China Is China Really a Great Power When it does THIS?

It's things like this that make me question why people think China will actually become a great power, when their entire country appears to consist of Florida Men and Women.

Edit: Become, maybe, but actually maintain great power status

And people were saying that this proves the efficacy of "centralised" (read: totalitarian) government in resolving major crises.
Mostly euros who endlessly fantasize about the United States not being the unchallenged world hegemon.
That and Americans as a whole tend to be manic depressive, we always fear another power is overtaking us, in the 80s it was Japan, now it is China. The difference is we had incentive to help the Japanese get back on their feet after their economy went boom, with China they have made it very hard not to make it worse for them.
Now I’ll admit that I post-date the cold-war but I had always heard it was an after-effect thereof. After spending a quarter century being constantly vigilant about the Soviets trying to get ahead, by the time they started obviously lagging it became culturally inconceivable that there was nobody in striking distance of dethroning the US as world’s premier power.
China is a great power.

They have nuclear weapons, an army of close to a million people, large amounts of industry, people and resources.

Unfortantly for them they have a series of problems.

One 30 years or so after the 1 child policy their running out of 30 year olds 20year olds ect. Two their are a series of hostle island chains between them and the resources of the outside world (Japan, Taiwan the phillipines ect) Three they are heavily dependent on middle eastern oil and in order to get that oil tankers have to go past japan, Taiwan, the philipines, Vietnam, India and all of these countries dislike them with out this oil they cant feed all of their people. Four they paved over much of their best farm land so that problem gets even worse. Five their navy isn't a deep water one and in a naval fight to protect their oil shipments they would get ripped apart.

That's all solvable what isn't is that they are the single most overleveraged country in human history in both relative and abosolute terms. The Chinese governments approach to the economy is to offer companies unlimited borrowed cash that they don't have to pay back as long as they employ people. And that's the goal employ lots of people efficiency be damned. That kind of interference works for a period of time other countries have done it, but when it blows up in your face it does so hard.

The economy of china is like the worlds most impressive game of Jenga but it will come down and they will experience at minimum some thing like the great depression if their lucky if their not another warlord period.
That and Americans as a whole tend to be manic depressive, we always fear another power is overtaking us, in the 80s it was Japan, now it is China. The difference is we had incentive to help the Japanese get back on their feet after their economy went boom, with China they have made it very hard not to make it worse for them.
That's called winning if you aren't worried about and thus trying to defeat. The dude coming up behind you you WILL fail and fall to him. Vigilance is the absolute most important thing America can do. Observe and then destroy either economically (preffered), or militarily (last resort). Literally anything else is foolhardy.
Sure they are their a nuclear power with a large economy and significant (at least for now) international pull. What they do inside thier nation isn't really relavant at all. Excepting that it might destroy them from within. Which doesn't enter into the equation at all. What makes China a great power[not in any way at all a superpower. Despite the furious masterbation to American decline.] Is international influence and military power full stop. Internal politics means literally nothing in this situation.
By most standards, China absolutely is a great power.

Their problem is, they live in the era of the most powerful nation ever to exist; you used to sometimes hear about how the US had gone from 'superpower' to 'hyperpower.'

As Cherico posted above, they also have a much more fragile economy than most think, and a lot of the economic strength they do have, has been based on other countries letting them get away with shit for decades, that Trump has been starting to shut down.

Like any centrally planned economy, the more controlled and planned it is, the weaker it is, and that's catching up with them.

Once their economic cascade failure hits, it's going to be questionable whether they'll count as a great power or not anymore. If we (and they) are lucky, it'll be the end of the CCP. Even an incompetent strongman dictator would be better than what's happening now.

If post-collapse they have a new form of government and leadership, they might become an enduring great power, rather than a nation that gets great power status by sheer dint of population. A population advantage which they have been deliberately wasting, and which is steadily catching up with them.
Nature is fairly hardy, although Chinese managed to do stupid things like completely wiping out bees in some regions, so polination of crops and trees that require it has to be done by hand. It is not effective.

How’d that happen?

That said, man I wonder how these guys are gonna do in the future, at times the Wuhan virus makes it sound like its revealing how crippled the Chinese economy actually is
No known cases of doing it long term, especially not without the area looking like postapoclyptic wasteland, so I reckon it was due to contamination with particular chemical, it's possible the farmers themselves overdoing the use of the wrong kind of pesticide.

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