Reagan's Azimuth Check (Alternate Iranian Hostage Crisis)

January 26, '81- A Solemn Address


Victor the Crusader
January 26, 1981
White House, Oval Office

"My Fellow Americans, an event that has turned the world upside down has gone on long enough. on this day, one year, two months, two weeks, and nine days, ninety men and women were taken hostage in a attack on the United States and her people. I do this with a heavy heart, but now the time has come to put the doves back in their cages, and release the ravens, for now, America is at war." Reagan said, bringing a black cloth up to his forehead, and wiping some sweat off. he sat it down, before continuing.

"We did not want this, we tried to avoid it. But the time for platitudes has passed. The American War Machine shall turn towards Iran, and leave it desolate, and It shall not rest until all Americans within the lands of Persia are freed, and back with their families. For every man they killed, for every attack they attempt, America shall strike back harder, and deadlier, until all of Iran is free from their fascist ways. For in the end Ruhollah Khomeini, there is no cloth of which you can hide the death of innocents..."

Reagan would continue for another fifty minutes on air, explaining why both Congress and He had decided it was best to go to war, for in the end... 45 lives were taken, with on 45 more on the line.


This is from an forum I posted a month ago here I suggest you check it out. Besides that any input and changes in my ideal way it will go will stem from there, as I have far to much trouble having to rewrite a chapter, so no rewrites... talking about you US SI, the damned bane of my existence in recent months! Otherwise, see ya'll next update.
January 28, '81- Soviet Approach
"I shall be blunt here, while I understand the reasons for this attack on Iran, but as detestable as it is to kill unarmed innocents, but as far as I'm concerned, the United States of America and the Soviet Union have been at odds for nearly half a century. to simply allow your soldiers to attack a country on our border, at least not without concessions being had." Secretary Brezhnev said. It was rare for him to address a foreign emissary, but this situation was... unique. It called for his own hand to be played. Frail he may be, he was not without power still.

"I Understand that the Soviet Union has been at war for some time with the Afghans. I promise that America and It's allies shall pull out any such... resources in the province." That had caught the General Secretary by surprise. While yes he knew of such attempts to thwart soviet expansion, he had not expected the dergat to be forthwith, nor offer such. Of course it could be a bold face lie, or an truth for a few years... perhaps...

"I have a few soviet spies I want released, and I want Michael Jackson to preform privately for my daughter Galina." he said, the last part coming to shock Watson Jr.

"Who?" Watson Jr. could only ask, as Brezhnev only shook his head.

"Some singer from America that my daughter has found her new obssession with. Believes he will be the next great musician or what not." Watson Jr. simply shook his head, and shook hands with Brezhnev. "A deal is a deal, after all."
February 02, '81- Duty
As Arlo stared at the sheet of paper infront of him, he knew that what he was doing was for the betterment of his country.

He had lived his entire life in Tennessee, as the fifth son of an Irish Immigrant he had done all he could to help his family, working a job at the local diner, studying hard, staying up late, everything to stand out and help his family of seven. But nothing was enough. John was smarter than those big wigs in Oak Ridge, got himself a place as a professor of some kind, Levi made money through some means, something to do with Mexico, and of course his sisters got married to two well off fellers... Arlo needed to have some air, to get out of this town!

Besides that one guy getting chopped up, with his wife getting blamed (Though in Arlo's opinion she hadn't done it), nothing ever happened in Harriman... So he needed something to do, so parading off in that damned desert would, if nothing else, give him some way to stand out. Arlo always was good with the old Lee–Enfield his grand father had given to him when he passed... kept it in good condition too! If it served his grand father well, it served him better, not a damn miss at any point... always dead center.

Arlo signed his name, and sold his soul to the Marines.

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