Programming Your Own Game?


Well-known member
Are you trying to program your very own computer game? If so, what is it? Which engine are you using?

Right now as practice I'm programming an all-text DOS game using the Adventure Gaming Toolkit. While overlooked in favor of TADS and other systems my version has been modified so it can do the following:

1) In-game text color changes. This is good for changes in environment (red for volcanic, green for forest), and especially if using ASCII art.

2) The ability to handle three or more same-nouns in the same place at the same time. Thus you can stack three differently-colored cubes as part of a puzzle.

3) The ability to bypass AGT's normal limitation involving hostile monsters- you are no longer confined to the area you encountered it in and more than one item can kill it. This is a technique, not a modification.

4) This one was especially important and tricky to do for me- now AGT can recognize different prepositions. Normally if you must PUT COIN ON ALTAR you could type in PUT COIN ON/UNDER/BESIDE/BEHIND/ETC ALTAR and it will give the same result. Thus you could put a sword behind a bronze block pressed against a solid marble wall. Well, this modification allows you to disallow certain actions or cause different prepositions to have different results.

5) Worn objects and creatures can act as light sources.

6) The game itself can switch things on and off. It has limitations but works.

7) Flaws with weight and encumbrance have been repaired. You can no longer cheat.

8) Numerous alterations to text from the game. They cover more bases and look better. For example, in these games it is common for the game to disavow knowledge of things mentioned in the description if you cannot interact with it- well, now the game acknowledges that it might be there but is of no use to you.

9) The game itself can now teleport items UNDER, ON, BEHIND, etc. items.

10) A new verb, SITUATE. This is more time-consuming but is required for specific actions. You can only situate something on something, this was originally to get around the preposition problem before I figured out the new meta-command.

11) Counters can start from anywhere.

There are more but I cannot think of them right now.
This screenshot is of an AGT game I'm working on for a friend. The normal version of AGT cannot do this: does one upload an image?
The site doesn't host images for you unless you've subscribed to one of the levels of membership, Osaul specifically. You can see an "Account Upgrades" tab at the top.

You may instead prefer to find a webhosting service like Imgur or ImgChest that will host your pictures for free, and then link to them.

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