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Star Wars Legends Based Films and TV Hypothetical


The Dog Whistler... I mean Whisperer.
Sort of branching off these posts...

What sad shit is this.

Ok Boomer.

Bitch please. You're either stupid living under a rock or lying to maintain PR.

I just hope someday the Mouse/Iger will be willing to spend some money to make live action shows out of Legends canon. I want my X-Wing series and Thrawn Trilogy in live action, goddammit.

If you were given a similar option Disney had but for whatever reason were to base the core of your future films on Legends canon and the like, how would you go about it?

Keep in mind there'll be a fair amount of creative liberty in regards to adapting Legends canon. It's more as an actual guide as opposed to a straitjacket or completely ignored in this admittedly hypothetical scenario.

Let's say you can pitch ideas for the following.

1. Three movie Sequel Trilogy to follow and complete the PT/OT saga.
2. Three independent "Star Wars Story" style films that have to take place around the PT and OT timeframe.
3. Three television series to launch a new streaming service. One with an egregious budget (10 mil episode) one with a decent budget (1-5 mil episode) and one animated series for kids and adults.
4. If your not fired yet you get to make a third trilogy for... Wherever in the Star Wars canon.
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Lets do this by the numbers:

1) Adapt the Dark Empire series/arc into 3 films for the Sequel Trilogy, so as to get the final conclusion to what happened to Palp and the final meaningful campaign by the Empire on screen.

2) Go with a more faithful adaptation of Han's backstory/meeting with Chewie, a live-action Shadows of the Empire film, and a Outbound Flight/Survivors Quest double feature.

3A) High value live action: Mash the X-Wing series, Thrawn Trilogy, Jedi Academy series (including I, Jedi), the Children of the Jedi/Darksaber/Castilla books, Black Fleet Crisis, and the Hand of Thrawn Duology into a long (10 plus seasons) big budget show.

3B) Mid value live action: Adapt the Crimson Empire/Empires End comics to a 3-4 season show.

3C) Animated series: Take kid-lit Galaxy of Fear books and make a few seasons out of those, add in a few new adventures to pad them out.

4) Take the highpoints/critical points of the Vong War (Vector Prime, Star By Star and Unifying Force), and adapt them into films.
For my maximum nerdage... here's how I would do it.

1: Sequel Trilogy: I'd probably base it off of the Thrawn Trilogy, but like with say ST: DS9, the weakest part of the Thrawn trilogy was the lack of a strong mystical element or in this case a foil in regards to the Dark Jedi. Jorus C'boath had some moments but it never really came out. I'd probably keep the idea of Thrawn marshalling resources but perhaps instead of Wayland and the Katana Fleet, there can be intimations of tucked away Imperial resources in something suitably epic in Star Wars like the Deep Core or the Maw Installation and he can encounter a Dark Jedi such as Jerec (of Jedi Knight fame) there as the main Dark Jedi based foil. But other then that the story could play out generally as it did in Zahn's books with the major modification being to Luke confronting Jerec and maybe some weird clone(s) or whatever instead of a clone of Jorus C'boath and his cloning shenanigans.

2: Three Standalone Movies:
2A: Dark Forces: I dunno, I really did like Rogue One, but I can't help but show my Legends fanboyism and bring in Kyle Katarn stealing the Death Star plans and introducing him and other characters into the mythos. Might actually be a good setup to introduce Jerec (early on during the Imperial era) and give folks like Boba Fett and the like even more screentime.
2B: Shadows of the Empire: I'd agree with this. Nice gap movie between TESB and ROTJ. If we can use de-aging technology for some of the OT characters, that'd be nice, or else it'd have to be switched up considerably and use secondary characters more. I was never a fan of Dash Rendar myself, I'd prefer writing him out by and large tbh. But you can give a lot of time to Darth Vader, Xizor, Boba Fett and his coterie of bounty hunters as they chase after the Han Solo's Frozen in Carbonite bounty and the like.
2C: Mandalorian Wars: If it can be done, I'd like to see something taken place in the KOTOR era when Mandalore the Ultimate and his Neo-Crusaders were invading the Old Republic four thousand years ago and it took Revan and his Padawan (later Darth Malak) to spliter off from the Jedi Order to confront and defeat them. It can culminate on a cliffhanger too perhaps, with him finding out about the Sith in the background after he defeats Mandalore the Ultimate.

3: TV series
3A: Base it off of the X-Wing/ Wraith Squadron Books, and all sorts of other Legends material that takes place right after Endor and can be a multi season adventure with a broad cast of characters showing the growth of the Rebel Alliance into the New Republic, the descent of the Empire into Warlordism and a leadup to how we got to the state of the galaxy in the Thrawn era of the Sequel trilogies.
3B: The mid level TV series would be how I'd tell the Han Solo origins. The movie condensed so much in so little time that I felt drawing it out as a television series would make a lot more sense. Not only developing Han Solo and Chewbacca, but lots of bounty hunter, Black Sun and underworld/Hutt Space characters as well as touching on the birth of the Rebellion and the transition from the early Empire to the later one of the OT.
3C: I'm good with Star Wars Rebels era. Even if the early seasons turned me off for how kid oriented they were it did get a lot better AFAIK.

4: If I get to this point I'd do a rendition of the Dark Empire saga and go full Reborn Emperor and all of that jazz. Cut out a lot of the extraneous stuff like all of that Balmorra nonsense and wheelchair Veers (like wtf? was going on there) and Palpy going through fifty clones, but there's still plenty there to work with up to and including the final epic showdown with the reborn Emperor and no Vader to pitch anyone over a railing.

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