Planet of the Apes

Nova picked a doll in the cave ,once she

squeezed it it said was an ape doll.ulykess marveled how the apes spoke english!,not American English but British the kings English from great Britain.
Urko and a flood

Of helicopters began firing small rocket projectiles. The cave was shaking the ceiling would of came down crushing everlyone had the strange saucer not appeared and placed a

electronic shield barrier between them and the helicopters.
The craft sat down.out off-the-craft were apes.they tried to speak to quigley
In a language he never heard of then telephoned in the craft.then left.

Ulysses Nova quigley and His pregnant fiancee zira went to the shore of the strange planet Souris. Ulysses got his ship ready for flight. Quigley declined his invitation to go with him.quigley and his mate zira would travel with the bonobo to another continent where zira could have her baby and hide till zauis and urko would give up looking for them.

After saying there goodbyes the humans and apes went there own way.
Zira with her fugitive soon to be husband sat in her raft her belly getting fat due to her pregnancy.

She watched ulyess ship disappear into the sky .just a couple of minutes gone,she was already starting to miss them.

Ulysses took Nova with time he would teach her to would take a while but they were away from solarius,the planet of apes.

Ulyless s ship went through a worm hole.
Once again they landed on a far off world of a alien planet similar to earth but purple sky two moon.

Ulyess and Nova walked and walked till they found a statue in the sand. It looked just like the statue of liberty but a apes face instead of human.he couldn't believe it. He discovered

another planet of the Apes!

The End

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