Google Punishes Federalist and Zero Hedge Over Websites User Comments


The Dog Whistler... I mean Whisperer.

This whole issue started a few days ago and was mentioned elsewhere on the forum, but I feel deserves its own thread.

Zero Hedge and The Federalist, both Right wing or Conservative news sites were, in the case of the former, removed from Google Ads and in the latter threatened with removal from the Google Ads platform (essentially demonitized) over user comments made on their website as opposed to any actual articles or columns made on the website itself. Which is quite ironic considering Google owns several platforms... including Youtube, which are filled with naughty comments probably far worse then anything you can find on The Federalist. And these are comments that are probably comparable to those you'd find on left leaning sites like Buzzfeed, Jezebel, DailyKos or whatever.

Senator Ted Cruz as of six days ago from this post, sent a letter to the CEO of Google.

What makes the whole thing more interesting is that NBC News broke the story of how Zero Hedge and The Federalist would be demonitzed though Google later stated The Federalist was never going to be demonitized... but would still have to do something about their comments section. :rolleyes:

Regardless, it seems like another example of politically motivated Big Tech censorship.

Never went to Zero Hedge before.

Here's a link:

Nothings going to happen the Republican leaders aren't what you could consider strong they struggled with Twitter and Facebook and what happened those two got worse
They haven't quite gotten that this is a survivial issue and they need to get off their asses now.
It really is annoying to watch them be so forgiving I'd prefer them to be tougher on this kind of stuff but they get angry about the most inane crap that it drives me up a wall one of theirs tried to get anime of all thing banned and all I can think was not winning any points here

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