a young Edgerunner, someone you know, and probably the only person that heard your deal and then heard the pay and didn’t walk out.” I said, smirking myself as Judy chuckled as she seemed to watch what was happening with no intention of getting involved.

Nox on the other hand was going red in the face from embarrassment.


“Sure. Sounds fun.” I interrupted as I looked around the place. “So this is your setup? Preem. Judy very Preem. I don’t even recognize all of this stuff.”

“Most of it is tweaked under the box, only the cases are standard.” She offered with a grin as I seemed to ignore Nox’s confusion as he looked around like the world wasn’t on its right axle.

“You will?”

“Sure. It’s not like I don’t already go out and take gigs. Making extra money on the side for some of them? Sounds like a good idea. Just as long as the eddies do end up in my pocket once everything has started.”

“Deal! I promise you won’t regret this!”

“Cool. So what do I need to record a BD, I don’t have the Cyberware for that.”

“Right… About that?” Nox asked, once more wincing.

“Kid’s broke, and a good BD recorder is about 500 eddies.” Judy interrupted with a flat response.

I gave Nox a scowl that he looked like he desperately wanted to do something to fix before I sighed.

“I’ll go talk to my Ripper.”

“You do that! Come around once you are chipped.” Judy says waving from above her chair as the woman had put back on her BD wreath and was getting back to work.

“Thank you.” Nox said as he sort of followed me as I decided to leave Judy to her work.

“Don’t worry about it. Besides… It’s smart.” I turned on him suddenly poking my finger right into his face which had him freak as he backpedaled in retreat. “I respect the entrepreneurial spirit. Honestly it’s a nova idea, something I can do, and it’s extra eddies for something I’m already doing. But Nox. I like blunt honesty more than hype. Next time if you have an idea and there is a problem just talk to me.”

Then as he stood that mouth opening and closing trying to find the words I held out my hand. “Partner?”

His mouth clicked shut and his spine straightened out.

“Partners!” We shook hands and I gave him a firm nod.

“Now I’m off to my ripper.”

“Oh! Mind if I come?”

“Sure.” I agreed. It would be nice to get to know Nox more anyways.


“Your taste in music is kinda bad.” Nox told me as I puffed up my cheeks a bit. He redened a bit too as his words finally seemed to reach his brain. Realizing he was being rude!

Just because I thought the Samurai songs were still cool. It wasn’t my fault! He grew up in a world where they were old before he even was born! For me they were catchy new songs, and while Silverhand was a jackass, he was a talented jackass.

“I just like what I like!”

“Right.” He muttered, trying to awkwardly end the conversation he was kinda fidgeting which I could see out of the corner of my eye thanks to my wide vision. I let it go Ididn’t really feel like arguing my music preferences. Instead I found a parking spot in front of Misty’s Esoterica.

“C’mon this is it.” I told him as I slipped out of my car, watching as he looked around confused.

“I thought you said you were going to see a ripper?”

“I am.” I replied smiling as I stepped into Misty’s shop and called out. “Misty?”

“Oh is that Motoko?” Misty’s voice called out from the back as her fluffy hair poked around the corner with the rest of her following as she stepped out I noticed the… Buddhist? Statue she was carrying?

I noticed she was struggling and instantly I was rushing up to her, easily grabbing the statue and lifting it out of her arms.

Misty really needed to work out more, even before I got my arms, I could have lifted the statue.

“Oh! Thank you Motoko. You’re pretty strong huh?” She asked, looking surprised as I lifted it up and I just shrugged.

“Cyberarms, and healthy exercise.” I gave her a response with a big smile. “Where does this go?”

“Oh here, thank you… Oh and you have a friend? Welcome to Misty’s Esoterica!” She called out to Nox who was looking around with the same look Hiromi had on when I first brought her here. I was giggling as I placed the statue down in the place Misty wanted it.

“Is Vik in?”

“He is! Watching the game from what I heard when I walked past the stairs… Are you okay?” Misty asked suddenly as she seemed to appear in my personal space and place a hand on my shoulder. “You don’t seem to be in any pain anymore, but…”

“I’m great Misty. Vik took perfect care of me, and I healed all up.” I assured her with a smile, pulling up my Leotard around my shoulder so she could see the connection of Chrome and flesh.

I let her poke her nose in for a moment before she nodded “I don’t see any injury. You healed quick.”

“Yeah well. If I’m honest I was having a rough time of it at first, but I stopped trying to think of my arms as the same as my flesh ones… I realized I was different now, but my ghost can’t be hurt with a little metal.” I told her, even if it still wasn’t 100%. I still had flashes of discomfort, not pain, but shoving heavy metal arms into my shoulders left me with plenty of little issues.

But Adaptation had helped so much, I felt incredible. More… Normal.

Misty looked into my face for a moment before she nodded. “I’m glad. If you need some spiritual guidance… I would be honored if you let me help in any way I can. I’m not Vik. I can't fix your body, but there are plenty of options to help fix your spirit. Or your ghost? I’m not familiar with that belief.” Misty said but it was definitely a question.

Shit did I say Ghost? Oh fuck, what do I do? I can’t be honest then I would have to admit I’m a fucking nerd!

Like a super nerd!

“Ah-Eh, well, it’s…” I stuttered along before Misty seemed to get my discomfort and just sort of chuckled at me… No with me. I broke into a laugh along with her. “I’ll tell you about it sometime. It’s kinda embarrassing.”

“I look forward to it. Hearing about different beliefs is why I opened my shop.” She said waving her arms a bit showing off the decor.

“So she isn’t your Ripper?”

“No, Misty is just awesome.” I told Nox as Misty laughed at my response before throwing me a wink.

“I sometimes work as Vik’s nurse, but I’m not a ripper. C’mon I’ll walk you down.” Misty offered, threading her arm with mine. I happily joined her laughing as we walked out the back and down the steps.

“Vik? You have customers!” Misty called down which again made me think she was more than just a sometimes Nurse.

More like a Nurse, assistant, and secretary all in one. Well plus his Landlord, as if I remembered right she was the owner of the little basement storage that Vik used.

Nox was frowning in the same way Hiromi did as he followed us down.

Vik, we need to talk about your aesthetics! I couldn’t help but joke in my head as the gate was unlocked and Vik saw me.

“Motoko! Glad to see you up and about, how’re the arms, any weakness, flashing pains? Come sit, I’ll take a look.” He offered instantly swiveling his chair to his ripper seat as he waved me forward.

Could I admit that I absolutely loved these two? Vik was total dad energy, and Misty was total big sister energy.

That’s it. I’m adopting them both.

I barked out a laugh to my own thoughts confusing everyone, but I didn’t care.

I happily walked over and plopped in the chair. “Vik, Nox, no Nox I refuse to introduce you using your tagline.” I offered at the boys pout but to my distress he interrupted.

“Nox the Mox!” He threw a wink at Misty which…

He was cruising for a bruising flirting with Jackie's girl…. Well soon to be girl I am pretty sure they weren’t dating yet, at least I hadn’t seen him… That just meant I would have to protect her for him then! Jackie Misty OTP!

“Hmm. That’s odd.” Vik muttered beside me, and I realized he was checking my shoulder.

Fuck of course he would notice how fast I healed.

“Hey Misty, can you do me a favor? Take Nox upstairs for a few minutes?” I asked with an apologetic smile, and the boy despite being a teenager seemed to realize that I was asking her to get him out of here for a bit.

Misty nodded once sharply. “Course! C’mon Nox, have you ever had your fortune read?”

“Umm, no. But it could be fun?”

“That’s the spirit!” Misty offered with a grin as they headed up.

Vik though hadn’t been looking at the byplay, no he was already grabbing multiple other tools and taking a look at my shoulder very closely.

Finally he pulled his face from the little pad he had his nose buried in, as his other hand pushed a weird probe against my shoulder scanning it.

“Motoko. How are you completely healed? There isn’t even any scar tissue left.” He asked, his hand on the prob still.

I opened my mouth to answer then closed it.

I had kinda thought I would eventually be asked about all my weirdness, I just hadn’t even thought about it this time. But of course Vik would notice, I could have come back in six months, and he likely still would have noticed something was weird.

“Fast Heal, or other drugs don’t heal like this, completely. I would swear if asked that you were born with this chrome. Which is impossible.”

I opened my mouth again, to say something, to come up with some answer that would make sense.

I just didn’t have one. Instant healing… No instant perfect healing? There wasn’t anything quite like it.

“I know it’s weird, but I can’t really explain it.” I decided instead. I just… Didn’t want to lie to him. Vik was a good person, had done me a serious favor when he fixed up my arms.

He sat back a bit looking me over as he ran his hand over his cheeks and chin, I noticed it was not the hand covered in Ripper gear.

“You in any danger kid?”

“No! I uh… I’m safe Vik. No one knows I can heal fast. I even kept it from Jun… I uh… When I woke up from a Coma? A year long coma, I was able to walk again in like a week.” I told him and I watched his eye brows come together in shock.


“I heal fast… I can basically fully recover from just about anything with a full nights rest. Eight hours of sleep, and pop, I’m good to go.”

“Fuck.” He whispered, causing me to giggle as he realized what he had said. “Shit.. No wait. Sorry. Sorry Kid. Okay you can’t tell me how?”

“I know how… But I really can’t talk about it. I trust you Vik, don’t think I don’t, I mean, you’re basically my full time doctor now. But I just can’t really explain it.”

“Healing at this level? Hell kid that would put me out of a job, in a good way. You can’t tell me anything?”

“It’s not transferable, and there isn’t any way to copy it as far as I know.” I offered, actually sad at the idea. I hadn’t really considered how useful Gamer Healing could be, but Vik had instantly gone to other people, about how this could help them.

I really wasn’t a hero I guess.

“Alright.” He took a deep breath and shook it off. “If you want me to be your ripper, I’m gonna need to know what this is. Maybe an overnight after an injury so I can get some scans, or figure out what is happening, it makes me nervous to do anything if I don’t know how the healing process will be.”

“Okay.” I told him which must have surprised him at my easy agreement. “I trust you.” I answered by giving him a thumbs up. “So yeah… That’s my big secret. I heal fast, that's one of the reasons why I’m not afraid to work as a merc.”

“Well kid, for a secret, it’s a hell of a big one… Alright. Alright. Enough of this, Your shoulder looks great. And you obviously came here for something?”

“BD recorder.” I said laughing at Vik’s surprised look before he flushed.

Literally the guy went fully red. “Kid… I get you might be getting a good deal with the Mox, but maybe… Is that kind of work really what you-”

“Vik. My friend, doctor, and someone I respect. Before you embarrass yourself anymore. The idea is to record while I’m on gigs for a sort of softcore XBD release. Killing and doing Merc work, not normal Mox stuff.”

“Oh thank Christ.” He exhaled practically whopping as the air rushed out of him, but that was completely muffled by my absolute giggle fit.

“Oh also… Can you check my arms? I got a bit dinged up by some Maelstrom the other night, and my right arm has this hitch when I try to-”

“Yeah kid, shush, I’ll take care of it. Giving me a heart attack…” He grumbled but he was hiding a smirk.

I matched him. It was nice. To be able to just… Reveal the truth. “Thanks Vik.” I whispered, feeling my eyes water a little as he took care of me. Total dad energy.
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This chapter gave me more than I was hoping for. I'd hoped that Motoko could get into the BD industry, so everyone could see how preem she is, but she also got to meet Judy. Then Vik tried to give her "the talk" and it was just perfect.

Nox's idea is totally nova, but I don't think he even has an inkling of what Motoko actually does. And Judy sure doesn't. They're getting baby Morgan Blackhand BDs, which will involve a whole lot more killing than they think. Maybe with an internal running commentary from Motoko about how much she wants to kill people for +1000pts, or how she wants to use grenades this time for... reasons.

On the plus side, this might end up impacting David. It might change the whole way he operates, if he has a non-XBD role model edgerunner to look up to. Then again, that might not be for the best, if she ends up as cyberpunk version of a "charity youtuber", except instead of giving out random acts of charity it's murder.
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On the plus side, this might end up impacting David. It might change the whole way he operates, if he has a non-XBD role model edgerunner to look up to. Then again, that might not be for the best, if she ends up as cyberpunk version of a "charity youtuber", except instead of giving out random acts of charity it's murder.
David and his XBD fascination is a big reason why I thought of this. Imagine your a teenager and you already watch BDs of CYberpsychos going crazy and murdering people, and you hear there is an XBD start that is a teenager like you, so you give it a try only to see incredibly skilled stealth kills all the while you are feeling this immense control over your emotions as you are murdering your way through a scav den.

I imagine David will DEFINITELY recognize Motoko by the time they meet.
Just because I thought the Samurai songs were still cool. It wasn’t my fault! He grew up in a world where they were old before he even was born! For me they were catchy new songs, and while Silverhand was a jackass, he was a talented jackass.
I'm jealous of motoko here, I really enjoyed the samurai music they did for the game and I can only imagine how awesome it would be to hear the in universe versions as well as the full albums we don't get. Getting to see the reunion with Kerry would be pretty preem as well.
Chapter 38
It was a very fast procedure for Vik to install a BD recorder. I already had my Kiroshi, so I really only needed the small nodule that was added to my Neural Link. You couldn’t even notice as it was just a few moments work to pop open the back of my neck where my cable ports were, install the squarish box that was software and storage for the recordings, and then close me back up.

I think the arm was even faster, he popped me open, and just did some magic with a few tools, and the dent was fine.

I didn’t even need anesthesia. It was more hardware installation, than surgery.

“Alright left and right? No twinge? No points where your neck feels like it grinds on anything? Good. All set then.” Vik says as he takes his hands off the side of my neck where he was guiding my head.

“I checked out the BD recorder myself, so I trust there isn’t anything hidden on it, which is a serious concern. I’ve seen far too many people come in, after being blackmailed when someone gave them a recorder with a backdoor. Just make sure you keep it turned off when you don’t want it on.”

“Got it. Thanks Vik. For everything.”

“Don’t look at me like that, with those puppy dog eyes. You’re a good kid. Stay alive.”

“I will. I can’t die until I get older than you!” I tease as I hop off the chair, earning a deep chuckle from the man.

“Well at least I know it will be years down the line then. Go on, I bet Misty is torturing your Mox friend.”

“Yeah, she is pretty preem like that.” I said as I walked up the stairs, my waving hand the last thing Vik could see as I walked up and into Misty’s.

“So what does that mean?” I heard as I turned the corner. Nox was sitting over an array of Tarot cards Misty had laid out.

“I told you, what it means changes depending on you. But the tarot can help guide your way, open a path. I hope it helps.”

“I still have no idea what it means.”

“It means you should listen to Misty.” I offered surprising both of them, I guess I had been too quiet?

“Oh Motoko, everything okay?”

“Yep! Vik and I just needed a talk, I’m all set and chipped with a BD Recorder.” I tell the two earning a jerk from Misty.

“BD recorder!?”

I had to bite back a giggle as Misty reacted just like Vik. “Don’t worry, nothing weird. I’m working with Nox and the Mox, doing BD’s of my merc work. Like Softcore XBD’s.” I explain earning a wrinkled nose at my words but eventually she nodded.

“You’ll be safe?”

“Course! All it means is that I’ll have a chance to make more eddies for each gig I do.” I said as I jerked my head at Nox. “You ready to go? Judy needed to set up some stuff first right?”

“Yeah! Awesome! Jude’s gonna be shocked you got chipped so fast… Thanks for uh, paying for it.”

“Don’t worry about it, Everything after this is the easy part for me, I’m just gonna do my normal jobs, you’re the one who has to sell them.” I say, laughing even though he was looking at me like I was crazy.

Why did everyone always look at me like that?


“Back already?” Judy’s voice called out as we walked down into her little lab.

“Yep! Jude, Motoko got chipped! You ready?”

“Sure sure.” The girl said digging a shard out of her desk and pushing it into her computer before running a program. My eyes caught the shifting text as she typed, and I realized she was setting up a program for a BD recorder.

I walked up as she worked, and while I wasn’t perfect I was able to follow along with the program. It made me relax a bit realizing it was mostly about how much data on what to store.

“You don’t like the BD recorder's standard settings?”

“Nope, they are slop, We’ve been making so many BD’s we’ve designed our own adjustments. You don’t mind?” She asked not looking away from the computer as she worked.

“I’m not seeing anything that can activate the recorder when I don’t want it on. Mostly just sensitivity settings for emotions, and increased bandwidth for my vision?”

“About right! Standard BD virtues aren’t meant for high quality optics like those Kiroshi. They can let me increase the quality a good bit, will let me pick out more interesting things on the virtue as I edit it.”

“Cool.” I whispered, earning a snort from the older girl.

“You sound like my Grandmother.” She said suddenly, actually looking at me with a half smile. “Nobody says cool anymore.”

“I do.”

“It’s kinda… Lame.”

“I’m bringing it back!” I argued instantly, how could anyone think ‘cool’ wasn't cool slang!? It was cool!

Judy actually broke into a husky laugh then both arms holding her stomach as she chortled almost crying as I pouted at her.

“Oh choom, that’s funny!” She finally managed to stop laughing long enough to say as she went back to typing just with little giggles breaking in now and then. I pouted harder as I turned to Nox who was pointedly not looking at me.

Oh it’s on. I’m not making it a duty to say Cool at least once on every one of these stupid BD recordings, just to prove it wasn’t lame.

Take that!

“Here.” Judy finally said throwing the shard at me, and I slotted it, I did run a double check that there was nothing malicious.

I was fairly certain Judy wouldn’t pull a fast one, but it was just good ideas to check random software.

It looked fine to everything I could see, and I let it update my BD recorders settings.

“Preem. So next time I take a gig I’ll turn on the recording and bring you the… Virtue?”

“You got it. Raw BD’s are Virtues.” Judy confirmed, before she suddenly shooed me away. “Now both of you get out of here, I still have a lot of work to do, Nox take your Output upstairs have some fun or something.”

“Motoko isn’t my Output! Judy!”

“Hahahaha!” She cackled ignoring Nox’s frantic denials.

Aww she was teasing him. That’s cute.


“Umm here?” Nox offered me as he settled a drink onto the table in front of me. He had led me up and offered a seat then ran off to grab a drink.

Thankfully I had made sure to mention I don't drink alcohol. So I had a can of some lemony soda.

“Thanks.” I agreed as I popped the tab. “It’s pretty impressive, coming up with the idea of Edgerunner BD’s.”

“Oh well. I’ve always wanted to sell my own BD's, you know? I came up with the idea after selling an XBD to a guy, he ended up showing up the next day, he had puked his guts out, asked if there was anything actiony like that with just less…”


“Exactly. Edgerunners are super popular you know? Everyone can talk about Blackhand, or Rogue! But not many can actually experience that. So I thought about trying to find an Edgerunner, to talk about my idea with. I was trying to find someone just you know as a side thing when I ran into you.”

“And you decided to ask me after seeing me have a fist fight with a couple kids? One I didn’t win?”

“Please Ian’s actually pretty nasty hand to hand, there is a reason I was on the ground, but I mean… You’re my age, already a merc. You walk the walk, talk the talk. It made me realize I don’t need to start at the top. Plus you’re my age, do you have any idea how many kids our age want to be an Edgerunner? To experience life as a merc even second hand? From someone their own age? That’ll be a rush.”

“I can see it.” I agreed taking a sip from my drink. “So I guess it’s in my corner now. I’ll need to find a gig, or just go out and find some trouble to record.” My words made Nox wince a bit.

“Sorry. To put everything in your lap.”

“It’s fine. Like I said, this is a good idea. It could be fun, I’ve never been a movie star before… BD star? No, that kinda has certain connotations.” I muttered causing Nox to snort into his drink.

“BD stars are a thing too. Of the non-porn style.” He offered and I chuckled nodding, there was a big BD studio here in the city too. That’s where they did that fucking crucifixion questline…

Right. Night City was fucked up.

“Alright. I suppose I should get to work then. I’ll reach out to Wakako and see if she has anything… Or I could go hunt some Maelstrom.” Nox winced at that and quickly put his drink down.

“Maybe something less… dangerous?”

“Eh. Maelstrom are pretty easy. Most of the time their guys are watching TV, or mid BD. It’s super easy to kill someone when they are in the middle of a BD.” I say making the motion of slicing their throat that at this point was practically rote to me.

“R-right. That easy?”

“Oh sure. They are so distracted they never notice. Scavs are that way too. Always a couple in the middle of some BD relaxing while the others work. The first time I went into a Scav nest I killed two of them that way.” I offer making sure not to mention it wasn’t just my first Scav nest, but my only one. Didn’t want him to think I was some noob or something. Seriously, only one Scav Den? That was pretty noobish I think. Rookie numbers Motoko.

Nox just sort of nodded along with me as I explained how easy it was murder someone in the middle of a BD.


Leaving Nox at Lizzie’s after we hung out for a while, I decided I might as well see what was going on with Wakako. I hadn’t heard from her since the whole kidnapping thing. Which surprised me, I expected her to reach out at some point for a job.

So I drove home.

Driving down the street next to the apartment I looked around as I slowly rolled down the road. It was quiet. The old man that usually ran the food cart next to the entrance of the apartment was gone.

The streets were… quiet. It made me sad. I actually kind of liked the density of Night City, to be able to just walk amongst a horde of people.

I kept going. I wasn’t going to stop at the apartment. I was here to see Wakako. I drove down and parked on the street outside Jig-Jig street. As I walked through the darkened area I couldn’t help but chuff out a laugh.

A gang war going on. The normally full streets practically empty and nearly barren.

Jig-Jig street? As busy as ever. Shaking my head I walked past the dolls that were still offering services, past the Johns that were flirting and paying for services. Pass the people that wandered to different stalls buying and selling.

I noticed plenty of guards hanging around. My Kiroshi punching through the dark corners between the shops seeing men in suits, or just gangsters hanging around keeping an eye out.

I guess Wakako was well protected.

I entered her Pachinko parlor, again wondering about her choice of venue.

“Get in here girl. Stop wasting my time.” Wakako called out as I walked in, as usual not waiting for me to check if she was free.

The woman as usual was sitting back in her chair cigarette smoke haloing her as her TV ran some ancient broadcast of a show that was probably coming out when I would have been alive in my last life.

“Long time no see Wakako. How are you?” I said not sure what else to say.

She of course wasn’t enthused about my greeting.

“Sit down girl. I’m not pleased with you. Joining the Kamikaze? Foolish, a waste of your ability. I pay more.”

I opened my mouth closed it. Frowned, then rose a finger. “I didn’t though?”

An elegant eyebrow rose up, and a moment later her eyes turned gold.

A text was sent with a picture.

Oh, it was a picture of me standing with Jun after the assault we did on the Maelstrom armory.

“I hold off on sending you any jobs after your unfortunate assault. Giving you time to recover and then you join up with those fools?”

“I didn’t join them, not really, the one next to me is Jun my brother. He was being all overprotective after the kidnapping, so I went on that raid to prove I could handle myself… It didn’t really work, but I ran out after and hit another Maelstrom group on my own, and Jun… You don’t care.”


“Right, I’m not a part of Kamikaze. Terrible name by the way.”

She hummed a little as her sharp eyes kept locked on mine, but I wasn’t about to flinch, I was telling her the truth.

Besides she was dangerous in a way, but I think she was actually pretty nice when you get past all the necessary harshness of living in Night City.

“Fine.” Her eyes went gold again and I blinked as she sent me like three different messages. “I’ve been forced to hold onto these gigs for longer than I would have liked. Complete them.”

I blinked looking at the three different gigs she had sent me reading through them quickly, all of them were pretty much the same.

Go to a place, steal something bring it to Wakako.

Easy really, but there was a complication.

“If that’s all.” She dismissed me, but I didn’t get up.


Her narrowed eyes prompted me to quickly get on with it. “I’ve picked up a side gig, I’m recording my gigs for BD release through the Mox… I just want to make sure none of them are sensitive, and a BD of me doing this won’t cause trouble for the client… Or you.”

My question actually surprised her. Her face didn’t shift, her body didn’t move, she gave nothing away. But the fact she didn’t have an instant answer like always told me a lot. Finally she nodded.

“Foolish, but I don’t argue with fools. A week. Don’t release the recordings for a week. For these three gigs. You will ask before recording any gig I give you in the future.”

“Will do!” I offered flashing a smile, and ignoring her remarks about me being a fool. It wasn’t about being smart or stupid! It was about doing something cool!

I stood then wandering back out into Jig-Jig street.

I guess I had some jobs to do?


The first job was childishly easy.

Megabuilding H1 looked just like all the Megabuildings, just more run down since it was the oldest.

I headed up to floor 15, found the correct apartment number, and unlocked the door with practically a glance.

The standard security system on the door, was as useless as a door with a key sticking out of it. I walked in, boots utterly silent as I walked past the guy in the middle of enjoying a BD on his couch, walked over to his computer, grabbed the shard that was sticking out of the side of it, confirmed it was the right one with the verification program Wakako had given me and walked back out.

Gig complete. Poor security made it childsplay.

I did record the whole thing but I doubt anyone would get any enjoyment out of it. It only lasted like thirty seconds.

Then I moved on.

Next job was in 6th St. Territory. A guy was hiding out there, in a gang house, paying 6th street to keep him safe.

I wasn’t there to kill him though. Wakako’s gig workup explained some bare bones. Guy had blackmail on his boss, Boss wanted the blackmail taken care of.

So my job was to find the information, ensure it was recovered.

Normally it would be deleted but Wakako wanted the data. Not my business.

I pulled over a block away. The gang house was in a suburban area of run down homes. I walked down the next street over. It wasn’t hard to check a map and find the number of the house directly behind the gang house.

Once I found it I simply walked right through the small gated backyard.

It wasn’t like people had dogs anymore.

I stilled at that, realizing that was true.

I really wanted to pet a puppy…

I shook it off. Work now, sad realization later.

I climbed the fence only after looking over it and making sure no one was hanging out in the back or had a camera setup.

Nothing, I climbed over the fence in seconds drawing on my inner Jackie Chan, smiling as I managed to climb the fence just like he would as I went completely cold and hurried to the house.

Mission recommended complete stealth. Apparently the boss wanted the guy trying to blackmail him to be alive to realize his plan fell through.

Honestly I didn’t know who was the good guy here. Was the boss cruel? Evil? Was his worker trying to steal money that didn’t belong to him?

I had no idea. Nor did I really care. I wasn’t a hero.

I slipped in through the back door noticing the living room to my right was occupied, a TV going and a few people talking to each other making fun of the show. I walked past the open door without them noticing, heading for the upstairs.

I was half way up the stairs when I felt it. That shiver up my spine.

Danger sense.

I leapt off the stairs landing without even a scrape on the tiled floor as I slipped into a closet at the foot of the stairs.

The steps coming down the stairs I tracked with my ears as a new voice joined the two in the living room.

I slipped out. Continued on my path up the stairs. Two doors, I checked one, looking under the door jam, nothing I could see or hear, I stood and just barely opened the door.

Empty room.

I slipped inside. Looking to see if my target was inside. The bedroom was a wreck, I instantly realized it wasn’t the right one. This room was well lived in. My target had only just started staying with them. I checked the hall and slipped out, moving to the next room, I slipped inside once I checked it. Empty. But this one had the marks of someone having moved stuff around just recently. The computer on the desk was new.

No dust.

No lucky shards sticking in this time, but that was fine, I pulled out the chord from my neck and plugged it in.


I blinked as the system resisted, desperate to keep me out. It actually gave me some difficulty. The ICE on this laptop was a bit more powerful than the defenses of a Vending machine.

Hell it was tougher than the security system the Netrunner Maelstrom had!

I frowned as I found myself actually needing to fight against it. I could keep it from sending any sort of alert, as it was just a mindless system not backed up by a Netrunner defending it, but it was still…

Tough. Where the hell had this guy even found this level of ICE? I frowned realizing I might actually take some time to get through this. It seems the reason this guy managed to steal this info from his boss was probably because of his netrunning skill…


I could steal the computer, but without breaching in, I had no way to know if there was a backup. So I looked away for a moment and prepared myself in case I needed to delta.

Window open, path free, and the computer unhooked from a power supply, and ready to be snatched and grabbed.

Then I refocused on the digital defenses and got to work.

Security code blasted through my vision as I breached and breached, each wall of ICE seemingly more dense than the last, over and over, I broke through.

I could see the alerts for both Breach and Intelligence flowing through, as I fought against the defense.

Damn, if I had known how much experience I could get from something like this, I would have bought a ICE program myself just to break it.

Still I kept focused even as minutes passed, as the noise from downstairs continued.

I just had to hope they were occupied.

Finally something changed.

*Breach Protocol skill level up!*

I felt the inrush of instincts and knowledge, and my work went even faster. Tricks the ICE threw up that stymied me, now only slowed me for a moment, as my mind worked through problem after problem.

*Intelligence Leveled up!*

The alert came in, Intelligence 5, and if I was doing anything else I wouldn’t have noticed change.

But this time I did. Considering I was literally solving difficult equations, puzzles, and general issues the ICE was programmed to throw up.

But with Intelligence? Came clarity. Came simplicity.

The speed of me facing a new problem, and then putting forth the correct solution increased. Less wondering, less confusion, less brute force.

I blinked.

The computer was displaying its desktop. I was in.

Seconds later I had confirmation. The file I was looking for was there, and it hadn’t been copied, at least according to the metadata.

Target acquired.

I closed the laptop down, and used my already prepared getaway. I was out the window, landing in the backyard, and across the short fenced off area in moments.

Then I was on the other street, and more than capable of just walking casually to my car.
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Hmm, if she makes "Cool" her catchphrase, and her recordings don't ever include he real name (which would just be good security) there's a fair chance she's going to wind up called something like "Coolgirl" as her nickname.

Also, I'm betting that recording that picked up her spontaneously becoming more intelligent and skilled mid-op is going to raise some eyebrows.
Huh. So will the BD watchers see the notifications? Or notice that her thoughts got move efficient? Or just the emotional content?
Given nobody is going to jump to the idea she's a Gamer, I'm guessing the first wild theories will be along the lines of "Holy smokes, she has an advanced AI in her 'ware that uses machine learning protocols to advance her skills on the fly."
"I'm telling you, the Kusanagi Cyberpunk BDs are all fake and scripted. She just keeps getting better way faster than any person can. In BD#13 she gets a ballistic coprocessor and barely knows how to use ricochet with her new sniper rifle, then in BD#15 she's bouncing rounds into the back of Maelstrom heads like she's Johnny Silverhand. The whole series is like that. She starts going a little cyberpsycho after installing a Kerenzikov, then the next episode she's adapted to it like she had a month with a theradoc in a corporate retreat even though it's two days later.

And don't even get me started with that maxdoc bullshit the editors are too lazy to hide. Not an XBD my ass. They've probably gone through a dozen 'Kusanagi's by now."
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Chapter 39
The third job involved stealing something…

Wakako… is this going to be a theme? Problem was I had to steal something from someone rich. I parked down the street from my target at a little shopping area. Grabbed some dinner and looked at the skyscraper that my target lived in.

This corpo was rich, had security, and owned a weird statue that my client wanted. I read through the mission brief again, shaking my head that I was literally stealing some fancy art piece for another rich guy to crow about.

Problem? This was a secure building. Like Hiromi’s home, but even more fancy. There would be serious security including actual people to keep everyone out.

So I needed to figure out a way through all of that, into the guys apartment, find the object, steal it, and escape without any issues.

I could do that… Probably?

I walked past the entrance of the building, scanning everything inside and checking what the bottom floor security was like.

It was tough. A receptionist. Two LMG turrets hidden in the roof. And a camera over the receptionist's head.

The building was pretty big though, it had tons of little shops on the bottom floor. Rather than rush in, I decided to actually look around, a walk around the block to scope out the area.

There was a little alleyway cut into the side of the building with loading docks, and garbage dumpsters.

But it had a security camera watching over it. Of course.

“This is gonna be annoying.” I muttered as I completed my circuit. I had a few options, but none of them were very appetizing.

So I started poking. I walked to the alleyway and did something I hadn’t used yet. I breached into the camera from afar using the Breach Quickhack instead of the direct function, then once its systems were under my control? I turned it off. With that done I hid between a few dumpsters to see what would happen. If the security system was in any way well designed someone would come out to check on the downed camera…


I breached their system, and I wasn’t elegant about it, surely it would send an alert to their security room and someone would come take a look.


An hour later I felt utterly irritated.

What is this security!? Their system gets hacked and they just ignore it!?

I got up and stomped towards the rear door.

It had a keypad that I poked my chord into and started breaching.

It popped open.

“Mother fucker!” I hissed. This security was fake! It was radioshack level shit that someone had screwed in place to make the security seem tighter!

It was like those old padlocks you could just smack with a hammer and have them pop open. The image of security more than the fact.

I went cold as I stepped in. Fine, they have shit security, just makes my job easier… Even if I could still smell the trash I had been sitting next to for the last hour.

The back room was a loading area probably for the entire building, and not just the apartments.

It was also thankfully empty. With a few doors leading out, I started checking them.

Broom Closet, Kitchen, Main hallway, I could see the main street I had first walked up to the building from. And the elevators.

I smiled as I walked out of the back room, no one even looking my way and the only camera in the area in the front room not even looking at the elevators.

I pushed the request and it denied me.

Ah, stupid thing needed a passkey…

I thought about snooping around a bit, I bet I could find a few extra pass shards, in the lobby or something, but I just pulled out my cord and plugged it in.

The elevator opened up.

When I finished this job I was going to send a complaint about this building's security. This wasn’t even fun.

I pushed the eight on the touchpad, and waited as it took me up. The target had a private floor for his home, so once I was up there, security might be harder. Might actually give me a challenge.

The elevator opened and I could already hear voices.

The elevator opened into a small entrance lobby, with a single door leading into the apartment. I peeked out of the elevator, searched for cameras quickly before walking out of the elevator.


The door had a little code lock just like the building's back door.

I frowned, sticking my cord inside I breached.

The door clicked open.

I was glad I was feeling cold right then, because that was so dumb. You live in Night city! Why don’t you have security!?

I slipped inside. Two voices.

A male and a female. Head on a swivel I kept searching for any security, There was actually an HMG turret recessed into the floor in the first room…

But it was off, and manually controlled from what my scan was showing. So I didn’t have to worry about it unless the owner noticed me.

I walked past it, started scanning everything looking for the object that Wakako’s Client wanted.

Nothing in the front lobby, I slipped a peek towards the… Kitchenette? No a bar. The apartment owner had company… I think that was a Doll. Or a Joytoy. She reminded me of Evelyn Parker from the game. Similar style, very neoskitch.

Definitely an escort. I looked away, that should keep them busy for a bit. I slipped past the open door to the long hallway and started checking rooms. First room was a small office. A laptop called me, but it wasn’t what I was here for. Next room was an entertainment room, a big couch, a large TV, even a BD wreath on a table.

Guy liked his fun.

But not my target. Stupid little statue thing!

I had to slowly maneuver myself upstairs thankfully just out of sight from the bar, and started checking the rooms up there. Interestingly, the first room I checked was a massive bathroom, like huge. A pool more than a bathtub.

Instant jealousy. I wanted a massive hot tub bathtub! I pouted, I didn’t even have time to look around it, no statue, so I slipped out to the next room.

As I was about to open the door I heard them.

“C’mon Hellena, let me show you something.” I stilled waiting. Were they coming up or staying on the ground floor?

The moment I heard a foot step on the stairs I got my answer. I slipped into the room I was about to enter and slowly inched the door shut then I turned around.



I glanced around, I needed a hiding spot. Bed? No it was a massive thing that was attached to the floor. Doors? Two, one definitely attached to the bathroom.

I checked the other one, slipping into the closet. It was a walk-in closet, practically a room on its own. Tons of clothes on hangers and shoes. It smelled like a store.

I just inched the door shut when the bedroom door opened.

Giggling and whispered nothings.



I sighed silently as I heard the bed start creaking.

This was going to be a while.

It was not a while.

Ten minutes later, both of them were breathless although I could tell the Joytoy was faking it, and they both got up and slipped into the bathroom.

Thank fuck the guy didn’t have a Mr. Studd.

Once I was sure they were both in the bathroom and its stupid massive pool bathtub, I slipped out of the closet.

The statue wasn’t here.

I slipped out into the hallway without a sound and looked around. Now that they were in one room, I could check around.

It didn’t take long. The statue was on a little cabinet in the room with the bar. I hadn’t been able to see it from the entrance.

I checked it for security.

Nothing. I grabbed the damn thing and headed for the elevator, wanting to stomp the whole time.

I was glad that was over.


I pulled up to Jig-Jig street having cooled off a bit.

Seriously, how can they allow such poor security!?

I walked into Wakako’s parlor arms full of stuff as I walked into her office.

As usual she was already waiting for me, her eyebrow raised as she saw my arms full.

“Here is everything.” I told her placing the statue in front of her, along with the laptop, and a shard in a row. “Also you would think better security systems would be important in Night City, but people really don’t focus on it.” I vented to Wakako.

“Netrunners are required to stop another netrunner. Usual policy is to hire guards if you want something protected.” She offered, surprising me as she actually responded to my whining.

I blinked at Wakakos response.

“Makes sense I guess.”

“Good work.” She finally offered, examining all three items on her desk. “Your death would have been a pointless waste. Don’t allow yourself to be taken by surprise again. It’s irritating to find someone capable of doing a job without bullets involved.”


She nodded, eyes suddenly glowing gold as a huge amount of eddies was dropped into my account.

“Pay for the gigs, and the bonus for all three. Get out of here, I’ll let you know when I have another gig ready for you.” She said waving me off, but again I didn’t run away instantly.

“Thanks Wakako. I’ll make sure to be safe.” I tell her with a smile earning a scoff as she waves me off.

Wakako didn’t want to admit it, but she had actually seemed worried about me. Old Dragon Lady she might be, but she wasn’t terrible.



I flopped onto the couch at the Dojo apartments tired.

“What have you been up to all day?” Jun asked quietly as he turned down the volume of the TV he was watching. The news oddly enough.

“Well I went out to get some design software… I want to make some robot stuff. It’s a long term project. I picked that up, then I ran into the Mox, which… Did I tell you about Nox?”

“Nox… Is that a gang?”

“No Not the-... Nox is a Mox. Total nerd. I met him rescuing him from some jerks trying to sell the BD’s he was trying to sell.” I tell him as I lay on my back on the couch my arms waving above me as I speak. “Anyway I hadn’t talked to him since before the kidnapping, and I ran into a Mox girl that was annoyed that I had ghosted her friend… So I called him up, met up with him, and he offered me a gig.”

“A kid selling BD’s offering you a job? What does he want you to sell BD’s too? Absolutely not.”

I opened my mouth.

I closed my mouth.

I knew exactly what it would sound like if I said what I was about to say. Twice already I had gotten to surprise people with it.

I should rephrase it.

I should be clear when I speak.

But where is the fun in that? Third times the charm!

“He wanted me to make BD’s for the Mox and I agreed.” I felt my lips twitching. Despite myself not even Cold Blood 7 could stop me from almost laughing at the look on Jun’s face.

First it was a nod, like hearing me doing something other than merc work was good. Then his nodding head stilled as my words registered.

“NO!” He shouted raising up and reaching out to grab at me, I let him his hands wrapping around my shoulders. “ABSOLUTELY NOT!”

I couldn’t help it.

The look on his face!

I burst out into laughter, the noise absolutely ripping itself out of me. As Jun pinned me to the couch.

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” I laughed practically crying as I felt Jun’s hands loosen up realizing I was messing with him.

“Don’t joke about that stuff!”

“Sorry sorry!” I gasped deep breaths finally seeing Jun’s angry face through my tears as I wiped them away. “It’s kinda true though. Just said in the worst way possible. I’m going to be recording BD’s while I am doing mercenary gigs. Basically when I work with Wakako, who is a slave driver by the way, she threw THREE gigs in my face today! I had to do all three of them back to back I’m-”

“What do you mean, recording BD’s!? Focus on the important part, Imouto.” He demanded shaking me a little making me giggle.

“Alright, sorry, anyway, The idea is to sell BD’s of me doing merc stuff, like XBD’s but cleaner. No Cyberpsycho stuff that everyone buys, but just clean gigs giving people a taste of what it’s like. I mean, I’m a teenager so the hope is that kids will be interested in it.”

“That’s…” He stopped whatever he was about to say. “Just be careful about that. If someone finds out you were the one to rob them, or kill their buddy, they might…”

“Yeah. I’ve been thinking about that. I’m gonna talk to Judy. Judy is the Mox’s BD Maestro. About making sure any direct visuals of me are left out. Let people just feel what it’s like. I wonder… Can you mess with a BD so any reflections would look like the user's face?”

Jun gave me a look before flicking my forehead. “Do I look like I know anything about BD editing? But you should ask, if that’s possible, it’ll keep you a lot safer.” He said and pulled me up from where I was laying on the couch to pull me into a hug. I snuggled in a little, liking the affection even if his arms still sucked.

“You really need to get some Real Skinn… Go see Vik.” I grumbled at him poking him in his stupid plastic abs which of course didn’t do much.

His arm clamping down on me until I could barely breathe in retaliation.

“J-erk.” I gasped out.

“Ah, if only my Imouto was cute.”

“B-ich, ‘m Dorable!” I countered barely audible as I struggled to get away from his stupid gorilla arm.

Stupid gorilla!

Finally he let me go and I kicked him a few times before we settled back in to hang out and watch the news.


Considering I was all ‘caught up’ on Wakako’s jobs, I had some time on my hands.

I found myself tapping my fingers together considering.


It feels good. Satisfying. To do harm to someone that harmed you. But it’s not an easy thing to do. I still wanted that Spider Ripper to die. That Maelstrom Bastard needed to lose a few of his limbs.

But how much effort was I going to give to them? How much of myself was I going to give over to the task of hunting them?

If I had asked myself before the adaptation, I wouldn’t have even listened, just made plans to keep killing them. I was so angry. So hurt.

The Adaptation didn’t fix me. Didn’t fix the problem. I still had that burning hatred in my stomach.


I breathed in and out.

I wanted to live. I wanted to have fun! I wanted to be lazy sometimes!

Revenge was surprisingly tedious. You had to keep that burning hatred lit at all times, because if you started letting it burn out, you started realizing it was kinda pointless to be that obsessed.

So yes. I would hunt that Spider Ripper. And the Bastard. I would murder them. Hell I would torture them, if I had the time. Because in the end I’m not a hero. Not a good person.

But I wouldn’t exist to do it. I wouldn’t spend my life around killing them. They had already taken my arms.

They wouldn’t take my life.

With that I nodded. It was enough. Something I could accept. That caused that urge to go kill Maelstrom to ease off. To let other things take the stage.

So since I didn’t feel like murder right now, I decided to settle in and work on some skills.

With my CAD program, and a laptop that I removed any remote access from by physically tearing out the ‘wi-fi’ connections. I had an off the grid system, that I could pull up Arasaka’s CAD system.

Then I learned that just because I have some knowledge about engineering, doesn’t mean I’m any good at it.

Robotics wizard helped a little despite being more about putting together robots. But even then.

“That’s not gonna work.” I grumbled at myself, looking at the Tachikoma Prototype design.

“If I actually built this, I would have to immediately put it out of its misery.” I told myself as I grimaced at just how bad it was.

Designing a robot was… Complicated.

At least I was getting Engineering Alerts really consistently from it.

So I went back to the drawing board.

“Let’s just work on a limb to start us off.” I muttered as I designed to narrow my focus for a bit. The triple fingered Tachikoma limb, that could shoot, and extend out was impossible considering I wasn’t building a SUV sized armored support system.

Instead I was thinking… A bit smaller to start out. I still remember how useful the Flathead was in the game, even if you only get it for the one mission, what would some of the missions be like if you had a small army of them that were also AI?


I hadn’t considered that problem yet. I could probably design a remote control version of them… Eventually.

But an AI? I didn’t have a lot of knowledge on how to even design one, but I knew the hardware requirements of an AI were crazy high. I mean Delamain’s AI was housed in a massive room sized core.

A robot that didn’t even reach my knees couldn’t possibly reach that point. Even if I programmed the AI to be incredibly efficient.

“Motoko.” Jun suddenly called out pulling my head away from the screen as I peek up over the couch where I had made a little nest for myself.


“There is another raid tonight… You… You can come.” He told me hesitating a bit at the reveal.

I blinked.

I didn’t want to go murder Strom right now! I wanted to design robots! Stupid Jun!

But at the same time. I could use the XP, and… My head was clearer. I didn’t need to rush in and kill every Strom myself. Even if it’s only a kill or two, that’s still making an improvement. Levels will come.

Then I remembered!

“Sure! I’ll bring my Nekomata!” I called out suddenly eagerly! I could shoot tons of people through walls while the Kamikaze ran around like bulls in a china shop!

Jun actually suddenly looked pleased. “Good! Get ready!” He ordered pointing firmly as he turned away looking pleased.

I guess Jun was happy to keep me away from the fight. But he was silly. I would have happily stayed home tonight.

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