Rush Limbaugh has Lung Cancer


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I don't know where this will lead, but he is someone who made being conservative fun, and got me along with Reagan, invested in the marketplace of ideas. I wish him a speedy and complete recovery as I am sure all of you do.
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Can you elaborate? Such a statement seems off to me as why would you do a political position because it is fun...? Politics isn't about fun.
Limbaugh in many ways was the pioneer of the modern online right with it's meming and while serious, sometimes doing silly things. For instance, on his radio show he would regularly feature satirical songs and the like that poked fun at Democrats, Liberals, and Progressives. It wasn't all about serious political analysis and the like.

I hope he makes a fully recovery, as I would anyone struggling with such a disease.
Can you elaborate? Such a statement seems off to me as why would you do a political position because it is fun...? Politics isn't about fun.

I believe what I believe strongly, but honestly? I hate being stodgy and overwrought and serious about it all. Does that make me a bad guy? I don't know. I just need some fun in my political debate. A sense of whimsy if you must. Life is too damn serious enough without being able to laugh at yourself and it's absurdities. And dammit, some of Limbaugh's "filks" had me in tears.
There are a whole host of issues where I disagree with Rush, and there are times when his actions really rubbed me the wrong way. That said that was just him doing his job and cancer is a horrible way to go so I am wishing him victory over this.
Limbaugh in many ways was the pioneer of the modern online right with it's meming and while serious, sometimes doing silly things. For instance, on his radio show he would regularly feature satirical songs and the like that poked fun at Democrats, Liberals, and Progressives. It wasn't all about serious political analysis and the like.

I hope he makes a fully recovery, as I would anyone struggling with such a disease.
I believe what I believe strongly, but honestly? I hate being stodgy and overwrought and serious about it all. Does that make me a bad guy? I don't know. I just need some fun in my political debate. A sense of whimsy if you must. Life is too damn serious enough without being able to laugh at yourself and it's absurdities. And dammit, some of Limbaugh's "filks" had me in tears.
Ah, changes to the way it is stated to make it more digestible?
Rush Limbaugh is the most influential talk radio host in America and has been for the past thirty plus years. It's thanks to Rush Limbaugh that right wing or Conservative ideas and talking points were able to reach millions of Americans, especially as Cable News grew and there was a gradual but steady leftward drift in almost all other mainstream news outlets including both Cable TV News and stuff like newspapers and magazines. Back in the time before the Internet and even the rise of Cable News networks it was Rush Limbaugh who was the premier Republican voice especially during the 90's.

The fact that Fox News and the Drudge Report on Cable TV and the internet respectively became so popular is very much likely due to the absolute dearth of actual Conservative or right leaning mainstream media beyond talk radio. I personally never listened to Rush Limbaugh but I have heard other nationally syndicated political talk radio hosts and folks like Dennis Prager (who founded PragerU), Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham and others got their starts on talk radio. So his influence is felt even well beyond his direct influence. Rush Limbaugh and Conservative Talk Radio were such an annoyance to Liberals that they tried to use their government power to create things like a "fairness doctrine" (affirmative action for liberal opinions) for talk radio and launched largely failed efforts like Air America as rivals to Conservative Talk Radio. He was probably crucial for the Republican takeback of Congress in 1994 as well.

Eventually Fox News and later the internet and plethora of new media options came out, but millions of people still listen to Talk Radio and honestly the only Conservative figure who might've come close to the influence of Rush Limbaugh in this era was likely that Bill O'Reilly guy who helped make Fox News the juge media juggernaut it is today.
I have my differences with Rush Limbaugh, but he really has been a pioneer in the field of conservative media. He predated Fox News and the internet, for a while he was a alone voice against the left wing media machine. I’d actually say that his politics are a bit conventional for me now and I prefer internet pundits for the most part, but I’m still glad that he paved the way for them.

So I really hope that he can pull through this safe and sound.

If he does die or gets really sick, the left wingers on our sister sights and all over the media are going to be insufferable because of how sadistically gleeful they’ll be.
What’s the reaction on the Left atm?

I haven't checked but I'd imagine just general reeing, declaring rush histories greatest monster, saying rush didn't like Obamacare and thus is personally responsible for millions of dead, that he's various flavors of ists, with a very cruel minority innocently wondering if those medals could be revoked by future presidents.

But, seriously I don't want to look at their threads right now. I'm in a good mood and I imagine their toxic enough right now it would burn my eyes to see it.


Ok I just checked sbs thread on the sotu. Looks like the mods issued some harsh warnings before it even started so it's not as bad as I feared. A lot of it's nothing but lies, Republicans are scum, and other standard fare but nothing worse than the impeachment thread. I'm kinda surprised.

It's only half way through it's second page at the moment so that's subject to change.
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But, seriously I don't want to look at their threads right now. I'm in a good mood and I imagine their toxic enough right now it would burn my eyes to see it.

TBF, me too, I sorta mostly abandoned our sister sites, when pretty much anything to do with Left-Right Politics starts riling em up

There’s a creepy and sorta vindictive feeling they give off and keep going on about “punching nazi’s”

Anyhow, I may barely know about Rush Limbaugh myself, find his name kinda funny, but hope he gets better or at least manages to live his remaining days in peace
As someone largely raised by my grandparents I listened to a lot of talk radio growing up and thus was exposed to a lot of Rush. I even went out of my way to listen to him a bit in high school. I haven't listened to the man in damn near eight years, too many fundamental disagreements with his active politics, but the man is the pioneer of modern right-wing media and was the King of talk radio. I have nothing but respect for his accomplishments and am saddened that cancer may be the way he goes out.

Unlike a lot of people, I'm actually happy with the Left's triumphant crowing over his condition. Because it lets me judge a man I disagree with by his enemies and find him well placed. Godspeed Rush, and God bless on your treatment. And congrats on the medal, I have a feeling that a lot of my current news sources wouldn't have been able to exist without you.
Unlike a lot of people, I'm actually happy with the Left's triumphant crowing over his condition. Because it lets me judge a man I disagree with by his enemies and find him well placed. Godspeed Rush, and God bless on your treatment. And congrats on the medal, I have a feeling that a lot of my current news sources wouldn't have been able to exist without you.

Well, I can understand

How else does the whole “SJWs don’t exist, they’re fighting for Social Justice, Superheroes have ALWAYS been about Social Justice, They’re not coming for your games” sort of stuff get refuted, but by them proving themselves to exist and be horrible and stupid

If they turn it up, I think unless you’re in too deep, you will feel uncomfortable near your fellows
So... on Twitter... there are apparently thirty two thousand plus posts mentioning the Medal of Honor in response to Rush Limbaugh receiving the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

Delightful ignorance.

Did they confuse them both or do they think he’ll get one next?

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