New Year's Resolutions (and Progress?)


Warrior, Writer, Performer, Perv
Because it's that time of year!
What did folks resolve to improve or better themselves or their situation this year? And have you made any progress on it thus far?

This is mainly a curiosity of mine, since as a perfect and flawless individual in every manner, I could think of no way or means to improving myself.
HA! Can't keep a straight face telling a lie that blatant. I'm going to have to work on my composure so I can lie better, maybe...

Personally, I'm aiming for a few things. Though whether I achieve them or even come close...We'll see.
-Refrain from alcohol entirely through January (at least). This might not be too hard--as I'm somewhat of a pretty light drinker anyways (at least...nowadays), and I've managed it before without much trouble. But that late-December to New Year's stretch always sees me drinking more than I should and more than I usually do, so doing something like this seems like decent 'penance'. Might extend it through February, even, and maybe beyond that. Play that one by ear--hot-buttered rum and real irish cream in coffee are always just so tempting to my sweet-tooth in the wintertime.
-Get back to my projects. Got a bunch of writing I should come around to again on the principle of finishing a fricken' story, and after getting diverted by all kinds of excuse-making (and other legitimate stuff) through NaNoWriMo, papers, hunting, and holidays, I'd like to wrap up some of those ones I've been procrastinating on for far, far too long.
-Gym & Range time. I was pretty good about both of these last year. Even got through a goal I had on the bench press. But then AGAIN I was struck by the end of year busies and these both took a bit of a hit (combined with all kinds of tempting treats). Need to get back to both of them.
-Get more involved with something locally. This is one I played with and never really committed to because of...fear and anxiety, really. I looked at a couple different things and never settled on one because I went jelly and spineless at the thought usually (and had plenty of excuses ready-made). Haven't settled on a firm 'what' this would be yet, but trying to organize something or even track down a political campaign I can volunteer for is something I feel like trying my hand at. If nothing else, the probably resulting dumpster-fire should provide some entertaining news for outside observers!

Plenty of others I could do and hope for (more reading, learning a new language), but those are the ones more 'stand-out' in my mind and that I specifically ran through my mind at varying points yesterday.
So, folks, care to share your own adventures in attempted improvement?
-Refrain from alcohol entirely through January (at least). This might not be too hard--as I'm somewhat of a pretty light drinker anyways (at least...nowadays), and I've managed it before without much trouble. But that late-December to New Year's stretch always sees me drinking more than I should and more than I usually do, so doing something like this seems like decent 'penance'. Might extend it through February, even, and maybe beyond that. Play that one by ear--hot-buttered rum and real irish cream in coffee are always just so tempting to my sweet-tooth in the wintertime.
I should probably swear to this one too, but it ain't gonna happen. Aside from the numerous social and medicinal benefits of alcohol, I got too much stuff in the liquor cabinet that I bought for Christmas and didn't get around to serving. Some of that stuff has a short shelf life, and I can't let it go to waste.

My resolutions are:

Get Off My Ass: I've tried going to the gym, but that was a lot of money wasted on a gym pass that I never used. What I need to find is a workout buddy. It's hard to blow off a trip to the gym and slack when someone is expecting you to show up. I know a few likely candidates, so we'll see what works out.

Hit The Range Weekly, So You Don't Shoot Weakly: Time to join that three-gun group in the next town over. It's the same principle as the gym. I'm not getting any better on my own, so it's time to get some help.

Better Use Of My Precious Time: I waste too much time staring at a phone screen or aimlessly browsing the blogosphere. If I took the hour a day that I spend on my phone and redirect that toward chores or finding a better job, I could see some real improvement in my life. Similarly...

Early To Bed, Early To Rise: When I was in highschool, I got in the nasty habit of screwing around on my computer to the wee hours of the morning. As I got older, that habit got worse. There was a point where I was getting by on three hours of sleep per night, because I refused to do the sane thing and get to bed eight hours before I had to get up and go to work. I'm better now, but I'm not there yet.

Honestly, I rarely get anything productive done after ten o'clock. Like right now, I'm typing up a list of resolutions when I told myself I'd look through apartment listings. Oh well.
I am working on being extra nice to people. Too bad my site supervisor had to spoil that resolution literally on New Years day by being a royal bitch.
To actually gain skills for my job, which I'm getting through a walkthrough on every department rather than reading textbooks and manuals and listening to extremely long business meetings that I sync out of or have a hard time even know what is being said

Also, to finish some series I've downloaded and kept in storage
My biggest New Years Resolution was to make it through the year without having to look at or discuss politics.

I made a 82 seconds into 2020, a new personal best.
a bit late
Get CompTIA Security+ Certification.
Hit the Gym at least once a week. - Work out from home twice a week (cheaper)
Go out on a date this year.
Get another job after being let go.
learn crypto trading with what I already have and don't go too far.

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